private void SetElement(UIPoolScrollElement element, int contentIndex, float position, bool addHeight, int topChange)
            if (contentIndex < 0 || contentIndex >= mTotalElementCount)


            if (addHeight)
                position += element.Height;


            mCurrentTopElement += topChange;

            if (mCurrentTopElement < 0)
                mCurrentTopElement += mElementPool.Length;
            if (mCurrentTopElement >= mElementPool.Length)
                mCurrentTopElement -= mElementPool.Length;
        private void UpdateLooping()
            int currentBot = mCurrentTopElement + mElementPool.Length - 1;

            currentBot %= mElementPool.Length;

            UIPoolScrollElement topElement = mElementPool[mCurrentTopElement];
            UIPoolScrollElement botElement = mElementPool[currentBot];

            if (topElement.IsOnScreen() > 0)
                // Current top element is above the screen top, it can be moved to the bot
                float contentBotPosition = botElement.Bot - mSpacing;
                int   newContentIndex    = botElement.Index + 1;

                SetElement(topElement, newContentIndex, contentBotPosition, false, 1);
            else if (topElement.Top < -mSpacing)
                // Current top element's top has scrolled below the screen top, a new element need to be moved to the top
                float contentTopPosition = topElement.Top + mSpacing;
                int   newContentIndex    = topElement.Index - 1;

                SetElement(botElement, newContentIndex, contentTopPosition, true, -1);
        private void UpdateElastic()
            int currentBot = mCurrentTopElement + mElementPool.Length - 1;

            currentBot %= mElementPool.Length;

            UIPoolScrollElement topElement = mElementPool[mCurrentTopElement];
            UIPoolScrollElement botElement = mElementPool[currentBot];

            float offset = 0;

            // Elastic clamp at top
            if (topElement.Index <= 0)
                if (topElement.Top < -mSpacing)
                    offset = -mSpacing - topElement.Top;

            // Elastic clamp at bot
            if (Mathf.Approximately(offset, 0) && botElement.Index >= mTotalElementCount - 1)
                if (botElement.Bot > -mScrollHeight - mSpacing)
                    offset = -(botElement.Bot + mScrollHeight - mSpacing);

            if (Mathf.Approximately(offset, 0))
                return;                 // No clamp required
            float elasticBase = 300f;
            float sign        = Mathf.Sign(offset);
            float offRatio    = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(offset) / elasticBase);
            float correction  = 1f - (offRatio * offRatio);

            if (mHasInput)
                // Is currently dragging
                if (offset > 0 != mVelocity > 0)
                    // Velocity is pulling elements off screen - apply velocity dampening
                    mVelocity *= correction;
                // Not dragging, set velocity to return to screen
                mVelocity = sign * correction * elasticBase * mElasticity;

                float move = mVelocity * Time.deltaTime;

                if (Mathf.Abs(offset) < Mathf.Abs(move))
                    // The next move with velocity will go past the wanted position, set the position exactly and stop velocity
                    mVelocity = 0;