Beispiel #1
        //  rebuild_execute_list - rebuild the list of
        //  executing CPUs, moving suspended CPUs to the
        //  end
        void rebuild_execute_list()
            // if we haven't yet set a scheduling quantum, do it now
            if (m_quantum_list.empty())
                // set the core scheduling quantum, ensuring it's no longer than 60Hz
                attotime min_quantum = machine().config().maximum_quantum(attotime.from_hz(60));

                // if the configuration specifies a device to make perfect, pick that as the minimum
                device_execute_interface exec = machine().config().perfect_quantum_device();
                if (exec != null)
                    min_quantum = std.min(new attotime(0, exec.minimum_quantum()), min_quantum);

                // inform the timer system of our decision
                add_scheduling_quantum(min_quantum, attotime.never);

            // start with an empty list
            //device_execute_interface **active_tailptr = &m_execute_list;
            //*active_tailptr = NULL;

            // also make an empty list of suspended devices
            //device_execute_interface *suspend_list = NULL;
            //device_execute_interface **suspend_tailptr = &suspend_list;

            List <device_execute_interface> active_list  = new List <device_execute_interface>();
            List <device_execute_interface> suspend_list = new List <device_execute_interface>();

            // iterate over all devices
            foreach (device_execute_interface exec in new execute_interface_enumerator(machine().root_device()))
                // append to the appropriate list
                exec.m_nextexec = null;
                if (exec.m_suspend == 0)
                    //*active_tailptr = exec;
                    //active_tailptr = &exec.m_nextexec;
                    //*suspend_tailptr = exec;
                    //suspend_tailptr = &exec.m_nextexec;

            // append the suspend list to the end of the active list
            //*active_tailptr = suspend_list;
            if (active_list.Count > 0)
                m_execute_list = active_list[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < active_list.Count; i++)
                    if (i < active_list.Count - 1)
                        active_list[i].m_nextexec = active_list[i + 1];
                        active_list[i].m_nextexec = null;
Beispiel #2
        //  first_dirty_rect -- return the first dirty
        //  rectangle in the list
        public sparse_dirty_rect first_dirty_rect(rectangle cliprect)
            // if what we have is valid, just return it again
            if (m_rect_list_bounds == cliprect)
                return(m_rect_list.empty() ? null : m_rect_list.first());

            // reclaim the dirty list and start over

            // compute dirty space rectangle coordinates
            int sx       = cliprect.min_x >> m_granularity;
            int ex       = cliprect.max_x >> m_granularity;
            int sy       = cliprect.min_y >> m_granularity;
            int ey       = cliprect.max_y >> m_granularity;
            int tilesize = 1 << m_granularity;

            // loop over all grid rows that intersect our cliprect
            for (int y = sy; y <= ey; y++)
                PointerU8         dirtybase = m_bitmap.pix(y); //uint8_t *dirtybase = &m_bitmap.pix(y);
                sparse_dirty_rect currect   = null;

                // loop over all grid columns that intersect our cliprect
                for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++)
                    // if this tile is not dirty, end our current run and continue
                    if (dirtybase[x] == 0)
                        if (currect != null)
                            currect.m_rect &= cliprect;  //*currect &= cliprect;
                        currect = null;

                    // if we can't add to an existing rect, create a new one
                    if (currect == null)
                        // allocate a new rect and add it to the list
                        currect = m_rect_list.append(m_rect_allocator.alloc());

                        // make a rect describing this grid square
                        currect.m_rect.min_x = x << m_granularity;
                        currect.m_rect.max_x = currect.m_rect.min_x + tilesize - 1;
                        currect.m_rect.min_y = y << m_granularity;
                        currect.m_rect.max_y = currect.m_rect.min_y + tilesize - 1;

                    // if we can add to the previous rect, just expand its width
                        currect.m_rect.max_x += tilesize;

                // clip the last rect to the cliprect
                if (currect != null)
                    currect.m_rect &= cliprect;

            // mark the list as valid
            m_rect_list_bounds = cliprect;
            return(m_rect_list.empty() ? null : m_rect_list.first());