void generate_graph(DenseGrid3f supportGrid, DenseGridTrilinearImplicit distanceField)
            int ni = supportGrid.ni, nj = supportGrid.nj, nk = supportGrid.nk;
            float dx = (float)CellSize;
            Vector3f origin = this.GridOrigin;

            // parameters for initializing cost grid
            float MODEL_SPACE = 0.01f;      // needs small positive so that points on triangles count as inside (eg on ground plane)
            //float MODEL_SPACE = 2.0f*(float)CellSize;
            float CRAZY_DISTANCE = 99999.0f;
            bool UNIFORM_DISTANCE = true;
            float MAX_DIST = 10 * (float)CellSize;

            // parameters for sorting seeds
            Vector3i center_idx = new Vector3i(ni / 2, 0, nk / 2);      // middle
            //Vector3i center_idx = new Vector3i(0, 0, 0);              // corner
            bool reverse_per_layer = true;

            DenseGrid3f costGrid = new DenseGrid3f(supportGrid);
            foreach ( Vector3i ijk in costGrid.Indices() ) {
                Vector3d cell_center = new Vector3f(ijk.x * dx, ijk.y * dx, ijk.z * dx) + origin;
                float f = (float)distanceField.Value(ref cell_center);
                if (f <= MODEL_SPACE)
                    f = CRAZY_DISTANCE;
                else if (UNIFORM_DISTANCE)
                    f = 1.0f;
                else if (f > MAX_DIST)
                    f = MAX_DIST;
                costGrid[ijk] = f;

            // Find seeds on each layer, sort, and add to accumulated bottom-up seeds list.
            // This sorting has an *enormous* effect on the support generation.

            List<Vector3i> seeds = new List<Vector3i>();
            List<Vector3i> layer_seeds = new List<Vector3i>();
            for (int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) {
                for (int k = 0; k < nk; ++k) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
                        if (supportGrid[i, j, k] == SUPPORT_TIP_BASE)
                            layer_seeds.Add(new Vector3i(i, j, k));

                layer_seeds.Sort((a, b) => {
                    Vector3i pa = a; pa.y = 0;
                    Vector3i pb = b; pb.y = 0;
                    int sa = (pa-center_idx).LengthSquared, sb = (pb-center_idx).LengthSquared;
                    return sa.CompareTo(sb);

                // reversing sort order is intresting?

            HashSet<Vector3i> seed_indices = new HashSet<Vector3i>(seeds);

            // gives very different results...
            if (ProcessBottomUp == false)

            // for linear index a, is this a node we allow in graph? (ie graph bounds)
            Func<int, bool> node_filter_f = (a) => {
                Vector3i ai = costGrid.to_index(a);
                // why not y check??
                return ai.x > 0 &&  ai.z > 0 && ai.x != ni - 1 && ai.y != nj - 1 && ai.z != nk - 1;

            // distance from linear index a to linear index b
            // this defines the cost field we want to find shortest path through
            Func<int, int, float> node_dist_f = (a, b) => {
                Vector3i ai = costGrid.to_index(a), bi = costGrid.to_index(b);
                if (bi.y >= ai.y)               // b.y should always be a.y-1
                    return float.MaxValue;
                float sg = supportGrid[bi];

                // don't connect to tips
                //if (sg == SUPPORT_TIP_BASE || sg == SUPPORT_TIP_TOP)
                //    return float.MaxValue;
                if (sg == SUPPORT_TIP_TOP)
                    return float.MaxValue;

                if (sg < 0)
                    return -999999;    // if b is already used, we will terminate there, so this is a good choice

                // otherwise cost is sqr-grid-distance + costGrid value  (which is basically distance to surface)
                float c = costGrid[b];
                float f = (float)(Math.Sqrt((bi - ai).LengthSquared) * CellSize);
                //float f = 0;
                return c + f;

            // which linear-index nbrs to consider for linear index a
            Func<int, IEnumerable<int>> neighbour_f = (a) => {
                Vector3i ai = costGrid.to_index(a);
                return down_neighbours(ai, costGrid);

            // when do we terminate
            Func<int, bool> terminate_f = (a) => {
                Vector3i ai = costGrid.to_index(a);
                // terminate if we hit existing support path
                if (seed_indices.Contains(ai) == false && supportGrid[ai] < 0)
                    return true;
                // terminate if we hit ground plane
                if (ai.y == 0)
                    return true;
                return false;

            DijkstraGraphDistance dijkstra = new DijkstraGraphDistance(ni * nj * nk, false,
                node_filter_f, node_dist_f, neighbour_f);
            dijkstra.TrackOrder = true;

            List<int> path = new List<int>();

            Graph = new DGraph3();
            Dictionary<Vector3i, int> CellToGraph = new Dictionary<Vector3i, int>();
            TipVertices = new HashSet<int>();
            TipBaseVertices = new HashSet<int>();
            GroundVertices = new HashSet<int>();

            // seeds are tip-base points
            for (int k = 0; k < seeds.Count; ++k) {
                // add seed point (which is a tip-base vertex) as seed for dijkstra prop
                int seed = costGrid.to_linear(seeds[k]);
                dijkstra.AddSeed(seed, 0);

                // compute to termination (ground, existing node, etc)
                int base_node = dijkstra.ComputeToNode(terminate_f);
                if (base_node < 0)
                    base_node = dijkstra.GetOrder().Last();

                // extract the path
                dijkstra.GetPathToSeed(base_node, path);
                int N = path.Count;

                // first point on path is termination point.
                // create vertex for it if we have not yet
                Vector3i basept_idx = supportGrid.to_index(path[0]);
                int basept_vid;
                if ( CellToGraph.TryGetValue(basept_idx, out basept_vid) == false ) {
                    Vector3d curv = get_cell_center(basept_idx);
                    if (basept_idx.y == 0) {
                        curv.y = 0;
                    basept_vid = Graph.AppendVertex(curv);
                    if (basept_idx.y == 0) {
                    CellToGraph[basept_idx] = basept_vid;

                int cur_vid = basept_vid;

                // now walk up path and create vertices as necessary
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
                    int idx = path[i];
                    if ( supportGrid[idx] >= 0 )
                        supportGrid[idx] = SUPPORT_GRID_USED;
                    if ( i > 0 ) {
                        Vector3i next_idx = supportGrid.to_index(path[i]);
                        int next_vid;
                        if (CellToGraph.TryGetValue(next_idx, out next_vid) == false) {
                            Vector3d nextv = get_cell_center(next_idx);
                            next_vid = Graph.AppendVertex(nextv);
                            CellToGraph[next_idx] = next_vid;
                        Graph.AppendEdge(cur_vid, next_vid);
                        cur_vid = next_vid;

                // seed was tip-base so we should always get back there. Then we
                // explicitly add tip-top and edge to it.
                if ( supportGrid[path[N-1]] == SUPPORT_TIP_BASE ) {
                    Vector3i vec_idx = supportGrid.to_index(path[N-1]);

                    Vector3i tip_idx = vec_idx + Vector3i.AxisY;
                    int tip_vid;
                    if (CellToGraph.TryGetValue(tip_idx, out tip_vid) == false) {
                        Vector3d tipv = get_cell_center(tip_idx);
                        tip_vid = Graph.AppendVertex(tipv);
                        CellToGraph[tip_idx] = tip_vid;
                        Graph.AppendEdge(cur_vid, tip_vid);


             * Snap tips to surface

            gParallel.ForEach(TipVertices, (tip_vid) => {
                bool snapped = false;
                Vector3d v = Graph.GetVertex(tip_vid);
                Frame3f hitF;
                // try shooting ray straight up. if that hits, and point is close, we use it
                if (MeshQueries.RayHitPointFrame(Mesh, MeshSpatial, new Ray3d(v, Vector3d.AxisY), out hitF)) {
                    if (v.Distance(hitF.Origin) < 2 * CellSize) {
                        v = hitF.Origin;
                        snapped = true;

                // if that failed, try straight down
                if (!snapped) {
                    if (MeshQueries.RayHitPointFrame(Mesh, MeshSpatial, new Ray3d(v, -Vector3d.AxisY), out hitF)) {
                        if (v.Distance(hitF.Origin) < CellSize) {
                            v = hitF.Origin;
                            snapped = true;

                // if it missed, or hit pt was too far, find nearest point and try that
                if (!snapped) {
                    hitF = MeshQueries.NearestPointFrame(Mesh, MeshSpatial, v);
                    if (v.Distance(hitF.Origin) < 2 * CellSize) {
                        v = hitF.Origin;
                        snapped = true;
                    // can this ever fail? tips should always be within 2 cells...
                if (snapped)
                    Graph.SetVertex(tip_vid, v);
        void constrained_smooth(DGraph3 graph, double surfDist, double dotThresh, double alpha, int rounds)
            int NV = graph.MaxVertexID;
            Vector3d[] pos = new Vector3d[NV];

            for (int ri = 0; ri < rounds; ++ri) {

                gParallel.ForEach(graph.VertexIndices(), (vid) => {
                    Vector3d v = graph.GetVertex(vid);

                    if ( GroundVertices.Contains(vid) || TipVertices.Contains(vid) ) {
                        pos[vid] = v;

                    // for tip base vertices, we could allow them to move down and away within angle cone...
                    if (TipBaseVertices.Contains(vid)) {
                        pos[vid] = v;

                    // compute smoothed position of vtx
                    Vector3d centroid = Vector3d.Zero; int nbr_count = 0;
                    foreach (int nbr_vid in graph.VtxVerticesItr(vid)) {
                        centroid += graph.GetVertex(nbr_vid);
                    if (nbr_count == 1) {
                        pos[vid] = v;
                    centroid /= nbr_count;
                    Vector3d vnew = (1 - alpha) * v + (alpha) * centroid;

                    // make sure we don't violate angle constraint to any nbrs
                    int attempt = 0;
                    foreach ( int nbr_vid in graph.VtxVerticesItr(vid)) {
                        Vector3d dv = graph.GetVertex(nbr_vid) - vnew;
                        double dot = dv.Dot(Vector3d.AxisY);
                        if ( Math.Abs(dot) < dotThresh ) {
                            if (attempt++ < 3) {
                                vnew = Vector3d.Lerp(v, vnew, 0.66);
                                goto try_again;
                            } else {
                                pos[vid] = v;

                    // offset from nearest point on surface
                    Frame3f fNearest = MeshQueries.NearestPointFrame(Mesh, MeshSpatial, vnew, true);
                    Vector3d vNearest = fNearest.Origin;
                    double dist = vnew.Distance(vNearest);
                    bool inside = MeshSpatial.IsInside(vnew);

                    if (inside || dist < surfDist) {
                        Vector3d normal = fNearest.Z;
                        // don't push down?
                        if (normal.Dot(Vector3d.AxisY) < 0) {
                            normal.y = 0; normal.Normalize();
                        vnew = fNearest.Origin + surfDist * normal;

                    pos[vid] = vnew;

                foreach (int vid in graph.VertexIndices())
                    graph.SetVertex(vid, pos[vid]);