Beispiel #1
        public card getCard(dealer deal)
        {//the player gets a card from the dealer
            int  place = this.numOfCards();
            card c     = deal.giveCard(;

            this.deckinhand.hand[place] = c;
Beispiel #2
        public card giveCard(string nameOfPlayer)
        {// the dealer gives the nameOfPlayer a card
            int  place = this.numOfCards();
            card c     =[place - 1];

  [place - 1] = new card("E", 0, "E");
Beispiel #3
 public deck(string name)
     this.owner = name;
     //card[] hand = new card[52];
     if (this.owner == "dealer")
         for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
             this.hand[i] = new card(" " + (i + 1), i + 1, "clubs");
         this.hand[10] = new card("J", 10, "clubs");
         this.hand[11] = new card("K", 10, "clubs");
         this.hand[12] = new card("Q", 10, "clubs");
         for (int i = 13; i <= 22; i++)
             hand[i] = new card(" " + (i - 12), i - 12, "diamonds");
         this.hand[23] = new card("J", 10, "diamonds");
         this.hand[24] = new card("K", 10, "diamonds");
         this.hand[25] = new card("Q", 10, "diamonds");
         for (int i = 26; i < 36; i++)
             this.hand[i] = new card(" " + (i - 25), i - 25, "hearts");
         this.hand[36] = new card("J", 10, "hearts");
         this.hand[37] = new card("K", 10, "hearts");
         this.hand[38] = new card("Q", 10, "hearts");
         for (int i = 39; i < 49; i++)
             this.hand[i] = new card(" " + (i - 38), i - 38, "spades");
         hand[49] = new card("J", 10, "spades");
         hand[50] = new card("K", 10, "spades");
         hand[51] = new card("Q", 10, "spades");
         for (int i = 0; i <= 51; i++)
             this.hand[i] = new card("E", 0, "E");