ParseRestOfLine() public method

public ParseRestOfLine ( ) : string
return string
Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the material, if there are any errors during parsing the defaultShader will be set.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lexer"></param>
		private void ParseMaterial(idLexer lexer)
			_registerCount = PredefinedRegisterCount; // leave space for the parms to be copied in.

			for(int i = 0; i < _registerCount; i++)
				_parsingData.RegisterIsTemporary[i] = true; // they aren't constants that can be folded.

			TextureRepeat textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.Repeat; // allow a global setting for repeat.
			idToken token = null;

			string tokenValue;
			string tokenLower;
			int count;

				if(TestMaterialFlag(Renderer.MaterialFlags.Defaulted) == true)
					// we have a parse error.

				if((token = lexer.ExpectAnyToken()) == null)
					this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.Defaulted;

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				tokenLower = tokenValue.ToLower();

				// end of material definition
				if(tokenLower == "}")
				else if(tokenLower == "qer_editorimage")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					_editorImageName = (token != null) ? token.ToString() : string.Empty;

				else if(tokenLower == "description")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					_description = (token != null) ? token.ToString() : string.Empty;
				// check for the surface / content bit flags.
				else if(CheckSurfaceParameter(token) == true)

				else if(tokenLower == "polygonoffset")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.PolygonOffset;

					if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
						_polygonOffset = 1;
						_polygonOffset = token.ToFloat();
				// noshadow.
				else if(tokenLower == "noshadows")
					this.MaterialFlag = MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "suppressinsubview")
					_suppressInSubview = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "portalsky")
					_portalSky = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "noselfshadow")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoSelfShadow;
				else if(tokenLower == "noportalfog")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoPortalFog;
				// forceShadows allows nodraw surfaces to cast shadows.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceshadows")
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.ForceShadows;
				// overlay / decal suppression.
				else if(tokenLower == "nooverlays")
					_allowOverlays = false;
				// moster blood overlay forcing for alpha tested or translucent surfaces.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceoverlays")
					_parsingData.ForceOverlays = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "translucent")
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Translucent;
				// global zero clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "zeroclamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.ClampToZero;
				// global clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "clamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.Clamp;
				// global clamp.
				else if(tokenLower == "alphazeroclamp")
					textureRepeatDefault = TextureRepeat.ClampToZero;
				// forceOpaque is used for skies-behind-windows.
				else if(tokenLower == "forceopaque")
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;
				else if(tokenLower == "twosided")
					_cullType = CullType.TwoSided;

					// twoSided implies no-shadows, because the shadow
					// volume would be coplanar with the surface, giving depth fighting
					// we could make this no-self-shadows, but it may be more important
					// to receive shadows from no-self-shadow monsters.
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "backsided")
					_cullType = CullType.Back;

					// the shadow code doesn't handle this, so just disable shadows.
					// We could fix this in the future if there was a need.
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenLower == "foglight")
					_fogLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "blendlight")
					_blendLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "ambientlight")
					_ambientLight = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "mirror")
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Subview;
					_coverage = MaterialCoverage.Opaque;
				else if(tokenLower == "nofog")
					_noFog = true;
				else if(tokenLower == "unsmoothedtangents")
					_unsmoothedTangents = true;
				// lightFallofImage <imageprogram>
				// specifies the image to use for the third axis of projected
				// light volumes.
				else if(tokenLower == "lightfalloffimage")
					_lightFalloffImage = idE.ImageManager.ImageFromFile(ParsePastImageProgram(lexer), TextureFilter.Default, false, TextureRepeat.Clamp, TextureDepth.Default);
				// guisurf <guifile> | guisurf entity
				// an entity guisurf must have an idUserInterface
				// specified in the renderEntity.
				else if(tokenLower == "guisurf")
					token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine();
					tokenLower = token.ToString().ToLower();

					if(tokenLower == "entity")
						_entityGui = 1;
					else if(tokenLower == "entity2")
						_entityGui = 2;
					else if(tokenLower == "entity3")
						_entityGui = 3;
						_userInterface = idE.UIManager.FindInterface(token.ToString(), true);
				// sort.
				else if(tokenLower == "sort")
				// spectrum <integer>.
				else if(tokenLower == "spectrum")
					int.TryParse(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine().ToString(), out _spectrum);
				// deform < sprite | tube | flare >.
				else if(tokenLower == "deform")
				// decalInfo <staySeconds> <fadeSeconds> (<start rgb>) (<end rgb>).
				else if(tokenLower == "decalinfo")
				// renderbump <args...>.
				else if(tokenLower == "renderbump")
					_renderBump = lexer.ParseRestOfLine();
				// diffusemap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "diffusemap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend diffusemap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "diffusemap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// specularmap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "specularmap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend specularmap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "specularmap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// normalmap for stage shortcut.
				else if(tokenLower == "bumpmap")
					idLexer newLexer = new idLexer(LexerOptions.NoFatalErrors | LexerOptions.NoStringConcatination | LexerOptions.NoStringEscapeCharacters | LexerOptions.AllowPathNames);
					newLexer.LoadMemory(string.Format("blend bumpmap\nmap {0}\n}}\n", ParsePastImageProgram(lexer)), "bumpmap");

					ParseStage(newLexer, textureRepeatDefault);
				// DECAL_MACRO for backwards compatibility with the preprocessor macros.
				else if(tokenLower == "decal_macro")
					// polygonOffset
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.PolygonOffset;
					_polygonOffset = -1;

					// discrete
					_surfaceFlags |= SurfaceFlags.Discrete;
					_contentFlags &= ~ContentFlags.Solid;

					// sort decal.
					_sort = (float) MaterialSort.Decal;

					// noShadows
					this.MaterialFlag = Renderer.MaterialFlags.NoShadows;
				else if(tokenValue == "{")
					// create the new stage.
					ParseStage(lexer, textureRepeatDefault);
					idConsole.WriteLine("unknown general material parameter '{0}' in '{1}'", tokenValue, this.Name);

			// add _flat or _white stages if needed.

			// order the diffuse / bump / specular stages properly.

			// if we need to do anything with normals (lighting or environment mapping)
			// and two sided lighting was asked for, flag
			// shouldCreateBackSides() and change culling back to single sided,
			// so we get proper tangent vectors on both sides.

			// we can't just call ReceivesLighting(), because the stages are still
			// in temporary form.
			if(_cullType == CullType.TwoSided)
				count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

				for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					if((_parsingData.Stages[i].Lighting != StageLighting.Ambient) || (_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates != TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit))
						if(_cullType == CullType.TwoSided)
							_cullType = CullType.Front;
							_shouldCreateBackSides = true;


			// currently a surface can only have one unique texgen for all the stages on old hardware.
			TextureCoordinateGeneration firstGen = TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit;

			count = _parsingData.Stages.Count;

			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if(_parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates != TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit)
					if(firstGen == TextureCoordinateGeneration.Explicit)
						firstGen = _parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates;
					else if(firstGen != _parsingData.Stages[i].Texture.TextureCoordinates)
						idConsole.Warning("material '{0}' has multiple stages with a texgen", this.Name);