Beispiel #1
        // overlapsWithCallBack
        public Boolean overlapsWithCallback(FlxObject Object, Func <FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> Callback = null, Boolean FlipCallbackParams = false, FlxPoint Position = null)
            Boolean results = false;

            float X = x;
            float Y = y;

            if (Position != null)
                X = Position.x;
                Y = Position.x;

            //Figure out what tiles we need to check against
            int  selectionX      = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.x - X) / _tileWidth);
            int  selectionY      = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.y - Y) / _tileHeight);
            uint selectionWidth  = (uint)(selectionX + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.width / _tileWidth)) + 2);
            uint selectionHeight = (uint)(selectionY + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.height / _tileHeight)) + 2);

            //Then bound these coordinates by the map edges
            if (selectionX < 0)
                selectionX = 0;
            if (selectionY < 0)
                selectionY = 0;
            if (selectionWidth > widthInTiles)
                selectionWidth = (uint)widthInTiles;
            if (selectionHeight > heightInTiles)
                selectionHeight = (uint)heightInTiles;

            //Then loop through this selection of tiles and call FlxObject.separate() accordingly
            uint    rowStart = (uint)selectionY * (uint)widthInTiles;
            uint    row      = (uint)selectionY;
            uint    column;
            FlxTile tile;
            Boolean overlapFound;
            float   deltaX = X - last.x;
            float   deltaY = Y - last.y;

            while (row < selectionHeight)
                column = (uint)selectionX;
                while (column < selectionWidth)
                    overlapFound = false;
                    tile         = _tileObjects[(int)_data[(int)(rowStart + column)]] as FlxTile;
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(tile.allowCollisions))
                        tile.x      = X + (int)column * _tileWidth;
                        tile.y      = Y + (int)row * _tileHeight;
                        tile.last.x = tile.x - deltaX;
                        tile.last.y = tile.y - deltaY;
                        if (Callback != null)
                            if (FlipCallbackParams)
                                overlapFound = Callback(Object, tile);
                                overlapFound = Callback(tile, Object);
                            overlapFound = (Object.x + Object.width > tile.x) && (Object.x < tile.x + tile.width) && (Object.y + Object.height > tile.y) && (Object.y < tile.y + tile.height);
                        if (overlapFound)
                            if ((tile.callback != null))
                                tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + column;
                                tile.callback(tile, Object);
                            results = true;
                    else if ((tile.callback != null))
                        tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + (uint)column;
                        tile.callback(tile, Object);
                rowStart += (uint)widthInTiles;
Beispiel #2
         * Shoots a ray from the start point to the end point.
         * If/when it passes through a tile, it stores that point and returns false.
         * @param	Start		The world coordinates of the start of the ray.
         * @param	End			The world coordinates of the end of the ray.
         * @param	Result		A <code>Point</code> object containing the first wall impact.
         * @param	Resolution	Defaults to 1, meaning check every tile or so.  Higher means more checks!
         * @return	Returns true if the ray made it from Start to End without hitting anything.  Returns false and fills Result if a tile was hit.
        public bool ray(FlxPoint Start, FlxPoint End, FlxPoint Result = null, float Resolution = 1f)
            float step = _tileWidth;

            if (_tileHeight < _tileWidth)
                step = _tileHeight;
            step /= Resolution;
            float deltaX   = End.x - Start.x;
            float deltaY   = End.y - Start.y;
            float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
            int   steps    = (int)FlxU.ceil(distance / step);
            float stepX    = deltaX / steps;
            float stepY    = deltaY / steps;
            float curX     = Start.x - stepX - x;
            float curY     = Start.y - stepY - y;
            int   tileX;
            int   tileY;
            int   i = 0;

            while (i < steps)
                curX += stepX;
                curY += stepY;

                if ((curX < 0) || (curX > width) || (curY < 0) || (curY > height))

                tileX = (int)curX / _tileWidth;
                tileY = (int)curY / _tileHeight;
                if (Convert.ToBoolean((_tileObjects[_data[tileY * widthInTiles + tileX]] as FlxTile).allowCollisions))
                    //Some basic helper stuff
                    tileX *= _tileWidth;
                    tileY *= _tileHeight;
                    float rx = 0;
                    float ry = 0;
                    float q;
                    float lx = curX - stepX;
                    float ly = curY - stepY;

                    //Figure out if it crosses the X boundary
                    q = tileX;
                    if (deltaX < 0)
                        q += _tileWidth;
                    rx = q;
                    ry = ly + stepY * ((q - lx) / stepX);
                    if ((ry > tileY) && (ry < tileY + _tileHeight))
                        if (Result == null)
                            Result = new FlxPoint();
                        Result.x = rx;
                        Result.y = ry;

                    //Else, figure out if it crosses the Y boundary
                    q = tileY;
                    if (deltaY < 0)
                        q += _tileHeight;
                    rx = lx + stepX * ((q - ly) / stepY);
                    ry = q;
                    if ((rx > tileX) && (rx < tileX + _tileWidth))
                        if (Result == null)
                            Result = new FlxPoint();
                        Result.x = rx;
                        Result.y = ry;
Beispiel #3
        // update camera scroll in here
        // make sure it stays within bounds
        public override void update()
            //zooming = FlxG.zoom;
            //rotating = FlxG.rotation;
            //follow closely or check deadzones
            if (target != null)
                if (deadzone == null)
                    focusOn(target.getMidpoint());   //add getMidpoint() for FlxObjects
                    //FlxG.log("deadzone is not null");
                    float edge;
                    float targetX = FlxU.ceil(target.x + ((target.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f));
                    float targetY = FlxU.ceil(target.y + ((target.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f));

                    edge = targetX - deadzone.x;
                    if (scroll.x > edge)
                        scroll.x = edge;
                    edge = targetX + target.width - deadzone.x - deadzone.width;
                    if (scroll.x < edge)
                        scroll.x = edge;

                    edge = targetY - deadzone.y;
                    if (scroll.y > edge)
                        scroll.y = edge;
                    edge = targetY + target.height - deadzone.y - deadzone.height;
                    if (scroll.y < edge)
                        scroll.y = edge;


            //make sure we didnt go outside camera's bounds
            if (bounds != null)
                //FlxG.log("bounds is not null");
                if (scroll.x < bounds.left)
                    scroll.x = bounds.left;
                if (scroll.x > bounds.right - width)
                    scroll.x = bounds.right - width;
                if (scroll.y <
                    scroll.y =;
                if (scroll.y > bounds.bottom - height)
                    scroll.y = bounds.bottom - height;

            //update effects

            if (_fxShakeDuration > 0)
                _fxShakeDuration -= FlxG.elapsed;
                if (_fxShakeDuration <= 0)
                    if (_fxShakeComplete != null)
                    if ((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY))
                        _fxShakeOffset.x = (FlxG.random() * _fxShakeIntensity * width * 2 - _fxShakeIntensity * width) * _zoom;
                    if ((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY))
                        _fxShakeOffset.y = (FlxG.random() * _fxShakeIntensity * height * 2 - _fxShakeIntensity * height) * _zoom;

            scroll.x -= _fxShakeOffset.x;
            scroll.y -= _fxShakeOffset.y;

            if (zooming < 1)
                zooming = 1;