Beispiel #1
        private static bool kpmUtilGetPose_binary(NyARParam i_cparam, FeaturePairStack matchData, NyARDoubleMatrix44 i_transmat, NyARTransMatResultParam i_resultparam)
            NyARDoubleMatrix44 initMatXw2Xc = new NyARDoubleMatrix44();
            // ARdouble err;
            int i;

            if (matchData.getLength() < 4)
            NyARDoublePoint2d[] sCoord = NyARDoublePoint2d.createArray(matchData.getLength());
            NyARDoublePoint3d[] wCoord = NyARDoublePoint3d.createArray(matchData.getLength());
            for (i = 0; i < matchData.getLength(); i++)
                sCoord[i].x = matchData.getItem(i).query.x;
                sCoord[i].y = matchData.getItem(i).query.y;

                wCoord[i].x = matchData.getItem(i).ref_.pos3d.x;
                wCoord[i].y = matchData.getItem(i).ref_.pos3d.y;
                wCoord[i].z = 0.0;

            NyARIcpPlane icp_planer = new NyARIcpPlane(i_cparam.getPerspectiveProjectionMatrix());

            if (!icp_planer.icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(sCoord, wCoord, matchData.getLength(), initMatXw2Xc))

             * printf("--- Init pose ---\n"); for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) printf(" %8.3f",
             * initMatXw2Xc[j][i]); printf("\n"); }
            NyARIcpPoint icp_point = new NyARIcpPoint(i_cparam.getPerspectiveProjectionMatrix());

            icp_point.icpPoint(sCoord, wCoord, matchData.getLength(), initMatXw2Xc, i_transmat, i_resultparam);
            if (i_resultparam.last_error > 10.0f)
Beispiel #2
         * Set the number of bins for translation based on the correspondences.
        private bool autoAdjustXYNumBins(int max_dim, FeaturePairStack i_point_pair)
            int l = i_point_pair.getLength();

            //prepare work area
            if (this._project_dim.Length < l)
                this._project_dim = new double[l + 10];
            double[] projected_dim = this._project_dim;
            for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // Scale is the 3rd component
                FeaturePairStack.Item item = i_point_pair.getItem(i);
                // Project the max_dim via the scale
                double scale = SafeDivision(item.query.scale, item.ref_.scale);
                projected_dim[i] = scale * max_dim;

            // Find the median projected dim
            // float median_proj_dim = FastMedian<float>(&projected_dim[0],
            // (int)projected_dim.size());
            double median_proj_dim = FastMedian(projected_dim, l);

            // Compute the bin size a fraction of the median projected dim
            double bin_size = 0.25f * median_proj_dim;

            int t;

            t = (int)Math.Ceiling((mMaxX - mMinX) / bin_size);
            this.mNumXBins = (5 > t ? 5 : t);
            t = (int)Math.Ceiling((mMaxY - mMinY) / bin_size);
            this.mNumYBins = (5 > t ? 5 : t);
            if (mNumXBins >= 128 || mNumYBins >= 128)
Beispiel #3
        private int vote(FeaturePairStack i_point_pair, int i_center_x, int i_center_y, SubBinLocation[] i_sub_bin_locations)
            int size = i_point_pair.getLength();

            int num_features_that_cast_vote = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                double rx, ry, rangle, rscale;
                    FreakFeaturePoint ins  = i_point_pair.getItem(i).query;
                    FreakFeaturePoint ref_ = i_point_pair.getItem(i).ref_;

                    rangle = ins.angle - ref_.angle;
                    // Map angle to (-pi,pi]
                    if (rangle <= -PI)
                        rangle += (2 * PI);
                    else if (rangle > PI)
                        rangle -= (2 * PI);

                    double scale = SafeDivision(ins.scale, ref_.scale);
                    double c     = (scale * Math.Cos(rangle));
                    double s     = (scale * Math.Sin(rangle));

                    rscale = (double)(Math.Log(scale) * this.mScaleOneOverLogK);
                    rx = c * i_center_x - s * i_center_y + (ins.x - (c * ref_.x - s * ref_.y));
                    ry = s * i_center_x + c * i_center_y + (ins.y - (s * ref_.x + c * ref_.y));
                    // Check that the vote is within range
                    if (rx < mMinX || rx >= mMaxX || ry < mMinY || ry >= mMaxY ||
                        rangle <= -PI || rangle > PI ||
                        rscale < mMinScale || rscale >= mMaxScale)
                // Compute the bin location
                SubBinLocation sub_bin = i_sub_bin_locations[num_features_that_cast_vote];
                mapVoteToBin(sub_bin, rx, ry, rangle, rscale);
                int binX     = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.x - 0.5f);
                int binY     = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.y - 0.5f);
                int binScale = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.scale - 0.5f);
                int binAngle = ((int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.angle - 0.5f) + mNumAngleBins) % mNumAngleBins;

                // Check that we can voting to all 16 bin locations
                if (binX < 0 || (binX + 1) >= mNumXBins || binY < 0 ||
                    (binY + 1) >= mNumYBins || binScale < 0 ||
                    (binScale + 1) >= mNumScaleBins)
                sub_bin.index = i;
                this.votemap.vote16(binX, binY, binAngle, binScale, 1);