Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo theEnd = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theEnd.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo theFight = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theFight.Arguments = "";

            Console.WriteLine("A battle is about to take place between good and evil and it involves four warriors.");

            Console.Write("Please enter the name for the super human:  ");
            String huname = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHuman fighter = new SuperHuman(huname, 600);

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for entering super human {0}. Maxine is the super hero.", huname);

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name for the super villain:   ");
            String villname = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperVillain fighter1 = new SuperVillain(villname, 800, 400, 10, 200);

            Console.WriteLine("You are terrific for entering super villain {0}. Please enter the name for the antihero: ", fighter1._name);
            string antiname = Console.ReadLine();

            AntiHero fighter2 = new AntiHero(antiname, 400, 10, 1500);

            Console.WriteLine("The battle begin in Wreak Valley with super hero Maxine and super human {0}, the good guys, against super villain {1} and antihero {2} as the evil guys.", huname, villname, antiname);

            Console.WriteLine("The super villain {0} and antihero {1} started fighting with super human {2} and super hero Maxine.", villname, antiname, huname);

            Console.WriteLine("Bam, bang, bloop, clash, clunk, kapow, clonk, ouch, owww, plop, powie, rip, splats, swoosh, whack, wham, pop, and zap. Both sides are lossing strength. What will be the outcome? Who can tell? We will let the smoke settle to get an assessment.");


            Console.Write("Enter the total health from 1 to 10 for super villain {0} and antihero {1}: ", villname, antiname);
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            // change string to integer
            int inputint = int.Parse(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Super villain {0} and antihero {1} are dead and super human {2} and super hero Maxine won the battle.", villname, antiname, huname);

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo theSuperHuman = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theSuperHuman.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo theAntiHero = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theAntiHero.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo theSuperVillain = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theSuperVillain.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo theSuperHero = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theSuperHero.Arguments = "";

            Console.WriteLine("About 2000 years there was a High School, name The Legion Academy.");
            Console.WriteLine("The school principal was the world's strongest human.");
            Console.WriteLine("Every morning Principal stood by door and greeted all the students by their name.");

            Console.WriteLine("but, one day it was contrary a new student asked what's your name");

            Console.Write("And the principal responded my name is [enter name] ");
            String shumanName = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHuman aboutSuperHuman = new SuperHuman(15, shumanName, 100);
            int        Strenght        = aboutSuperHuman._strenght;

            aboutSuperHuman._strenght = 100;

            Console.WriteLine("New student replied:  Good morning, {0} nice to meet you!", aboutSuperHuman._name);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: What is your name? [enter name]", aboutSuperHuman._name);
            string newStudent = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: My name is {0}.", newStudent);
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}: Welcome to the Legion Academy, Would you like me to pair you with a student to show you around?", aboutSuperHuman._name);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: Sure, she glance at the motorcyclist whom wagg her gorgeous hair, and adjusted her leather gear.", newStudent);


            Console.WriteLine(" {0}:Hi, Dalilah this is Speedy, Speedy this is Dalilah. Please give her a tour.", aboutSuperHuman._name);
            Console.WriteLine("Speedy, had big EGO was very popular. Her high self-esteem was because her abilities to replicate and speed.");
            Console.WriteLine("But, lately she was unhappy and plan to fight Deborah because she was becoming more popular. ");


            SuperVillain enemy     = new SuperVillain(15, "Speedy", 10, 50, "duplication");
            int          _speed    = enemy._speed--;
            int          _strenght = enemy._strenght--;

            Console.WriteLine("Speedy was ready to fight Deborah, new student jump and attack {0}", enemy._name);

            Console.WriteLine(" {0} total hits {1} and Supervillain speed is {2}", aboutSuperHuman._name, aboutSuperHuman._hp, enemy._strenght);

            Console.WriteLine("Principal attempt to stop the fight, but speedy replicate many times.");
            Console.WriteLine("Then, jump to her motorcycle speed up and left the schoolground");

            Console.WriteLine("Principal, new student and the Deborah were upset they lost. The end");
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo begin = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            begin.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo watched = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            watched.Arguments = "$/$/$/$";

            ProcessStartInfo gif = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            gif.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo theend = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theend.Arguments = "";


            Console.WriteLine("im weak, i can hardy move from all this injuries. i havent head from heard from my friend but at least we saved the world");


            Console.Write("i bet youre confused about what just happened and how we got to this point. well let me start from the beginning, can you try to guess my name?");
            string     hname      = Console.ReadLine();
            SuperHuman sackofcorn = new SuperHuman(85, 13, hname, 2000);


            Console.WriteLine(" you must have the power to read my mind cause you were right my name is {0}", sackofcorn._name);

            Console.WriteLine(" well as every other kid i dreamed of being a hero but i realised that itll just remain a dream");

            Console.WriteLine("i grew up having a different outlook of the world, and i believed there was something wrong with me");


            Console.WriteLine("as i grew up i felt like i was being follow and i was right");

            Console.WriteLine("it wasnt untill my 22 birthday when this person that ive seen my whole life finally approched me");

            Console.WriteLine("he told me he didnt have a human name and said i could call what ever i wanted so what should we call him?");
            string    herome    = Console.ReadLine();
            SuperHero frenchpie = new SuperHero(herome, 36, 5000, 900);


            Console.WriteLine("{0} told me that i was special and that i had a gift. and that i had the power of teleportation", herome);

            Console.WriteLine("i took time to learn my power and it was time for me to fufill my destany and take down the villain whos will be waking up soon");


            Console.WriteLine("we approached the place where we new this evil monster would be locatated");

            Console.WriteLine("i was told that the villain was just waking up from a 800 year nap");

            Console.WriteLine("since i was the only one who could teleport i was the only one who could enter and went alone");

            Console.WriteLine("as soon as i teleported inside i was ready for the worse");

            Console.WriteLine("to my surprice the villain was still asleep");

            Console.WriteLine("soooo... i just cut off his head and called it a day ");

            Console.WriteLine("not all storys are heroic this thime we got but the next one will be");

Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo theProcess = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            theProcess.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo thePicture = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            thePicture.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo Celebration = new ProcessStartInfo("c:/Program Files (X86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            Celebration.Arguments = "";


            Console.WriteLine("There was a Kingdom called Mahishmathi and they have two superheros one is me and other is my sister and , we have so many god gifted super powers one day we discoverd the an army of savages about to attack us so we are into war now");
            Console.WriteLine("Now its war any key to begin");

            Console.Write("you can give a name to me[entername]: ");
            String     sname    = Console.ReadLine();
            SuperHuman princess = new SuperHuman(50, sname, 500);


            Console.WriteLine("{0}: thank you for giving me a name now give a name to my sister: [entername]", princess._name);
            String    hname     = Console.ReadLine();
            SuperHero princess2 = new SuperHero(hname, 45, 400, 50);


            Console.WriteLine("{0}: thank you for the name lets go to the war {1}.", princess2._name, princess._name);

            SuperVillan enemy     = new SuperVillan(10, "Evil King", 3, 200, 30);
            int         _life     = enemy._life--;
            int         _strength = enemy._strength--;

            Console.WriteLine("Enemy started the war me and my sister started attacking {0}", enemy._name);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} total hits untill now {1}  and Villan strength is {2}", princess2._name, princess2._hits, enemy._strength);

            int reduce = enemy._strength - 4;

            Console.WriteLine("By taking hits from {0} Evil King power is  reducing : {1}", princess2._name, reduce);

            Console.WriteLine("its time for {0} to use all her super powers {1}", princess._name, princess._superpower);
            Console.WriteLine("Power Punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111");


            Console.Write("Now enter how much u want {0} Strength to reduce choose between 1 to 10", enemy._name);
            String enter = Console.ReadLine();

            int enterint = int.Parse(enter);

            Console.WriteLine("now the {0} Strength is {1}", enemy._name, enter);


            Console.WriteLine("{0} dead and the super sisters won the war Press any key to watch celebrations.....", enemy._name);
Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // inside of one of your methods(use Main method to test this for now)
            // create a process that uses a web browser (the application)
            ProcessStartInfo theProcess = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            // use an argument for the application
            theProcess.Arguments = "";

            // call your process

            Console.WriteLine("My name is Phoenix, I come from the planet Xeon. I have been living on your planet for 2 years.");

            ProcessStartInfo thePicture = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            // use an argument for the application
            thePicture.Arguments = "";

            // call your process
            Console.WriteLine("I left Xeon because a civil war broke out and almost all life has been destroyed.");
            Console.WriteLine("There are three others who have travelled with me: Lexi, Prodigee and Maccai. We are the Seekers.");
            Console.WriteLine("Our purpose is to find a new planet for the remaining survivors from Xeon to live.");
            Console.WriteLine("We want to live harmoniously with your people.");
            Console.WriteLine("We are looking for others who have found your planet. We call them the Outliers.");
            Console.WriteLine("They have come to cause chaos and conflict so your people will destroy one another.");
            Console.WriteLine("The Outliers do not believe we should live alongside one another.");
            Console.WriteLine("We have followed the Outliers to your capital city, Lunaris. We are searching for them to stop them from causing further destruction.");
            Console.WriteLine("The leader of the Outliers, Antitheus, has been terrorizing the city. We must find him.");
            ProcessStartInfo theVillain = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            // use an argument for the application
            theVillain.Arguments = "";

            // call your process

            Console.WriteLine("Lexi: Phoenix, I spoke to some people. They have told me that Antitheus and the other Outliers are in the center of Lunaris.");
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix: Lexi, go get Prodigee. Maccai and I will meet you in the capital city.");
            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: Phoenix, Antitheus has been using the center as a meeting place. Because of the many buildings, he has been hard to find.");

            SuperHuman storyHuman = new SuperHuman("fire", 80, 25);

            storyHuman._power   = "fire";
            storyHuman._force   = 80;
            storyHuman._hpoints = 25;

            SuperHero storyHero = new SuperHero("wind", 100, 35, "fly");

            storyHero._opower = "fly";

            AntiHero storyAHero = new AntiHero("freeze", 8, 20, "ice");

            storyAHero._good = "ice";

            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: Phoenix, I know we can defeat Antitheus this time. You don't have to do it alone.");
            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: This time, with all of us working together, we can defeat him.");
            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: Phoenix, with your power to create {0}, the capability of Lexi to {2} water, and my ability to call the force of the {1}, we can stop Antitheus.", storyHuman._power, storyHero._power, storyAHero._power);
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix: You are right Maccai. This is our time to find Antitheus and defeat him together. Let's go!");

            Prodigee storyProdigee = new Prodigee("telepathy", 6, 15, "telepathic");

            storyProdigee._ppower = "telepathic";

            SuperVillain storyVillain = new SuperVillain("water", 8, 27, "lightening");

            storyVillain._evil = "lightening";

            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix: Prodigee, use your {0} powers to find where Antitheus is.", storyProdigee._ppower);
            Console.WriteLine("Prodigee: Okay, I can see that he is making his way to the Capital Building. We are 30 minutes from there.");
            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: I will {0} ahead and try to find his exact location. Prodigee, use your {1} so you will be able to find my exact location.", storyHero._opower, storyProdigee._power);
            Console.WriteLine("Prodigee: Okay, Maccai, I will.");

            Console.WriteLine("Antitheus was in the center of the city. He was destroying the city.");
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} strikes he was throwing were causing buildings to start on fire.", storyVillain._evil);
            Console.WriteLine("The people are running around trying to find cover so they don't get hit.");
            Console.WriteLine("The Outliers are shooting the people fleeing from the lightening strikes.");

            Console.WriteLine("Maccai could hear the screaming from the people as she was flying towards the Capital Building, she knew she must be close.");
            Console.WriteLine("As Maccai flew in closer, she flew down straight into an Outlier.");
            Console.WriteLine("When Maccai connected with the Outlier, she knocked him down so hard.");
            Console.WriteLine("With the combination of velocity and speed, Maccai went full force at {0} mph.", storyHero._force);
            Console.WriteLine("The blow was so hard, he was unable to recover from it.");

            Console.WriteLine("Maccai could see Antitheus. He was intent on destroying the city.");
            Console.WriteLine("Prodigee, Lexi, and Phoenix had reached the city.");
            Console.WriteLine("Prodigee was sending messages {0}ally to Antitheus to try to distract his mind and disrupt his concentration.");
            Console.WriteLine("Lexi was creating a blacket of {0} on the buildings so when the {1} struck it wouldn't do any damage.", storyAHero._good, storyVillain._evil);
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix was waiting for the moment that Antitheus had been so distracted by Prodigee that they could all focus on him and destroy him with all their powers.");

            Console.WriteLine("Antitheus was so distracted from the disruption of Prodigee in his mind, he was grabbing his head.");
            Console.WriteLine("All of a sudden the {0} was blowing so heavy he couldn't see.", storyHero._power);
            Console.WriteLine("Maccai: Phoenix, Prodigee and I have distracted him enough. You can now use {0} to destroy him.", storyHuman._power);
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix conjured up all her force, and bombarded Antitheus will fireballs.");
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix placed her hands over her head and with a force of {0}, she was able to create a huge fireball.", storyHuman._force);

            ProcessStartInfo theFire = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            // use an argument for the application
            theFire.Arguments = "";

            // call your process
            Console.WriteLine("She threw it at Antitheus. He couldn't withstand the blast. The damage was four times {0}, 100.", storyHuman._hpoints);

            Console.WriteLine("Antitheus had fallen.");
            Console.WriteLine("Lexi, Maccai, Prodigee and Phoenix rejoiced because he had fallen.");
            Console.WriteLine("Phoenix spoke to the people in the capital and let them know that there wasn't anything else to worry about.");
            Console.WriteLine("The remaining Outliers fled the planiet.");

            ProcessStartInfo theEnd = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            // use an argument for the application
            theEnd.Arguments = "";

            // call your process
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo allgirls = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            allgirls.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo superheroattack = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            superheroattack.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo shumanatta = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            shumanatta.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo minzyfi = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            minzyfi.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo monster = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            monster.Arguments = "";
            ProcessStartInfo ANTIfi = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            ANTIfi.Arguments = "";

            Console.WriteLine("In the land of Pandorella, the citizens live a draconian life.");
            Console.WriteLine("Your lives are planned for you, following a strict schedule");
            Console.WriteLine("2NE1 wanted to break those laws, and live their own lives.");
            Console.WriteLine("They no longer wanted to be taught what or who to love, but to live out their own dreams.");
            Console.Write("There was someone standing in the way... the evil supervillain named [enter name]");
            string Vill = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperVillain Villain = new SuperVillain(Vill, 100, 35, "dark aura manipulation");

            Console.WriteLine("Please name the superhero of 2NE1 [Enter name]");
            string HERO = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHero SHero = new SuperHero(HERO, 50, 35, "super strength");

            Console.WriteLine("Please name the superhuman of 2NE1 [Enter name]");
            string huma = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHuman Shuman = new SuperHuman(huma, 50, 25);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} had two more friends that were going to help them defeat {2}", HERO, huma, Vill);
            Console.Write("Minzy and [enter name] were the perfect additions to help defeat {0}  ", Vill);
            string AHero = Console.ReadLine();

            AntiHero AThero = new AntiHero(AHero, 100, 20, "Healer");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} is very strong, but with the combined forces of 2NE1 that gives them the best chance to defeat this evil super villain and regain their freedom.", Vill);
            Console.WriteLine("They journeyed West to seek the evil {0} and defeat him once and for all", Vill);
            Console.WriteLine("After a difficult journey, they finally found {0} in his secret human form", Vill);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} went into attack mode right away with her {1} at {2} strength", HERO, SHero._specialty, SHero._strength);
            int Vhp = Villain._hp;

            Vhp -= SHero._strength;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}'s health points diminished to {1}", Vill, Vhp);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} attacked {1} next with her {2} attack.", huma, Vill, Shuman._strength);
            Vhp -= Shuman._strength;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}'s hp diminished to {1}", Vill, Vhp);
            Console.WriteLine("Minzy attacked {0} and he transformed into another scary form", Vill);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} took out her special gun and blasted {1} into the netherworld where he could no longer bother anyone in Pandorella", AHero, Vill);
            Console.WriteLine("The citizens of Pandorella were extremely happy about their freedom and being able to live their life they way they chose to.");
            Console.WriteLine("Pandorella turned into a beautiful place of PEACE, LOVE, UNITY and RESPECT.");
Beispiel #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessStartInfo bigTomato = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            bigTomato.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo tomatoDude = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            tomatoDude.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo pow = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            pow.Arguments = "";

            ProcessStartInfo peasants = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/Chrome.exe");

            peasants.Arguments = "";

            Console.WriteLine("The world has ran out of tomatoes....");

            Console.WriteLine("Only one tomato guy is able to bring tomatoes back to life, but he's being interrupted by someone..");


            Console.Write("That tomato guy is you [Please enter name]: ");
            string getname = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHuman TomatoGuy = new SuperHuman(getname, 100);

            Console.Write("But there is one man that's able to help... my sidekick [Enter sidekick name]: ");
            string sideNickname = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperHero helpTomatoeGuy = new SuperHero(sideNickname, "Punch", "Ben", 100);


            Console.Write("The bad guy who keeps interrupting {0}, His name is [Please enter name]: ", TomatoGuy._name);
            string badName = Console.ReadLine();

            SuperVillain Jon = new SuperVillain("Evil Laugh", 100, badName, 100);

            int loseHealth = Jon._healthPoints - 50;

            Console.WriteLine("{0} had enough, he punches {1}, and his health decreases from {2} to {3}", TomatoGuy._name, Jon._name, Jon._healthPoints, loseHealth);


            int loseMoreHealth = loseHealth - 50;

            Console.WriteLine("{0} punches {1} again and his health decreases from {2} to {3}", TomatoGuy._name, Jon._name, loseHealth, loseMoreHealth);

            Console.WriteLine("The peasants rejoice over the destruction of {0}. . .", Jon._name);


            Console.WriteLine("And the Tomato community lived happily ever after");