protected int removeSchedulingInfo(int clientId, int serverId, int ussId, int lssId, ref StringBuilder message)
            int status = 1;
            int result = 1;
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end = DateTime.MaxValue;
            ProcessAgent ls = ticketing.GetProcessAgent(serverId);
            ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId);
            ProcessAgentInfo uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussId);
            if (ls == null)
                message.AppendLine("LabServer is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (lss == null)
                message.AppendLine("LSS is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (uss == null)
                message.AppendLine("USS is not specified!<br/>");
                status = 0;
            if (status < 1)
                return status;
            TicketLoadFactory tlf = TicketLoadFactory.Instance();
            string payload = tlf.createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
            Coupon coupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 300L, payload);
            ticketing.AddTicket(coupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 300L, payload);

            LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy();
            AgentAuthHeader agentHeader = new AgentAuthHeader();
            agentHeader.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
   = lss.identOut;
            lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = agentHeader;
            OperationAuthHeader opHeader = new OperationAuthHeader();
   = coupon;
            lssProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = opHeader;
            lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl;
            int count = lssProxy.RemoveReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, "", uss.agentGuid, ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, start, end);
            result = lssProxy.RemoveExperimentInfo(ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid);
            if (result > 0)
                status = Math.Min(status, result);

            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
            AgentAuthHeader header = new AgentAuthHeader();
            header.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
   = uss.identOut;
            ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = header;
            OperationAuthHeader op2Header = new OperationAuthHeader();
   = coupon;
            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = op2Header;
            ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
            int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, "", ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, start, end,
                "The USS is being removed from this lab client!");
            result = ussProxy.RemoveExperimentInfo(ls.agentGuid, labClient.clientGuid, lss.agentGuid);
            if (result > 0)
                status = Math.Min(status, result);
            return status;
Beispiel #2
        public static int RevokeReservation(ReservationInfo ri)
            int count = 0;
            LssCredentialSet[] sets = DBManager.GetCredentialSets(new int[] { ri.credentialSetId });
            LssExperimentInfo[] exps = DBManager.GetExperimentInfos(new int[] { ri.experimentInfoId });
            if (sets != null && sets.Length > 0 && exps != null && exps.Length > 0)

                USSInfo uss = DBManager.GetUSSInfo(sets[0].ussGuid);
                if (uss != null)
                    ProcessAgentDB paDB = new ProcessAgentDB();
                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                    OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
           = paDB.GetCoupon(uss.couponId, uss.domainGuid);
                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                    ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;

                    int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(sets[0].serviceBrokerGuid, sets[0].groupName,
                        exps[0].labServerGuid, exps[0].labClientGuid, ri.Start, ri.End, "The reservation time assigned to this reservation is being removed");
                    if (num > 0)
                        LSSSchedulingAPI.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { ri.reservationInfoId });
                        count += num;

            return count;
        /* TO DO */
        public int RevokeReservation(ReservationInfo ri, string message)
            int count = 0;
            LssCredentialSet[] sets = GetCredentialSets(new int[] { ri.credentialSetId });
            LssExperimentInfo[] exps = GetExperimentInfos(new int[] { ri.experimentInfoId });
            if (sets != null && sets.Length > 0 && exps != null && exps.Length > 0)

                USSInfo uss = GetUSSInfo(ri.ussId);
                if (uss != null)

                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                    OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
           = GetCoupon(uss.revokeCouponId, uss.domainGuid);
                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                    ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;

                    int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(sets[0].serviceBrokerGuid, sets[0].groupName,
                        exps[0].labServerGuid, exps[0].labClientGuid, ri.Start, ri.End, message);
                    if (num > 0)
                        RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { ri.reservationInfoId });
                        count += num;

            return count;
        protected int revokeReservations(int resourceId, int expId, int credId, DateTime start, DateTime end, ref StringBuilder message)
            int status = 0;
            int count = 0;
            Dictionary<int, List<ReservationData>> reservations = new Dictionary<int, List<ReservationData>>();
            ReservationData[] data = dbManager.RetrieveReservationData(resourceId, expId, credId, start, end);
            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)

                // get  list for each USS
                foreach (ReservationData rd in data)
                    if (!reservations.ContainsKey(rd.ussId))
                        List<ReservationData> lst = new List<ReservationData>();
                        reservations.Add(rd.ussId, lst);
                foreach (int uid in reservations.Keys)
                    if (uid > 0)
                        USSInfo uss = dbManager.GetUSSInfo(uid);
                        if (uss != null)
                            UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                            OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader();
                   = dbManager.GetCoupon(uss.revokeCouponId, uss.domainGuid);
                            ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header;
                            ussProxy.Url = uss.ussUrl;
                            foreach (ReservationData res in reservations[uid])

                                int num = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(res.sbGuid, res.groupName,
                                    res.labServerGuid, res.clientGuid, res.Start, res.End, txtMessage.Text);
                                //if (num > 0)
                                    dbManager.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { res.reservationID });
                                    count += 1;
                                status = 1;
                        foreach (ReservationData res in reservations[uid])
                            dbManager.RemoveReservationInfoByIDs(new int[] { res.reservationID });
                            status = 1;
                            count += 1;
                message.AppendLine( count.ToString() + " reservations were revoked!");
            catch(Exception e){
                status = -1;
                return status;
            return count;
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Save Button.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="sender"></param>
        ///// <param name="e"></param>
        //protected void btnSaveChanges_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        //Get the labClient ID from the dropdown
        //        int lcID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLabClient.SelectedValue);
        //        //Get lab client information
        //        LabClient[] clients = wrapper.GetLabClientsWrapper(new int[]{lcID});
        //        /*Update Lab Client grants*/
        //        //Get qualifier for labclient
        //        int lcQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(lcID,Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
        //        //Get all "uselabclient" grants for this labclient
        //        int[] lcGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1,Function.useLabClientFunctionType,lcQualifierID);
        //        Grant[] lcGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lcGrantIDs);
        //        //Get list of agents that can use labclient
        //        ArrayList lcAgents = new ArrayList();
        //        foreach (Grant g in lcGrants)
        //            lcAgents.Add(g.agentID);
        //        foreach (ListItem li in lbxAssociated.Items)
        //        {
        //            int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(li.Value);
        //            //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
        //            if (!lcAgents.Contains(groupID))
        //                //add lab client grant
        //                wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabClientFunctionType, lcQualifierID);
        //            else
        //                //otherwise just remove it from the set of agents that we need to keep track of
        //                lcAgents.Remove(groupID);
        //        }
        //        //Need to delete the grant for remaining agents (since they've been removed by user!)
        //        ArrayList grantsToBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
        //        foreach (Grant g in lcGrants)
        //            if (lcAgents.Contains(g.agentID))
        //                grantsToBeRemoved.Add(g.grantID);
        //        /*Update Lab Servers grant*/
        //        //Update grants for each of the associated lab servers
        //        foreach (int lsID in clients[0].labServerIDs)
        //        {
        //            //Get qualifier for labserver
        //            int lsQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(lsID,Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);
        //            //Get all "uselabserver" grants for this labserver
        //            int[] lsGrantIDs = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(-1,Function.useLabServerFunctionType,lsQualifierID);
        //            Grant[] lsGrants = wrapper.GetGrantsWrapper(lsGrantIDs);
        //            //Get list of agents that can use labserver
        //            ArrayList lsAgents = new ArrayList();
        //            foreach (Grant g in lsGrants)
        //                lsAgents.Add(g.agentID);
        //            foreach (ListItem li in lbxAssociated.Items)
        //            {
        //                int groupID = Convert.ToInt32(li.Value);
        //                //if that agent doesn't already have the uselabclient permission
        //                if (!lsAgents.Contains(groupID))
        //                    //add lab server grant
        //                    wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(groupID, Function.useLabServerFunctionType, lsQualifierID);
        //                else
        //                    //otherwise just remove it from the set of agents that we need to keep track of
        //                    lsAgents.Remove(groupID);
        //            }
        //            //Need to delete the grant for remaining agents (since they've been removed by user!)
        //            foreach (Grant g in lsGrants)
        //                if (lsAgents.Contains(g.agentID))
        //                    grantsToBeRemoved.Add(g.grantID);
        //        }
        //        //Delete All Grants that neeed to be removed
        //        wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(Utilities.ArrayListToIntArray(grantsToBeRemoved));
        //        LoadListBoxes();
        //        lblResponse.Visible = true;
        //        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage("Lab client (& corresponding lab servers) successfully updated. ");
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        lblResponse.Visible = true;
        //        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Cannot update Lab Client. " + ex.GetBaseException());
        //    }
        //} // Save Button
        protected void repAdminUserGroups_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            //adminGroupUserList = GetGroupManagerUserMaps();
            int labServerID = 0;
                if (e.CommandName.Equals("Remove"))
                    GroupManagerUserMap gm = GroupManagerUserMap.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
                    int userGroupID = wrapper.GetGroupIDWrapper(gm.UserGroupName);
                    string clientFunction = Function.useLabClientFunctionType;
                    string labFunction = Function.useLabServerFunctionType;

                    if (theClient.clientID > 0)
                        if (theClient.needsScheduling)
                            ProcessAgentInfo[] labServers = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServersForClient(theClient.clientID);
                            if (labServers != null && labServers.Length > 0 && labServers[0].agentId > 0)
                                int lssID = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, labServers[0].agentId, ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                                ProcessAgentInfo lss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssID);
                                int ussID = ResourceMapManager.FindResourceProcessAgentID(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, theClient.clientID, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER);
                                if (ussID > 0)
                                    ProcessAgentInfo uss = issuer.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussID);

                                    string payload = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
                                    Coupon revokeCoupon = issuer.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, 600, payload);
                                    string payload2 = TicketLoadFactory.Instance().createRevokeReservationPayload("ISB");
                                    issuer.AddTicket(revokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.AgentGuid, uss.agentGuid, 600, payload2);
                                    UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy();
                                    ussProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
                           = revokeCoupon;
                                    ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl;
                                    int status = ussProxy.RevokeReservation(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid, gm.UserGroupName, labServers[0].AgentGuid,
                                        theClient.clientGuid, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.MaxValue,"Your group no longer has permission to use the experiment!");
                        //If there is a USS Manager Group
                        if(gm.GrantID > 0 && gm.ResourceMappingID >0){
                            wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { gm.GrantID });
                            //delete Resource Mapping [User Group] <-> [USS]
                        } // End is a USS Manager Group

                        //delete the Grant [User Group] -> USE LAB CLIENT -> lab client
                        int clientQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(theClient.clientID, Qualifier.labClientQualifierTypeID);
                        if (clientQualifierID > 0)
                            int [] clientGrants = wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(userGroupID, clientFunction, clientQualifierID);
                            if((clientGrants != null) && (clientGrants.Length >0) && (clientGrants[0] > 0)){
                                wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { clientGrants[0] });
                            int[] labServerIDs = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServerIDsForClient(theClient.clientID);
                            if ((labServerIDs != null) && (labServerIDs.Length > 0)
                                && (labServerIDs[0] > 0))
                                labServerID = labServerIDs[0];
                                int remainingClients = AdministrativeAPI.CountServerClients(userGroupID, labServerID);
                                if (remainingClients == 0)
                                    //delete the Grant [User Group] -> USE LAB SERVER -> lab Server
                                    int labQualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.GetQualifierID(labServerID, Qualifier.labServerQualifierTypeID);
                                    if (labQualifierID > 0)
                                        int [] labGrants = (wrapper.FindGrantsWrapper(userGroupID, labFunction, labQualifierID));
                                        if((labGrants != null) && (labGrants.Length >0) && (labGrants[0] > 0))

                                            wrapper.RemoveGrantsWrapper(new int[] { labGrants[0] });
            catch (Exception exc)
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
                lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Cannot Remove User Group. " + exc.GetBaseException());