Beispiel #1
        protected void SBParseMSG(PacketStream stream, TransactionNode payloadNode, int payloadLength)
            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>(2);

            string content = stream.PeekStringUTF8(payloadLength);

            TransactionNode headersNode = new TransactionNode(payloadNode, "Headers");

            int    pos     = content.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n");
            string headers = content.Substring(0, pos);

            string[] lines = headers.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string line in lines)
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(line), slices);

                string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
                tokens[1] = tokens[1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' });

                headersNode.AddField(tokens[0], tokens[1], "Message header field.", slices);

                // Skip CRLF

            // Skip extra CRLF

            int bodyLength = payloadLength - StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(headers) - 4;

            if (bodyLength > 0)
                TransactionNode bodyNode = new TransactionNode(payloadNode, "Body");

                string contentType = (string)headersNode.Fields["Content-Type"];
                contentType = contentType.Split(new char[] { ';' }, 2)[0];

                if (contentType == "application/x-msnmsgrp2p")
                    ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(stream, bodyNode);

                    UInt32 appID = stream.ReadU32BE(slices);
                    bodyNode.AddField("AppID", appID, "Application ID.", slices);
                else if (contentType == "text/x-msmsgsinvite")
                    string bodyStr = stream.ReadStringUTF8(bodyLength, slices);

                    bodyNode.AddTextField("Body", bodyStr, "Invite body.", slices);
                    string bodyStr = stream.ReadStringUTF8(bodyLength, slices);

                    bodyNode.AddField("Body", bodyStr, "Body.", slices);
Beispiel #2
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("session.LocalEndpoint.Port={0}, session.RemoteEndpoint.Port={1}",
                                            session.LocalEndpoint.Port, session.RemoteEndpoint.Port));
            if (session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == MSN_SB_PORT)

            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 8)

            List <PacketSlice> lenSlices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);
            UInt32             len       = stream.ReadU32LE(lenSlices);

            if (len != 4)

            List <PacketSlice> contentSlices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);
            string             str           = stream.ReadCStringASCII((int)len, contentSlices);

            if (str != "foo")

            TransactionNode magicNode = new TransactionNode("MSNP2PDirectMagic");

            magicNode.Description = magicNode.Name;

            magicNode.AddField("Length", len, "Magic length.", lenSlices);
            magicNode.AddField("Magic", str, "Magic string.", contentSlices);

            TransactionNode requestNode = ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(stream, "Request");

            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
            TransactionNode responseNode = ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(stream, "Response");

            TransactionNode handshakeNode = new TransactionNode("MSNP2PDirectHandshake");

            handshakeNode.Description = handshakeNode.Name;


            ReadAllP2PDirectMessages(session, session.GetNextStreamDirection());
            ReadAllP2PDirectMessages(session, session.GetNextStreamDirection());

Beispiel #3
        private HTTPMessage ParseNode(TransactionNode httpNode, bool isRequest)
            IPPacket pkt = httpNode.Slices[0].Packet;

            HTTPMessage msg = new HTTPMessage(httpNode.Index, pkt.Direction, pkt.Timestamp);

            if (isRequest)
                msg.HeadlineText = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", httpNode["Verb"], httpNode["Argument"], httpNode["Protocol"]);
                msg.HeadlineText = String.Format("{0} {1}", httpNode["Protocol"], httpNode["Result"]);

            TransactionNode headersNode = httpNode.FindChild("Headers", false);

            if (headersNode != null)
                foreach (string name in headersNode.FieldNames)
                    msg.AddHeaderField(name, headersNode.Fields[name]);

            TransactionNode bodyNode = httpNode.FindChild("Body", false);

            if (bodyNode != null)
                if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("XML"))
                    string         body;
                    XmlHighlighter highlighter = new XmlHighlighter(XmlHighlightColorScheme.VisualizationScheme);

                    XmlUtils.PrettyPrint((string)bodyNode["XML"], out body, highlighter);

                    msg.BodyText = body;

                else if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("HTML"))
                    msg.BodyText = (string)bodyNode["HTML"];
                else if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("Raw"))
                    msg.SetBodyFromPreviewData((byte[])bodyNode.Fields["Raw"], 512);
                    msg.BodyText = String.Format("{0} unhandled", bodyNode.FieldNames[0]);

Beispiel #4
        protected void AddBodyNode(PacketStream stream,
                                   TransactionNode transactionNode,
                                   string contentType,
                                   string contentEncoding,
                                   int bodyLen)
            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);

            TransactionNode bodyNode = new TransactionNode("Body");

            byte[] body = stream.ReadBytes(bodyLen, slices);

            if (contentType == "text/html" || contentType == "text/xml")
                int realBodyLen = body.Length;
                if (body[realBodyLen - 1] == '\0')

                Decoder dec;
                if (contentEncoding == "utf-8")
                    dec = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
                    dec = Encoding.ASCII.GetDecoder();

                char[] bodyChars = new char[dec.GetCharCount(body, 0, realBodyLen)];
                dec.GetChars(body, 0, realBodyLen, bodyChars, 0);
                string bodyStr = new string(bodyChars);

                if (contentType == "text/xml")
                    bodyNode.AddXMLField("XML", bodyStr, "Body XML data.", slices);
                    bodyNode.AddTextField("HTML", bodyStr, "Body HTML data.", slices);
            else if (contentType == "application/")
                string xml = WBXML.ConvertToXML(body);
                bodyNode.AddXMLField("WBXML", xml, "Body WBXML data.", slices);
                bodyNode.AddField("Raw", body, StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(body),
                                  "Raw body data.", slices);

Beispiel #5
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            //List<Configuration.Setting> settings = Configuration.ParserConfiguration.Settings[Name()];
            //foreach(Configuration.Setting setting in settings)
            //    logger.AddMessage("Using property {0} with value {1}", setting.Property, setting.Value);
            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if ((session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == 1521) || (session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == redirPort))
                //we're either connected to the standard Oracle port or the redirected port
            while (true)
                try {
                    TransactionNode transaction = new TransactionNode("OracleTransaction");
                    transaction.Description = transaction.Name;
                    TransactionNode tnsNode = ExtractTNSData(stream, StreamDirection.OUT);
                    if (tnsNode != null)
                    //response stream
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() != 0)
                        tnsNode = ExtractTNSData(stream, StreamDirection.IN);

                        if (tnsNode != null)
                    if (transaction.Children.Count > 0)
                    //request stream (if exists)
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                } catch (EndOfStreamException) {
        public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
            if (destinationType == typeof(System.String) &&
                value is TransactionNode)
                TransactionNode node = value as TransactionNode;


            return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
Beispiel #7
 private void Initialize(TransactionNode parent, string name)
 {         = name;
     this.description  = "";
     this.summary      = "";
     this.parent       = parent;
     this.children     = new List <TransactionNode>();
     this.childrenDict = new Dictionary <string, TransactionNode>();
     this.slices       = new List <PacketSlice>();
     this.fieldNames   = new List <string>();
     this.fields       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
     this.fieldSlices  = new Dictionary <string, List <PacketSlice> >();
Beispiel #8
        public void AddChild(TransactionNode node)
            childrenDict[node.Name] = node;

            PropertySpec propSpec = new PropertySpec(node.Name, typeof(TransactionNode), "Packet");

            propSpec.Description = node.Name;
            propSpec.Attributes  = new Attribute[1] {
                new ReadOnlyAttribute(true)
            this[node.Name] = node;
Beispiel #9
        private TransactionNode ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(PacketStream stream, string name)
            TransactionNode msgNode = new TransactionNode(name);

            msgNode.Description = msgNode.Name;

            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);
            uint len = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            msgNode.AddField("MSNP2PLength", len, "P2P message chunk length.", slices);

            ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(stream, msgNode);

Beispiel #10
 private void ReadAllP2PDirectMessages(IPSession session, PacketStream stream)
     while (stream.GetBytesAvailable() > 0)
             TransactionNode node = ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(stream, "MSNP2PDirectMessage");
         catch (EndOfStreamException e)
             logger.AddMessage(String.Format("MSNP2PDirect: EOS at {0} ({1})", stream.Position, e));
Beispiel #11
        public int CompareTo(Object obj)
            TransactionNode otherNode = obj as TransactionNode;

            PacketSlice slice      = FirstSlice;
            PacketSlice otherSlice = otherNode.FirstSlice;

            if (slice != null && otherSlice != null)
                return(0); // FIXME
Beispiel #12
        private void SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(TransactionNode resp, List <PacketSlice> slices,
                                                    out UInt32 retVal, out UInt32 lastError,
                                                    bool formatRetVal)
            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            UInt32 msgLen = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            resp.AddField("MessageLength", Convert.ToString(msgLen),
                          "Length of the RAPI response.", slices);

            lastError = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            resp.AddField("LastError", String.Format("0x{0:x8}", lastError),
                          "Last error on the CE device.", slices);

            retVal = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            resp.AddField("ReturnValue", (formatRetVal) ? StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal) : StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal),
                          "Return value.", slices);
Beispiel #13
        public TransactionNode FindChild(string name, bool recursive)
            if (childrenDict.ContainsKey(name))

            if (recursive)
                foreach (TransactionNode child in childrenDict.Values)
                    TransactionNode node = child.FindChild(name);
                    if (node != null)

Beispiel #14
        private void HandleRapiHandshake()
            RAPIConnectionState state = RAPIConnectionState.HANDSHAKE;

            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
            TransactionNode parentNode, node;
            string str;
            UInt32 val;

            // Read and verify the initial request
            UInt32 initialRequest = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            if (initialRequest != NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE && initialRequest != NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY)
                logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, unknown initial request {0}", initialRequest);

            node = new TransactionNode((initialRequest == 0) ? "RAPIInitialHandshake" : "RAPIConnectionStart");
            node.Description = node.Name;

            node.AddField("InitialRequest", (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE) ? "NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE" : "NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY", "Initial request.", slices);

            // Now it's our turn
            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE)
                UInt32 firstPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPing", firstPing, "First ping, should be 3.", slices);

                // And the first pong
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                UInt32 firstPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPong", firstPong, "First pong, should be 4 for older WM5, 6 for newer versions.", slices);

                if (firstPong == 6)
                    // Now we're supposed to send 4 DWORDs
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue1", secondPing, "Second ping value #1, should be 7.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue2", secondPing, "Second ping value #2, should be 8.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue3", secondPing, "Second ping value #3, should be 4.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue4", secondPing, "Second ping value #4, should be 1.", slices);

                    // And the device should reply
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPong", secondPong, "Second pong, should be 4.", slices);

                // Got it

                parentNode = new TransactionNode("RAPIDeviceInfo");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                UInt32 deviceInfoLen = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                UInt32 remainingDevInfoLen = deviceInfoLen;
                parentNode.AddField("Length", deviceInfoLen, "Device info length.", slices);

                if (deviceInfoLen > MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH)
                    logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, length of the device info package should be below {0}, was {1}", MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH, deviceInfoLen);

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "DeviceInfo");

                Guid guid = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16, slices));
                str = String.Format("{{0}}", guid.ToString());
                node.AddField("DeviceGUID", str, "Device GUID.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 16;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMajor", val, "OS version, major.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMinor", val, "OS version, minor.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceNameLength", val, "Device name length (in characters, not bytes).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                // calculate the string size in unicode, with terminating NUL word
                val = (val + 1) * 2;
                str = stream.ReadCStringUnicode((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceName", str, "Device name.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= val;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceVersion", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device version.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceProcessorType", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device processor type.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Unknown1", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Counter or a flag? ANDed with 0xFFFFFFFE in the code (should take a closer look at this).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("CurrentPartnerId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current partner id.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current device id. Lives in HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Services\\Partners\\<DeviceIdentifier>.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                dw = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("PlatformNameLength", dw, "Platform name length.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;*/

                // Don't swallow the 4 last
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)remainingDevInfoLen, slices);
                node.AddField("UnknownData1", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Unknown device info data.", slices);

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("PasswordMask", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Password mask. Non-zero if a password is set.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                state = (val != 0) ? RAPIConnectionState.AUTH : RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

                // Now it's our turn
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = parentNode;
                state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

            // Add the last node for each case

            while (state == RAPIConnectionState.AUTH)
                parentNode = new TransactionNode("RAPIAuthAttempt");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Request");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Length", val, "Authentication data length.", slices);

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("Data", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Authentication data.", slices);

                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Response");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Success", (val != 0) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", "Whether the authentication attempt was successful.", slices);


                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                if (val != 0)
                    state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;
Beispiel #15
        private void HandleRapiSession()
            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>();
            TransactionNode    node, req, resp;
            string             str;
            UInt32             val, retVal, lastError;

            while (stream.GetBytesAvailable() > 0)
                UInt32             msgLen, msgType;
                List <PacketSlice> msgLenSlices  = new List <PacketSlice>(1);
                List <PacketSlice> msgTypeSlices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);

                // Message length
                msgLen = stream.ReadU32LE(msgLenSlices);

                if (msgLen == 5)
                    node             = new TransactionNode("RAPINotification");
                    node.Description = node.Name;

                    node.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_NOTIFICATION", "Message type.", msgLenSlices);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("NotificationType", (val == 4) ? "REQUEST_NEW_CONNECTION" : StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Notification type.", slices);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("Argument", val, "Argument.", slices);


                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)
                else if (msgLen == 1)
                    node             = new TransactionNode("RAPIKeepalive");
                    node.Description = node.Name;

                    req = new TransactionNode(node, "Request");
                    req.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_PING", "Message type.", msgLenSlices);

                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)


                    resp = new TransactionNode(node, "Response");
                    resp.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_PONG", "Message type.", slices);


                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)

                // Message type
                msgType = stream.ReadU32LE(msgTypeSlices);
                if (msgType >= rapiCallNames.Length)
                    logger.AddMessage("Unknown call name: {0:x8}", msgType);

                string name = rapiCallNames[msgType];

                RAPICallNode call = new RAPICallNode(name);
                call.Description = call.Name;

                req  = call.Request;
                resp = call.Response;

                req.AddField("MessageLength", msgLen, "Length of the RAPI request.", msgLenSlices);
                req.AddField("MessageType", String.Format("{0} (0x{1:x2})", name, msgType), "Type of the RAPI request.", msgTypeSlices);

                if (name == "CeRegOpenKeyEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                                 "Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +

                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szSubKey", str,
                                 "A null-terminated string containing the name of the subkey to open.",

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, \"{1}\"", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true), str);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    string result = String.Format("0x{0:x8}", val);
                    resp.AddField("hkResult", result, "Handle to the opened key.", slices);

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}", StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), result);
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegCreateKeyEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                                 "Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +
                                 "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\nHKEY_CURRENT_USER\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nHKEY_USERS", slices);

                    string szSubKey = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szSubKey", (szSubKey != null) ? szSubKey : "(null)",
                                 "A null-terminated string specifying the name of a subkey that this function opens or creates. " +
                                 "The subkey specified must be a subkey of the key identified by the hKey parameter. This subkey " +
                                 "must not begin with the backslash character (\\). If the parameter is NULL, then RegCreateKeyEx " +
                                 "behaves like RegOpenKey, where it opens the key specified by hKey.", slices);

                    string szClass = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szClass", (szClass != null) ? szClass : "(null)",
                                 "A null-terminated string that specifies the class (object type) of this key. This parameter is " +
                                 "ignored if the key already exists.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                                                StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true),

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    string result = String.Format("0x{0:x8}", stream.ReadU32LE(slices));
                    resp.AddField("hkResult", result, "Handle to the opened key.", slices);

                    UInt32 disposition = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("dwDisposition", StaticUtils.FormatRegDisposition(disposition),
                                  "Receives one of REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY and REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY.",

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                                                     StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), result, StaticUtils.FormatRegDisposition(disposition, true));
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegCloseKey")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                                 "Handle to the open key to close.", slices);

                    req.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegQueryValueEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                                 "Handle to a currently open key or any of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +
                                 "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\nHKEY_CURRENT_USER\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nHKEY_USERS", slices);

                    string szValueName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szValueName", szValueName,
                                 "A string containing the name of the value to query.", slices);

                    UInt32 cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("cbData", cbData,
                                 "A variable that specifies the maximum number of bytes to return.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                                                StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true),

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    UInt32 dwType = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("dwType", StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType),
                                  "The type of data associated with the specified value.",

                    cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("cbData", Convert.ToString(cbData),
                                  "The size of the data returned.", slices);

                    str = ReadAndFormatDataForRegType(dwType, cbData, slices);
                    if (str == null)
                        str = "NULL";
                    resp.AddField("Data", str, "The data returned.", slices);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegSetValueEx")
                    UInt32 key = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(key),
                                 "Handle to a currently open key or any of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +
                                 "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\nHKEY_CURRENT_USER\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nHKEY_USERS", slices);

                    string szValueName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szValueName", szValueName,
                                 "String containing the name of the value to set. If a value with this name is not already " +
                                 "present in the key, the function adds it to the key. If this parameter is NULL or an empty " +
                                 "string, the function sets the type and data for the key's unnamed value. Registry keys do " +
                                 "not have default values, but they can have one unnamed value, which can be of any type.",

                    UInt32 dwType = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("dwType", StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType),
                                 "Type of information to be stored as the value's data.",

                    UInt32 cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("cbData", Convert.ToString(cbData),
                                 "Specifies the size, in bytes, of the information passed in the the Data field.",

                    str = ReadAndFormatDataForRegType(dwType, cbData, slices);
                    if (str == null)
                        str = "NULL";
                    req.AddField("Data", str, "Buffer containing the data to be stored with the specified value name.",

                    string dataSummary;
                    if (dwType == Constants.REG_DWORD || dwType == Constants.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN)
                        dataSummary = str;
                        dataSummary = String.Format("[{0} bytes]", cbData);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
                                                StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(key), StaticUtils.FormatStringArgument(szValueName), StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType), dataSummary);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeProcessConfig")
                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddXMLField("szRequest", str, "Config request.", slices);

                    UInt32 flags = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("dwFlags", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(flags), "Flags.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("[{0} bytes], 0x{1:x8}",
                                                str.Length, flags);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    resp.AddXMLField("szResponse", str, "Config response.", slices);

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, [{1} bytes]",
                                                     StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), (str != null) ? str.Length : 0);
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps")
                    string caps = FormatDeviceCaps(stream.ReadU32LE(slices));
                    req.AddField("nIndex", caps, "The item to return.", slices);

                    req.Summary = caps;

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal);
                else if (name == "CeSyncStart")
                    string xml = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddXMLField("szXML", (xml != null) ? xml : "(null)",
                                    "Optional message.", slices);

                    if (xml != null)
                        req.Summary = String.Format("[{0} bytes]", xml.Length);
                        req.Summary = "NULL";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeSyncResume" || name == "CeSyncPause")
                    req.Summary = "";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeStartReplication")
                    req.Summary = "";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatBool(retVal);
                else if (name == "CeGetFileAttributes")
                    string fileName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);

                    req.AddXMLField("szFileName", fileName,
                                    "Name of a file or directory.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("\"{0}\"", fileName);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal);
                    if (msgLen > 4)
                        byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)msgLen - 4, slices);
                        req.AddField("UnparsedData", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Unparsed data.", slices);

                    req.Summary = "[not yet parsed]";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = "[not yet parsed]";


                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
Beispiel #16
 public void PushNode(TransactionNode node)
Beispiel #17
        public void AddNode(TransactionNode node)

            if (NewTransactionNode != null)
Beispiel #18
        private bool HandleSwitchboardSession(IPSession session)
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);

            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("\r\n\r\nparsing session with remote endpoint: {0}\r\n", session.RemoteEndpoint));

            while (true)
                PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)

                IPPacket pkt = stream.CurPacket;
                PacketDirection direction = pkt.Direction;

                    string line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();

                    // Split the line up into CMD and the rest (being arguments, if any)
                    string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);

                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("{0} parsing command '{1}' (line: {2})",
                        (direction == PacketDirection.PACKET_DIRECTION_INCOMING) ? "<<" : ">>",
                        tokens[0], line));

                    // Set cmd and create an array of arguments if present
                    string cmd = tokens[0];
                    string[] arguments = new string[0];
                    if (tokens.Length > 1)
                        arguments = tokens[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                    // Create command node
                    TransactionNode node = new TransactionNode("MSNSBCommand");
                    node.Description = cmd;

                    // Command field
                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                    node.AddField("Command", tokens[0], "Switchboard command.", slices);

                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        // Skip space between command and arguments

                        stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);

                        // Arguments fields
                        node.AddField("Arguments", tokens[1], "Arguments to command.", slices);

                    // Skip CRLF

                    // Is there a payload?
                    bool hasPayload = false;
                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        List<string> payloadCommands =
                            (direction == PacketDirection.PACKET_DIRECTION_OUTGOING) ? payloadCommandsFromClient : payloadCommandsFromServer;

                        hasPayload = payloadCommands.Contains(cmd);

                    if (hasPayload)
                        int payloadLength = -1;

                            payloadLength = (int)Convert.ToUInt32(arguments[arguments.Length - 1]);
                        catch (FormatException)

                        if (payloadLength > 0)
                            TransactionNode payloadNode = new TransactionNode(node, "Payload");

                            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Parsing {0} bytes of payload", payloadLength));

                            PayloadFormat format = PayloadFormat.TEXT;

                            string cmdUpper = cmd.ToUpper();
                            if (payloadCommandFormats.ContainsKey(cmdUpper))
                                format = payloadCommandFormats[cmdUpper];

                            if (format == PayloadFormat.MESSAGE)
                                SBParseMSG(stream, payloadNode, payloadLength);
                                string body = stream.ReadStringUTF8(payloadLength, slices);

                                switch (format)
                                    case PayloadFormat.SLP:
                                        payloadNode.AddTextField("MSNSLP", body, "MSNSLP data.", slices);
                                    case PayloadFormat.XML:
                                        payloadNode.AddXMLField("XML", body, "XML data.", slices);
                                        payloadNode.AddTextField("Text", body, "Text.", slices);

                catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("MSNSwitchboard: EOS at {0} ({1})", stream.Position, e));

            logger.AddMessage("done with session\r\n\r\n");

            return true;
Beispiel #19
        protected void ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(PacketStream stream, TransactionNode parentNode)
            TransactionNode p2pNode = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "MSNP2PMessageChunk");

            // Headers
            TransactionNode p2pHeaders = new TransactionNode(p2pNode, "Headers");

            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();

            UInt32 sessionID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("SessionID", sessionID, "Session ID.", slices);

            UInt32 messageID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("MessageID", messageID, "Message ID.", slices);

            UInt64 dataOffset = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("DataOffset", dataOffset, "Data offset.", slices);

            UInt64 dataSize = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("DataSize", dataSize, "Data size.", slices);

            UInt32 chunkSize = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("ChunkSize", chunkSize, "Chunk size.", slices);

            UInt32 flags = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("Flags", flags, StaticUtils.FormatFlags(flags), "Flags.", slices);

            UInt32 ackedMsgID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("AckedMsgID", ackedMsgID, "MessageID of the message to be acknowledged.", slices);

            UInt32 prevAckedMsgID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("PrevAckedMsgID", prevAckedMsgID, "AckedMsgID of the last chunk to ack.", slices);

            UInt64 ackedDataSize = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);
            p2pHeaders.AddField("AckedDataSize", ackedDataSize, "Acknowledged data size.", slices);

            // Body
            TransactionNode p2pContent = null;
            if (chunkSize > 0)
                p2pContent = new TransactionNode(p2pNode, "Content");

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)chunkSize, slices);

                if (sessionID != 0)
                    p2pContent.AddField("Raw", bytes, StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Raw content.", slices);
                    p2pContent.AddTextField("MSNSLP", bytes, StaticUtils.DecodeUTF8(bytes), "MSNSLP data.", slices);
Beispiel #20
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
            string       line;

                line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();
            catch (EndOfStreamException)

            string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
            if (!tokens[tokens.Length - 1].StartsWith("HTTP/1."))

            // At this point it should be safe enough to assume we're
            // dealing with an HTTP session.

            while (true)
                    TransactionNode transaction = new TransactionNode("HTTPTransaction");

                    TransactionNode request = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST);

                    string desc = request.Description;

                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() != 0)
                        TransactionNode response = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.RESPONSE);

                        if (response.Fields.ContainsKey("Result") &&
                            ((string)response.Fields["Result"]).StartsWith("100 "))
                            response = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.RESPONSE, "Response2");

                        desc += " => " + response.Description;

                    transaction.Description = desc;


                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                catch (EndOfStreamException)
                    logger.AddMessage("HTTP premature EOF");
                catch (ProtocolError)
                    logger.AddMessage("HTTP protocol error");

Beispiel #21
        private TransactionNode ExtractTNSData(PacketStream stream, StreamDirection direction)
            TransactionNode node;
            OracleTransactionType type;
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
            Int16 pLen = 0;
            int packetType;
            try {

                pLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                stream.ReadBytes(2); //skip checksum
                packetType = stream.ReadByte();
                type = (OracleTransactionType)packetType;
                stream.ReadByte(); //skip the reserved byte
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;
            switch (type) {
                case OracleTransactionType.CONNECT:
                    try {
                        node = new TransactionNode("Connect");
                        node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 version = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                        Int16 compatVersion = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version (compatible)", compatVersion, "Compatible Version", slices);
                        Int16 serviceOptions = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 NTProtCharacteristics = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 lineTurnValue = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 valueOfOneInHW = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctDataLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Data Length", ctDataLen, "The length of the connect datastring.", slices);
                        Int16 ctDataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 maxRecCtData = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctFlagsA = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctFlagsB = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int32 traceItemA = stream.ReadInt32();
                        Int32 traceItemB = stream.ReadInt32();
                        Int64 traceID = stream.ReadInt64();
                        byte[] ctData = stream.PeekBytes(ctDataLen);
                        string connectData = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(ctData);

                        stream.ReadBytes(ctDataLen, slices);
                        node.AddField("Connect data", connectData, "Connect data", slices);
                        try {
                            Match match = Regex.Match(connectData, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\).*SERVICE_NAME=(?<sid>[.\\w]{1,})\\)");
                            string proto = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                            string host = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                            string newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                            string sid = match.Groups["sid"].Value;
                            TransactionNode cInfoNode = new TransactionNode("Connection Info");
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Host", host, "Server being connected to", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Service", sid, "Service", slices);
                        } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        return node;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                case OracleTransactionType.ACCEPT:
                    node = new TransactionNode("Accept");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 version = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                        Int16 serviceOptions = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Session Data Unit Size", sessionDataUnitSize, "Session Data Unit Size", slices);
                        Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Max Tx Unit Size", maxTxDataUnitSize, "Maximum Transmission Data Unit Size", slices);

                        Int16 valueOfOneInHW = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 acceptDataLength = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 dataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                        int connectFlagsA = stream.ReadByte();
                        int connectFlagsB = stream.ReadByte();
                        stream.ReadBytes(pLen - 24); //read out empty bytes
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                case OracleTransactionType.REDIRECT:
                    node = new TransactionNode("Redirect");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 redirLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Redirection Data Length", redirLen, "Length of the redirection data string", slices);
                        byte[] redirData = stream.PeekBytes(redirLen);
                        string sRedir = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(redirData);
                        stream.ReadBytes(redirLen, slices);
                        node.AddField("Redirection Data", sRedir, "Redirection data", slices);
                        //get the redirected port
                        string newPort = null;
                        string proto = null;
                        string host = null;
                        try {
                            Match match = Regex.Match(sRedir, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\)");
                            proto = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                            host = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                            newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                        } catch (ArgumentException) {
                            // Syntax error in the regular expression
                            redirPort = Int32.Parse(newPort);
                        TransactionNode redirInfo = new TransactionNode("Redirection Info");
                        redirInfo.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol used", slices);
                        redirInfo.AddField("Host", host, "Host", slices);
                        redirInfo.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                case OracleTransactionType.DATA:
                    string label;
                    if (direction == StreamDirection.IN)
                        label = "Response";
                        label = "Request";
                    node = new TransactionNode("Data - "+label );
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 dataFlags = stream.ReadInt16();
                        int payLoadLength = pLen - 10;
                        byte[] payLoad = stream.PeekBytes(payLoadLength);
                        string sPayload = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(payLoad);
                        stream.ReadBytes(payLoadLength, slices);
                        node.AddField("Data", sPayload, "Data", slices);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Packet dissection not implemented [TransactionType={0}]", type));
                    return null;
Beispiel #22
 public bool Contains(TransactionNode node)
     return(nodes.ContainsValue(node) || pendingNodes.Contains(node));
Beispiel #23
 public void PushNode(TransactionNode node)
Beispiel #24
 public RAPICallNode(string name)
     : base(name)
     req  = new TransactionNode(this, "Request");
     resp = new TransactionNode(this, "Response");
Beispiel #25
 private void SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(TransactionNode resp, List <PacketSlice> slices,
                                             out UInt32 retVal, out UInt32 lastError)
     SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, true);
Beispiel #26
        private void HandleRapiSession()
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
            TransactionNode node, req, resp;
            string str;
            UInt32 val, retVal, lastError;

            while (stream.GetBytesAvailable() > 0)
                UInt32 msgLen, msgType;
                List<PacketSlice> msgLenSlices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);
                List<PacketSlice> msgTypeSlices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);

                // Message length
                msgLen = stream.ReadU32LE(msgLenSlices);

                if (msgLen == 5)
                    node = new TransactionNode("RAPINotification");
                    node.Description = node.Name;

                    node.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_NOTIFICATION", "Message type.", msgLenSlices);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("NotificationType", (val == 4) ? "REQUEST_NEW_CONNECTION" : StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Notification type.", slices);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("Argument", val, "Argument.", slices);


                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)
                else if (msgLen == 1)
                    node = new TransactionNode("RAPIKeepalive");
                    node.Description = node.Name;

                    req = new TransactionNode(node, "Request");
                    req.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_PING", "Message type.", msgLenSlices);

                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)


                    resp = new TransactionNode(node, "Response");
                    resp.AddField("MessageType", "RAPI_PONG", "Message type.", slices);


                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 4)

                // Message type
                msgType = stream.ReadU32LE(msgTypeSlices);
                if (msgType >= rapiCallNames.Length)
                    logger.AddMessage("Unknown call name: {0:x8}", msgType);

                string name = rapiCallNames[msgType];

                RAPICallNode call = new RAPICallNode(name);
                call.Description = call.Name;

                req = call.Request;
                resp = call.Response;

                req.AddField("MessageLength", msgLen, "Length of the RAPI request.", msgLenSlices);
                req.AddField("MessageType", String.Format("{0} (0x{1:x2})", name, msgType), "Type of the RAPI request.", msgTypeSlices);

                if (name == "CeRegOpenKeyEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                        "Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +

                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szSubKey", str,
                        "A null-terminated string containing the name of the subkey to open.",

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, \"{1}\"", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true), str);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    string result = String.Format("0x{0:x8}", val);
                    resp.AddField("hkResult", result, "Handle to the opened key.", slices);

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}", StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), result);
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegCreateKeyEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                        "Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +

                    string szSubKey = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szSubKey", (szSubKey != null) ? szSubKey : "(null)",
                        "A null-terminated string specifying the name of a subkey that this function opens or creates. " +
                        "The subkey specified must be a subkey of the key identified by the hKey parameter. This subkey " +
                        "must not begin with the backslash character (\\). If the parameter is NULL, then RegCreateKeyEx " +
                        "behaves like RegOpenKey, where it opens the key specified by hKey.", slices);

                    string szClass = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szClass", (szClass != null) ? szClass : "(null)",
                        "A null-terminated string that specifies the class (object type) of this key. This parameter is " +
                        "ignored if the key already exists.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                        StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true),

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    string result = String.Format("0x{0:x8}", stream.ReadU32LE(slices));
                    resp.AddField("hkResult", result, "Handle to the opened key.", slices);

                    UInt32 disposition = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("dwDisposition", StaticUtils.FormatRegDisposition(disposition),
                        "Receives one of REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY and REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY.",

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                            StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), result, StaticUtils.FormatRegDisposition(disposition, true));
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);

                else if (name == "CeRegCloseKey")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                        "Handle to the open key to close.", slices);

                    req.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegQueryValueEx")
                    val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val),
                        "Handle to a currently open key or any of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +

                    string szValueName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szValueName", szValueName,
                        "A string containing the name of the value to query.", slices);

                    UInt32 cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("cbData", cbData,
                        "A variable that specifies the maximum number of bytes to return.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}",
                        StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(val, true),

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    UInt32 dwType = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("dwType", StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType),
                        "The type of data associated with the specified value.",

                    cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    resp.AddField("cbData", Convert.ToString(cbData),
                        "The size of the data returned.", slices);

                    str = ReadAndFormatDataForRegType(dwType, cbData, slices);
                    if (str == null)
                        str = "NULL";
                    resp.AddField("Data", str, "The data returned.", slices);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeRegSetValueEx")
                    UInt32 key = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("hKey", StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(key),
                        "Handle to a currently open key or any of the following predefined reserved handle values:\n" +

                    string szValueName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddField("szValueName", szValueName,
                        "String containing the name of the value to set. If a value with this name is not already " +
                        "present in the key, the function adds it to the key. If this parameter is NULL or an empty " +
                        "string, the function sets the type and data for the key's unnamed value. Registry keys do " +
                        "not have default values, but they can have one unnamed value, which can be of any type.",

                    UInt32 dwType = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("dwType", StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType),
                        "Type of information to be stored as the value's data.",

                    UInt32 cbData = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("cbData", Convert.ToString(cbData),
                        "Specifies the size, in bytes, of the information passed in the the Data field.",

                    str = ReadAndFormatDataForRegType(dwType, cbData, slices);
                    if (str == null)
                        str = "NULL";
                    req.AddField("Data", str, "Buffer containing the data to be stored with the specified value name.",

                    string dataSummary;
                    if (dwType == Constants.REG_DWORD || dwType == Constants.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN)
                        dataSummary = str;
                        dataSummary = String.Format("[{0} bytes]", cbData);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
                        StaticUtils.FormatRegKey(key), StaticUtils.FormatStringArgument(szValueName), StaticUtils.FormatRegType(dwType), dataSummary);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);

                else if (name == "CeProcessConfig")
                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddXMLField("szRequest", str, "Config request.", slices);

                    UInt32 flags = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    req.AddField("dwFlags", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(flags), "Flags.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("[{0} bytes], 0x{1:x8}",
                        str.Length, flags);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    str = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    resp.AddXMLField("szResponse", str, "Config response.", slices);

                    if (retVal == Constants.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        resp.Summary = String.Format("{0}, [{1} bytes]",
                            StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true), (str != null) ? str.Length : 0);
                        resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);

                else if (name == "CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps")
                    string caps = FormatDeviceCaps(stream.ReadU32LE(slices));
                    req.AddField("nIndex", caps, "The item to return.", slices);

                    req.Summary = caps;

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal);
                else if (name == "CeSyncStart")
                    string xml = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);
                    req.AddXMLField("szXML", (xml != null) ? xml : "(null)",
                                    "Optional message.", slices);

                    if (xml != null)
                        req.Summary = String.Format("[{0} bytes]", xml.Length);
                        req.Summary = "NULL";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeSyncResume" || name == "CeSyncPause")
                    req.Summary = "";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal, true);
                else if (name == "CeStartReplication")
                    req.Summary = "";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatBool(retVal);
                else if (name == "CeGetFileAttributes")
                    string fileName = stream.ReadRAPIString(slices);

                    req.AddXMLField("szFileName", fileName,
                        "Name of a file or directory.", slices);

                    req.Summary = String.Format("\"{0}\"", fileName);

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal);
                    if (msgLen > 4)
                        byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)msgLen - 4, slices);
                        req.AddField("UnparsedData", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Unparsed data.", slices);

                    req.Summary = "[not yet parsed]";

                    SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, false);

                    resp.Summary = "[not yet parsed]";


                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
Beispiel #27
        private void SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(TransactionNode resp, List<PacketSlice> slices,
            out UInt32 retVal, out UInt32 lastError,
            bool formatRetVal)
            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            UInt32 msgLen = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            resp.AddField("MessageLength", Convert.ToString(msgLen),
                "Length of the RAPI response.", slices);

            lastError = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            resp.AddField("LastError", String.Format("0x{0:x8}", lastError),
                "Last error on the CE device.", slices);

            retVal = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            resp.AddField("ReturnValue", (formatRetVal) ? StaticUtils.FormatRetVal(retVal) : StaticUtils.FormatValue(retVal),
                "Return value.", slices);
Beispiel #28
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            //List<Configuration.Setting> settings = Configuration.ParserConfiguration.Settings[Name()];
            //foreach(Configuration.Setting setting in settings)
            //    logger.AddMessage("Using property {0} with value {1}", setting.Property, setting.Value);
            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
            if ((session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == 1521) || (session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == redirPort)) {
                //we're either connected to the standard Oracle port or the redirected port
                return false;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    TransactionNode transaction = new TransactionNode("OracleTransaction");
                    transaction.Description = transaction.Name;
                    TransactionNode tnsNode = ExtractTNSData(stream, StreamDirection.OUT);
                    if(tnsNode != null)
                    //response stream
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() != 0) {
                        tnsNode = ExtractTNSData(stream, StreamDirection.IN);

                        if(tnsNode != null)
                    if(transaction.Children.Count > 0)
                    //request stream (if exists)
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    if(stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                } catch (EndOfStreamException) {

            return true;
Beispiel #29
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("session.LocalEndpoint.Port={0}, session.RemoteEndpoint.Port={1}",
                session.LocalEndpoint.Port, session.RemoteEndpoint.Port));
            if (session.RemoteEndpoint.Port == MSN_SB_PORT)
                return HandleSwitchboardSession(session);

            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() < 8)
                return false;

            List<PacketSlice> lenSlices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);
            UInt32 len = stream.ReadU32LE(lenSlices);
            if (len != 4)
                return false;

            List<PacketSlice> contentSlices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);
            string str = stream.ReadCStringASCII((int) len, contentSlices);
            if (str != "foo")
                return false;

            TransactionNode magicNode = new TransactionNode("MSNP2PDirectMagic");
            magicNode.Description = magicNode.Name;

            magicNode.AddField("Length", len, "Magic length.", lenSlices);
            magicNode.AddField("Magic", str, "Magic string.", contentSlices);

            TransactionNode requestNode = ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(stream, "Request");

            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
            TransactionNode responseNode = ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(stream, "Response");

            TransactionNode handshakeNode = new TransactionNode("MSNP2PDirectHandshake");
            handshakeNode.Description = handshakeNode.Name;


            ReadAllP2PDirectMessages(session, session.GetNextStreamDirection());
            ReadAllP2PDirectMessages(session, session.GetNextStreamDirection());

            return true;
Beispiel #30
        public override VisualTransaction[] GetTransactions(IPSession session)
            List <VisualTransaction> messages = new List <VisualTransaction>();

            char[] bodyTrimChars = new char[] { '\r', '\n' };

            foreach (TransactionNode node in session.Nodes)
                if (node.Name == "MSNSBCommand")
                    IPPacket pkt = node.Slices[0].Packet;

                    VisualTransaction vt = new VisualTransaction(node.Index, pkt.Direction, pkt.Timestamp);

                    string headline = (string)node["Command"];

                    if (node.Fields.ContainsKey("Arguments"))
                        headline += " " + (string)node["Arguments"];

                    vt.HeadlineText = headline;

                    XmlHighlighter highlighter = null;

                    TransactionNode payloadNode = node.FindChild("Payload", false);
                    if (payloadNode != null)
                        string body = "";

                        if (payloadNode.Fields.ContainsKey("XML"))
                            highlighter = new XmlHighlighter(XmlHighlightColorScheme.VisualizationScheme);
                            XmlUtils.PrettyPrint((string)payloadNode["XML"], out body, highlighter);
                        else if (payloadNode.Fields.ContainsKey("Text"))
                            body = (string)payloadNode["Text"];
                        else if (payloadNode.Fields.ContainsKey("MSNSLP"))
                            body = (string)payloadNode["MSNSLP"];
                        else if (payloadNode.FindChild("Headers") != null)
                            TransactionNode headersNode = payloadNode.FindChild("Headers");

                            vt.HeaderRowsPerCol = Int32.MaxValue;

                            foreach (string name in headersNode.Fields.Keys)
                                vt.AddHeaderField(name, headersNode.Fields[name].ToString());

                            TransactionNode bodyNode = payloadNode.FindChild("Body");
                            if (bodyNode != null)
                                body = bodyNode.Fields[bodyNode.FieldNames[0]].ToString();

                                body = body.TrimEnd(bodyTrimChars);
                            body = String.Format("Unhandled payload format: {0}",
                                                 (payloadNode.FieldNames.Count > 0) ? payloadNode.FieldNames[0] : payloadNode.Children[0].Name);

                        vt.BodyText = body;

                        if (highlighter != null)


Beispiel #31
        protected void SBParseMSG(PacketStream stream, TransactionNode payloadNode, int payloadLength)
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>(2);

            string content = stream.PeekStringUTF8(payloadLength);

            TransactionNode headersNode = new TransactionNode(payloadNode, "Headers");

            int pos = content.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n");
            string headers = content.Substring(0, pos);
            string[] lines = headers.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string line in lines)
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(line), slices);

                string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
                tokens[1] = tokens[1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' });

                headersNode.AddField(tokens[0], tokens[1], "Message header field.", slices);

                // Skip CRLF

            // Skip extra CRLF

            int bodyLength = payloadLength - StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(headers) - 4;

            if (bodyLength > 0)
                TransactionNode bodyNode = new TransactionNode(payloadNode, "Body");

                string contentType = (string)headersNode.Fields["Content-Type"];
                contentType = contentType.Split(new char[] { ';' }, 2)[0];

                if (contentType == "application/x-msnmsgrp2p")
                    ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(stream, bodyNode);

                    UInt32 appID = stream.ReadU32BE(slices);
                    bodyNode.AddField("AppID", appID, "Application ID.", slices);
                else if (contentType == "text/x-msmsgsinvite")
                    string bodyStr = stream.ReadStringUTF8(bodyLength, slices);

                    bodyNode.AddTextField("Body", bodyStr, "Invite body.", slices);
                    string bodyStr = stream.ReadStringUTF8(bodyLength, slices);

                    bodyNode.AddField("Body", bodyStr, "Body.", slices);
Beispiel #32
        public override VisualTransaction[] GetTransactions(IPSession session)
            List <MSNSessionMessage>           messages      = new List <MSNSessionMessage>();
            Dictionary <UInt32, MSNP2PMessage> messageFromId = new Dictionary <UInt32, MSNP2PMessage>();

            foreach (TransactionNode node in session.Nodes)
                if (node.Name.StartsWith("MSN"))
                    TransactionNode chunk = node.FindChild("MSNP2PMessageChunk");
                    if (chunk != null)
                        MSNP2PMessage msg;

                        TransactionNode headers = chunk.FindChild("Headers");

                        UInt32 msgID     = (UInt32)headers.Fields["MessageID"];
                        UInt32 chunkSize = (UInt32)headers.Fields["ChunkSize"];

                        if (messageFromId.ContainsKey(msgID))
                            msg = messageFromId[msgID];
                            PacketDirection direction =

                            UInt32 sessionID      = (UInt32)headers.Fields["SessionID"];
                            UInt32 flags          = (UInt32)headers.Fields["Flags"];
                            UInt64 dataOffset     = (UInt64)headers.Fields["DataOffset"];
                            UInt64 dataSize       = (UInt64)headers.Fields["DataSize"];
                            UInt32 ackedMsgID     = (UInt32)headers.Fields["AckedMsgID"];
                            UInt32 prevAckedMsgID = (UInt32)headers.Fields["PrevAckedMsgID"];
                            UInt64 ackedDataSize  = (UInt64)headers.Fields["AckedDataSize"];

                            msg = new MSNP2PMessage(chunk.Index, direction, chunk.StartTime,
                                                    msgID, sessionID, flags, dataOffset, dataSize, ackedMsgID,
                                                    prevAckedMsgID, ackedDataSize);
                            messageFromId[msgID] = msg;

                        int maxPreview = 4096;

                        if (msg.Flags == 0x20)
                            maxPreview = 131072;

                        if (chunkSize > 0 && msg.Transferred < (ulong)maxPreview)
                            TransactionNode content = chunk.FindChild("Content");
                            //string fieldName = (msg.SessionID != 0) ? "Raw" : "MSNSLP";
                            byte[] bytes = (byte[])content.Fields[content.FieldNames[0]];

                            int n   = bytes.Length;
                            int max = maxPreview - (int)msg.Transferred;
                            if (n > max)
                                n = max;

                            msg.PreviewData.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                        msg.EndTime = chunk.EndTime;

                        msg.Transferred += chunkSize;
                        TransactionNode bodyNode = node.FindChild("Payload");
                        if (bodyNode != null && bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("MSNSLP"))
                            MSNSLPMessage msg = new MSNSLPMessage(bodyNode.Index,
                                                                  bodyNode.StartTime, (string)bodyNode["MSNSLP"]);

Beispiel #33
        private void session_NewTransactionNode(TransactionNode node)
            string id = Convert.ToString(nodes.Count);

            PropertySpec propSpec = new PropertySpec(id, node.GetType(), "Packet");
            propSpec.Description = node.Name;
            propSpec.Attributes = new Attribute[1] { new ReadOnlyAttribute(true) };
            this[id] = node;


            List<IPPacket> packets = new List<IPPacket>();
            foreach (PacketSlice slice in node.GetAllSlices())
                if (!packetIndexToNodes.ContainsKey(slice.Packet.Index))
                    packetIndexToNodes[slice.Packet.Index] = new List<TransactionNode>(1);


                if (!packets.Contains(slice.Packet))

                (node.Description.Length > 0) ? node.Description : node.Name);
Beispiel #34
        public override bool HandleSession(IPSession session)
            PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
            string line;

                line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();
            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                return false;

            string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
            if (!tokens[tokens.Length - 1].StartsWith("HTTP/1."))
                return false;

            // At this point it should be safe enough to assume we're
            // dealing with an HTTP session.

            while (true)
                    TransactionNode transaction = new TransactionNode("HTTPTransaction");

                    TransactionNode request = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST);

                    string desc = request.Description;

                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() != 0)
                        TransactionNode response = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.RESPONSE);

                        if (response.Fields.ContainsKey("Result") &&
                            ((string)response.Fields["Result"]).StartsWith("100 "))
                            response = ExtractHttpData(stream, HTTPTransactionType.RESPONSE, "Response2");

                        desc += " => " + response.Description;

                    transaction.Description = desc;


                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                catch (EndOfStreamException)
                    logger.AddMessage("HTTP premature EOF");
                catch (ProtocolError)
                    logger.AddMessage("HTTP protocol error");

            return true;
Beispiel #35
 public bool Contains(TransactionNode node)
     return (nodes.ContainsValue(node) || pendingNodes.Contains(node));
Beispiel #36
        protected void AddBodyNode(PacketStream stream,
            TransactionNode transactionNode,
            string contentType,
            string contentEncoding,
            int bodyLen)
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);

            TransactionNode bodyNode = new TransactionNode("Body");
            byte[] body = stream.ReadBytes(bodyLen, slices);

            if (contentType == "text/html" || contentType == "text/xml")
                int realBodyLen = body.Length;
                if (body[realBodyLen - 1] == '\0')

                Decoder dec;
                if (contentEncoding == "utf-8")
                    dec = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
                    dec = Encoding.ASCII.GetDecoder();

                char[] bodyChars = new char[dec.GetCharCount(body, 0, realBodyLen)];
                dec.GetChars(body, 0, realBodyLen, bodyChars, 0);
                string bodyStr = new string(bodyChars);

                if (contentType == "text/xml")
                    bodyNode.AddXMLField("XML", bodyStr, "Body XML data.", slices);
                    bodyNode.AddTextField("HTML", bodyStr, "Body HTML data.", slices);
            else if (contentType == "application/")
                string xml = WBXML.ConvertToXML(body);
                bodyNode.AddXMLField("WBXML", xml, "Body WBXML data.", slices);
                bodyNode.AddField("Raw", body, StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(body),
                    "Raw body data.", slices);

Beispiel #37
        public TransactionNode(TransactionNode parent, string name)
            Initialize(parent, name);

Beispiel #38
        private void HandleRapiHandshake()
            RAPIConnectionState state = RAPIConnectionState.HANDSHAKE;

            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>();
            TransactionNode    parentNode, node;
            string             str;
            UInt32             val;

            // Read and verify the initial request
            UInt32 initialRequest = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            if (initialRequest != NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE && initialRequest != NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY)
                logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, unknown initial request {0}", initialRequest);

            node             = new TransactionNode((initialRequest == 0) ? "RAPIInitialHandshake" : "RAPIConnectionStart");
            node.Description = node.Name;

            node.AddField("InitialRequest", (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE) ? "NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE" : "NOTIFY_CONNECTION_READY", "Initial request.", slices);

            // Now it's our turn
            stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

            if (initialRequest == NOTIFY_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE)
                UInt32 firstPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPing", firstPing, "First ping, should be 3.", slices);

                // And the first pong
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                UInt32 firstPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("FirstPong", firstPong, "First pong, should be 4 for older WM5, 6 for newer versions.", slices);

                if (firstPong == 6)
                    // Now we're supposed to send 4 DWORDs
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue1", secondPing, "Second ping value #1, should be 7.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue2", secondPing, "Second ping value #2, should be 8.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue3", secondPing, "Second ping value #3, should be 4.", slices);

                    secondPing = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPingValue4", secondPing, "Second ping value #4, should be 1.", slices);

                    // And the device should reply
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                    UInt32 secondPong = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                    node.AddField("SecondPong", secondPong, "Second pong, should be 4.", slices);

                // Got it

                parentNode             = new TransactionNode("RAPIDeviceInfo");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                UInt32 deviceInfoLen       = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                UInt32 remainingDevInfoLen = deviceInfoLen;
                parentNode.AddField("Length", deviceInfoLen, "Device info length.", slices);

                if (deviceInfoLen > MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH)
                    logger.AddMessage("RAPI protocol error, length of the device info package should be below {0}, was {1}", MAX_DEVICE_INFO_LENGTH, deviceInfoLen);

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "DeviceInfo");

                Guid guid = new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16, slices));
                str = String.Format("{{0}}", guid.ToString());
                node.AddField("DeviceGUID", str, "Device GUID.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 16;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMajor", val, "OS version, major.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("OsVersionMinor", val, "OS version, minor.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceNameLength", val, "Device name length (in characters, not bytes).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                // calculate the string size in unicode, with terminating NUL word
                val = (val + 1) * 2;
                str = stream.ReadCStringUnicode((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceName", str, "Device name.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= val;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceVersion", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device version.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceProcessorType", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Device processor type.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Unknown1", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Counter or a flag? ANDed with 0xFFFFFFFE in the code (should take a closer look at this).", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("CurrentPartnerId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current partner id.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("DeviceId", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Current device id. Lives in HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Services\\Partners\\<DeviceIdentifier>.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                 * dw = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                 * node.AddField("PlatformNameLength", dw, "Platform name length.", slices);
                 * remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;*/

                // Don't swallow the 4 last
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)remainingDevInfoLen, slices);
                node.AddField("UnknownData1", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Unknown device info data.", slices);

                val = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
                node.AddField("PasswordMask", StaticUtils.FormatFlags(val), "Password mask. Non-zero if a password is set.", slices);
                remainingDevInfoLen -= 4;

                state = (val != 0) ? RAPIConnectionState.AUTH : RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

                // Now it's our turn
                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = parentNode;
                state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;

            // Add the last node for each case

            while (state == RAPIConnectionState.AUTH)
                parentNode             = new TransactionNode("RAPIAuthAttempt");
                parentNode.Description = parentNode.Name;

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Request");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Length", val, "Authentication data length.", slices);

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)val, slices);
                node.AddField("Data", StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Authentication data.", slices);

                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                node = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "Response");

                val = stream.ReadU16LE(slices);
                node.AddField("Success", (val != 0) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", "Whether the authentication attempt was successful.", slices);


                stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                if (val != 0)
                    state = RAPIConnectionState.SESSION;
Beispiel #39
        public TransactionNode(TransactionNode parent, string name)
            Initialize(parent, name);

Beispiel #40
        private HTTPMessage ParseNode(TransactionNode httpNode, bool isRequest)
            IPPacket pkt = httpNode.Slices[0].Packet;

            HTTPMessage msg = new HTTPMessage(httpNode.Index, pkt.Direction, pkt.Timestamp);

            if (isRequest)
                msg.HeadlineText = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", httpNode["Verb"], httpNode["Argument"], httpNode["Protocol"]);
                msg.HeadlineText = String.Format("{0} {1}", httpNode["Protocol"], httpNode["Result"]);

            TransactionNode headersNode = httpNode.FindChild("Headers", false);
            if (headersNode != null)
                foreach (string name in headersNode.FieldNames)
                    msg.AddHeaderField(name, headersNode.Fields[name]);

            TransactionNode bodyNode = httpNode.FindChild("Body", false);
            if (bodyNode != null)
                if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("XML"))
                    string body;
                    XmlHighlighter highlighter = new XmlHighlighter(XmlHighlightColorScheme.VisualizationScheme);

                    XmlUtils.PrettyPrint((string)bodyNode["XML"], out body, highlighter);

                    msg.BodyText = body;

                else if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("HTML"))
                    msg.BodyText = (string)bodyNode["HTML"];
                else if (bodyNode.Fields.ContainsKey("Raw"))
                    msg.SetBodyFromPreviewData((byte[])bodyNode.Fields["Raw"], 512);
                    msg.BodyText = String.Format("{0} unhandled", bodyNode.FieldNames[0]);

            return msg;
Beispiel #41
 private void Initialize(TransactionNode parent, string name)
 { = name;
     this.description = "";
     this.summary = "";
     this.parent = parent;
     this.children = new List<TransactionNode>();
     this.childrenDict = new Dictionary<string, TransactionNode>();
     this.slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
     this.fieldNames = new List<string>();
     this.fields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     this.fieldSlices = new Dictionary<string, List<PacketSlice>>();
Beispiel #42
        private TransactionNode ExtractHttpData(PacketStream stream, HTTPTransactionType type, string nodeName)
            if (nodeName == null)
                nodeName = (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST) ? "Request" : "Response";

            TransactionNode node = new TransactionNode(nodeName);
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();

            string line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();

            int fieldCount = (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST) ? 3 : 2;

            string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, fieldCount);
            if (tokens.Length < fieldCount)
                throw new ProtocolError();

            if (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST)
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                node.AddField("Verb", tokens[0], "Request verb.", slices);


                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);
                node.AddField("Argument", tokens[1], "Request argument.", slices);


                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[2]), slices);
                node.AddField("Protocol", tokens[2], "Protocol identifier.", slices);

                // Set a description
                node.Description = String.Format("{0} {1}", tokens[0], tokens[1]);
                if (node.Description.Length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)
                    node.Description = node.Description.Substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - ellipsis.Length);
                    node.Description += ellipsis;
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                node.AddField("Protocol", tokens[0], "Protocol identifier.", slices);

                if (tokens.Length > 1)

                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);
                    node.AddField("Result", tokens[1], "Result.", slices);

                // Set a description
                string result = tokens[1];
                if (result.Length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)
                    result = result.Substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - ellipsis.Length) + ellipsis;

                node.Description = result;


            TransactionNode headersNode = new TransactionNode("Headers");
            Dictionary<string, string> headerFields = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();
                if (line.Length > 0)
                    tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
                    if (tokens.Length < 2)
                        throw new ProtocolError();

                    string key = tokens[0];
                    string value = tokens[1].TrimStart();

                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(line), slices);
                    headersNode.AddField(key, value, "Header field.", slices);

                    headerFields[key.ToLower()] = value;

            } while (line != "");

            if (headersNode.Fields.Count > 0)

            int contentLen = -1;

            if (headerFields.ContainsKey("content-length"))
                contentLen = Convert.ToInt32(headerFields["content-length"]);
            else if (headerFields.ContainsKey("contentlength"))
                contentLen = Convert.ToInt32(headerFields["contentlength"]);

            if (contentLen != -1)
                string contentType = null, contentEncoding = null;

                if (headerFields.ContainsKey("content-type"))
                    contentType = headerFields["content-type"];
                else if (headerFields.ContainsKey("contenttype"))
                    contentType = headerFields["contenttype"];

                if (contentType != null)
                    contentType = contentType.ToLower();

                    tokens = contentType.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                    contentType = tokens[0].Trim();
                    if (tokens.Length > 1)
                        string[] encTokens = tokens[1].Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);
                        if (encTokens[0].Trim() == "charset" && encTokens.Length > 1)
                            contentEncoding = encTokens[1];

                string str = stream.PeekStringASCII(5);
                if (str == "<?xml")
                    contentType = "text/xml";
                    contentEncoding = "utf-8"; // FIXME

                if (contentLen > 0)
                    AddBodyNode(stream, node, contentType, contentEncoding, contentLen);

            return node;
Beispiel #43
 public RAPICallNode(string name)
     : base(name)
     req = new TransactionNode(this, "Request");
     resp = new TransactionNode(this, "Response");
Beispiel #44
        protected void ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(PacketStream stream, TransactionNode parentNode)
            TransactionNode p2pNode = new TransactionNode(parentNode, "MSNP2PMessageChunk");

            // Headers
            TransactionNode p2pHeaders = new TransactionNode(p2pNode, "Headers");

            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>();

            UInt32 sessionID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("SessionID", sessionID, "Session ID.", slices);

            UInt32 messageID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("MessageID", messageID, "Message ID.", slices);

            UInt64 dataOffset = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("DataOffset", dataOffset, "Data offset.", slices);

            UInt64 dataSize = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("DataSize", dataSize, "Data size.", slices);

            UInt32 chunkSize = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("ChunkSize", chunkSize, "Chunk size.", slices);

            UInt32 flags = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("Flags", flags, StaticUtils.FormatFlags(flags), "Flags.", slices);

            UInt32 ackedMsgID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("AckedMsgID", ackedMsgID, "MessageID of the message to be acknowledged.", slices);

            UInt32 prevAckedMsgID = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("PrevAckedMsgID", prevAckedMsgID, "AckedMsgID of the last chunk to ack.", slices);

            UInt64 ackedDataSize = stream.ReadU64LE(slices);

            p2pHeaders.AddField("AckedDataSize", ackedDataSize, "Acknowledged data size.", slices);

            // Body
            TransactionNode p2pContent = null;

            if (chunkSize > 0)
                p2pContent = new TransactionNode(p2pNode, "Content");

                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes((int)chunkSize, slices);

                if (sessionID != 0)
                    p2pContent.AddField("Raw", bytes, StaticUtils.FormatByteArray(bytes), "Raw content.", slices);
                    p2pContent.AddTextField("MSNSLP", bytes, StaticUtils.DecodeUTF8(bytes), "MSNSLP data.", slices);
Beispiel #45
 private void SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(TransactionNode resp, List<PacketSlice> slices,
     out UInt32 retVal, out UInt32 lastError)
     SwitchToResponseAndParseResult(resp, slices, out retVal, out lastError, true);
Beispiel #46
        private TransactionNode ReadNextP2PDirectMessage(PacketStream stream, string name)
            TransactionNode msgNode = new TransactionNode(name);
            msgNode.Description = msgNode.Name;

            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>(1);
            uint len = stream.ReadU32LE(slices);
            msgNode.AddField("MSNP2PLength", len, "P2P message chunk length.", slices);

            ReadNextP2PMessageChunk(stream, msgNode);

            return msgNode;
Beispiel #47
        private TransactionNode ExtractTNSData(PacketStream stream, StreamDirection direction)
            TransactionNode       node;
            OracleTransactionType type;
            List <PacketSlice>    slices = new List <PacketSlice>();
            Int16 pLen = 0;
            int   packetType;

            try {
                pLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                stream.ReadBytes(2); //skip checksum
                packetType = stream.ReadByte();
                type       = (OracleTransactionType)packetType;
                stream.ReadByte(); //skip the reserved byte
            } catch (Exception e) {
            switch (type)
            case OracleTransactionType.CONNECT:
                try {
                    node = new TransactionNode("Connect");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 version        = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                    Int16 compatVersion = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version (compatible)", compatVersion, "Compatible Version", slices);
                    Int16 serviceOptions        = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 sessionDataUnitSize   = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 NTProtCharacteristics = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 lineTurnValue         = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 valueOfOneInHW        = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctDataLen             = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Data Length", ctDataLen, "The length of the connect datastring.", slices);
                    Int16 ctDataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 maxRecCtData = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctFlagsA     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctFlagsB     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int32 traceItemA   = stream.ReadInt32();
                    Int32 traceItemB   = stream.ReadInt32();
                    Int64 traceID      = stream.ReadInt64();
                    byte[] ctData      = stream.PeekBytes(ctDataLen);
                    string connectData = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(ctData);

                    stream.ReadBytes(ctDataLen, slices);
                    node.AddField("Connect data", connectData, "Connect data", slices);
                    try {
                        Match           match     = Regex.Match(connectData, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\).*SERVICE_NAME=(?<sid>[.\\w]{1,})\\)");
                        string          proto     = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                        string          host      = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                        string          newPort   = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                        string          sid       = match.Groups["sid"].Value;
                        TransactionNode cInfoNode = new TransactionNode("Connection Info");
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Host", host, "Server being connected to", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Service", sid, "Service", slices);
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.ACCEPT:
                node = new TransactionNode("Accept");
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 version        = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                    Int16 serviceOptions      = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Session Data Unit Size", sessionDataUnitSize, "Session Data Unit Size", slices);
                    Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Max Tx Unit Size", maxTxDataUnitSize, "Maximum Transmission Data Unit Size", slices);

                    Int16 valueOfOneInHW   = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 acceptDataLength = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 dataOffset       = stream.ReadInt16();
                    int   connectFlagsA    = stream.ReadByte();
                    int   connectFlagsB    = stream.ReadByte();
                    stream.ReadBytes(pLen - 24);     //read out empty bytes
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.REDIRECT:
                node = new TransactionNode("Redirect");
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 redirLen       = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Redirection Data Length", redirLen, "Length of the redirection data string", slices);
                    byte[] redirData = stream.PeekBytes(redirLen);
                    string sRedir    = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(redirData);
                    stream.ReadBytes(redirLen, slices);
                    node.AddField("Redirection Data", sRedir, "Redirection data", slices);
                    //get the redirected port
                    string newPort = null;
                    string proto   = null;
                    string host    = null;
                    try {
                        Match match = Regex.Match(sRedir, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\)");
                        proto   = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                        host    = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                        newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        // Syntax error in the regular expression
                    if (!newPort.Equals(""))
                        redirPort = Int32.Parse(newPort);
                    TransactionNode redirInfo = new TransactionNode("Redirection Info");
                    redirInfo.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol used", slices);
                    redirInfo.AddField("Host", host, "Host", slices);
                    redirInfo.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.DATA:
                string label;
                if (direction == StreamDirection.IN)
                    label = "Response";
                    label = "Request";
                node = new TransactionNode("Data - " + label);
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16  headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16  dataFlags      = stream.ReadInt16();
                    int    payLoadLength  = pLen - 10;
                    byte[] payLoad        = stream.PeekBytes(payLoadLength);
                    string sPayload       = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(payLoad);
                    stream.ReadBytes(payLoadLength, slices);
                    node.AddField("Data", sPayload, "Data", slices);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Packet dissection not implemented [TransactionType={0}]", type));
Beispiel #48
        private TransactionNode ExtractHttpData(PacketStream stream, HTTPTransactionType type, string nodeName)
            if (nodeName == null)
                nodeName = (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST) ? "Request" : "Response";

            TransactionNode    node   = new TransactionNode(nodeName);
            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>();

            string line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();

            int fieldCount = (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST) ? 3 : 2;

            string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, fieldCount);
            if (tokens.Length < fieldCount)
                throw new ProtocolError();

            if (type == HTTPTransactionType.REQUEST)
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                node.AddField("Verb", tokens[0], "Request verb.", slices);


                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);
                node.AddField("Argument", tokens[1], "Request argument.", slices);


                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[2]), slices);
                node.AddField("Protocol", tokens[2], "Protocol identifier.", slices);

                // Set a description
                node.Description = String.Format("{0} {1}", tokens[0], tokens[1]);
                if (node.Description.Length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)
                    node.Description  = node.Description.Substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - ellipsis.Length);
                    node.Description += ellipsis;
                stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                node.AddField("Protocol", tokens[0], "Protocol identifier.", slices);

                if (tokens.Length > 1)

                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);
                    node.AddField("Result", tokens[1], "Result.", slices);

                // Set a description
                string result = tokens[1];
                if (result.Length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)
                    result = result.Substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - ellipsis.Length) + ellipsis;

                node.Description = result;


            TransactionNode             headersNode  = new TransactionNode("Headers");
            Dictionary <string, string> headerFields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();
                if (line.Length > 0)
                    tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
                    if (tokens.Length < 2)
                        throw new ProtocolError();

                    string key   = tokens[0];
                    string value = tokens[1].TrimStart();

                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(line), slices);
                    headersNode.AddField(key, value, "Header field.", slices);

                    headerFields[key.ToLower()] = value;

            } while (line != "");

            if (headersNode.Fields.Count > 0)

            int contentLen = -1;

            if (headerFields.ContainsKey("content-length"))
                contentLen = Convert.ToInt32(headerFields["content-length"]);
            else if (headerFields.ContainsKey("contentlength"))
                contentLen = Convert.ToInt32(headerFields["contentlength"]);

            if (contentLen != -1)
                string contentType = null, contentEncoding = null;

                if (headerFields.ContainsKey("content-type"))
                    contentType = headerFields["content-type"];
                else if (headerFields.ContainsKey("contenttype"))
                    contentType = headerFields["contenttype"];

                if (contentType != null)
                    contentType = contentType.ToLower();

                    tokens      = contentType.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                    contentType = tokens[0].Trim();
                    if (tokens.Length > 1)
                        string[] encTokens = tokens[1].Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);
                        if (encTokens[0].Trim() == "charset" && encTokens.Length > 1)
                            contentEncoding = encTokens[1];

                string str = stream.PeekStringASCII(5);
                if (str == "<?xml")
                    contentType     = "text/xml";
                    contentEncoding = "utf-8"; // FIXME

                if (contentLen > 0)
                    AddBodyNode(stream, node, contentType, contentEncoding, contentLen);

Beispiel #49
        private bool HandleSwitchboardSession(IPSession session)
            List <PacketSlice> slices = new List <PacketSlice>(1);

            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("\r\n\r\nparsing session with remote endpoint: {0}\r\n", session.RemoteEndpoint));

            while (true)
                PacketStream stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();

                if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)
                    stream = session.GetNextStreamDirection();
                    if (stream.GetBytesAvailable() == 0)

                IPPacket        pkt       = stream.CurPacket;
                PacketDirection direction = pkt.Direction;

                    string line = stream.PeekLineUTF8();

                    // Split the line up into CMD and the rest (being arguments, if any)
                    string[] tokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);

                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("{0} parsing command '{1}' (line: {2})",
                                                    (direction == PacketDirection.PACKET_DIRECTION_INCOMING) ? "<<" : ">>",
                                                    tokens[0], line));

                    // Set cmd and create an array of arguments if present
                    string   cmd       = tokens[0];
                    string[] arguments = new string[0];
                    if (tokens.Length > 1)
                        arguments = tokens[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                    // Create command node
                    TransactionNode node = new TransactionNode("MSNSBCommand");
                    node.Description = cmd;

                    // Command field
                    stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[0]), slices);
                    node.AddField("Command", tokens[0], "Switchboard command.", slices);

                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        // Skip space between command and arguments

                        stream.ReadBytes(StaticUtils.GetUTF8ByteCount(tokens[1]), slices);

                        // Arguments fields
                        node.AddField("Arguments", tokens[1], "Arguments to command.", slices);

                    // Skip CRLF

                    // Is there a payload?
                    bool hasPayload = false;
                    if (arguments.Length > 0)
                        List <string> payloadCommands =
                            (direction == PacketDirection.PACKET_DIRECTION_OUTGOING) ? payloadCommandsFromClient : payloadCommandsFromServer;

                        hasPayload = payloadCommands.Contains(cmd);

                    if (hasPayload)
                        int payloadLength = -1;

                            payloadLength = (int)Convert.ToUInt32(arguments[arguments.Length - 1]);
                        catch (FormatException)

                        if (payloadLength > 0)
                            TransactionNode payloadNode = new TransactionNode(node, "Payload");

                            logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Parsing {0} bytes of payload", payloadLength));

                            PayloadFormat format = PayloadFormat.TEXT;

                            string cmdUpper = cmd.ToUpper();
                            if (payloadCommandFormats.ContainsKey(cmdUpper))
                                format = payloadCommandFormats[cmdUpper];

                            if (format == PayloadFormat.MESSAGE)
                                SBParseMSG(stream, payloadNode, payloadLength);
                                string body = stream.ReadStringUTF8(payloadLength, slices);

                                switch (format)
                                case PayloadFormat.SLP:
                                    payloadNode.AddTextField("MSNSLP", body, "MSNSLP data.", slices);

                                case PayloadFormat.XML:
                                    payloadNode.AddXMLField("XML", body, "XML data.", slices);

                                    payloadNode.AddTextField("Text", body, "Text.", slices);

                catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("MSNSwitchboard: EOS at {0} ({1})", stream.Position, e));

            logger.AddMessage("done with session\r\n\r\n");

Beispiel #50
        public void AddChild(TransactionNode node)
            childrenDict[node.Name] = node;

            PropertySpec propSpec = new PropertySpec(node.Name, typeof(TransactionNode), "Packet");
            propSpec.Description = node.Name;
            propSpec.Attributes = new Attribute[1] { new ReadOnlyAttribute(true) };
            this[node.Name] = node;