Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the network for IP Addresses and MAC Addresses and prints them out
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// void
        /// </returns>
        public static void TCPScan()
            // run nmap for hostnames
            string hstcmd   = "nmap -sn | awk '/scan report/ {print $5}'";
            var    hstouput = hstcmd.ExecBash();

            // Parse the hostnames out into a list
            List <string> hostlist = new List <string>(hstouput.Split('\n'));

            // For every entry, If hostname matches masterhost, add the ip
            foreach (var hostname in hostlist)
                if (hostname == masterhost)
                    // Create a List for the ips
                    List <string> iplist = new List <string>();

                    // Create a List for the MACs
                    List <string> maclist = new List <string>();

                    // Get the ips of the recognized hostnames
                    string getaddr  = "nmap -sL | grep " + masterhost + "| awk '{print $6}' | tr -d '()'";
                    var    ipoutput = getaddr.ExecBash();

                    // Split the outputs and add them to the list
                    iplist = ipoutput.Split('\n').ToList();

                    // Remove the last line of the list (because it's always blank)
                    if (iplist.Any())
                        iplist.RemoveAt(iplist.Count - 1);

                    // For each ip in the list, ping it to get the MAC address then add to the list
                    foreach (var address in iplist)
                        string getresult = "arping -c 1 " + address + " | grep -o -E \'([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}\'"; // use grep to pull the MAC
                        var    result    = getresult.ExecBash();

                        if (result == "") //if no result, tell that it's not available
                            result = "Unavailable";

                        // format the result to get rid of newline characters
                        //string cleanresult = Regex.Replace(result, @"\n", "");

                        maclist.Add(result); // add it to the list

                    // Show entries in the lists together
                    for (var i = 0; i < iplist.Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("IP: " + iplist[i] + " MAC: " + maclist[i]); //Show on same line

                        // Generate a unique ID
                        Random rnd    = new Random();
                        int    length = 5;
                        var    str    = "";
                        for (var j = 0; j < length; j++)
                            str += ((char)(rnd.Next(1, 26) + 64)).ToString();

                        // Sanitize and add the mac address and its unique id to the table.
                        string mac = maclist[i].Replace("\n", String.Empty);
                        mac = mac.Replace(":", String.Empty);

                        // Insert the row unless it is already present, in which case ignore it.
                        SQLHelper addvals = new SQLHelper("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO units (mac, ip, unit_id) VALUES('" + mac + "','" + iplist[i] + "','" + str + "')");
Beispiel #2
        public static void TcpTownClient()
            // Fetch ips in a list
            Console.WriteLine("Fetching IPs");
            SQLHelper getips = new SQLHelper("SELECT ip FROM units");


            // Fetch unit ids in a list
            Console.WriteLine("Fetching IDs");
            SQLHelper getids = new SQLHelper("SELECT unit_id FROM units");


            // Make a new list for the ips and ids
            List <string> iplist = getips.Get_List();
            List <string> idlist = getids.Get_List();

            // Now go through down each ip and id in the lists and request the data
            foreach (var address in iplist)
                foreach (var id in idlist)
                    // if the id is not our city identifier, proceed with asking for levels
                    if (id.ToString() != cityID) // !potential logic error != continues code, == skips... no idea why?
                        //var checkme = id;

                        // Tell who we are connecting to
                        Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Unit" + id + "...");

                        // Create a new TCP Client with the address and default port number
                        var client = new TcpClient(address, portNum);

                        // Establish a network Stream
                        NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream();

                        // Setup a byte array
                        byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

                        // Read the bytes from the network stream into the array
                        int bytesRead = ns.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                        // Format to string
                        string received = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRead);

                        // Turn the input levels to an array
                        string[] levels = received.Split(',');

                        // Turn each level into a double
                        double wat = Convert.ToDouble(levels[0]);
                        double sew = Convert.ToDouble(levels[1]);
                        double pow = Convert.ToDouble(levels[2]);

                        // Generate a timestamp
                        Int32 unixTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

                        // Insert values with associated unit id into Database
                        SQLHelper insertcmd = new SQLHelper("INSERT INTO status VALUES(" + unixTimestamp + "," + "'" + id + "'," + wat + "," + sew + "," + pow + ")");

                        // Report levels
                        Console.WriteLine("Unit " + id + " reports " + wat + " water, " + sew + " sewage, " + pow + " power");

                    // if we are dealing with a city, we need to send the acknowledgement message - sp spin up a server
                        // echo we're ignoring
                        Console.WriteLine("Skipping City...");
Beispiel #3
        public static void FindCity()
            // Set ACK message
            string ackmsg = "CCNCS";

            // Fetch ips in a list
            SQLHelper getips = new SQLHelper("SELECT ip FROM units");


            // Fetch unit ids in a list
            SQLHelper getids = new SQLHelper("SELECT unit_id FROM units");


            // Make a new list for the ips and ids
            List <string> iplist = getips.Get_List();
            List <string> idlist = getids.Get_List();

            // Now go through down each ip and id in the lists and request the data
            foreach (var address in iplist)
                foreach (var id in idlist)
                    // Create a new TCP Client with the address and default port number
                    var client = new TcpClient(address, portNum);

                    // Establish a network Stream
                    NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream();

                    // Setup a byte array
                    byte[] incoming_msg = new byte[1024];

                    // Read the bytes from the network stream into the array
                    int bytesRead = ns.Read(incoming_msg, 0, incoming_msg.Length);

                    // Format to string
                    string received = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(incoming_msg, 0, bytesRead);

                    // if the message that is received is our defined acknowledement message, we have the town control.
                    if (received == ackmsg)
                        //Change the unit_ID to CCNCS
                        SQLHelper changeID = new SQLHelper("UPDATE units SET unit_id='CCNCS' WHERE ip= '" + address + "'");

                        // Then send the city ACK message
                        byte[] outgoing_msg = new byte[1024];

                        // populate the byte array with our acknowledgement message
                        byte[] byte_cityack = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(townackmsg);

                        // try to write the acknowledgement message
                            ns.Write(byte_cityack, 0, byte_cityack.Length);

                        catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Command Arguments
            // Check for user input
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] == "--set-unit")

                if (args[i] == "--set-town")

                if (args[i] == "--set-city")

                if (args[i] == "--get-mode")

                if (args[i] == "--tcpscan")

                if (args[i] == "--gendb")

                if (args[i] == "--refresh-city")

                if (args[i] == "--send-errors")

            #region DeviceDefaults
            // If mode is not already set, then set it by default to unit mode
            if (!File.Exists("mode"))

            // Create our dummy files
            if (!File.Exists("water") || !File.Exists("sewage") || !File.Exists("power"))

            // Create a setupstat file
            if (!File.Exists("setupstat"))


            #region ModeDependants
            if (ContextSwitch.GetMode() == 0) // if unit
                // We await a connection from the Town Control
                // by using the TCP Unit Server in Network Read/Write
                Console.WriteLine("Unit Mode Detected!");
                ContextSwitch.FinishSetup(); // Setup can be set to finished

            if (ContextSwitch.GetMode() == 1) // if town
                Console.WriteLine("Town Mode Detected!");

                string stat = ContextSwitch.GetSetup();

                // if the database doesn't exist, generate it and populate it
                if (stat == "pending")
                    Console.WriteLine("Generating Database...");
                    SQLHelper.CreateDB();        // create the database
                    Console.WriteLine("Scanning Network...");
                    NetworkRW.TCPScan();         // populate the database
                    Console.WriteLine("Detecting City...");
                    NetworkRW.FindCity();        // find the city
                    ContextSwitch.FinishSetup(); // finish the setup

                // Check setup again
                stat = ContextSwitch.GetSetup();

                if (stat == "done")
                    // Initiate the TCP town client
                    Console.WriteLine("Starting town client...");

                    // When finished, echo the errors to city
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending any errors to city control...");
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // pause briefly before continuing
                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent errors");

            if (ContextSwitch.GetMode() == 2) // if city
                Console.WriteLine("City Mode Detected!");

                string stat = ContextSwitch.GetSetup();

                // if the database doesn't exist yet generate it, but do not populate it.
                if (stat == "pending")
                    Console.WriteLine("Initializating setup:");
                    Console.WriteLine("Generating Database...");
                    SQLHelper.CreateDB();  // create the database
                    NetworkRW.CitySetup(); // run the city setup

                //check setup again
                stat = ContextSwitch.GetSetup();

                if (stat == "done")
                    // just run the city server
