Beispiel #1
        public AI()
            /*ConIO.Write("Loading AIML AI files...", "AI");

                Alice = new AIMLbot.Bot();
            catch (Exception E)
                ConIO.Warning("AI", "Error while loading AI: " + E.Message);
                ConIO.Warning("AI", "AI extension will not be loaded!");

            Users = new Dictionary<String, User>();*/

            var info = new ExtensionInfo("AI", "DivinityArcane", "1.0");

            Events.AddCommand("ai", new Command(this, "cmd_ai", "DivinityArcane", 100, "AI settings.", "[trig]ai on/off<br/>[trig]ai enable/disable #chan", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_msg", new Event(this, "e_onmsg", "Parses and handles AI requests.", "AI", ext: info));

            // Load saved data, if we can.
            Config = Storage.Load<AIConfig>("ai");

            if (Config.WhiteList == null)
                Config.WhiteList = new List<String>();

            //ConIO.Write("AI extension loaded.", "AI");
Beispiel #2
        public Logger()
            var info = new ExtensionInfo("Logger", "DivinityArcane; OrrinFox", "1.0");

            Events.AddEvent("log_msg", new Event(this, "handle_log_msg", "Handles logging messages.", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("logs", new Command(this, "cmd_logs", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Manages logging.", "[trig]logs enable/disable<br/>[trig]logs blacklist<br/>[trig]logs blacklist add/del #chan", ext: info));

            // Load saved data, if we can.
            Config = Storage.Load<LogConfig>("logging");

            if (Config.BlackList == null)
                Config.Enabled = true;
                Config.BlackList = new List<String>();
Beispiel #3
        public Colors()
            var info = new ExtensionInfo("Colors", "DivinityArcane", "1.0");

            Events.AddCommand("colors", new Command(this, "cmd_colors", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Changes the bot's colors.", "[trig]colors on/off<br/>[trig]colors username/message #html_color_code", ext: info));

            // Load saved data, if we can.
            Config = Storage.Load<ColorConfig>("colors");

            if (Config.MessageColor == null)
                Config.MessageColor = "000000";

            if (Config.UsernameColor == null)
                Config.UsernameColor = "000000";
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Add basic events.
        /// </summary>
        public Users(String owner)
            var info = new ExtensionInfo("Users", "DivinityArcane", "1.0");

            Events.AddCommand("users", new Command(this, "cmd_users", "DivinityArcane", 99, "Manages bot users.", "[trig]users list<br/>[trig]users add/del username <i>privs</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("access", new Command(this, "cmd_access", "DivinityArcane", 99, "Manages individual command access.", "[trig]access username list<br/>[trig]access username add/del command_name<br/>[trig]access username ban/unban command_name", ext: info));

            userdata = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, UserData>>("users");

            if (userdata == null || !userdata.ContainsKey(owner.ToLower()))
                userdata = new Dictionary<String, UserData>();
                userdata.Add(owner.ToLower(), new UserData()
                    Name = owner,
                    PrivLevel = 100,
                    Access = new List<String>(),
                    Banned = new List<String>()
                Storage.Save("users", userdata);
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="class_obj">Class pointer (i.e. "this")</param>
 /// <param name="method_name">Callback method name</param>
 /// <param name="desc">Description</param>
 public Event(object class_obj, String method_name, String desc = "", String class_name = null, ExtensionInfo ext = null)
     Class = class_obj;
     Method = Class.GetType().GetMethod(method_name);
     Description = desc;
     if (class_name == null)
         ClassName = Class.ToString();
         ClassName = class_name;
     Extension = ext;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="class_obj">Class pointer (i.e. "this")</param>
        /// <param name="method_name">Callback method name</param>
        /// <param name="desc">Description</param>
        public Command(object class_obj, String method_name,
            String author = "", int privs = 25, String desc = "", String help = "", ExtensionInfo ext = null)
            Class = class_obj;
            Method = Class.GetType().GetMethod(method_name);
            Author = author;
            Description = desc;
            MinimumPrivs = privs;
            Help = help.Length == 0 ? "No help available." : help;
            Extension = ext;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Help))
                Help = "No help available.";
Beispiel #7
        public BDS()
            var info = new ExtensionInfo("BDS", "DivinityArcane", "1.0");

            Events.AddEvent("recv_msg", new Event(this, "ParseBDS", "Parses BDS messages.", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("join", new Event(this, "evt_onjoin", "Handles BDS related actions on joining datashare.", ext: info));

            Events.AddCommand("bot", new Command(this, "cmd_bot", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information from the database.", "[trig]bot info username<br/>[trig]bot count<br/>[trig]bot online <i>type</i><br/>[trig]bot owner username <i>online</i><br/>[trig]bot trigger trig", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("client", new Command(this, "cmd_client", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information from the database.", "[trig]client info username<br/>[trig]client count<br/>[trig]client online <i>type</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("bds", new Command(this, "cmd_bds", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Manage BDS database.", "[trig]bds save<br/>[trig]bds sync username<br/>[trig]bds update", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("seen", new Command(this, "cmd_seen", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Retreives information on the last time a username was seen", "[trig]seen username", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("translate", new Command(this, "cmd_translate", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Translates text using BDS.", "[trig]translate languages<br/>[trig]translate from_lang to_lang msg", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("police", new Command(this, "cmd_police", "DivinityArcane", 99, "Changes policebot status.", "[trig]police status<br/>[trig]police on/off", ext: info));

            if (Program.Debug)
                ConIO.Write("Loading databases...", "BDS");

            // Load saved data, if we can.
            _botdef_database = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, Types.BotDef>>("bds_botdef_database");
            _botinfo_database = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, Types.BotInfo>>("bds_botinfo_database");
            _clientinfo_database = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, Types.ClientInfo>>("bds_clientinfo_database");
            _seen_database = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, Types.SeenInfo>>("bds_seen_database");

            // Values can be null if the file is empty or doesn't exist.
            if (_botdef_database == null)
                _botdef_database = new Dictionary<string, Types.BotDef>();

            if (_botinfo_database == null)
                _botinfo_database = new Dictionary<string, Types.BotInfo>();

            if (_clientinfo_database == null)
                _clientinfo_database = new Dictionary<string, Types.ClientInfo>();

            if (_seen_database == null)
                _seen_database = new Dictionary<string, Types.SeenInfo>();

            if (Program.Debug)
                ConIO.Write(String.Format("Loaded databases. Got {0} BotDEF entries, {1} BotINFO entries, {2} ClientINFO entries, and {3} SEEN entries.", _botdef_database.Count, _botinfo_database.Count, _clientinfo_database.Count, _seen_database.Count), "BDS");

            foreach (var b in _botinfo_database)
                _botinfo_database[b.Key].Online = false;

            foreach (var c in _clientinfo_database)
                _clientinfo_database[c.Key].Online = false;

            // We will save on a timer.
            if (AutoSave)
                // Saves once per five minutes.
                Timer save_timer = new Timer(300000);

                save_timer.Elapsed += delegate { if (BDS.AutoSave) BDS.Save(); };


            Policing = Storage.Load<bool>("pbstatus");

            syncing = false;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Add basic events.
        /// </summary>
        public Core()
            var info = new ExtensionInfo("Core", "DivinityArcane", "1.0");

            Events.AddEvent("on_connect", new Event(this, "evt_connect", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("dAmnServer", new Event(this, "evt_preauth", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("login", new Event(this, "evt_login", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("join", new Event(this, "evt_join", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("part", new Event(this, "evt_part", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("property", new Event(this, "evt_property", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_msg", new Event(this, "evt_recv_msg", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_action", new Event(this, "evt_recv_action", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_join", new Event(this, "evt_recv_join", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_part", new Event(this, "evt_recv_part", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_privchg", new Event(this, "evt_recv_privchg", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_kicked", new Event(this, "evt_recv_kicked", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("recv_admin", new Event(this, "evt_recv_admin", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("kicked", new Event(this, "evt_kicked", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("disconnect", new Event(this, "evt_disconnect", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("send", new Event(this, "evt_send_error", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("kick", new Event(this, "evt_kick_error", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("get", new Event(this, "evt_get_error", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("set", new Event(this, "evt_set_error", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("kill", new Event(this, "evt_kill_error", ext: info));
            Events.AddEvent("ping", new Event(this, "evt_ping", ext: info));

            Events.AddCommand("about", new Command(this, "cmd_about", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Displays information about the bot.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("autojoin", new Command(this, "cmd_autojoin", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Manages the bots autojoined channels.", "[trig]autojoin list<br/>[trig]autojoin add/del #chan", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("act", new Command(this, "cmd_act", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot say the specified message to the specified channel.", "[trig]act <i>#chan</i> msg", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("admin", new Command(this, "cmd_admin", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot send the specified admin command to the specified channel.", "[trig]admin <i>#chan</i> command", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("ban", new Command(this, "cmd_ban", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Bans the specified user in the specified channel.", "[trig]ban <i>#chan</i> username", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("chat", new Command(this, "cmd_chat", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot join a private chat.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("channels", new Command(this, "cmd_channels", "DivinityArcane", 50, "Displays the channels the bot has joined.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("clear", new Command(this, "cmd_clear", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Clears the console.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("cycle", new Command(this, "cmd_cycle", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot part and join a channel.", "[trig]cycle <i>#chan</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("command", new Command(this, "cmd_command", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Disables certain commands.", "[trig]command list<br/>[trig]command enable/disable command_name", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("commands", new Command(this, "cmd_commands", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Displays commands available to the user.", "[trig]commands <i>all/mods</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("ctrig", new Command(this, "cmd_ctrig", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Changes the bot's trigger.", "[trig]ctrig new_trigger", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("credits", new Command(this, "cmd_credits", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Bot credits", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("debug", new Command(this, "cmd_debug", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Toggles debug mode.", "[trig]debug on/off", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("demote", new Command(this, "cmd_demote", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Demotes the specified user in the specified channel.", "[trig]demote <i>#chan</i> username <i>privclass</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("disconnects", new Command(this, "cmd_disconnects", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Displays how many times the bot has disconnected since startup.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("exec", new Command(this, "cmd_exec", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Executes a system command.", "[trig]exec command(s)", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("ext", new Command(this, "cmd_ext", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Manages disabled extensions.", "[trig]ext list<br/>[trig]ext enable/disable extension_name", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("eval", new Command(this, "cmd_eval", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Evaluates C# code.", "[trig]eval C#_code", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("event", new Command(this, "cmd_event", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information on the events system.", "[trig]event hitcount/list<br/>[trig]event info event_name", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("get", new Command(this, "cmd_get", "DivinityArcane", 50, "Gets the specified data for the specified channel.", "[trig]get <i>#chan</i> property", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("help", new Command(this, "cmd_help", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Checks the description of the specified command.", "[trig]help command_name", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("join", new Command(this, "cmd_join", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot join the specified channel.", "[trig]join #chan", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("kick", new Command(this, "cmd_kick", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot kick the specified person in the specified channel.", "[trig]kick <i>#chan</i> username <i>reason</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("kill", new Command(this, "cmd_kill", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot kill the specified person.", "[trig]kill username <i>reason</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("netusage", new Command(this, "cmd_netinfo", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information on the network usage of the bot.", "[trig]netusage <i>verbose</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("netinfo", new Command(this, "cmd_netinfo", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information on the network usage of the bot.", "[trig]netinfo <i>verbose</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("npsay", new Command(this, "cmd_npsay", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot say the specified message to the specified channel.", "[trig]npsay <i>#chan</i> msg", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("override", new Command(this, "cmd_override", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Changes the minimum required priv level for a specified command.", "[trig]override command_name priv_level", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("part", new Command(this, "cmd_part", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot leave the specified channel.", "[trig]part <i>#chan</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("ping", new Command(this, "cmd_ping", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Tests the latency between the bot and the server.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("promote", new Command(this, "cmd_promote", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Promotes the specified user in the specified channel.", "[trig]promote <i>#chan</i> username <i>privclass</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("quit", new Command(this, "cmd_quit", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Closes the bot down gracefully.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("reload", new Command(this, "cmd_reload", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Reloads external commands.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("say", new Command(this, "cmd_say", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Makes the bot say the specified message to the specified channel.", "[trig]say <i>#chan</i> msg", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("set", new Command(this, "cmd_set", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Sets the specified data for the specified channel.", "[trig]set <i>#chan</i> property value", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("sudo", new Command(this, "cmd_sudo", "DivinityArcane", 100, "Runs a command as the specified user.", "[trig]sudo username cmd <i>args</i>", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("system", new Command(this, "cmd_system", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Gets information on the host machine.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("unban", new Command(this, "cmd_unban", "DivinityArcane", 75, "Un-bans the specified user in the specified channel.", "[trig]unban <i>#chan</i> username", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("update", new Command(this, "cmd_update", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Checks if the bot is up to date.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("uptime", new Command(this, "cmd_uptime", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Returns how long the bot has been running.", "", ext: info));
            Events.AddCommand("whois", new Command(this, "cmd_whois", "DivinityArcane", 25, "Performs a whois on the specified user.", "[trig]whois username", ext: info));

            String[] c_types = new String[] { "join", "part", "send", "set", "kick", "kill", "promote", "demote", "admin", "whois" };

            foreach (String c_type in c_types)
                CommandChannels.Add(c_type, new List<String>());

            _disabled_commands = Storage.Load<List<String>>("disabled_commands");

            if (_disabled_commands == null)
                _disabled_commands = new List<String>();

            _disabled_extensions = Storage.Load<List<String>>("disabled_extensions");

            if (_disabled_extensions == null)
                _disabled_extensions = new List<String>();

            _command_overrides = Storage.Load<Dictionary<String, Privs>>("overridden_commands");

            if (_command_overrides == null)
                _command_overrides = new Dictionary<String, Privs>();