// This method returns the command line argument string.
        public static CommandLineInfo GetCommandLineInfo(Project p)
            /*=== Read the options. ===*/

            Options gOptions = GetGlobalOptions().GetGlobalConfiguration().Options;
            Options pOptions = GetProjectOptions(p).GetActiveConfiguration().Options;

            /*=== Use reflection to build the command line string. ===*/

            string cmd = "";

            FieldInfo[] oFields;
            Type        oType = typeof(Options);

            char[] trimchars = { '"' };

            // Get the fields for type 'Options'.
            oFields = oType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            /*=== Loop through the data members in the 'Options' object. ===*/

            for (int i = 0; i < oFields.Length; i++)
                /*=== If the current field is not an option, ignore it. ===*/

                if (!oFields[i].FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(OptionBase)))

                /*=== Parse this option's attributes. ===*/

                List <Attribute> attrs = AttributeUtility.GetAllAttributes(oFields[i], false);
                OptionInfo       info  = new OptionInfo(attrs);

                // If a commandline syntax isn't specified, ignore this option.
                if (info.CommandLine == "")

                string tag = info.CommandLine;

                // Handle string list options.
                if (oFields[i].FieldType == typeof(StringListOption))
                    StringListOption gOption = (StringListOption)oFields[i].GetValue(gOptions);
                    StringListOption pOption = (StringListOption)oFields[i].GetValue(pOptions);
                    int gsize = gOption.StringList.Count;
                    int psize = pOption.StringList.Count;

                    if (gsize > 0)
                        cmd += " " + tag + " ";
                        cmd += '"' + gOption.StringList[0].Trim(trimchars) + '"';

                        for (int j = 1; j < gsize; j++)
                            cmd += "," + '"' + gOption.StringList[j].Trim(trimchars) + '"';

                    if (psize > 0)
                        int j = 0;

                        if (gsize < 1)
                            cmd += " " + tag + " ";
                            cmd += '"' + pOption.StringList[0].Trim(trimchars) + '"';
                            j    = 1;

                        for (; j < psize; j++)
                            cmd += "," + '"' + pOption.StringList[j].Trim(trimchars) + '"';
                // Handle string options.
                else if (oFields[i].FieldType == typeof(StringOption))
                    StringOption gOption = (StringOption)oFields[i].GetValue(gOptions);
                    StringOption pOption = (StringOption)oFields[i].GetValue(pOptions);

                    if (pOption.Value != "")
                        cmd += " " + tag + " " + '"' + pOption.Value.Trim(trimchars) + '"';
                    else if (gOption.Value != "")
                        cmd += " " + tag + " " + '"' + gOption.Value.Trim(trimchars) + '"';
                // Handle boolean options.
                else if (oFields[i].FieldType == typeof(BoolOption))
                    BoolOption gOption = (BoolOption)oFields[i].GetValue(gOptions);
                    BoolOption pOption = (BoolOption)oFields[i].GetValue(pOptions);
                    bool       on      = pOption.UseDefault ? gOption.Value : pOption.Value;

                    if (on)
                        cmd += " " + tag;
                // Handle int options.
                else if (oFields[i].FieldType == typeof(IntOption))
                    IntOption gOption = (IntOption)oFields[i].GetValue(gOptions);
                    IntOption pOption = (IntOption)oFields[i].GetValue(pOptions);
                    int       val     = pOption.UseDefault ? gOption.Value : pOption.Value;

                    cmd += " " + tag + " " + val;

            /*=== Setup the command line info data structure. ===*/

            CommandLineInfo cmdinfo = new CommandLineInfo();

            /*=== set the license path ===*/

            if (pOptions.LicensePath.Value != "")
                cmd += " -license " + '"' + pOptions.LicensePath.Value.Trim(trimchars) + '"';
            else if (gOptions.LicensePath.Value != "")
                cmd += " -license " + '"' + gOptions.LicensePath.Value.Trim(trimchars) + '"';
                cmd += " -license " + '"' + opLicenseUtility.FullLicenseFileName + '"';

            cmdinfo.Arguments = cmd;

            /*=== set the executable path ===*/

            if (pOptions.ExecutablePath.Value != "")
                cmdinfo.ExecutablePath = pOptions.ExecutablePath.Value.Trim(trimchars);
            else if (gOptions.ExecutablePath.Value != "")
                cmdinfo.ExecutablePath = gOptions.ExecutablePath.Value.Trim(trimchars);
                cmdinfo.ExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(Paths.GetFullAppPath() + "..\\Release\\opCpp.exe");

Beispiel #2
        void StartCompile(CompileMode mode)
            // a compile is running already
            if (IsCompiling())
                //TODO: should halt compiling really

            if (mode.bIntercepted)
                Options options = OptionsManager.GetGlobalOptions().GetGlobalConfiguration().Options;

                bool bExtendCommands = options.ExtendCommands.Value;

                if (!bExtendCommands)

            if (IsVSCompiling())
                //cancel it
                App().ExecuteCommand("Build.Cancel", "");

            // activate the output pane...

            // ok, lets attempt to start compiling now.

            CurrentThread = null;
            PostEvent     = "";

            // no solution loaded
            DTE2     app      = App();
            Solution solution = app.Solution;

            if (solution == null)

            // first save all the open files - this is a global setting

            List <Project> Projects;

            // find the selections we need (projects)
            if (mode.Selection == SelectionTypes.Solution)
                Projects = ProjectUtility.GetSolutionProjects();
            else if (mode.Selection == SelectionTypes.Project)
                Projects = ProjectUtility.GetActiveProjects();
            else            // if (mode.Selection == SelectionTypes.ProjectOnly)
                Projects = ProjectUtility.GetActiveProjectOnly();

            // Mode Arguments
            // clean : send it -clean
            // rebuild : send it -force
            // build : none...
            string ModeArguments = "";

            if (mode.Action == CompileTypes.Rebuild)
                ModeArguments += "-force";
            else if (mode.Action == CompileTypes.Clean)
                ModeArguments += "-clean";
            //else if Debug || NoDebug || Build ... no additional needed

            //TODO: need the global options path
            string GlobalArguments = "-dependencies \"" + Paths.GetGlobalOptionsFilename() + "\"";

            //no projects to compile
            if (Projects.Count == 0)

            List <CommandSetting> CommandSettings = new List <CommandSetting>();

            int numprojects = Projects.Count;

            for (int ip = 0; ip < numprojects; ip++)
                Project project = Projects[ip];

                string ActiveConfiguration = ProjectUtility.ProjectActiveConfiguration(project);

                List <VCFile> ohfiles = ProjectUtility.GetOhFiles(project);

                // does it contain active oh files? if not skip it.
                ProjectUtility.FilterActiveFiles(ref ohfiles, ActiveConfiguration);
                if (ohfiles.Count == 0)

                // are the project settings set to enable opcpp?
                bool bProjectEnabled = true;
                if (!bProjectEnabled)

                //3. do we have .doh files in the project?
                List <VCFile> dohfiles = ProjectUtility.GetDohFiles(project);
                ProjectUtility.FilterActiveFiles(ref dohfiles, ActiveConfiguration);
                //              if (dohfiles.Count == 0)
                //                  continue;

                //fetch the project doh files from the global/project doh settings
                List <string> ProjectDohFiles = new List <string>();
                //              if(ProjectDohFiles.Count + dohfiles.Count == 0)
                //              {
                //                  //print a message "Project has oh files but no dialect was found or specified"
                //                  continue;
                //              }

                //now build the settings
                CommandSetting setting = new CommandSetting();

                setting.Project    = project;
                setting.WorkingDir = StringUtility.RLeft(project.FileName, "\\");

                //build the oh files list from the arguments
                //build the doh files list from the arguments
                string ohfilestring = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < ohfiles.Count; i++)
                    VCFile file = ohfiles[i];

                    ohfilestring += '"';
                    ohfilestring += file.FullPath;
                    ohfilestring += '"';

                    if (i + 1 < ohfiles.Count)
                        ohfilestring += ',';

                string dohfilestring = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dohfiles.Count; i++)
                    VCFile file = dohfiles[i];
                    dohfilestring += '"';
                    dohfilestring += file.FullPath;
                    dohfilestring += '"';

                    if (i + 1 < dohfiles.Count)
                        dohfilestring += ',';

                for (int i = 0; i < ProjectDohFiles.Count; i++)
                    dohfilestring += '"';
                    dohfilestring += ProjectDohFiles[i];
                    dohfilestring += '"';

                    if (i + 1 < ProjectDohFiles.Count)
                        dohfilestring += ',';

                string FileArguments = "";

                if (ohfilestring.Length > 0)
                    FileArguments += " -oh " + ohfilestring;

                if (dohfilestring.Length > 0)
                    FileArguments += " -doh " + dohfilestring;

                // fetch the global + overloaded project arguments
                CommandLineInfo info = OptionsManager.GetCommandLineInfo(project);
                setting.ExePath = info.ExecutablePath;

                FileArguments += " -dependencies \"" + Paths.GetProjectOptionsFilename(project) + "\"";

                if (setting.ExePath == "")
                    LogCompile("Error: opCpp exe path is undefined, please define in global and/or project settings");

                string ProjectArguments = info.Arguments;

                string MacroArguments = FileArguments + " " + ProjectArguments + " " + ModeArguments + " " + GlobalArguments;

                if (opBeta.IsBeta)
                    MacroArguments += " -beta";

                setting.Arguments = Paths.ResolveVisualStudioMacros(project, MacroArguments);

                //verify the macros worked...
                Regex findmacros = new Regex("$\\(*.\\)");
                Match result     = findmacros.Match(setting.Arguments);
                if (result.Success)
                    string foundstring = setting.Arguments.Substring(result.Index, result.Length);
                    LogCompile("Error: bad macro found in settings - " + foundstring);


            //no commands to execute
            if (CommandSettings.Count == 0)
//              CurrentMode = null;
//              FinishedCompile(false);

            //execute commands
            CurrentMode = mode;

            CurrentThread            = new opCppThread(CommandSettings);
            CurrentThread.OnReadLine = LogCompile;
            CurrentThread.OnEnd      = FinishedCompile;