public static void bufferedFileTest(System.String filename, int numIts, double[] db, double[] db2, float[] fl, float[] fl2, long[] ln, long[] ln2, int[] in_Renamed, int[] in2, short[] sh, short[] sh2, char[] ch, char[] ch2, byte[] by, byte[] by2, bool[] bl, bool[] bl2, int[][][][] multi, int[][][][] multi2)
            int dim = db.Length;

            double ds = SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 0.5;
            double ds2;
            float fs = (float)(SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 0.5);
            float fs2;
            int is_Renamed = (int)(1000000 * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 500000));
            int is2;
            long ls = (long)(100000000000L * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 50000000000L));
            long ls2;
            short ss = (short)(60000 * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 30000));
            short ss2;
            //			char cs = (char) (60000 * SupportClass.Random.NextDouble());
            char cs = SupportClass.NextChar();
            char cs2;
            byte bs = (byte)(256 * SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 128);
            byte bs2;
            bool bls = (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() > 0.5);
            bool bls2;

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("New libraries: nom.tam.util.BufferedFile");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("               Using array I/O methods.");

            BufferedFile f = new BufferedFile(filename, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Dbl write: " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Flt write: " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Int write: " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Lng write: " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Sht write: " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Chr write: " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Byt write: " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Boo write: " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));


            f.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Dbl read:  " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Flt read:  " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Int read:  " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Lng read:  " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Sht read:  " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Chr read:  " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Byt read:  " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Boo read:  " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));

            bs2 = (byte)f.ReadByte();
            cs2 = f.ReadChar();
            ss2 = f.ReadInt16();
            is2 = f.ReadInt32();
            ls2 = f.ReadInt64();
            fs2 = f.ReadSingle();
            ds2 = f.ReadDouble();
            bls2 = f.ReadBoolean();

            // Now read only pieces of the multidimensional array.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
                // Skip the odd initial indices and read the evens.
                System.Int64 temp_Int64;
                temp_Int64 = f.Position;
                temp_Int64 = f.Seek(4000) - temp_Int64;
                int generatedAux27 = (int)temp_Int64;
                f.ReadArray(multi2[2 * i + 1]);


            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("BufferedFile Verification:");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  An error should be reported for double and float NaN's");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Arrays:");

            for (int i = 0; i < dim; i += 1)
                if (db[i] != db2[i] && !Double.IsNaN(db[i]) && !Double.IsNaN(db2[i]))
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Double error at " + i + " " + db[i] + " " + db2[i]);
                if (fl[i] != fl2[i] && !Single.IsNaN(fl[i]) && !Single.IsNaN(fl2[i]))
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Float error at " + i + " " + fl[i] + " " + fl2[i]);
                if (in_Renamed[i] != in2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Int error at " + i + " " + in_Renamed[i] + " " + in2[i]);
                if (ln[i] != ln2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Long error at " + i + " " + ln[i] + " " + ln2[i]);
                if (sh[i] != sh2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Short error at " + i + " " + sh[i] + " " + sh2[i]);
                if (ch[i] != ch2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Char error at " + i + " " + (int)ch[i] + " " + (int)ch2[i]);
                if (by[i] != by2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Byte error at " + i + " " + by[i] + " " + by2[i]);
                if (bl[i] != bl2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Bool error at " + i + " " + bl[i] + " " + bl2[i]);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Scalars:");
            // Check the scalars.
            if (bls != bls2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Bool Scalar mismatch:" + bls + " " + bls2);
            if (bs != bs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Byte Scalar mismatch:" + bs + " " + bs2);
            if (cs != cs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Char Scalar mismatch:" + (int)cs + " " + (int)cs2);
            if (ss != ss2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Short Scalar mismatch:" + ss + " " + ss2);
            if (is_Renamed != is2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Int Scalar mismatch:" + is_Renamed + " " + is2);
            if (ls != ls2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Long Scalar mismatch:" + ls + " " + ls2);
            if (fs != fs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Float Scalar mismatch:" + fs + " " + fs2);
            if (ds != ds2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Double Scalar mismatch:" + ds + " " + ds2);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Multi: odd rows should match");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("      " + i + " " + multi[i][i][i][i] + " " + multi2[i][i][i][i]);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Done BufferedFile Tests");
Beispiel #2
        public static void bufferedFileTest(System.String filename, int numIts, double[] db, double[] db2, float[] fl, float[] fl2, long[] ln, long[] ln2, int[] in_Renamed, int[] in2, short[] sh, short[] sh2, char[] ch, char[] ch2, byte[] by, byte[] by2, bool[] bl, bool[] bl2, int[][][][] multi, int[][][][] multi2)
            int dim = db.Length;

            double ds = SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 0.5;
            double ds2;
            float  fs = (float)(SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 0.5);
            float  fs2;
            int    is_Renamed = (int)(1000000 * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 500000));
            int    is2;
            long   ls = (long)(100000000000L * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 50000000000L));
            long   ls2;
            short  ss = (short)(60000 * (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 30000));
            short  ss2;
            //			char cs = (char) (60000 * SupportClass.Random.NextDouble());
            char cs = SupportClass.NextChar();
            char cs2;
            byte bs = (byte)(256 * SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() - 128);
            byte bs2;
            bool bls = (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() > 0.5);
            bool bls2;

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("New libraries: nom.tam.util.BufferedFile");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("               Using array I/O methods.");

            BufferedFile f = new BufferedFile(filename, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Dbl write: " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Flt write: " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Int write: " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Lng write: " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Sht write: " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Chr write: " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Byt write: " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Boo write: " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));


            f.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Dbl read:  " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Flt read:  " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Int read:  " + (4 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Lng read:  " + (8 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Sht read:  " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Chr read:  " + (2 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Byt read:  " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));
            for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i += 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  BF  Boo read:  " + (1 * dim * numIts) / (1000 * deltaTime()));

            bs2  = (byte)f.ReadByte();
            cs2  = f.ReadChar();
            ss2  = f.ReadInt16();
            is2  = f.ReadInt32();
            ls2  = f.ReadInt64();
            fs2  = f.ReadSingle();
            ds2  = f.ReadDouble();
            bls2 = f.ReadBoolean();

            // Now read only pieces of the multidimensional array.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
                // Skip the odd initial indices and read the evens.
                System.Int64 temp_Int64;
                temp_Int64 = f.Position;
                temp_Int64 = f.Seek(4000) - temp_Int64;
                int generatedAux27 = (int)temp_Int64;
                f.ReadArray(multi2[2 * i + 1]);


            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("BufferedFile Verification:");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  An error should be reported for double and float NaN's");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Arrays:");

            for (int i = 0; i < dim; i += 1)
                if (db[i] != db2[i] && !Double.IsNaN(db[i]) && !Double.IsNaN(db2[i]))
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Double error at " + i + " " + db[i] + " " + db2[i]);
                if (fl[i] != fl2[i] && !Single.IsNaN(fl[i]) && !Single.IsNaN(fl2[i]))
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Float error at " + i + " " + fl[i] + " " + fl2[i]);
                if (in_Renamed[i] != in2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Int error at " + i + " " + in_Renamed[i] + " " + in2[i]);
                if (ln[i] != ln2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Long error at " + i + " " + ln[i] + " " + ln2[i]);
                if (sh[i] != sh2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Short error at " + i + " " + sh[i] + " " + sh2[i]);
                if (ch[i] != ch2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Char error at " + i + " " + (int)ch[i] + " " + (int)ch2[i]);
                if (by[i] != by2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Byte error at " + i + " " + by[i] + " " + by2[i]);
                if (bl[i] != bl2[i])
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Bool error at " + i + " " + bl[i] + " " + bl2[i]);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Scalars:");
            // Check the scalars.
            if (bls != bls2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Bool Scalar mismatch:" + bls + " " + bls2);
            if (bs != bs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Byte Scalar mismatch:" + bs + " " + bs2);
            if (cs != cs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Char Scalar mismatch:" + (int)cs + " " + (int)cs2);
            if (ss != ss2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Short Scalar mismatch:" + ss + " " + ss2);
            if (is_Renamed != is2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Int Scalar mismatch:" + is_Renamed + " " + is2);
            if (ls != ls2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Long Scalar mismatch:" + ls + " " + ls2);
            if (fs != fs2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Float Scalar mismatch:" + fs + " " + fs2);
            if (ds != ds2)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("     Double Scalar mismatch:" + ds + " " + ds2);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  Multi: odd rows should match");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("      " + i + " " + multi[i][i][i][i] + " " + multi2[i][i][i][i]);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Done BufferedFile Tests");