public override T TakeMessage <T>(ref bool success)

            rmw_message_info_t message_info = new rmw_message_info_t();

            return(TakeMessage <T> (ref success, ref message_info));
Beispiel #2
        public T TakeMessage <T>(ref bool success)
            where T : MessageWrapper, new()
            rmw_message_info_t message_info = new rmw_message_info_t();

            return(TakeMessage <T> (ref success, ref message_info));
        public override T TakeMessage <T>(ref bool success, ref rmw_message_info_t _message_info)

            MessageWrapper ret_msg = new T();
            ValueType      msg;

            ret_msg.GetData(out msg);
            rmw_message_info_t message_info = _message_info;

            int ret = rcl_take(ref subscription, msg, message_info);

            RCLReturnValues ret_val = (RCLReturnValues)ret;
            //Console.WriteLine (ret_val);

            /*return RCL_RET_OK if the message was published, or
             *         RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if any arguments are invalid, or
             *         RCL_RET_SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID if the subscription is invalid, or
             *         RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC if allocating memory failed, or
             *         RCL_RET_SUBSCRIPTION_TAKE_FAILED if take failed but no error
             *         occurred in the middleware, or
             *         RCL_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.*/
            bool take_message_success = false;

            switch (ret_val)
            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT:
                throw new RCLInvalidArgumentException();

            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID:
                throw new RCLSubscriptionInvalidException();

            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC:
                throw new RCLBadAllocException();

            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_SUBSCRIPTION_TAKE_FAILED:
                //throw new RCLSubscriptonTakeFailedException ();
                take_message_success = false;
                //Marshal.FreeHGlobal (msg_ptr);

            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_ERROR:
                throw new RCLErrorException();

            case RCLReturnValues.RCL_RET_OK:
                take_message_success = true;
                //Bring the data back into the message wrapper
                ret_msg.SetData(ref msg);
                //And do a sync for nested types. This is in my opinion a hack because I can't store references on value types in C#

            success = take_message_success;
            //Marshal.FreeHGlobal (message_info_ptr);

 extern static int rcl_take(ref rcl_subscription_t subscription, [Out] ValueType ros_message, [In, Out] rmw_message_info_t message_info);
Beispiel #5
 public T TakeMessage <T>(ref bool success, ref rmw_message_info_t _message_info)
     where T : MessageWrapper, new()
     return(Impl.TakeMessage <T> (ref success, ref _message_info));
Beispiel #6
 public abstract T TakeMessage <T> (ref bool success, ref rmw_message_info_t _message_info)
     where T : MessageWrapper, new();