Beispiel #1
        public static string GetCaptcha(byte[] image)
            // Get the prediction result handle
            int poolHandle = Caffe.ForwardByTaskPool(taskPool, image, image.Length, "premuted_fc");

            // Get the tensor handle
            float[] permute_fc = new float[Caffe.GetBlobLength(poolHandle)];

            // Copy the tensor data
            CpyBlobData(permute_fc, poolHandle);
            string code = string.Empty;

            if (permute_fc.Length > 0)
                int   o          = 0;
                float acc        = 0F;
                int   emptyLabel = alphabetSize - 1;
                int   prev       = emptyLabel;
                for (int i = 1; i < timeStep; i++)
                    o = Argmax(permute_fc, (i - 1) * alphabetSize + 1, i * alphabetSize, ref acc);
                    if (o != emptyLabel && prev != o)
                        code += map[o + 1];
                    prev = o;
                code = code.Replace("_", "").Trim();

Beispiel #2
        public static bool InitCaptcha(string prototxtPath, string modelPath, string mapPath, int gpuId, int batchSize)
            byte[] deploy = Util.GetFileStream(prototxtPath);
            byte[] model  = Util.GetFileStream(modelPath);
            Caffe.taskPool = Caffe.CreateTaskPoolByData(deploy, deploy.Length, model, model.Length, 1F, "", 0, 0F, gpuId, batchSize);
            Caffe.prototxt = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(deploy);
            string[] mapFile = Util.LoadStringFromFile(mapPath).Trim().Split("\r\n".ToArray());
   = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < mapFile.Length; i++)
                if (mapFile[i].Length > 0)
            string time_step     = Util.GetMiddleString(Caffe.prototxt, "time_step:", "b").Trim();
            string layer         = Util.GetMiddleString(Caffe.prototxt, "inner_product_param {", "{");
            string alphabet_size = Util.GetMiddleString(layer, "num_output:", "\r\n").Trim();

            Caffe.timeStep     = int.Parse(time_step);
            Caffe.alphabetSize = int.Parse(alphabet_size);
            return(Caffe.taskPool != 0);