Beispiel #1
        public CompiledNavMesh FindSubgraphUnderPoint(float x, float y, float z, float maxFall = 20f)
            CompiledNavMesh bestGraph    = null;
            float           bestDistance = maxFall;

            foreach (var sg in Subgraphs)
                if (!sg.BoundsContainsXY(x, y))
                var node = sg.FindFloorUnderPoint(x, y, z, maxFall);
                if (node.blockIndex != -1)
                    float hitZ = NavMeshUtil.DecodeHeight(sg.Z1, sg.Z2, node.encZ);
                    if (hitZ <= z)
                        float d = z - hitZ;
                        if (d < bestDistance)
                            bestDistance = d;
                            bestGraph    = sg;
Beispiel #2
        public NodeId GetNeighbor(NodeId start, int direction)
            NodeId result = new NodeId(-1, 0, 0xFF);

            if ((int)(start.directionFlags & direction) == 0)
                var offset        = NavMeshUtil.OffsetFromDirectionFlag(direction);
                int neighborIndex = start.blockIndex + (offset.Y * m_blockWidth + offset.X);
                ForeachHeightAtIndex(neighborIndex, (entry) =>
                    float height = entry.GetRealHeight(m_z1, m_z2);
                    // add .5 because the step isn't always exact.
                    if (Math.Abs(NavMeshUtil.DecodeHeight(m_z1, m_z2, start.encZ) - height) > m_maxZStep + 0.5f)
                        return(true); // keep looping
                    result = new NodeId(neighborIndex, entry.encZ, entry.directionFlags);
                    return(false); // stop loop

                if (result.blockIndex == -1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("expected to find neighbor");
Beispiel #3
        private void CollectEdgesBetweenFloorLists(int bx, int by,
                                                   List <NavMeshBuilderFloorDesc> center, int nx, int ny,
                                                   Dictionary <EdgeVertex, List <EdgeVertex> > edgesOut)
            List <NavMeshBuilderFloorDesc> neighbor = GetFloorDescListNoCheck(nx, ny);

            if (neighbor == null)

            var directionToNeighbor   = NavMeshUtil.DetermineDirection(bx, by, nx, ny);
            var directionFromNeighbor = NavMeshUtil.GetInverseDirection(directionToNeighbor);

            foreach (var floor in center)
                // check if direction to neighbor is blocked.
                if ((floor.DirectionFlags & directionToNeighbor) != 0)

                List <EdgeVertex> list = null;
                foreach (var neighborFloor in neighbor)
                    // check if direction from neighbor is blocked.
                    if ((neighborFloor.DirectionFlags & directionFromNeighbor) != 0)

                    if (Math.Abs(floor.Z100i - neighborFloor.Z100i) / 100.0f > m_maxZStep)

                    if (list == null)
                        var p0 = new EdgeVertex {
                            BX = (ushort)bx, BY = (ushort)by, Z100i = floor.Z100i
                        if (!edgesOut.TryGetValue(p0, out list))
                            list = new List <EdgeVertex>();
                            edgesOut.Add(p0, list);

                    list.Add(new EdgeVertex {
                        BX = (ushort)nx, BY = (ushort)ny, Z100i = neighborFloor.Z100i

                    break; // each floor connects to 0 or 1 neighbor in 1 direction.
Beispiel #4
        public void ForeachHeightAtXY(int blockX, int blockY, Action <int, float> action)
            if (blockX < 0 || blockY < 0 || blockX >= m_blockWidth || blockY >= m_blockHeight)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            int blockIndex = blockY * m_blockWidth + blockX;

            ForeachHeightAtIndex(blockIndex, (entry) =>
                action(entry.directionFlags, NavMeshUtil.DecodeHeight(m_z1, m_z2, entry.encZ));
                return(true); // continue looping
Beispiel #5
        // bx/by must be offset to neighbor. returns height of neighbor, or -Inf if no edge.
        // there should be 0 or 1 edge per direction. neighboring nodes
        // should have a matching edge flag in the inverse direction.
        public float GetEdge(int startBlockX, int startBlockY, float startFloor, int startFlags, int directionFlag)
            if ((startFlags & directionFlag) != 0)

            Point ofs      = NavMeshUtil.OffsetFromDirectionFlag(directionFlag);
            uint  neighbor = m_grid[(startBlockY + ofs.Y) * m_blockWidth + (startBlockX + ofs.X)];

            int count = (int)(neighbor >> 24);

            if (count == 1)
                var   entry  = Entry.UnpackSingleEntry(neighbor);
                float height = entry.GetRealHeight(m_z1, m_z2);
                if (Math.Abs(startFloor - height) <= m_maxZStep + 0.1f) // TODO added +.1 for epsilon...
            else if (count > 1)
                int index = (int)(neighbor & 0xFFFFFF);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, index += 3)
                    var   entry  = Entry.UnpackMultiEntry(m_multiheights, index);
                    float height = entry.GetRealHeight(m_z1, m_z2);
                    if (Math.Abs(startFloor - height) <= m_maxZStep + 0.1f) // TODO added +.1 for epsilon...

            throw new InvalidOperationException("neighbor should exist for direction");
Beispiel #6
         * height grid:
         * each entry:
         * 0xFF000000 - number of heights (if <= 1, inline. else index to list).
         * 0x00FFFFFF - index to heights, or 3 byte single height. max distinct = 16 million (4096^2).
         * height format (3 bytes):
         * 0xFF     - 8 directions, from top cw, top TR R BR bot BL left TL.
         * 0xFFFF - encoded height = (height_value - z1) * 0xFFFF / (z2-z1).
         * if 8dir = 0xFF, space is impassable. impassable should always be inline (no index) with floor count 0.
         * each node edge is implied by neighbor having a close height that is not blocked in that direction.
        public CompiledNavMesh Build(HashSet <EdgeVertex> subgraph,
                                     int startBX, int startBY, int newBlockWidth, int newBlockHeight,
                                     float x1, float y1, // world XY of the lower bound of the mesh bounding box.
                                     int z1, int z2)     // min and max z values, range is used for encoding height
            if (startBX < 0 || startBY < 0 || newBlockWidth <= 0 || newBlockHeight <= 0 ||
                startBX + newBlockWidth > m_blockWidth || startBY + newBlockHeight > m_blockHeight)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            if (z1 < 0 || z2 <= z1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            int endBX = startBX + newBlockWidth;
            int endBY = startBY + newBlockHeight;

            uint[] grid         = new uint[newBlockWidth * newBlockHeight];
            var    multiheights = new List <byte>(newBlockWidth * newBlockHeight); // arbitrary capacity

            var bytes = new List <byte>();                                         // temp storage per cell

            int iSub = 0;                                                          // index to new grid for subgraph

            for (int y = startBY; y < endBY; y++)
                int iAll = y * m_blockWidth + startBX; // index to floor cell

                for (int x = startBX; x < endBX; x++, iAll++, iSub++)
                    if (m_floorData[iAll] != null)
                        foreach (var floor in m_floorData[iAll])
                            ushort encHeight = NavMeshUtil.EncodeHeight(z1, z2, floor.Z100i / 100.0f);
                            var    flags     = floor.DirectionFlags;
                            if (flags == 0xFF)

                            // exclude vertices that are not part of the subgraph.
                            if (!subgraph.Contains(new EdgeVertex {
                                BX = (ushort)x, BY = (ushort)y, Z100i = floor.Z100i

                            bytes.Add((byte)(encHeight >> 8));

                    if (bytes.Count == 3)
                        grid[iSub] = (1 << 24) |              // count 1
                                     ((uint)bytes[0] << 16) | // flags
                                     ((uint)bytes[2] << 8) |  // encoded height
                    else if (bytes.Count > 3)
                        if (bytes.Count > 255 * 3)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("too many heights");

                        int index = StoreBytesInMultiFloorSet(multiheights, bytes);
                        grid[iSub] = (uint)((bytes.Count / 3) << 24) | (uint)index;
                        grid[iSub] = 0x00FF0000;

            if (multiheights.Count > 0xFFFFFF)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("height limit exceeded");

            Debug.WriteLine($"Compiled NavMesh {newBlockWidth}x{newBlockHeight}x{z2-z1} bytes: grid:{grid.Length*4}, Zs:{multiheights.Count}");

            var compiledNavMesh = new CompiledNavMesh(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, m_step, m_maxZStep, x1, y1, z1, z2, grid, multiheights.ToArray());

Beispiel #7
        // TODO - need to avoid creating lines that cross blocked node edges.
        private List <Vector3> reducePath(List <Vector3> original)
            if (original.Count < 2)
                if (original.Count > 0)
                    original.RemoveAt(0); // remove redundant starting point

            var result = new List <Vector3>();

            int   lastDirection  = 0;
            int   primaryDir     = 0;
            int   secondaryDir   = 0;
            int   majorDir       = 0; // this is the direction that is allowed to repeat.
            float previousDeltaZ = Math.Abs(original[0].Z - original[1].Z);

            for (int i = 2; ; i++)
                if (i >= original.Count)

                Vector3 previousPoint = original[i - 1];
                Vector3 currentPoint  = original[i];
                int     direction     = NavMeshUtil.determineDirectionFromWorld(original[i - 1], original[i]);

                float currentDeltaZ = Math.Abs(original[i].Z - original[i - 1].Z);

                bool emit = true;

                // if no major Z difference, check for continuous line.
                if (Math.Abs(currentDeltaZ - previousDeltaZ) < 0.2f)  // TODO - tune this number - check height/smoothness in client.
                    emit = false;
                    if (lastDirection == 0)
                        // first time through
                        primaryDir = direction;
                    else if (secondaryDir == 0 && NavMeshUtil.isDirectionAdjacent(lastDirection, direction))
                        // init secondary on first adjacent step
                        secondaryDir = direction;
                    else if (majorDir == 0 && lastDirection == direction)
                        // init major dir on first double sequence
                        majorDir = direction;
                    else if ((direction == majorDir) ||
                             (direction == primaryDir && lastDirection == secondaryDir) ||
                             (direction == secondaryDir && lastDirection == primaryDir))
                        // allow step
                        emit = true;

                lastDirection  = direction;
                previousDeltaZ = currentDeltaZ;

                if (emit)
                    // emit the previous point.

                    primaryDir   = 0;
                    secondaryDir = 0;
                    majorDir     = 0;

Beispiel #8
 public Vector3 WorldPointFromNode(NodeId node)
     return(WorldFromBlockIndex(node.blockIndex, NavMeshUtil.DecodeHeight(m_z1, m_z2, node.encZ)));
Beispiel #9
 public NodeId GetNeighbor(NodeId start, int offX, int offY)
     return(GetNeighbor(start, NavMeshUtil.DetermineDirection(0, 0, offX, offY)));
Beispiel #10
 public float GetRealHeight(int z1, int z2)
     return(NavMeshUtil.DecodeHeight(z1, z2, encZ));
Beispiel #11
        // WARNING! on failure, m_floorData will be left in a bad state.
        private void FixDirectionFlagsToMatchSubgraphs(Dictionary <EdgeVertex, List <EdgeVertex> > edges,
                                                       List <HashSet <EdgeVertex> > subgraphs)
            // mark all directions as blocked, then for each subgraph
            // visit edges/vertices and unblock directions.

            // clear all to 'blocked'
            foreach (var fl in m_floorData)
                if (fl != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < fl.Count; i++)
                        fl[i] = new NavMeshBuilderFloorDesc(fl[i].Z100i, 0xFF);

            foreach (var sg in subgraphs)
                foreach (var v in sg)
                    var neighborEdges = edges[v];

                    foreach (var n in neighborEdges)
                        var dirToNeighbor   = NavMeshUtil.DetermineDirection(v.BX, v.BY, n.BX, n.BY);
                        var dirFromNeighbor = NavMeshUtil.GetInverseDirection(dirToNeighbor);

                        // update 'to' neighbor
                        // need to find which floor data entry is mine
                        var meContainedInList = m_floorData[v.BY * m_blockWidth + v.BX];
                        // next, find me
                        bool foundMe = false;
                        for (int j = 0; j < meContainedInList.Count; j++)
                            if (meContainedInList[j].Z100i == v.Z100i)
                                // unblock me to neighbor
                                meContainedInList[j] = new NavMeshBuilderFloorDesc(v.Z100i,
                                                                                   (byte)(meContainedInList[j].DirectionFlags & ~dirToNeighbor));
                                foundMe = true;
                        if (!foundMe)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("vertex should exist in floor data!");

                        // update 'from' neighbor
                        var  neighborContainedInList = m_floorData[n.BY * m_blockWidth + n.BX];
                        bool foundNeighbor           = false;
                        for (int j = 0; j < neighborContainedInList.Count; j++)
                            if (neighborContainedInList[j].Z100i == n.Z100i)
                                // unblock neighbor to me
                                neighborContainedInList[j] = new NavMeshBuilderFloorDesc(n.Z100i,
                                                                                         (byte)(neighborContainedInList[j].DirectionFlags & ~dirFromNeighbor));
                                foundNeighbor = true;
                        if (!foundNeighbor)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("neighbor vertex should exist in floor data!");