Beispiel #1
        //this can probably be changed to a double but I don't want to deal with the red line right now
        public void CalculateWinRate()
            //Tim you need to replace this API key when you run this program
            string apikey = "RGAPI-476876c7-0e62-422c-bf99-daac75584f97";

            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                //putting all the list up here
                List <matchlistByDivision> matchlistd  = new List <matchlistByDivision>();
                List <summonerName>        accountinfo = new List <summonerName>();
                var response = client.GetAsync($@"{apikey}").Result;
                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var      content    = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    string[] soloplayer = content.Split('}');
                    foreach (var item in soloplayer)
                        var newitem = "";
                        if (item == "")
                        else if (item == "]")
                            newitem = item + "}";
                            newitem = newitem.Replace("[", null);
                            newitem = newitem.Replace("},", "}");
                            newitem = newitem.Replace(",{", "{");
                            if (newitem.Contains("\"leaguePoints\":100"))
                                newitem = newitem.Replace("}", "}}");
                            matchlistByDivision playerindivision = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <matchlistByDivision>(newitem);

                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (var item in matchlistd)
                        //need an if that keeps track of how many queries have gone on and then resets the number if its too high

                        var response2 = client.GetAsync($@"{item.summonerName}?api_key={apikey}").Result;

                        if (response2.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            var content2       = response2.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                            var headerresponse = response2.Headers;
                            if (response2.Content.Headers.Contains("X-App-Rate-Limit-Count: 3:1"))

                            summonerName player = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <summonerName>(content2);
                    MessageBox.Show("YOU MADE IT PAST THE SECOND LOOP :D");

                     * foreach (var item in second list)
                     * {
                     *  //make sure to fix the item.
                     *  var response3 = client.GetAsync($@"{item.accountid}?api_key=RGAPI-fc04a15c-8c7f-4294-9010-b971c873f2eb").Result;
                     *  if(response3.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                     *  {
                     *      var content3 = response3.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                     *      //put into list part
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * foreach (var item in third list)
                     * {
                     *  //make sure to fix the item in here
                     *  var response4 = client.GetAsync($@"{item.matchid}").Result;
                     *  if (response4.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                     *  {
                     *  }
                     * }
Beispiel #2
        private void BtnCalculate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Tim you need to replace this API key when you run this program with the regenerated one. Text me or I can include the instructions.
            //lucian doesnt work for some reason...
            string apikey = "RGAPI-36fcbd29-6cbe-4887-a9af-a204753a37b4";
            //variable creation
            Dictionary <string, int> champions = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            champions.Add("Aatrox", 1);
            champions.Add("Ahri", 2);
            champions.Add("Akali", 3);
            champions.Add("Alistar", 4);
            champions.Add("Amumu", 5);
            champions.Add("Anivia", 6);
            champions.Add("Annie", 7);
            champions.Add("Ashe", 8);
            champions.Add("Aurelion Sol", 9);
            champions.Add("Azir", 10);
            champions.Add("Bard", 11);
            champions.Add("Blitzcrank", 12);
            champions.Add("Brand", 13);
            champions.Add("Braum", 14);
            champions.Add("Caitlyn", 15);
            champions.Add("Camille", 16);
            champions.Add("Cassiopeia", 17);
            champions.Add("Cho'Gath", 18);
            champions.Add("Corki", 19);
            champions.Add("Darius", 20);
            champions.Add("Diana", 21);
            champions.Add("Dr.Mundo", 22);
            champions.Add("Draven", 23);
            champions.Add("Ekko", 24);
            champions.Add("Elise", 25);
            champions.Add("Evelynn", 26);
            champions.Add("Ezreal", 27);
            champions.Add("Fiddlesticks", 28);
            champions.Add("Fiora", 29);
            champions.Add("Fizz", 30);
            champions.Add("Galio", 31);
            champions.Add("Gangplank", 32);
            champions.Add("Garen", 33);
            champions.Add("Gnar", 34);
            champions.Add("Gragas", 35);
            champions.Add("Graves", 36);
            champions.Add("Hecarim", 37);
            champions.Add("Heimerdinger", 38);
            champions.Add("Illaoi", 39);
            champions.Add("Irelia", 40);
            champions.Add("Ivernz", 41);
            champions.Add("Janna", 42);
            champions.Add("Jarvan IV", 43);
            champions.Add("Jax", 44);
            champions.Add("Jayce", 45);
            champions.Add("Jhin", 46);
            champions.Add("Jinx", 47);
            champions.Add("Kai'Sa", 48);
            champions.Add("Kalista", 49);
            champions.Add("Karma", 50);
            champions.Add("Karthus", 51);
            champions.Add("Kassadin", 52);
            champions.Add("Katarina", 53);
            champions.Add("Kayle", 54);
            champions.Add("Kayn", 55);
            champions.Add("Kennen", 56);
            champions.Add("Kha'Zix", 57);
            champions.Add("Kindred", 58);
            champions.Add("Kled", 59);
            champions.Add("Kog'Maw", 60);
            champions.Add("LeBlanc", 61);
            champions.Add("Lee Sin", 62);
            champions.Add("Leona", 63);
            champions.Add("Lissandra", 64);
            champions.Add("Lucian", 65);
            champions.Add("Lulu", 66);
            champions.Add("Lux", 67);
            champions.Add("Malphite", 68);
            champions.Add("Malzahar", 69);
            champions.Add("Maokai", 70);
            champions.Add("Master Yi", 71);
            champions.Add("Miss Fortune", 72);
            champions.Add("Mordekaiser", 73);
            champions.Add("Morgana", 74);
            champions.Add("Nami", 75);
            champions.Add("Nasus", 76);
            champions.Add("Nautilus", 77);
            champions.Add("Neeko", 78);
            champions.Add("Nidalee", 79);
            champions.Add("Nocturne", 80);
            champions.Add("Nunu & Willump", 81);
            champions.Add("Olaf", 82);
            champions.Add("Orianna", 83);
            champions.Add("Ornn", 84);
            champions.Add("Pantheon", 85);
            champions.Add("Poppy", 86);
            champions.Add("Pyke", 87);
            champions.Add("Quinn", 88);
            champions.Add("Rakan", 89);
            champions.Add("Rammus", 90);
            champions.Add("Rek'Sai", 91);
            champions.Add("Renekton", 92);
            champions.Add("Rengar", 93);
            champions.Add("Riven", 94);
            champions.Add("Rumble", 95);
            champions.Add("Ryze", 96);
            champions.Add("Sejuani", 97);
            champions.Add("Shaco", 98);
            champions.Add("Shen", 99);
            champions.Add("Shyvana", 100);
            champions.Add("Singed", 101);
            champions.Add("Sion", 102);
            champions.Add("Sivir", 103);
            champions.Add("Skarner", 104);
            champions.Add("Sona", 105);
            champions.Add("Soraka", 106);
            champions.Add("Swain", 107);
            champions.Add("Sylas", 108);
            champions.Add("Syndra", 109);
            champions.Add("Tahm Kench", 110);
            champions.Add("Taliyah", 111);
            champions.Add("Talon", 112);
            champions.Add("Taric", 113);
            champions.Add("Teemo", 114);
            champions.Add("Thresh", 115);
            champions.Add("Tristana", 116);
            champions.Add("Trundle", 117);
            champions.Add("Tryndamere", 118);
            champions.Add("Twisted Fate", 119);
            champions.Add("Twitch", 120);
            champions.Add("Udyr", 121);
            champions.Add("Urgot", 122);
            champions.Add("Varus", 123);
            champions.Add("Vayne", 124);
            champions.Add("Veigar", 125);
            champions.Add("Vel'Koz", 126);
            champions.Add("Vi", 127);
            champions.Add("Viktor", 128);
            champions.Add("Vladimir", 129);
            champions.Add("Volibear", 130);
            champions.Add("Warwick", 131);
            champions.Add("Wukong", 132);
            champions.Add("Xayah", 133);
            champions.Add("Xerath", 134);
            champions.Add("Xin Zhao", 135);
            champions.Add("Yasuo", 136);
            champions.Add("Yorick", 137);
            champions.Add("Zac", 138);
            champions.Add("Zed", 139);
            champions.Add("Ziggs", 140);
            champions.Add("Zilean", 141);
            champions.Add("Zoe", 142);
            champions.Add("Zyra", 143);

            string topbluecharacter     = txbTopblue.Text;
            string midbluecharacter     = txbMidblue.Text;
            string junglebluecharacter  = txbJungleblue.Text;
            string adcbluecharacter     = txbBlueADC.Text;
            string supportbluecharacter = txbBluesupport.Text;
            string topredcharacter      = txbTopred.Text;
            string midredcharacter      = txbMidred.Text;
            string jungleredcharacter   = txbRedjungle.Text;
            string adcredcharacter      = txbRedADC.Text;
            string supportredcharacter  = txbRedSupport.Text;

            string bluetopplayer     = txbTopbluePlayer.Text;
            string bluemidplayer     = txbMidbluePlayer.Text;
            string bluejgplayer      = txbJunglebluePlayer.Text;
            string blueadcplayer     = txbBlueADCPlayer.Text;
            string bluesupportplayer = txbBluesupportPlayer.Text;
            string redtopplayer      = txbTopredPlayer.Text;
            string redmidplayer      = txbMidredPlayer.Text;
            string redjgplayer       = txbRedjunglePlayer.Text;
            string redadcplayer      = txbRedADCPlayer.Text;
            string redsupportplayer  = txbRedSupportPlayer.Text;

            List <string> players = new List <string>();


            List <string> characters = new List <string>();

            //getting player ID's

            Dictionary <string, string> playerCharacter = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            playerCharacter.Add(bluetopplayer, topbluecharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(bluemidplayer, midbluecharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(bluejgplayer, junglebluecharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(blueadcplayer, adcbluecharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(bluesupportplayer, supportbluecharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(redtopplayer, topredcharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(redmidplayer, midredcharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(redjgplayer, jungleredcharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(redadcplayer, adcredcharacter);
            playerCharacter.Add(redsupportplayer, supportredcharacter);

            string iron        = "IRON";
            string bronze      = "BRONZE";
            string silver      = "SILVER";
            string gold        = "GOLD";
            string platinum    = "PLATINUM";
            string diamond     = "DIAMOND";
            string master      = "MASTER";
            string grandmaster = "GRANDMASTER";
            string challenger  = "CHALLENGER";
            string unranked    = "UNRANKED";

            Dictionary <string, int> leaguepoints = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            leaguepoints.Add(iron, 1);
            leaguepoints.Add(bronze, 2);
            leaguepoints.Add(silver, 3);
            leaguepoints.Add(gold, 4);
            leaguepoints.Add(platinum, 5);
            leaguepoints.Add(diamond, 6);
            leaguepoints.Add(master, 7);
            leaguepoints.Add(grandmaster, 8);
            leaguepoints.Add(challenger, 9);
            leaguepoints.Add(unranked, 3);

            List <summonerName>         summonerNames        = new List <summonerName>();
            List <champtionMastery>     playermasterys       = new List <champtionMastery>();
            List <playerLeague>         playersleagues       = new List <playerLeague>();
            Dictionary <string, string> playersleaguesactual = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                foreach (var item in playerCharacter)
                    var response = client.GetAsync($@"{item.Key}?api_key={apikey}").Result;
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var          content  = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        summonerName summoner = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <summonerName>(content);
                        MessageBox.Show($"You have made an error in {item.Key} or the service is down.");
                        goto exit;

                int count = 0;
                foreach (summonerName item in summonerNames)
                    //if you hit an error here you have messed up the case sensitiviy of a username
                    int championint = champions[$"{playerCharacter[]}"];

                    string skipflex = "";
                    var    response = client.GetAsync($@"{}/by-champion/{championint}?api_key={apikey}").Result;
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        champtionMastery playermastery = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <champtionMastery>(content);
                        MessageBox.Show($"You have made an error in the champion {} is playing or the service is down.");
                    if (skipflex ==
                        response = client.GetAsync($@"{}?api_key={apikey}").Result;
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                            if (content == "[]")
                                playerLeague playersleague = new playerLeague();
                                playersleague.leagueId     = null;
                                playersleague.queueType    = null;
                                playersleague.tier         = "UNRANKED";
                                playersleague.rank         = null;
                                playersleague.summonerId   = null;
                                playersleague.summonerName = players[count];
                                playersleague.leaguePoints = 0;
                                playersleague.wins         = 0;
                                playersleague.losses       = 0;
                                playersleague.veteran      = false;
                                playersleague.inactive     = false;
                                playersleague.freshBlood   = false;
                                playersleague.hotStreak    = false;
                                playersleagues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <playerLeague> >(content);
                            foreach (var thing in playersleagues)
                                if (playersleaguesactual.ContainsKey(thing.summonerName))
                                    playersleaguesactual.Add(thing.summonerName, thing.tier);
                    skipflex =;
            int    counter         = 0;
            double blueteamspoints = 0;
            double redteamspoints  = 0;

            foreach (var item in playermasterys)
                string player = players[counter];
                if (player == players[0] || player == players[1] || player == players[2] || player == players[3] || player == players[4])
                    blueteamspoints = blueteamspoints + item.championPoints * Math.Exp(leaguepoints[playersleaguesactual[player]]);
                    redteamspoints = redteamspoints + item.championPoints * Math.Exp(leaguepoints[playersleaguesactual[player]]);

            if (blueteamspoints > redteamspoints)
                txtResults.Text = "BLUE TEAM WINS";
                txtResults.Text = "PURPLE TEAM WINS";

            txtResults.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            exit :;