Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the dict values for the Entitlements key and creates a new full .plist file
        /// from them (with outer plist and dict keys as well as doctype, etc...)
        /// </summary>
        public string GetEntitlementsString(string CFBundleIdentifier, out string TeamIdentifier)
            Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
            Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
                XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

            // Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
            string CurrentApplicationIdentifier;

            XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out CurrentApplicationIdentifier);
            XCentPList.GetString("", out TeamIdentifier);

//			if (CurrentApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                // Replace the application identifier
                string NewApplicationIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                XCentPList.SetString("application-identifier", NewApplicationIdentifier);

                // Replace the keychain access groups
                // Note: This isn't robust, it ignores the existing value in the wildcard and uses the same value for
                // each entry.  If there is a legitimate need for more than one entry in the access group list, then
                // don't use a wildcard!
                List <string> KeyGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("keychain-access-groups", "string");

                for (int i = 0; i < KeyGroups.Count; ++i)
                    string Entry = KeyGroups[i];
                    if (Entry.Contains("*"))
                        Entry = NewApplicationIdentifier;
                    KeyGroups[i] = Entry;

                XCentPList.SetValueForKey("keychain-access-groups", KeyGroups);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a MobileProvision from an xml blob extracted from the real ASN.1 file
        /// </summary>
        public MobileProvision(string EmbeddedPListText)
            Data = new Utilities.PListHelper(EmbeddedPListText);

            // Now extract things

            // Key: ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, Array<String>
            List <string> PrefixList = Data.GetArray("ApplicationIdentifierPrefix", "string");

            if (PrefixList.Count > 1)
                Program.Warning("Found more than one entry for ApplicationIdentifierPrefix in the .mobileprovision, using the first one found");

            if (PrefixList.Count > 0)
                ApplicationIdentifierPrefix = PrefixList[0];

            // Example date string from the XML: "2014-06-30T20:45:55Z";
            DateTimeStyles AppleDateStyle = DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces | DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal;

            string CreationDateString;

            if (Data.GetDate("CreationDate", out CreationDateString))
                CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(CreationDateString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, AppleDateStyle);

            string ExpirationDateString;

            if (Data.GetDate("ExpirationDate", out ExpirationDateString))
                ExpirationDate = DateTime.Parse(ExpirationDateString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, AppleDateStyle);

            // Key: DeveloperCertificates, Array<Data> (uuencoded)
            string        CertificatePassword = "";
            List <string> CertificateList     = Data.GetArray("DeveloperCertificates", "data");

            foreach (string EncodedCert in CertificateList)
                byte[] RawCert = Convert.FromBase64String(EncodedCert);
                DeveloperCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate2(RawCert, CertificatePassword));

            // Key: Name, String
            if (!Data.GetString("Name", out ProvisionName))
                ProvisionName = "(unknown)";

            // Key: ProvisionedDevices, Array<String>
            ProvisionedDeviceIDs = Data.GetArray("ProvisionedDevices", "string");

            // Key: application-identifier, Array<String>
            Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
            Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
                XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

            // Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
            if (!XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out ApplicationIdentifier))
                ApplicationIdentifier = "(unknown)";

            // check for get-task-allow
            bDebug = XCentPList.GetBool("get-task-allow");

            if (!Data.GetString("UUID", out UUID))
                UUID = "(unkown)";

            List <string> Platforms = Data.GetArray("Platform", "string");

            if (Platforms.Contains("iOS"))
                Platform = "IOS";
            else if (Platforms.Contains("tvOS"))
                Platform = "TVOS";
                Platform = "";
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the dict values for the Entitlements key and creates a new full .plist file
        /// from them (with outer plist and dict keys as well as doctype, etc...)
        /// </summary>
        public string GetEntitlementsString(string CFBundleIdentifier, out string TeamIdentifier)
            Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
            Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
                XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

            // Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
            string CurrentApplicationIdentifier;

            XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out CurrentApplicationIdentifier);
            XCentPList.GetString("", out TeamIdentifier);

            //			if (CurrentApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                // Replace the application identifier
                string NewApplicationIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                XCentPList.SetString("application-identifier", NewApplicationIdentifier);

                // Replace the keychain access groups
                // Note: This isn't robust, it ignores the existing value in the wildcard and uses the same value for
                // each entry.  If there is a legitimate need for more than one entry in the access group list, then
                // don't use a wildcard!
                List <string> KeyGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("keychain-access-groups", "string");

                for (int i = 0; i < KeyGroups.Count; ++i)
                    string Entry = KeyGroups[i];
                    if (Entry.Contains("*"))
                        Entry = NewApplicationIdentifier;
                    KeyGroups[i] = Entry;

                XCentPList.SetValueForKey("keychain-access-groups", KeyGroups);

            // must have CloudKit and CloudDocuments for
            // otherwise the game will not be listed in the Settings->iCloud apps menu on the device
                // iOS only
                if (Platform == "IOS" && XCentPList.HasKey(""))
                    List <string> ServicesGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("", "string");

                    XCentPList.SetValueForKey("", ServicesGroups);

                // For distribution builds, the entitlements from mobileprovisioning have a modified syntax
                if (Config.bForDistribution)
                    // remove the wildcards from the ubiquity-kvstore-identifier string
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey(""))
                        string UbiquityKvstoreString;
                        XCentPList.GetString("", out UbiquityKvstoreString);

                        int DotPosition = UbiquityKvstoreString.LastIndexOf("*");
                        if (DotPosition >= 0)
                            string TeamPrefix = DotPosition > 1 ? UbiquityKvstoreString.Substring(0, DotPosition - 1) : TeamIdentifier;
                            string NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                            XCentPList.SetValueForKey("", NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier);

                    // remove the wildcards from the ubiquity-container-identifiers array
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey(""))
                        List <string> UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("", "string");

                        for (int i = 0; i < UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups.Count; i++)
                            int DotPosition = UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i].LastIndexOf("*");
                            if (DotPosition >= 0)
                                string TeamPrefix = DotPosition > 1 ? UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i].Substring(0, DotPosition - 1) : TeamIdentifier;
                                string NewUbiquityContainerIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                                UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i] = NewUbiquityContainerIdentifier;

                        if (UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups.Count == 0)
                            string NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamIdentifier, CFBundleIdentifier);

                        XCentPList.SetValueForKey("", UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups);

                    // remove the wildcards from the developer.associated-domains array or string
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey(""))
                        string AssociatedDomainsString;
                        XCentPList.GetString("", out AssociatedDomainsString);

                        //check if the value is string
                        if (AssociatedDomainsString != null && AssociatedDomainsString.Contains("*"))
                            //check if the value is an array
                            List <string> AssociatedDomainsGroup = XCentPList.GetArray("", "string");

                            if (AssociatedDomainsGroup.Count == 1 && AssociatedDomainsGroup[0].Contains("*"))

                    // remove development keys - generated when the cloudkit container is in development mode

                // set the icloud-container-environment according to the project settings
                if (XCentPList.HasKey(""))
                    List <string> ContainerEnvironmentGroup = XCentPList.GetArray("", "string");

                    if (ContainerEnvironmentGroup.Count != 0)

                        // The new value is a string, not an array
                        string NewContainerEnvironment = Config.bForDistribution ? "Production" : "Development";
                        XCentPList.SetValueForKey("", NewContainerEnvironment);

		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a MobileProvision from an xml blob extracted from the real ASN.1 file
		/// </summary>
		public MobileProvision(string EmbeddedPListText)
			Data = new Utilities.PListHelper(EmbeddedPListText);

			// Now extract things

			// Key: ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, Array<String>
			List<string> PrefixList = Data.GetArray("ApplicationIdentifierPrefix", "string");
			if (PrefixList.Count > 1)
				Program.Warning("Found more than one entry for ApplicationIdentifierPrefix in the .mobileprovision, using the first one found");

			if (PrefixList.Count > 0)
				ApplicationIdentifierPrefix = PrefixList[0];

			// Example date string from the XML: "2014-06-30T20:45:55Z";
			DateTimeStyles AppleDateStyle = DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces | DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal;

			string CreationDateString;
			if (Data.GetDate("CreationDate", out CreationDateString))
				CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(CreationDateString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, AppleDateStyle);

			string ExpirationDateString;
			if (Data.GetDate("ExpirationDate", out ExpirationDateString))
				ExpirationDate = DateTime.Parse(ExpirationDateString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, AppleDateStyle);

			// Key: DeveloperCertificates, Array<Data> (uuencoded)
			string CertificatePassword = "";
			List<string> CertificateList = Data.GetArray("DeveloperCertificates", "data");
			foreach (string EncodedCert in CertificateList)
				byte[] RawCert = Convert.FromBase64String(EncodedCert);
				DeveloperCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate2(RawCert, CertificatePassword));

			// Key: Name, String
			if (!Data.GetString("Name", out ProvisionName))
				ProvisionName = "(unknown)";

			// Key: ProvisionedDevices, Array<String>
			ProvisionedDeviceIDs = Data.GetArray("ProvisionedDevices", "string");

			// Key: application-identifier, Array<String>
			Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
			Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
				XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

			// Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
			if (!XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out ApplicationIdentifier))
				ApplicationIdentifier = "(unknown)";

			// check for get-task-allow
			bDebug = XCentPList.GetBool("get-task-allow");