Beispiel #1
        /// Access the Direction of the Spline
        // relative to Spline Control Points; points that control the orientation of a Curve
        public Vector3 GetDirection(int index)
            Vector3 result = (index == this.ControlPointCount - 1) ? Spline.GetDerivative(this.GetControlPointPosition(index - 3), this.GetControlPointPosition(index - 2), this.GetControlPointPosition(index - 1), this.GetControlPointPosition(index), 1f) : Spline.GetDerivative(this.GetControlPointPosition(index), this.GetControlPointPosition(index + 1), this.GetControlPointPosition(index + 2), this.GetControlPointPosition(index + 3), 0f);

Beispiel #2
        /// Access the Normals relative
        /// to the Rate of Change of the Interpolation
        public Vector3 GetNormal(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 n0, Vector3 n1, float t)
            Vector3 derivative = Spline.GetDerivative(p0, p1, p2, p3, 0f);                                             // Create a Derivative based off the Spline Points
            Vector3 vector     = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Spline.GetDerivative(p0, p1, p2, p3, 1f), derivative) * n1; // Create a Rotation from the Derivative multipled by the Spline Normals

            Quaternion.FromToRotation(derivative, vector);
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Vector3.SignedAngle(n0, vector, derivative) * t, Spline.GetDerivative(p0, p1, p2, p3, t)); // This Rotation will Rotate around the Derivative relative to the Interpolator

            n0 = Quaternion.FromToRotation(derivative, Spline.GetDerivative(p0, p1, p2, p3, t)) * n0;                                             // This Rotation will Rotate from the Vector Derivative relative to the Spline Derivative
            return(rotation * n0);
Beispiel #3
        /// Access the Velocity to determine
        /// the Rate of Change caused in the Interpolation
        public Vector3 GetVelocity(float t)
            int num;

            if (t >= 1f)
                t   = 1f;
                num = this.points.Length - 4;
                t    = Mathf.Clamp01(t) * (float)this.CurveCount;
                num  = (int)t;
                t   -= (float)num;
                num *= 3;
            return(base.transform.TransformDirection(Spline.GetDerivative(this.points[num].point, this.points[num + 1].point, this.points[num + 2].point, this.points[num + 3].point, t)));            // The Transform Point of the Interpolated Mesh will return the Derivative Method