Inheritance: IComparable
Beispiel #1
      * Splits this <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if it's too long for the given width.
      * <P>
      * Returns <VAR>null</VAR> if the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> wasn't truncated.
      * @param       width       a given width
      * @return      the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> that doesn't fit into the width.
     internal PdfChunk Split(float width) {
         newlineSplit = false;
         if (image != null) {
             if (image.ScaledWidth > width) {
                 PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(Chunk.OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, this);
                 value = "";
                 attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>();
                 image = null;
                 font = PdfFont.DefaultFont;
                 return pc;
                 return null;
         IHyphenationEvent hyphenationEvent = null;
         if (noStroke.ContainsKey(Chunk.HYPHENATION))
             hyphenationEvent = (IHyphenationEvent)noStroke[Chunk.HYPHENATION];
         int currentPosition = 0;
         int splitPosition = -1;
         float currentWidth = 0;
         // loop over all the characters of a string
         // or until the totalWidth is reached
         int lastSpace = -1;
         float lastSpaceWidth = 0;
         int length = value.Length;
         char[] valueArray = value.ToCharArray();
         char character = (char)0;
         BaseFont ft = font.Font;
         bool surrogate = false;
         if (ft.FontType == BaseFont.FONT_TYPE_CJK && ft.GetUnicodeEquivalent(' ') != ' ') {
             while (currentPosition < length) {
                 // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                 char cidChar = valueArray[currentPosition];
                 character = (char)ft.GetUnicodeEquivalent(cidChar);
                 // if a newLine or carriageReturn is encountered
                 if (character == '\n') {
                     newlineSplit = true;
                     string returnValue = value.Substring(currentPosition + 1);
                     value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
                     if (value.Length < 1) {
                         value = "\u0001";
                     PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
                     return pc;
                 currentWidth += GetCharWidth(cidChar);
                 if (character == ' ') {
                     lastSpace = currentPosition + 1;
                     lastSpaceWidth = currentWidth;
                 if (currentWidth > width)
                 // if a split-character is encountered, the splitPosition is altered
                 if (splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, currentPosition, length, valueArray, thisChunk))
                     splitPosition = currentPosition + 1;
         else {
             while (currentPosition < length) {
                 // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                 character = valueArray[currentPosition];
                 // if a newLine or carriageReturn is encountered
                 if (character == '\r' || character == '\n') {
                     newlineSplit = true;
                     int inc = 1;
                     if (character == '\r' && currentPosition + 1 < length && valueArray[currentPosition + 1] == '\n')
                         inc = 2;
                     string returnValue = value.Substring(currentPosition + inc);
                     value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
                     if (value.Length < 1) {
                         value = " ";
                     PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
                     return pc;
                 surrogate = Utilities.IsSurrogatePair(valueArray, currentPosition);
                 if (surrogate)
                     currentWidth += GetCharWidth(Utilities.ConvertToUtf32(valueArray[currentPosition], valueArray[currentPosition + 1]));
                     currentWidth += GetCharWidth(character);
                 if (character == ' ') {
                     lastSpace = currentPosition + 1;
                     lastSpaceWidth = currentWidth;
                 if (surrogate)
                 if (currentWidth > width)
                 // if a split-character is encountered, the splitPosition is altered
                 if (splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, currentPosition, length, valueArray, null))
                     splitPosition = currentPosition + 1;
         // if all the characters fit in the total width, null is returned (there is no overflow)
         if (currentPosition == length) {
             return null;
         // otherwise, the string has to be truncated
         if (splitPosition < 0) {
             string returnValue = value;
             value = "";
             PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
             return pc;
         if (lastSpace > splitPosition && splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, 0, 1, singleSpace, null))
             splitPosition = lastSpace;
         if (hyphenationEvent != null && lastSpace >= 0 && lastSpace < currentPosition) {
             int wordIdx = GetWord(value, lastSpace);
             if (wordIdx > lastSpace) {
                 string pre = hyphenationEvent.GetHyphenatedWordPre(value.Substring(lastSpace, wordIdx - lastSpace), font.Font, font.Size, width - lastSpaceWidth);
                 string post = hyphenationEvent.HyphenatedWordPost;
                 if (pre.Length > 0) {
                     string returnValue = post + value.Substring(wordIdx);
                     value = Trim(value.Substring(0, lastSpace) + pre);
                     PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
                     return pc;
         string retVal = value.Substring(splitPosition);
         value = Trim(value.Substring(0, splitPosition));
         PdfChunk tmp = new PdfChunk(retVal, this);
         return tmp;
Beispiel #2
      * Truncates this <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if it's too long for the given width.
      * <P>
      * Returns <VAR>null</VAR> if the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> wasn't truncated.
      * @param       width       a given width
      * @return      the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> that doesn't fit into the width.
     internal PdfChunk Truncate(float width) {
         if (image != null) {
             if (image.ScaledWidth > width) {
                 PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk("", this);
                 value = "";
                 image = null;
                 font = PdfFont.DefaultFont;
                 return pc;
                 return null;
         int currentPosition = 0;
         float currentWidth = 0;
         // it's no use trying to split if there isn't even enough place for a space
         if (width < font.Width()) {
             string returnValue = value.Substring(1);
             value = value.Substring(0, 1);
             PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
             return pc;
         // loop over all the characters of a string
         // or until the totalWidth is reached
         int length = value.Length;
         bool surrogate = false;
         while (currentPosition < length) {
             // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
             surrogate = Utilities.IsSurrogatePair(value, currentPosition);
             if (surrogate)
                 currentWidth += GetCharWidth(Utilities.ConvertToUtf32(value, currentPosition));
                 currentWidth += GetCharWidth(value[currentPosition]);
             if (currentWidth > width)
             if (surrogate)
         // if all the characters fit in the total width, null is returned (there is no overflow)
         if (currentPosition == length) {
             return null;
         // otherwise, the string has to be truncated
         //currentPosition -= 2;
         // we have to chop off minimum 1 character from the chunk
         if (currentPosition == 0) {
             currentPosition = 1;
             if (surrogate)
         string retVal = value.Substring(currentPosition);
         value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
         PdfChunk tmp = new PdfChunk(retVal, this);
         return tmp;
Beispiel #3
     // constructors
      * Constructs a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>-object.
      * @param string the content of the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>-object
      * @param font the <CODE>PdfFont</CODE>
      * @param attributes the metrics attributes
      * @param noStroke the non metric attributes
     internal PdfChunk(string str, PdfChunk other) {
         thisChunk[0] = this;
         value = str;
         this.font = other.font;
         this.attributes = other.attributes;
         this.noStroke = other.noStroke;
         this.baseFont = other.baseFont;
         Object[] obj = null;
         if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.IMAGE))
             obj = (Object[])attributes[Chunk.IMAGE];
         if (obj == null)
             image = null;
         else {
             image = (Image)obj[0];
             offsetX = (float)obj[1];
             offsetY = (float)obj[2];
             changeLeading = (bool)obj[3];
         encoding = font.Font.Encoding;
         if (noStroke.ContainsKey(Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER))
             splitCharacter = (ISplitCharacter)noStroke[Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER];
             splitCharacter = DefaultSplitCharacter.DEFAULT;
Beispiel #4
       * Constructs a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>-object.
       * @param chunk the original <CODE>Chunk</CODE>-object
       * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> if the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> comes from an <CODE>Anchor</CODE>
      internal PdfChunk(Chunk chunk, PdfAction action) {
          thisChunk[0] = this;
          value = chunk.Content;
          Font f = chunk.Font;
          float size = f.Size;
          if (size == iTextSharp.text.Font.UNDEFINED)
              size = 12;
          baseFont = f.BaseFont;
          BaseFont bf = f.BaseFont;
          int style = f.Style;
          if (style == iTextSharp.text.Font.UNDEFINED) {
              style = iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL;
          if (baseFont == null) {
              // translation of the font-family to a PDF font-family
              baseFont = f.GetCalculatedBaseFont(false);
              // bold simulation
              if ((style & iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD) != 0)
                  attributes[Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE] = new Object[]{PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE, size / 30f, null};
              // italic simulation
              if ((style & iTextSharp.text.Font.ITALIC) != 0)
                  attributes[Chunk.SKEW] = new float[]{0, ITALIC_ANGLE};
          font = new PdfFont(baseFont, size);
          // other style possibilities
          Dictionary<string,object> attr = chunk.Attributes;
          if (attr != null) {
              foreach (KeyValuePair<string,object> entry in attr) {
                  string name = entry.Key;
                  if (keysAttributes.ContainsKey(name)) {
                      attributes[name] = entry.Value;
                  else if (keysNoStroke.ContainsKey(name)) {
                      noStroke[name] = entry.Value;
              if (attr.ContainsKey(Chunk.GENERICTAG) && "".Equals(attr[Chunk.GENERICTAG])) {
                  attributes[Chunk.GENERICTAG] = chunk.Content;
          if (f.IsUnderlined()) {
              Object[] obj = {null, new float[]{0, 1f / 15, 0, -1f / 3, 0}};
              Object[][] obja = null;
              if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                  obja = (Object[][])attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE];
              Object[][] unders = Utilities.AddToArray(obja, obj);
              attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
          if (f.IsStrikethru()) {
              Object[] obj = {null, new float[]{0, 1f / 15, 0, 1f / 3, 0}};
              Object[][] obja = null;
              if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                  obja = (Object[][])attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE];
              Object[][] unders = Utilities.AddToArray(obja, obj);
              attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
          if (action != null)
              attributes[Chunk.ACTION] = action;
          // the color can't be stored in a PdfFont
          noStroke[Chunk.COLOR] = f.Color;
          noStroke[Chunk.ENCODING] = font.Font.Encoding;
          Object[] obj2 = null;
          if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.IMAGE))
              obj2 = (Object[])attributes[Chunk.IMAGE];
          if (obj2 == null)
              image = null;
          else {
              attributes.Remove(Chunk.HSCALE); // images are scaled in other ways
              image = (Image)obj2[0];
              offsetX = ((float)obj2[1]);
              offsetY = ((float)obj2[2]);
              changeLeading = (bool)obj2[3];
          font.Image = image;
          object hs;
          attributes.TryGetValue(Chunk.HSCALE, out hs);
          if (hs != null)
              font.HorizontalScaling = (float)hs;
          encoding = font.Font.Encoding;
          if (noStroke.ContainsKey(Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER))
              splitCharacter = (ISplitCharacter)noStroke[Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER];
              splitCharacter = DefaultSplitCharacter.DEFAULT;
Beispiel #5
         * Truncates this <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if it's too long for the given width.
         * <P>
         * Returns <VAR>null</VAR> if the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> wasn't truncated.
         * @param       width       a given width
         * @return      the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> that doesn't fit into the width.

        internal PdfChunk Truncate(float width)
            if (image != null)
                if (image.ScaledWidth > width)
                    // Image does not fit the line, resize if requested
                    if (image.ScaleToFitLineWhenOverflow)
                        float scalePercent = width / image.Width * 100;
                    PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk("", this);
                    value = "";
                    image = null;
                    font  = PdfFont.DefaultFont;

            int   currentPosition = 0;
            float currentWidth    = 0;

            // it's no use trying to split if there isn't even enough place for a space
            if (width < font.Width())
                string returnValue = value.Substring(1);
                value = value.Substring(0, 1);
                PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);

            // loop over all the characters of a string
            // or until the totalWidth is reached
            int  length    = value.Length;
            bool surrogate = false;

            while (currentPosition < length)
                // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                surrogate = Utilities.IsSurrogatePair(value, currentPosition);
                if (surrogate)
                    currentWidth += GetCharWidth(Utilities.ConvertToUtf32(value, currentPosition));
                    currentWidth += GetCharWidth(value[currentPosition]);
                if (currentWidth > width)
                if (surrogate)

            // if all the characters fit in the total width, null is returned (there is no overflow)
            if (currentPosition == length)

            // otherwise, the string has to be truncated
            //currentPosition -= 2;
            // we have to chop off minimum 1 character from the chunk
            if (currentPosition == 0)
                currentPosition = 1;
                if (surrogate)
            string retVal = value.Substring(currentPosition);

            value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
            PdfChunk tmp = new PdfChunk(retVal, this);

Beispiel #6
        internal void WriteLine(PdfLine line, PdfContentByte text, PdfContentByte graphics)
            PdfFont currentFont = null;

            foreach (PdfChunk chunk in line)
                if (!chunk.IsImage() && chunk.Font.CompareTo(currentFont) != 0)
                    currentFont = chunk.Font;
                    text.SetFontAndSize(currentFont.Font, currentFont.Size);
                Object[]  textRender  = (Object[])chunk.GetAttribute(Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE);
                int       tr          = 0;
                float     strokeWidth = 1;
                BaseColor color       = chunk.Color;
                BaseColor strokeColor = null;
                if (textRender != null)
                    tr = (int)textRender[0] & 3;
                    if (tr != PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL)
                    if (tr == PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE || tr == PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE)
                        strokeWidth = (float)textRender[1];
                        if (strokeWidth != 1)
                        strokeColor = (BaseColor)textRender[2];
                        if (strokeColor == null)
                            strokeColor = color;
                        if (strokeColor != null)

                object charSpace = chunk.GetAttribute(Chunk.CHAR_SPACING);
                // no char space setting means "leave it as is".
                if (charSpace != null && !curCharSpace.Equals(charSpace))
                    curCharSpace = (float)charSpace;
                if (color != null)
                if (color != null)
                if (tr != PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL)
                if (strokeColor != null)
                if (strokeWidth != 1)
Beispiel #7
         * Splits this <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if it's too long for the given width.
         * <P>
         * Returns <VAR>null</VAR> if the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> wasn't truncated.
         * @param       width       a given width
         * @return      the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> that doesn't fit into the width.

        internal PdfChunk Split(float width)
            newlineSplit = false;
            if (image != null)
                if (image.ScaledWidth > width)
                    PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(Chunk.OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER, this);
                    value      = "";
                    attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    image      = null;
                    font       = PdfFont.DefaultFont;
            IHyphenationEvent hyphenationEvent = null;

            if (noStroke.ContainsKey(Chunk.HYPHENATION))
                hyphenationEvent = (IHyphenationEvent)noStroke[Chunk.HYPHENATION];
            int   currentPosition = 0;
            int   splitPosition   = -1;
            float currentWidth    = 0;

            // loop over all the characters of a string
            // or until the totalWidth is reached
            int   lastSpace      = -1;
            float lastSpaceWidth = 0;
            int   length         = value.Length;

            char[]   valueArray = value.ToCharArray();
            char     character  = (char)0;
            BaseFont ft         = font.Font;
            bool     surrogate  = false;

            if (ft.FontType == BaseFont.FONT_TYPE_CJK && ft.GetUnicodeEquivalent(' ') != ' ')
                while (currentPosition < length)
                    // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                    char cidChar = valueArray[currentPosition];
                    character = (char)ft.GetUnicodeEquivalent(cidChar);
                    // if a newLine or carriageReturn is encountered
                    if (character == '\n')
                        newlineSplit = true;
                        string returnValue = value.Substring(currentPosition + 1);
                        value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
                        if (value.Length < 1)
                            value = "\u0001";
                        PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
                    currentWidth += GetCharWidth(cidChar);
                    if (character == ' ')
                        lastSpace      = currentPosition + 1;
                        lastSpaceWidth = currentWidth;
                    if (currentWidth > width)
                    // if a split-character is encountered, the splitPosition is altered
                    if (splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, currentPosition, length, valueArray, thisChunk))
                        splitPosition = currentPosition + 1;
                while (currentPosition < length)
                    // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                    character = valueArray[currentPosition];
                    // if a newLine or carriageReturn is encountered
                    if (character == '\r' || character == '\n')
                        newlineSplit = true;
                        int inc = 1;
                        if (character == '\r' && currentPosition + 1 < length && valueArray[currentPosition + 1] == '\n')
                            inc = 2;
                        string returnValue = value.Substring(currentPosition + inc);
                        value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
                        if (value.Length < 1)
                            value = " ";
                        PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
                    surrogate = Utilities.IsSurrogatePair(valueArray, currentPosition);
                    if (surrogate)
                        currentWidth += GetCharWidth(Utilities.ConvertToUtf32(valueArray[currentPosition], valueArray[currentPosition + 1]));
                        currentWidth += GetCharWidth(character);
                    if (character == ' ')
                        lastSpace      = currentPosition + 1;
                        lastSpaceWidth = currentWidth;
                    if (surrogate)
                    if (currentWidth > width)
                    // if a split-character is encountered, the splitPosition is altered
                    if (splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, currentPosition, length, valueArray, null))
                        splitPosition = currentPosition + 1;

            // if all the characters fit in the total width, null is returned (there is no overflow)
            if (currentPosition == length)
            // otherwise, the string has to be truncated
            if (splitPosition < 0)
                string returnValue = value;
                value = "";
                PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
            if (lastSpace > splitPosition && splitCharacter.IsSplitCharacter(0, 0, 1, singleSpace, null))
                splitPosition = lastSpace;
            if (hyphenationEvent != null && lastSpace >= 0 && lastSpace < currentPosition)
                int wordIdx = GetWord(value, lastSpace);
                if (wordIdx > lastSpace)
                    string pre  = hyphenationEvent.GetHyphenatedWordPre(value.Substring(lastSpace, wordIdx - lastSpace), font.Font, font.Size, width - lastSpaceWidth);
                    string post = hyphenationEvent.HyphenatedWordPost;
                    if (pre.Length > 0)
                        string returnValue = post + value.Substring(wordIdx);
                        value = Trim(value.Substring(0, lastSpace) + pre);
                        PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);
            string retVal = value.Substring(splitPosition);

            value = Trim(value.Substring(0, splitPosition));
            PdfChunk tmp = new PdfChunk(retVal, this);

Beispiel #8
         * Constructs a <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE>-object.
         * @param chunk the original <CODE>Chunk</CODE>-object
         * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> if the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> comes from an <CODE>Anchor</CODE>

        internal PdfChunk(Chunk chunk, PdfAction action)
            thisChunk[0] = this;
            value        = chunk.Content;

            Font  f    = chunk.Font;
            float size = f.Size;

            if (size == iTextSharp.text.Font.UNDEFINED)
                size = 12;
            baseFont = f.BaseFont;
            BaseFont bf    = f.BaseFont;
            int      style = f.Style;

            if (style == iTextSharp.text.Font.UNDEFINED)
                style = iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL;
            if (baseFont == null)
                // translation of the font-family to a PDF font-family
                baseFont = f.GetCalculatedBaseFont(false);
                // bold simulation
                if ((style & iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD) != 0)
                    attributes[Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE] = new Object[] { PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE, size / 30f, null }
                // italic simulation
                if ((style & iTextSharp.text.Font.ITALIC) != 0)
                    attributes[Chunk.SKEW] = new float[] { 0, ITALIC_ANGLE }
            font = new PdfFont(baseFont, size);
            // other style possibilities
            Dictionary <string, object> attr = chunk.Attributes;

            if (attr != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in attr)
                    string name = entry.Key;
                    if (keysAttributes.ContainsKey(name))
                        attributes[name] = entry.Value;
                    else if (keysNoStroke.ContainsKey(name))
                        noStroke[name] = entry.Value;
                if (attr.ContainsKey(Chunk.GENERICTAG) && "".Equals(attr[Chunk.GENERICTAG]))
                    attributes[Chunk.GENERICTAG] = chunk.Content;
            if (f.IsUnderlined())
                Object[]   obj  = { null, new float[] { 0, 1f / 15, 0, -1f / 3, 0 } };
                Object[][] obja = null;
                if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                    obja = (Object[][])attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE];
                Object[][] unders = Utilities.AddToArray(obja, obj);
                attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
            if (f.IsStrikethru())
                Object[]   obj  = { null, new float[] { 0, 1f / 15, 0, 1f / 3, 0 } };
                Object[][] obja = null;
                if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                    obja = (Object[][])attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE];
                Object[][] unders = Utilities.AddToArray(obja, obj);
                attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
            if (action != null)
                attributes[Chunk.ACTION] = action;
            // the color can't be stored in a PdfFont
            noStroke[Chunk.COLOR]    = f.Color;
            noStroke[Chunk.ENCODING] = font.Font.Encoding;
            Object lh;

            if (attributes.TryGetValue(Chunk.LINEHEIGHT, out lh))
                changeLeading = true;
                leading       = (float)lh;

            Object[] obj2 = null;
            if (attributes.ContainsKey(Chunk.IMAGE))
                obj2 = (Object[])attributes[Chunk.IMAGE];
            if (obj2 == null)
                image = null;
                attributes.Remove(Chunk.HSCALE); // images are scaled in other ways
                image         = (Image)obj2[0];
                offsetX       = ((float)obj2[1]);
                offsetY       = ((float)obj2[2]);
                changeLeading = (bool)obj2[3];
            font.Image = image;
            object hs;

            attributes.TryGetValue(Chunk.HSCALE, out hs);
            if (hs != null)
                font.HorizontalScaling = (float)hs;
            encoding = font.Font.Encoding;
            if (noStroke.ContainsKey(Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER))
                splitCharacter = (ISplitCharacter)noStroke[Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER];
                splitCharacter = DefaultSplitCharacter.DEFAULT;
Beispiel #9
         * Truncates this <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> if it's too long for the given width.
         * <P>
         * Returns <VAR>null</VAR> if the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> wasn't truncated.
         * @param       width       a given width
         * @return      the <CODE>PdfChunk</CODE> that doesn't fit into the width.

        internal PdfChunk Truncate(float width)
            if (image != null)
                if (image.ScaledWidth > width)
                    PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk("", this);
                    value = "";
                    image = null;
                    font  = PdfFont.DefaultFont;

            int   currentPosition = 0;
            float currentWidth    = 0;

            // it's no use trying to split if there isn't even enough place for a space
            if (width < font.Width())
                string returnValue = value.Substring(1);
                value = value.Substring(0, 1);
                PdfChunk pc = new PdfChunk(returnValue, this);

            // loop over all the characters of a string
            // or until the totalWidth is reached
            int  length = value.Length;
            char character;

            while (currentPosition < length)
                // the width of every character is added to the currentWidth
                character     = value[currentPosition];
                currentWidth += font.Width(character);
                if (currentWidth > width)

            // if all the characters fit in the total width, null is returned (there is no overflow)
            if (currentPosition == length)

            // otherwise, the string has to be truncated
            //currentPosition -= 2;
            // we have to chop off minimum 1 character from the chunk
            if (currentPosition == 0)
                currentPosition = 1;
            string retVal = value.Substring(currentPosition);

            value = value.Substring(0, currentPosition);
            PdfChunk tmp = new PdfChunk(retVal, this);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a  PdfChunk -object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chunk">the original  Chunk -object</param>
        /// <param name="action">the  PdfAction  if the  Chunk  comes from an  Anchor </param>

        public PdfChunk(Chunk chunk, PdfAction action)
            _thisChunk[0] = this;
            value         = chunk.Content;

            var f    = chunk.Font;
            var size = f.Size;

            if (size.ApproxEquals(text.Font.UNDEFINED))
                size = 12;

            BaseFont = f.BaseFont;
            var bf    = f.BaseFont;
            var style = f.Style;

            if (style == text.Font.UNDEFINED)
                style = text.Font.NORMAL;
            if (BaseFont == null)
                // translation of the font-family to a PDF font-family
                BaseFont = f.GetCalculatedBaseFont(false);
                // bold simulation
                if ((style & text.Font.BOLD) != 0)
                    Attributes[Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE] = new object[] { PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE, size / 30f, null };
                // italic simulation
                if ((style & text.Font.ITALIC) != 0)
                    Attributes[Chunk.SKEW] = new[] { 0, ItalicAngle };
            font = new PdfFont(BaseFont, size);
            // other style possibilities
            var attr = chunk.Attributes;

            if (attr != null)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in attr)
                    var name = (string)entry.Key;
                    if (_keysAttributes.ContainsKey(name))
                        Attributes[name] = entry.Value;
                    else if (_keysNoStroke.ContainsKey(name))
                        NoStroke[name] = entry.Value;
                if ("".Equals(attr[Chunk.GENERICTAG]))
                    Attributes[Chunk.GENERICTAG] = chunk.Content;
            if (f.IsUnderlined())
                object[] obj    = { null, new[] { 0, 1f / 15, 0, -1f / 3, 0 } };
                var      unders = Utilities.AddToArray((object[][])Attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE], obj);
                Attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
            if (f.IsStrikethru())
                object[] obj    = { null, new[] { 0, 1f / 15, 0, 1f / 3, 0 } };
                var      unders = Utilities.AddToArray((object[][])Attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE], obj);
                Attributes[Chunk.UNDERLINE] = unders;
            if (action != null)
                Attributes[Chunk.ACTION] = action;
            // the color can't be stored in a PdfFont
            NoStroke[Chunk.COLOR]    = f.Color;
            NoStroke[Chunk.ENCODING] = font.Font.Encoding;
            var obj2 = (object[])Attributes[Chunk.IMAGE];

            if (obj2 == null)
                image = null;
                Attributes.Remove(Chunk.HSCALE); // images are scaled in other ways
                image         = (Image)obj2[0];
                OffsetX       = ((float)obj2[1]);
                OffsetY       = ((float)obj2[2]);
                changeLeading = (bool)obj2[3];
            font.Image = image;
            var hs = Attributes[Chunk.HSCALE];

            if (hs != null)
                font.HorizontalScaling = (float)hs;

            encoding       = font.Font.Encoding;
            SplitCharacter = (ISplitCharacter)NoStroke[Chunk.SPLITCHARACTER];
            if (SplitCharacter == null)
                SplitCharacter = DefaultSplitCharacter.Default;
Beispiel #11
         * Outputs the lines to the document. The output can be simulated.
         * @param simulate <CODE>true</CODE> to simulate the writting to the document
         * @return returns the result of the operation. It can be <CODE>NO_MORE_TEXT</CODE>
         * and/or <CODE>NO_MORE_COLUMN</CODE>
         * @throws DocumentException on error
        public int go(bool simulate)
            bool  dirty = false;
            float ratio = spaceCharRatio;

            Object[] currentValues  = new Object[2];
            PdfFont  currentFont    = null;
            float    lastBaseFactor = 0F;

            currentValues[1] = lastBaseFactor;
            PdfDocument    pdf               = null;
            PdfContentByte graphics          = null;
            int            localRunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI;

            if (runDirection != PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
                localRunDirection = runDirection;
            if (text != null)
                pdf      = text.PdfDocument;
                graphics = text.Duplicate;
            else if (!simulate)
                throw new Exception("ColumnText.go with simulate==false and text==null.");
            if (!simulate)
                if (ratio == GLOBAL_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO)
                    ratio = text.PdfWriter.SpaceCharRatio;
                else if (ratio < 0.001f)
                    ratio = 0.001f;
            float firstIndent = 0;

            int status = 0;

            if (rectangularWidth > 0)
                for (;;)
                    firstIndent = (lastWasNewline ? indent : followingIndent);
                    if (rectangularWidth <= firstIndent + rightIndent)
                        status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
                        if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
                            status |= NO_MORE_TEXT;
                    if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
                        status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
                    float   yTemp   = yLine;
                    PdfLine line    = bidiLine.processLine(rectangularWidth - firstIndent - rightIndent, alignment, localRunDirection);
                    float   maxSize = line.MaxSizeSimple;
                    currentLeading = fixedLeading + maxSize * multipliedLeading;
                    float[] xx = findLimitsTwoLines();
                    if (xx == null)
                        status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
                        yLine  = yTemp;
                    float x1 = Math.Max(xx[0], xx[2]);
                    if (!simulate && !dirty)
                        dirty = true;
                    if (!simulate)
                        currentValues[0] = currentFont;
                        text.setTextMatrix(x1 + (line.IsRTL ? rightIndent : firstIndent) + line.IndentLeft, yLine);
                        pdf.writeLineToContent(line, text, graphics, currentValues, ratio);
                        currentFont = (PdfFont)currentValues[0];
                    lastWasNewline = line.isNewlineSplit();
                    yLine         -= line.isNewlineSplit() ? extraParagraphSpace : 0;
                currentLeading = fixedLeading;
                for (;;)
                    firstIndent = (lastWasNewline ? indent : followingIndent);
                    float   yTemp = yLine;
                    float[] xx    = findLimitsTwoLines();
                    if (xx == null)
                        status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
                        if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
                            status |= NO_MORE_TEXT;
                        yLine = yTemp;
                    if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
                        status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
                        yLine  = yTemp;
                    float x1 = Math.Max(xx[0], xx[2]);
                    float x2 = Math.Min(xx[1], xx[3]);
                    if (x2 - x1 <= firstIndent + rightIndent)
                    if (!simulate && !dirty)
                        dirty = true;
                    PdfLine line = bidiLine.processLine(x2 - x1 - firstIndent - rightIndent, alignment, localRunDirection);
                    if (!simulate)
                        currentValues[0] = currentFont;
                        text.setTextMatrix(x1 + (line.IsRTL ? rightIndent : firstIndent) + line.IndentLeft, yLine);
                        pdf.writeLineToContent(line, text, graphics, currentValues, ratio);
                        currentFont = (PdfFont)currentValues[0];
                    lastWasNewline = line.isNewlineSplit();
                    yLine         -= line.isNewlineSplit() ? extraParagraphSpace : 0;
            if (dirty)