substring() private method

private substring ( int par0 ) : global::java.lang.String
par0 int
return global::java.lang.String
		public static String getDirectoryName(String path) {
			if (path != null) {
				int index = path.lastIndexOf(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				int index2 = path.lastIndexOf(ALT_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				if (index2 > index) {
					index = index2;
				if (index != -1) {
					if (index == path.length() - 1) {
						if (path.indexOf(VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR) == index - 1) {
							return null;
						} else {
							path = path.substring(0, index);
					} else {
						if (path.indexOf(VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR) == index - 1) {
							path = path.substring(0, index + 1);
						} else {
							path = path.substring(0, index);
					if (path.length() == 2 && path[1] == VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
						return "";
				return path;
			return null;
Beispiel #2
        internal static boolean containsMoreThanOneSlashInNationalNumber(PhoneNumber number, String candidate)
            int firstSlashInBodyIndex = candidate.indexOf('/');

            if (firstSlashInBodyIndex < 0)
                // No slashes, this is okay.
            // Now look for a second one.
            int secondSlashInBodyIndex = candidate.indexOf('/', firstSlashInBodyIndex + 1);

            if (secondSlashInBodyIndex < 0)
                // Only one slash, this is okay.

            // If the first slash is after the country calling code, this is permitted.
            boolean candidateHasCountryCode =
                (number.getCountryCodeSource() == CountryCodeSource.FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN ||
                 number.getCountryCodeSource() == CountryCodeSource.FROM_NUMBER_WITHOUT_PLUS_SIGN);

            if (candidateHasCountryCode &&
                PhoneNumberUtil.normalizeDigitsOnly(candidate.substring(0, firstSlashInBodyIndex))
                // Any more slashes and this is illegal.
                return(candidate.substring(secondSlashInBodyIndex + 1).contains("/"));
Beispiel #3
 internal static boolean containsOnlyValidXChars(
     PhoneNumber number, String candidate, PhoneNumberUtil util)
     // The characters 'x' and 'X' can be (1) a carrier code, in which case they always precede the
     // national significant number or (2) an extension sign, in which case they always precede the
     // extension number. We assume a carrier code is more than 1 digit, so the first case has to
     // have more than 1 consecutive 'x' or 'X', whereas the second case can only have exactly 1 'x'
     // or 'X'. We ignore the character if it appears as the last character of the string.
     for (int index = 0; index < candidate.length() - 1; index++)
         char charAtIndex = candidate.charAt(index);
         if (charAtIndex == 'x' || charAtIndex == 'X')
             char charAtNextIndex = candidate.charAt(index + 1);
             if (charAtNextIndex == 'x' || charAtNextIndex == 'X')
                 // This is the carrier code case, in which the 'X's always precede the national
                 // significant number.
                 if (util.isNumberMatch(number, candidate.substring(index)) != MatchType.NSN_MATCH)
                 // This is the extension sign case, in which the 'x' or 'X' should always precede the
                 // extension number.
             else if (!PhoneNumberUtil.normalizeDigitsOnly(candidate.substring(index)).equals(
Beispiel #4
         * Attempts to extract a match from {@code candidate} if the whole candidate does not qualify as a
         * match.
         * @param candidate  the candidate text that might contain a phone number
         * @param offset  the current offset of {@code candidate} within {@link #text}
         * @return  the match found, null if none can be found
        private PhoneNumberMatch extractInnerMatch(String candidate, int offset)
            // Try removing either the first or last "group" in the number and see if this gives a result.
            // We consider white space to be a possible indication of the start or end of the phone number.
            Matcher groupMatcher = GROUP_SEPARATOR.matcher(candidate);

            if (groupMatcher.find())
                // Try the first group by itself.
                CharSequence firstGroupOnly = candidate.substring(0, groupMatcher.start());
                firstGroupOnly = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
                PhoneNumberMatch match = parseAndVerify(firstGroupOnly.toString(), offset);
                if (match != null)

                int withoutFirstGroupStart = groupMatcher.end();
                // Try the rest of the candidate without the first group.
                CharSequence withoutFirstGroup = candidate.substring(withoutFirstGroupStart);
                withoutFirstGroup = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
                match = parseAndVerify(withoutFirstGroup.toString(), offset + withoutFirstGroupStart);
                if (match != null)

                if (maxTries > 0)
                    int lastGroupStart = withoutFirstGroupStart;
                    while (groupMatcher.find())
                        // Find the last group.
                        lastGroupStart = groupMatcher.start();
                    CharSequence withoutLastGroup = candidate.substring(0, lastGroupStart);
                    withoutLastGroup = trimAfterFirstMatch(PhoneNumberUtil.UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN,
                    if (withoutLastGroup.equals(firstGroupOnly))
                        // If there are only two groups, then the group "without the last group" is the same as
                        // the first group. In these cases, we don't want to re-check the number group, so we exit
                        // already.
                    match = parseAndVerify(withoutLastGroup.toString(), offset);
                    if (match != null)
Beispiel #5
        public static Long decode(String nm)
            int     radix    = 10;
            int     index    = 0;
            boolean negative = false;
            Long    result;

            if (nm.length() == 0)
                throw new NumberFormatException("Zero length string");
            char firstChar = nm.charAt(0);

            // Handle sign, if present
            if (firstChar == '-')
                negative = true;
            else if (firstChar == '+')
            // Handle radix specifier, if present
            if (nm.startsWith(new String("0x"), index) || nm.startsWith(new String("0X"), index))
                index += 2;
                radix  = 16;
            else if (nm.startsWith(new String("#"), index))
                radix = 16;
            else if (nm.startsWith(new String("0"), index) && nm.length() > 1 + index)
                radix = 8;
            if (nm.startsWith(new String("-"), index) || nm.startsWith(new String("+"), index))
                throw new NumberFormatException("Sign character in wrong position");
            try {
                result = Long.valueOf(nm.substring(index), radix);
                result = negative ? Long.valueOf(-result.longValue()) : result;
            } catch (NumberFormatException) {
                // If number is Long.MIN_VALUE, we'll end up here. The next line
                // handles this case, and causes any genuine format error to be
                // rethrown.
                String constant = negative ? new String("-" + nm.substring(index))
                                       : nm.substring(index);
                result = Long.valueOf(constant, radix);
Beispiel #6
         * Returns the description of the geographical area the {@code number} corresponds to. This method
         * distinguishes the case of an invalid prefix and a prefix for which the name is not available in
         * the current language. If the description is not available in the current language an empty
         * string is returned. If no description was found for the provided number, null is returned.
         * @param number  the phone number to look up
         * @return  the description of the geographical area
        internal String lookup(PhoneNumber number)
            int numOfEntries = areaCodeMapStorage.getNumOfEntries();

            if (numOfEntries == 0)
            long phonePrefix =
                Long.parseLong(number.getCountryCode() + phoneUtil.getNationalSignificantNumber(number));
            int currentIndex = numOfEntries - 1;
            SortedSet <Integer> currentSetOfLengths = areaCodeMapStorage.getPossibleLengths();

            while (currentSetOfLengths.size() > 0)
                Integer possibleLength = currentSetOfLengths.last();
                String  phonePrefixStr = String.valueOf(phonePrefix);
                if (phonePrefixStr.length() > possibleLength)
                    phonePrefix = Long.parseLong(phonePrefixStr.substring(0, possibleLength));
                currentIndex = binarySearch(0, currentIndex, phonePrefix);
                if (currentIndex < 0)
                int currentPrefix = areaCodeMapStorage.getPrefix(currentIndex);
                if (phonePrefix == currentPrefix)
                currentSetOfLengths = currentSetOfLengths.headSet(possibleLength);
Beispiel #7
  * Helper method to get the national-number part of a number, formatted without any national
  * prefix, and return it as a set of digit blocks that would be formatted together.
 private static String[] getNationalNumberGroups(PhoneNumberUtil util, PhoneNumber number,
                                                 NumberFormat formattingPattern)
     if (formattingPattern == null)
         // This will be in the format +CC-DG;ext=EXT where DG represents groups of digits.
         String rfc3966Format = util.format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.RFC3966);
         // We remove the extension part from the formatted string before splitting it into different
         // groups.
         int endIndex = rfc3966Format.indexOf(';');
         if (endIndex < 0)
             endIndex = rfc3966Format.length();
         // The country-code will have a '-' following it.
         int startIndex = rfc3966Format.indexOf('-') + 1;
         return(rfc3966Format.substring(startIndex, endIndex).split("-"));
         // We format the NSN only, and split that according to the separator.
         String nationalSignificantNumber = util.getNationalSignificantNumber(number);
                                           formattingPattern, PhoneNumberFormat.RFC3966).split("-"));
		public static String getFileName(String path) {
			if (path != null) {
				int index = path.lastIndexOf(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				if (index == -1) {
					index = path.lastIndexOf(ALT_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				if (index == -1) {
					return path;
				return path.substring(index + 1);
			return null;
		public static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(String path) {
			if (path != null) {
				int index = path.lastIndexOf(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				if (index == -1) {
					index = path.lastIndexOf(ALT_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
				if (index != -1) {
					path = path.substring(index + 1);
				index = path.lastIndexOf('.');
				if (index == -1) {
					return path;
				return path.substring(0, index);
			return null;
 private String produceEquivalentAlternation(String source) {
     int len = countChars(source, 0, 1);
     if (source.length() == len)
         // source has one character.
         return source;
     String @base = source.substring(0,len);
     String combiningMarks = source.substring(len);
     String[] perms = producePermutations(combiningMarks);
     StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(source);
     // Add combined permutations
     for(int x=0; x<perms.Length; x++) {
         String next = @base + perms[x];
         if (x>0)
         next = composeOneStep(next);
         if (next != null)
     return result.toString();
    private String[] producePermutations(String input) {
        if (input.length() == countChars(input, 0, 1))
            return new String[] {input};
        if (input.length() == countChars(input, 0, 2)) {
            int c0 = Character.codePointAt(input, 0);
            int c1 = Character.codePointAt(input, Character.charCount(c0));
            if (getClass(c1) == getClass(c0)) {
                return new String[] {input};
            String[] result = new String[2];
            result[0] = input;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2);
            result[1] = sb.toString();
            return result;
        int length = 1;
        int nCodePoints = countCodePoints(input);
        for(int x=1; x<nCodePoints; x++)
            length = length * (x+1);
        String[] temp = new String[length];
        int[] combClass = new int[nCodePoints];
        for(int x=0, i=0; x<nCodePoints; x++) {
            int c = Character.codePointAt(input, i);
            combClass[x] = getClass(c);
            i +=  Character.charCount(c);
        // For each char, take it out and add the permutations
        // of the remaining chars
        int index = 0;
        int len;
        // offset maintains the index in code units.
        for(int x=0, offset=0; x<nCodePoints; x++, offset+=len) {
            len = countChars(input, offset, 1);
            boolean skip = false;
            for(int y=x-1; y>=0; y--) {
                if (combClass[y] == combClass[x]) {
                    if (x < nCodePoints) goto continue1;
                    goto end1;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input);
            String otherChars = sb.delete(offset, offset+len).toString();
            String[] subResult = producePermutations(otherChars);
            String prefix = input.substring(offset, offset+len);
            for(int y=0; y<subResult.Length; y++)
                temp[index++] =  prefix + subResult[y];
        String[] _result = new String[index];
        for (int x=0; x<index; x++)
            _result[x] = temp[x];
        return _result;
 private TypeInfo getType(String name) {
     name = name.trim();
     int dimensions = 0;
     while (name.endsWith("[]")) {
         name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2);
     TypeInfo result;
     switch (name) {
     case "boolean":
         result = context.TypeSystem.BooleanType;
     case "byte":
         result = context.TypeSystem.ByteType;
     case "char":
         result = context.TypeSystem.CharType;
     case "short":
         result = context.TypeSystem.ShortType;
     case "int":
         result = context.TypeSystem.IntType;
     case "long":
         result = context.TypeSystem.LongType;
     case "float":
         result = context.TypeSystem.FloatType;
     case "double":
         result = context.TypeSystem.DoubleType;
         int idx = name.indexOf(".");
         String prefix;
         if (idx == -1) {
             prefix = name;
             name = null;
         } else {
             prefix = name.substring(0, idx);
             name = name.substring(idx + 1);
         var members = context.MemberResolver.resolveName(context.CurrentType, prefix, Query.empty<TypeInfo>()).toList();
         if (!members.any()) {
             if (name == null) {
                 return null;
             var packageName = context.MemberResolver.getPackageFromAlias(prefix);
             if (packageName == null) {
                 if (context.MemberResolver.TypeFinder.getSubPackages(prefix).any()
                  || context.MemberResolver.TypeFinder.getClasses(prefix).any()) {
                     packageName = prefix;
                 } else {
                     return null;
             var found = false;
             do {
                 idx = name.indexOf('.');
                 if (idx == -1) {
                     prefix = name;
                     name = null;
                 } else {
                     prefix = name.substring(0, idx);
                     name = name.substring(idx + 1);
                 foreach (var s in context.MemberResolver.TypeFinder.getSubPackages(packageName)) {
                     if (s.equals(prefix)) {
                         packageName = packageName + '/' + prefix;
                         found = true;
                 if (!found && !context.MemberResolver.TypeFinder.getClasses(packageName).contains(prefix)) {
                     return null;
             } while (name != null && found);
             result = context.TypeSystem.getType(packageName + '/' + prefix);
         } else if (members.count() > 1) {
             return null;
         } else {
             result = members.first().Type;
     while (dimensions-- > 0) {
         type = type.ArrayType;
     return result;
 private void replaceCref(Element element, bool exception, Iterable<MemberInfo> members, String suffix, String arguments) {
     if (members.count() > 1 && !members.all(p => p.MemberKind == MemberKind.Method)) {
         context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.UnresolvedCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
         element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
     var member = members.first();
     switch (member.MemberKind) {
     case Type:
         replaceCref(element, exception, member.Type, suffix, arguments);
     case Field:
         if (exception) {
             context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.ExpectedExceptionInCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
             element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         if (suffix != null || arguments != null) {
             context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.UnresolvedCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
             element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         element.setAttribute("cref", getIdString(member.Field));
     case Property:
         if (exception) {
             context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.ExpectedExceptionInCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
             element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         if (suffix != null || arguments != null) {
             context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.UnresolvedCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
             element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         element.setAttribute("cref", getIdString(member.GetAccessor ?? member.SetAccessor));
     case Method:
         if (!exception && suffix == null) {
             if (arguments == null && members.count() == 1) {
                 element.setAttribute("cref", getIdString(member.Method));
             } else if (arguments != null && arguments.endsWith(")")) {
                 var args = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
                 if (arguments.length() > 2) {
                     arguments = arguments.substring(1, arguments.length() - 1);
                     int idx;
                     while ((idx = arguments.indexOf(',')) != -1) {
                         var name = arguments.substring(0, idx);
                         arguments = arguments.substring(idx + 1);
                         var type = getType(name);
                         if (type == null) {
                             goto failed;
                     if (arguments.length() == 0) {
                         goto failed;
                     var type = getType(arguments);
                     if (type == null) {
                         goto failed;
                 foreach (var m in members) {
                     if ( => p.Type).sequenceEqual(args)) {
                         element.setAttribute("cref", getIdString(m.Method));
         context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.UnresolvedCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
         element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
 private void replaceCref(Element element, bool exception, TypeInfo type, String suffix, String arguments) {
     if (suffix == null) {
         if (arguments != null) {
             context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.UnresolvedCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
             element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         if (exception) {
             if (!context.TypeSystem.getType("java/lang/Throwable").isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                 context.addWarning(CompileErrorId.ExpectedExceptionInCref, node, element.getAttribute("cref"));
                 element.setAttribute("cref", "!" + element.getAttribute("cref"));
         element.setAttribute("cref", getIdString(type));
     } else {
         int idx = suffix.indexOf('.');
         String name;
         if (idx == -1) {
             name = suffix;
             suffix = null;
         } else {
             name = suffix.substring(0, idx);
             suffix = suffix.substring(idx + 1);
         var members = MemberInfo.getMembers(context.AnnotatedTypeSystem, context.CurrentType, type, name, true);
         replaceCref(element, exception, members, suffix, arguments);
 public static String quote(String s) {
     int slashEIndex = s.indexOf(new String("\\E"));
     if (slashEIndex == -1)
         return new String("\\Q" + s + "\\E");
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.length() * 2);
     slashEIndex = 0;
     int current = 0;
     while ((slashEIndex = s.indexOf(new String("\\E"), current)) != -1) {
         sb.append(s.substring(current, slashEIndex));
         current = slashEIndex + 2;
     sb.append(s.substring(current, s.length()));
     return sb.toString();
 private TypeInfo getTypeInfo(String name) {
     int idx = name.indexOf('$');
     if (idx == -1) {
         return typeSystem.getType(name);
     var type = typeSystem.getType(name.substring(0, idx));
     name = name.substring(idx + 1);
     while ((idx = name.indexOf('$')) != -1) {
         type = type.getNestedType(name.substring(0, idx));
         name = name.substring(idx + 1);
     return type;
 private String composeOneStep(String input) {
     int len = countChars(input, 0, 2);
     String firstTwoCharacters = input.substring(0, len);
     String result = Normalizer.normalize(firstTwoCharacters, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
     if (result.equals(firstTwoCharacters))
         return null;
     else {
         String remainder = input.substring(len);
         return result + remainder;
		public static TypeInfo getType(Library typeSystem, String fullName) {
			TypeInfo result = null;
			int index;
			while ((index = fullName.indexOf('$')) != -1) {
				String prefix = fullName.substring(0, index);
				if (result == null) {
					result = typeSystem.getType(prefix);
				} else {
					result = result.getNestedType(prefix);
				fullName = fullName.substring(index + 1);
			if (result == null) {
				result = typeSystem.getType(fullName);
			} else {
				result = result.getNestedType(fullName);
			return result;
		public static String getExtension(String path) {
			if (path != null) {
				int index = path.lastIndexOf('.');
				if (index == -1) {
					return "";
				return path.substring(index);
			return null;
    * Exhaustively searches for phone numbers from each index within {@code text} to test that
    * finding matches always terminates.
 private void ensureTermination(String text, String defaultCountry, Leniency leniency)
     for (int index = 0; index <= text.length(); index++) {
       String sub = text.substring(index);
       StringBuilder matches = new StringBuilder();
       // Iterates over all matches.
       foreach(PhoneNumberMatch match in
        phoneUtil.findNumbers(sub, defaultCountry, leniency, Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
     matches.append(", ").append(match.toString());