Beispiel #1
        public static void TryInstallingMobileProvision(string ProvisionFilename, bool ShowPrompt = true)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvisionFilename) || ShowOpenFileDialog(MobileProvisionFilter, "Choose a mobile provision to install", "mobileprovision", "", ref ChoosingFilesToInstallDirectory, out ProvisionFilename))
                    // Determine if this is a development or distribution certificate
                    bool            bIsDistribution = false;
                    MobileProvision Provision       = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(ProvisionFilename);
                    bIsDistribution = IsProfileForDistribution(Provision);

                    // use the input filename if the GameName is empty
                    string DestName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.GameName) ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProvisionFilename) : Program.GameName;

                    // Copy the file into the destination location
                    string EffectivePrefix     = bIsDistribution ? "Distro_" : Config.SigningPrefix;
                    string DestinationFilename = Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, EffectivePrefix + DestName + ".mobileprovision");

                    DestinationFilename = DestinationFilename.Replace("\\", "/");
                    if (File.Exists(DestinationFilename))
                        MobileProvision OldProvision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(DestinationFilename);

                        string MessagePrompt = String.Format(
                            "{0} already contains a {1} mobile provision file.  Do you want to replace the provision '{2}' with '{3}'?",
                            bIsDistribution ? "distribution" : "development",

                        if (ShowPrompt && System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(MessagePrompt, Config.AppDisplayName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)

                        if (DestinationFilename != ProvisionFilename)

                    if (DestinationFilename != ProvisionFilename)
                        FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(ProvisionFilename, DestinationFilename);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowError(String.Format("Encountered an error '{0} while trying to install a mobile provision", ex.Message));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges a certificate and private key into a single combined certificate
        /// </summary>
        public static X509Certificate2 CombineKeyAndCert(string CertificateFilename, string KeyFilename)
            // Load the certificate
            string           CertificatePassword = "";
            X509Certificate2 Cert = new X509Certificate2(CertificateFilename, CertificatePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

            // Make sure we have a useful friendly name
            string FriendlyName = Cert.FriendlyName;

            if ((FriendlyName == "") || (FriendlyName == null))
                FriendlyName = GetCommonNameFromCert(Cert);

            // Create a PKCS#12 store with both the certificate and the private key in it
            Pkcs12Store Store = new Pkcs12StoreBuilder().Build();

            X509CertificateEntry[] CertChain = new X509CertificateEntry[1];
            Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate BouncyCert = DotNetUtilities.FromX509Certificate(Cert);
            CertChain[0] = new X509CertificateEntry(BouncyCert);

            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair KeyPair = LoadKeyPairFromDiskBouncy(KeyFilename);

            Store.SetKeyEntry(FriendlyName, new AsymmetricKeyEntry(KeyPair.Private), CertChain);

            // Verify the public key from the key pair matches the certificate's public key
            AsymmetricKeyParameter CertPublicKey = BouncyCert.GetPublicKey();

            if (!(KeyPair.Public as RsaKeyParameters).Equals(CertPublicKey as RsaKeyParameters))
                throw new InvalidDataException("The key pair provided does not match the certificate.  Make sure you provide the same key pair that was used to generate the original certificate signing request");

            // Export the merged cert as a .p12
            string TempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

            string ReexportedPassword = "******";

            Stream OutStream = File.OpenWrite(TempFileName);

            Store.Save(OutStream, ReexportedPassword.ToCharArray(), new Org.BouncyCastle.Security.SecureRandom());

            // Load it back in and delete the temporary file
            X509Certificate2 Result = new X509Certificate2(TempFileName, ReexportedPassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a copy of a source IPA to a working path and opens it up as a Zip for further modifications
        /// </summary>
        static private ZipFile CreateWorkingIPA(string SourceIPAPath, string WorkIPAPath)
            FileInfo ReferenceInfo = new FileInfo(SourceIPAPath);

            if (!ReferenceInfo.Exists)
                Program.Error(String.Format("Failed to find stub IPA '{0}'", SourceIPAPath));
                Program.Log(String.Format("Loaded stub IPA from '{0}' ...", SourceIPAPath));

            if (Program.GameName == "UE4Game")
                WorkIPAPath = Config.RemapIPAPath(".ipa");

            // Make sure there are no stale working copies around

            // Create a working copy of the IPA
            FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(SourceIPAPath, WorkIPAPath);

            // Open up the zip file
            ZipFile Stub = ZipFile.Read(WorkIPAPath);

            // Do a few quick spot checks to catch problems that may have occurred earlier
            bool bHasCodeSignature   = Stub[Config.AppDirectoryInZIP + "/_CodeSignature/CodeResources"] != null;
            bool bHasMobileProvision = Stub[Config.AppDirectoryInZIP + "/embedded.mobileprovision"] != null;

            if (!bHasCodeSignature || !bHasMobileProvision)
                Program.Error("Stub IPA does not appear to be signed correctly (missing mobileprovision or CodeResources)");
                Program.ReturnCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Error_StubNotSignedCorrectly;

            // Set encoding to support unicode filenames
            Stub.AlternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.Always;
            Stub.AlternateEncoding      = Encoding.UTF8;

Beispiel #4
        private void ResignButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "ipa";
            saveFileDialog1.FileName   = "";
            saveFileDialog1.Filter     = ToolsHub.IpaFilter;
            saveFileDialog1.Title      = "Choose a filename for the re-signed IPA";

            string CWD = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            bool   bDialogSucceeded = (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK);


            if (bDialogSucceeded)
                bool bSavedVerbose = Config.bVerbose;
                Config.bVerbose = true;
                Program.ProgressDialog.OnBeginBackgroundWork = delegate
                    string SrcFilename  = IPAFilenameEdit.Text;
                    string DestFilename = saveFileDialog1.FileName;

                    // Delete the target location and copy the source there
                    FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(SrcFilename, DestFilename);

                    // Open the file
                    FileOperations.ZipFileSystem FileSystem = new FileOperations.ZipFileSystem(DestFilename);
                    FileSystem.SetCompression(CBCompressModifiedFiles.Checked ? Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression : Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.None);

                    // Resign and save the file
                Config.bVerbose = bSavedVerbose;
