Beispiel #1
        void Replace(Chromosome[] children)
            Population nextPopulation = new Population( this, population.PopulationSize );
            for(int i=0;i<populationSize;i++)
                // Since the recombination record for a chromosome may contain a
                // pointer to chromosome's in the previous population, it has to be
                // cleared out.  This prevents us from getting an unbroken reference
                // chain between the current population's chromosomes all the way back
                // to the first population (which would prevent the garbage collector
                // from reclaiming any chromosome memory).
                // (There is probably some way we can configure how deep we want
                // to remember recombination records.  But that might be overkill
                // if we get everything serializing nicely.)
                population.Chromosomes[i].Parents = null;
                nextPopulation.Chromosomes[i] = children[i];
                nextPopulation.Chromosomes[i].ID = nextChromosomeID++;

            NewPopulationEventArgs e = new NewPopulationEventArgs();
            e.OldPopulation = population;
            e.NewPopulation = nextPopulation;
            e.Generation    = generation;
            OnNewPopulation( e );

            population = nextPopulation;    // BUGBUG: should move this before the call out
Beispiel #2
         * mode - most frequently occuring score.         
         * median - midpoint of distribution, above which have of the scores fall, and below
         *   which the other half fall.

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a PopulationSummary from a Population.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ga">The GA.</param>
        /// <param name="Population">The Population for which the 
        /// PopulationSummary will provide summary information.
        /// </param>
        public PopulationSummary( GA ga, Population Population )
            double totalObjective;

            lowestObjective = System.Double.MaxValue;
            highestObjective = System.Double.MinValue;
            totalObjective = 0;

            foreach( Chromosome c in Population.Chromosomes )
                totalObjective += c.RawObjective;
                if ( c.RawObjective < LowestObjective )
                    lowestObjective = c.RawObjective;
                    if ( ga.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveType.MinimizeObjective )
                        bestChromosome = c;
                if ( c.RawObjective > HighestObjective )
                    highestObjective = c.RawObjective;
                    if ( ga.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveType.MaximizeObjective )
                        bestChromosome = c;
            meanObjective = totalObjective / Population.Chromosomes.Length;

            // Variance is the average squared deviation from the mean.
            // Standard Deviation is just the square root of this.
            double sum = 0;
            foreach(Chromosome c in Population.Chromosomes)
                double deviation;
                double squaredDeviation;

                deviation = c.RawObjective - meanObjective;
                squaredDeviation = deviation * deviation;

                sum += squaredDeviation;
            variance = sum / (Population.Chromosomes.Length-1);
            standardDeviation = Math.Sqrt( variance );
Beispiel #3
        void Initialize()
            Population = new Population( this, PopulationSize );
            for(int i=0;i<PopulationSize;i++)
                Population.Chromosomes[i]       = new Chromosome();
                Population.Chromosomes[i].Genes = new Gene[ChromosomeLength];
                Population.Chromosomes[i].ID    = nextChromosomeID++;

                //GeneDescriptor geneDescriptor = geneDescriptors[0];
                bool[] usedLabels = new bool[ChromosomeLength];
                for(int j=0;j<ChromosomeLength;j++)
//                    if ( !Homogeneous )
//                    {
//                        geneDescriptor = geneDescriptors[j];
//                    }
                    Population.Chromosomes[i].Genes[j] = geneDescriptor.GetRandomAllele();
                    int label;

                        label = Utils.Rand.Next(ChromosomeLength);
                    while ( usedLabels[label] );

                    usedLabels[label] = true;
                    Population.Chromosomes[i].Genes[j].Label = label;