Beispiel #1
 //            Being(OBJECT_MONSTER),
 //            mSpecy(specy),
 //            mScript(NULL),
 //            mTargetListener(&monsterTargetEventDispatch),
 //            mOwner(NULL),
 //            mCurrentAttack(NULL)
 public Monster(MonsterClass specy)
     : base(ThingType.OBJECT_MONSTER)
     //            LOG_DEBUG("Monster spawned! (id: " << mSpecy->getId() << ").");
     //            /*
     //     * Initialise the attribute structures.
     //     */
     //            const AttributeScope &mobAttr = attributeManager->getAttributeScope(
     //                MonsterScope);
     //            for (AttributeScope::const_iterator it = mobAttr.begin(),
     //                 it_end = mobAttr.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
     //            {
     //                mAttributes.insert(std::pair< unsigned int, Attribute >
     //                                   (it->first, Attribute(*it->second)));
     //            }
     //            /*
     //     * Set the attributes to the values defined by the associated monster
     //     * class with or without mutations as needed.
     //     */
     //            int mutation = specy->getMutation();
     //            for (AttributeMap::iterator it2 = mAttributes.begin(),
     //                 it2_end = mAttributes.end(); it2 != it2_end; ++it2)
     //            {
     //                double attr = 0.0f;
     //                if (specy->hasAttribute(it2->first))
     //                {
     //                    attr = specy->getAttribute(it2->first);
     //                    setAttribute(it2->first,
     //                                 mutation ?
     //                                 attr * (100 + (rand()%(mutation << 1)) - mutation) / 100.0 :
     //                                 attr);
     //                }
     //            }
     //            setSize(specy->getSize());
     //            setGender(specy->getGender());
     //            // Set positions relative to target from which the monster can attack
     //            int dist = specy->getAttackDistance();
     //            mAttackPositions.push_back(AttackPosition(dist, 0, LEFT));
     //            mAttackPositions.push_back(AttackPosition(-dist, 0, RIGHT));
     //            mAttackPositions.push_back(AttackPosition(0, -dist, DOWN));
     //            mAttackPositions.push_back(AttackPosition(0, dist, UP));
     //            // Load default script
     //            loadScript(specy->getScript());
Beispiel #2
 //        friend struct SpawnAreaEventDispatch;
 public SpawnArea(MapComposite map,
                      MonsterClass specy,
                       Rectangle zone,
                      int maxBeings,
                      int spawnRate)
     : base(ThingType.OBJECT_OTHER, map)
     //mSpawnedListener=spawnAreaEventDispatch; //TODO Implementieren