Beispiel #1
        //private List<String> SessionActivity(DateTime Start, DateTime End)
        //    WebSiteDownloaderOptions options =
        //        new WebSiteDownloaderOptions();
        //    options.DestinationFolderPath =
        //        new DirectoryInfo(dataDir);
        //    options.DestinationFileName = String.Format("Session-Activity[{0}][{1}].state",
        //                                                Start.Date.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-"),
        //                                                End.Date.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-"));
        //    options.MaximumLinkDepth = 0;
        //    options.TargetSession = 28;
        //    options.DownloadUri =
        //        new Uri(String.Format(@"{0}&Date1={1}&Date2={2}",
        //            options.TargetSession,
        //            Start.Date.ToShortDateString(),
        //            End.Date.ToShortDateString()));
        //    //Get all bill links.
        //    options.GitCollectionRequest.Add(new DocumentHrefList()
        //    {
        //        pageName = "range_multi.asp",
        //        pageType = UriType.Content,
        //        pattern = new Regex(@"(?<=[=])[H|R|S][B|C|R|J]{0,3}[0-9]{1,4}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
        //    });
        //    //Download que engine.
        //    WebSiteDownloader downloader = new WebSiteDownloader(options);
        //    downloader.ProcessingUrl +=
        //       new WebSiteDownloader.ProcessingUrlEventHandler(
        //       downloader_ProcessingUrl);
        //    downloader.ProcessCompleted +=
        //        new WebSiteDownloader.ProcessCompletedEventHandler(
        //        downloader_ProcessCompleted);
        //    downloader.ProcessAsync();
        //    while (true)
        //    {
        //        Thread.Sleep(1000);
        //        Console.WriteLine(@".");
        //        lock (typeof(Spider))
        //        {
        //            if (finished)
        //            {
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    Console.WriteLine(@"finished processing.");
        //    foreach (iCollector col in downloader.Parsings)
        //        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Rule found for {0}", col.pageName));
        //    //Reset the exit.
        //    finished = false;
        //    //Grab saved targets.
        //    return ((DocumentHrefList)downloader.Parsings[0]).matches;
        public static WebSiteDownloader DownloadingProcessor(WebSiteDownloaderOptions options)
            //Download que engine.
            WebSiteDownloader downloader = new WebSiteDownloader(options);

            downloader.ProcessingUrl +=
               new WebSiteDownloader.ProcessingUrlEventHandler(

            downloader.ProcessCompleted +=
                new WebSiteDownloader.ProcessCompletedEventHandler(


            while (true)

                lock (typeof(Spider))
                    if (finished)

            Console.WriteLine(@"finished processing.");

            foreach (iCollector col in downloader.Parsings)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Rule found for {0}", col.pageName));

            finished = false;

            return downloader;
Beispiel #2
 private static void downloader_ProcessingUrl(
     object sender,
     WebSiteDownloader.ProcessingUrlEventArgs e)
         @"Processing URL '{0}'.", e.UriInfo.AbsoluteUri));
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-inflates the search results.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run_Spider_On_Activity_Search_Results()
            DateTime Start = new DateTime(2013, 2, 15);
            DateTime End = new DateTime(2013, 2, 18);

            WebSiteDownloaderOptions options = new WebSiteDownloaderOptions();
            options.DestinationFolderPath = new DirectoryInfo(dataDir);
            options.DestinationFileName = String.Format("Session-Activity[{0}][{1}].state",
                                            Start.Date.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-"),
                                            End.Date.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-"));

            //Download que engine.
            WebSiteDownloader downloader = new WebSiteDownloader(options);

            List<iCollector> coll = (from p in downloader.Parsings
                                     select p).ToList();

            //RegEx for matching bill copy.
            Regex r = new Regex("get[_]bill[_]text[.]asp");

            //Get all matches.
            List<iCollector> refined = (from el in coll
                                        let matches = r.Matches(el.source.AbsoluteUri.AbsoluteUri)
                                        where matches.Count != 0
                                        select el).ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(coll.Count() > 0);