Beispiel #1
        // Compute a length of a spline segment by using 5-point Legendre-Gauss quadrature
        internal static float GetSplineSegmentLength(SplinePoint start, SplinePoint end)
            Vector3 GetDerivative(float t)
                // Cubic Hermite spline derivative coeffcients
                Vector3 c0 = start.GetHandle(Direction.Forward);
                Vector3 c1 = 6.0f * (end.position - start.position) - 4.0f * start.GetHandle(Direction.Forward) - 2.0f * end.GetHandle(Direction.Forward);
                Vector3 c2 = 6.0f * (start.position - end.position) + 3.0f * (start.GetHandle(Direction.Forward) + end.GetHandle(Direction.Forward));

                return(c0 + t * (c1 + t * c2));

            GaussLengendreCoefficient[] coefficients =
                new GaussLengendreCoefficient(0.0f,          0.5688889f),
                new GaussLengendreCoefficient(-0.5384693f,  0.47862867f),
                new GaussLengendreCoefficient(0.5384693f,   0.47862867f),
                new GaussLengendreCoefficient(-0.90617985f, 0.23692688f),
                new GaussLengendreCoefficient(0.90617985f,  0.23692688f),

            float length = 0.0f;

            foreach (GaussLengendreCoefficient coefficient in coefficients)
                // This and the final (0.5 *) below are needed for a change of interval to [0, 1] from [-1, 1]
                float t = 0.5f * (1.0f + coefficient.abscissa);
                length += GetDerivative(t).magnitude *coefficient.weight;
            return(0.5f * length);
Beispiel #2
        internal static void DrawHandle(SplinePoint point, Direction direction, DebugColors.DebugColor color)
            // Draw a Handle gizmo
            var endPoint = point.GetHandle(direction);

            Gizmos.color = color.wire;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(point.transform.position, endPoint);
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(endPoint, 0.05f);
Beispiel #3
        internal static Vector3 EvaluateSplineSegment(SplinePoint pointA, SplinePoint pointB, float t)
            var omt  = 1.0f - t;
            var omt2 = omt * omt;
            var t2   = t * t;

            // Get position in world space of value t between points A and B
            return(pointA.transform.position * (omt2 * omt) +
                   pointA.GetHandle(Direction.Forward) * (3.0f * omt2 * t) +
                   pointB.GetHandle(Direction.Backward) * (3.0f * omt * t2) +
                   pointB.transform.position * (t2 * t));
Beispiel #4
 internal static Vector3 EvaluateSplineSegmentNormal(SplinePoint pointA, SplinePoint pointB, float t)
     // Evaluate the normal for value t between points A and B
     return(((6.0f * (t * t)) - (6.0f * t)) * pointA.position + ((3.0f * (t * t)) - ((4.0f * t) + 1)) * pointA.GetHandle(Direction.Forward)
            + ((-6.0f * (t * t)) + (6.0f * t)) * pointB.position + ((3.0f * (t * t)) - (2.0f * t)) * pointB.GetHandle(Direction.Backward));