Beispiel #1
 private void HandleUnionZeroedValueCases(SearchRequestDto unionDto)
     foreach (var entry in unionDto.ValuesDictionary)
         if (entry.Key.Contains("zeroed"))
             //HAP-1026 difficult bug to solve generically --> if attribute is zeroed, like will fix the issue and keep it working.
             entry.Value.Value          = "%" + entry.Value.Value + "%";
             entry.Value.SearchOperator = SearchOperator.CONTAINS;
Beispiel #2
        public static IDictionary <String, object> GetParameters(SearchRequestDto listDto)
            IDictionary <String, object> resultDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var searchParameters = listDto.GetParameters();

            if (searchParameters == null)
            foreach (var searchParameter in searchParameters)
                var parameter = searchParameter.Value;
                if (parameter.IsDate)
                    var dt = parameter.GetAsDate;
                    HandleDateParameter(parameter, resultDictionary, searchParameter, dt);
                else if (parameter.IsNumber && (parameter.Value is string))
                    try {
                        var int32 = Convert.ToInt32(parameter.Value);
                        resultDictionary.Add(searchParameter.Key, int32);
                    } catch {
                        //its declared as a number, but the client passed a string like %10%, for contains, or even SR123
                        resultDictionary.Add(searchParameter.Key, parameter.Value);
                else if (parameter.Value != null && parameter.Value.ToString().StartsWith("@"))
                                         DefaultValuesBuilder.GetDefaultValue(parameter.Value.ToString(), null, DefaultValuesBuilder.DBDateTimeFormat));
                    resultDictionary.Add(searchParameter.Key, parameter.Value);
Beispiel #3
        private static string HandleSearchParams(SearchRequestDto listDto, string entityName)
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var sbReplacingIdx = 0;

            sb.Append(listDto.SearchParams).Replace("#", "");
            var searchParameters = listDto.GetParameters();
            var parameters       = getParametersOnTheRightOrder(searchParameters, listDto);
            var j = 0;

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                var searchParameter = searchParameters[parameter];
                if (parameter.StartsWith("null"))
                    if (searchParameter.SearchOperator == SearchOperator.BLANK)
                        //HAP-1106-- > if blank operator, then all null union fields are acceptable, otherwise none
                        sb.Replace(parameter, "1=1");
                        sb.Replace(parameter, "1!=1");
                    //ignore null parameters, as of union grids

                //need to fetch from here to keep order correct

                var param     = parameter;
                var statement = new StringBuilder();

                var parameterData  = GetParameterData(entityName, searchParameter, param);
                var operatorPrefix = searchParameter.SearchOperator.OperatorPrefix();

                if (searchParameter.SearchOperator == SearchOperator.BETWEEN)
                    statement.Append("( " + parameterData.Item1 + " >= :" + param + "_start" + "&&" + parameterData.Item1 + " <= :" + param + "_end" + ")");
                else if (searchParameter.SearchOperator == SearchOperator.ORCONTAINS)
                    var values = (searchParameter.Value as IEnumerable).Cast <string>().ToList();
                    if (values != null)
                        statement.Append("( ");

                        for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                            // this next line would be the ideal, but it will be complicade passing this parameters to BaseHibernateDAO.
                            //statement.Append(GetDefaultParam(operatorPrefix, param + i));
                            // TODO: refactor later
                            statement.Append(operatorPrefix + "'%" + values[i] + "%'");
                            statement.Append(" OR ");
                        statement.Remove(statement.Length - 4, 4); // remove the last " OR "
                        statement.Append(" )");
                    searchParameter.IsNumber = parameterData.Item2 == ParameterType.Number;

                    statement.Append("( " + parameterData.Item1);

                    if (searchParameter.IsList)
                        statement.Append(operatorPrefix).Append(String.Format(HibernateUtil.ListParameterPrefixPattern, param));
                    else if (searchParameter.IsDate || parameterData.Item2 == ParameterType.Date)
                        statement.Append(HandleDateAttribute(param, searchParameter, operatorPrefix));
                    else if (searchParameter.SearchOperator == SearchOperator.BLANK && (searchParameter.IsNumber || searchParameter.IsDate))
                        statement.Append(" IS NULL ");
                        statement.Append(GetDefaultParam(operatorPrefix, param));

                    if (searchParameter.SearchOperator == SearchOperator.NOTEQ)
                        statement.Append(" OR " + parameterData.Item1 + " IS NULL " + " )");
                        statement.Append(" )");
                var idxToReplace = sb.ToString().IndexOf(param, sbReplacingIdx, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (idxToReplace == -1 && param.IndexOf(j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    //if the parameter contains a number, let´s try now replacing it
                    //this is used on scenarios where we have a fixed query and grid query where we constrain one of the parameters of the original query with a gridfilter value
                    //then we would have two parameters with the same name. To vaoid it, we rename it to the position+ name (ex: 5status;)
                    param        = param.Replace(j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "");
                    idxToReplace = sb.ToString().IndexOf(param, sbReplacingIdx, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (idxToReplace != -1)
                    //there´s just one case which was done as a workaround for fetching the commodities. see HapagImacDataSet#GetAssetCommodities
                    sb.Replace(param, statement.ToString(), idxToReplace, param.Length);
                    sbReplacingIdx += statement.ToString().Length;

            sb.Replace("&&", " AND ");
            sb.Replace("||,", " OR ");