Beispiel #1
        //This Herus Function is used only for GBFS Algorithm so it only calculate the Manhattam distance
        public void Heurs(MazeNode Goal)
            int Heuristic = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Calculating for: " + this.x + " , " + this.y);
            Console.WriteLine(Goal.x.ToString() + " , " + Goal.y.ToString());
            Heuristic += Math.Abs(this.x - Goal.x) + Math.Abs(this.y - Goal.y);
            // setting the state heurisitc cost.
            this.costh = Heuristic;
Beispiel #2
        // Given a valid finish node with a linked list back to the start node
        // will draw a path on the bitmap image from finish to start
        public void ColorPathFromFinishToStart(MazeNode finishNode)
            MazeNode current = finishNode;

            while (current != null)
                maze.SetPixel(current.GetX(), current.GetY(), pathColor);
                current = current.GetParent();
Beispiel #3
 //This Herus method is used for A* Algorithm it will calculate the Manhattam distance to goal and start
 public void Heurs(MazeNode Goal, MazeNode Start)
     Console.WriteLine("Calculating for: " + this.x + " , " + this.y);
     Console.WriteLine(Goal.x.ToString() + " , " + Goal.y.ToString());
     Console.WriteLine(Start.x.ToString() + " , " + Start.y.ToString());
     this.costh  = Math.Abs(this.x - Goal.x) + Math.Abs(this.y - Goal.y);
     this.costg += this.parent.costg + 1;
     // setting the state heurisitc cost.
     this.costf = this.costh + this.costg;
     Console.WriteLine("F: " + this.costf.ToString());
Beispiel #4
        //Will count the current level of the current node based on its fathers recursively
        public int getCurrentLevel(MazeNode node)
            int      nLevel  = 0;
            MazeNode current = node;

            while (current != null)
                nLevel += 1;
                current = current.GetParent();
Beispiel #5
        // Method does all the steps to solve the entire maze
        // if null is returned the maze cannot be solved
        // Returns Bitmap of the maze image with a solution path drawn
        public MazeNode SolveMaze(string algorithmType)
            MazeNode finishNode = null;
            MazeNode startNode  = FindStartFromColor();

            // If no start pixel could be found, cannot solve maze return null
            if (startNode == null)

            switch (algorithmType)
            case "Breadth First Search":
                // Try to find the finish node from the start doing bfs
                finishNode = DoBreadthFirstSearch(startNode);

            case "Depth First Search":
                // Try to find the finish node from the start doing dfs
                finishNode = DoDepthFirstSearch(startNode);

            case "Iterative Depth First Search":
                // Try to find the finish node from the start doing idfs
                finishNode = DoIterativeDepthFirstSearch(startNode);

            case "Greedy Best First Search":
                // Try to find the finish node from the start doing gbfs
                finishNode = DoGreedyFirstSearch(startNode);

            case "A* Search":
                //Try to find the finish node from the start doing A*
                finishNode = DoAStarSearch(startNode);


            if (finishNode == null)

            // with the finish node having a linked list back to start
            // color the path back to the start node in the bitmap image
        private void BTN_Solve_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            DateTime startedTime;
            DateTime finalizedTime;

            // Get the file names that will be working on from command line
            string outputPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

            // For this project these define the start, end, wall and path colors for the maze
            // Just change these if you want to solve a maze with different requirements
            System.Drawing.Color start = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            System.Drawing.Color end   = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
            System.Drawing.Color wall  = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            System.Drawing.Color path  = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow;

            // Load the maze from the first argument filename
            Bitmap mazeImage = new Bitmap(ImagePath);

            // initialize path finder with the image and colors to operate with
            PathFinder pf = new PathFinder(mazeImage, start, end, wall, path);

            // get the solved maze bitmap from pathfinder
            startedTime = DateTime.Now;
            MazeNode resultPath = pf.SolveMaze(COMBO_Type.SelectedValue.ToString());

            finalizedTime           = DateTime.Now;
            Lbl_coordinates.Content = "Elapsed Time:" + finalizedTime.Subtract(startedTime).TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds. ";
            mazeImage = pf.Maze;
            if (mazeImage == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not solve maze");
                MazeNode current = resultPath;
                while (current != null)
                    LIST_Solution.Items.Add("(" + current.GetX() + ", " + current.GetY() + ")");
                    current = current.GetParent();
                Lbl_coordinates.Content = Lbl_coordinates.Content + LIST_Solution.Items.Count.ToString() + " elements";
                // Save the solved maze image into the output file path
                mazeImage.Save(outputPath + @"\solved_maze.png");
                fileUri         = new Uri(outputPath + @"\solved_maze.png");
                IMG_Maze.Source = new BitmapImage(fileUri);
Beispiel #7
        private int getColumnIndexPositionOfValue(Bitmap maze, int x, int y, MazeNode Goal)
            int position = 0;

            for (int indx = 0; indx < 3; indx++)
                for (int jndx = 0; jndx < 3; jndx++)
                    if (maze.GetPixel(x, y).ToArgb().Equals(maze.GetPixel(Goal.x, Goal.y).ToArgb()))
                        position = jndx;
Beispiel #8
        //This method is used for A* algorithm
        private void AddAllUnvisitedChildren(MazeNode current, List <MazeNode> q, MazeNode Goal, MazeNode Start)
            int             x    = current.GetX();
            int             y    = current.GetY();
            List <MazeNode> temp = new List <MazeNode>();

            // Left pixel. If it is not out of bounds and previously not visited
            if (x - 1 >= 0 && !visited[x - 1, y])
                visited[x - 1, y] = true;
                temp.Add(new MazeNode(x - 1, y, current));

            // Right pixel. If it is not out of bounds and previously not visited
            if (x + 1 < maze.Width && !visited[x + 1, y])
                visited[x + 1, y] = true;
                temp.Add(new MazeNode(x + 1, y, current));

            // top pixel. If it is not out of bounds and previously not visited
            if (y - 1 >= 0 && !visited[x, y - 1])
                visited[x, y - 1] = true;
                temp.Add(new MazeNode(x, y - 1, current));

            // bottom pixel. If it is not out of bounds and previously not visited
            if (y + 1 < maze.Height && !visited[x, y + 1])
                visited[x, y + 1] = true;
                temp.Add(new MazeNode(x, y + 1, current));

            AStarSC MyComparer = new AStarSC();

            foreach (MazeNode child in temp)
                child.Heurs(Goal, Start);

            foreach (MazeNode child in temp)
Beispiel #9
        public MazeNode DoAStarSearch(MazeNode start)
            // Initialize all visited pixels to false
            visited = new bool[maze.Width, maze.Height];
            // Queue will be used to do bfs. Initialize it with the start node
            List <MazeNode> nodeStack = new List <MazeNode>();


            MazeNode current;
            MazeNode Goal = start.Goal(maze);

            //int nCurrentLevel=0;

            // keep looking until there are no more nodes in the queue
            while (nodeStack.Count != 0)
                int count = nodeStack.Count();
                current = nodeStack[count - 1];
                nodeStack.RemoveAt(count - 1);
                // Skip any walls
                if (IsWallNode(current))
                // If its a finish node, we are done return this node
                if (IsFinishNode(current))

                AddAllUnvisitedChildren(current, nodeStack, Goal, start);

                //nCurrentLevel = getCurrentLevel(current);
            // if no finish node was found, maze cannot be solved with given
            // start or maze parameters were not set correctly.
Beispiel #10
        public MazeNode DoIterativeDepthFirstSearch(MazeNode start)
            Stack <MazeNode> nodeStack = new Stack <MazeNode>();

            visited = new bool[maze.Width, maze.Height];
            int maxLevel = 0;

            while (true)
                clearVisited(maze.Width, maze.Height);
                int nCurrentLevel;
                maxLevel += 1;

                // keep looking until there are no more nodes in the queue
                while (nodeStack.Count > 0)
                    MazeNode current = nodeStack.Pop();
                    visited[current.GetX(), current.GetY()] = true;
                    // Skip any walls
                    if (IsWallNode(current))
                    // If its a finish node, we are done return this node
                    if (IsFinishNode(current))
                    AddAllUnvisitedChildren(current, nodeStack);
                    nCurrentLevel = getCurrentLevel(current);
                    if (nCurrentLevel >= maxLevel)
Beispiel #11
        public MazeNode Goal(Bitmap maze)
            MazeNode goal = null;

            System.Drawing.Color end = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;

            for (int i = 0; i < maze.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < maze.Height; j++)
                    // found a start pixel. Return a new MazeNode with no parent
                    // This will the be end of all linked list paths and
                    // lets ColorPathFromFinishToStart end
                    if (maze.GetPixel(i, j).ToArgb().Equals(end.ToArgb()))
                        goal = new MazeNode(i, j, null);

Beispiel #12
 public void SetParent(MazeNode p)
     parent = p;
Beispiel #13
 public MazeNode()
     parent = null;
Beispiel #14
 // checks if the node has the same color as a finishing pixel.
 // this can be edited to put any custom finish point
 public bool IsFinishNode(MazeNode node)
     return(maze.GetPixel(node.GetX(), node.GetY()).ToArgb().Equals(finishColor.ToArgb()));
Beispiel #15
 // Returns true if the node's pixel color is a wallColor
 public bool IsWallNode(MazeNode node)
     // Dont need to check out of bounds since AddAllUnvisitedChildren does bounds checking
     return(maze.GetPixel(node.GetX(), node.GetY()).ToArgb().Equals(wallColor.ToArgb()));