Beispiel #1
        static Mining.Merkle AsMerkle(string hex)
            var res = new Mining.Merkle();

            HexHelp.DecodeInto(res.blob, hex);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing the response of "mining.subscribe". It is quite convoluted as this uses heterogeneous arrays.
        /// </summary>
        static public Response.MiningSubscribe MiningSubscribe(object?jsonLine)
            if (jsonLine is not JArray arr)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.subscribe: result must be an array");
            if (arr[0] is not JArray first)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.subscribe: result[0] must be an array");
            var parts = from el in first
                        where el.Type == JTokenType.Array
                        select el as JArray;
            var sessionId = (from el in parts
                             where el.Count == 2
                             where el[0].Type == JTokenType.String && el[0].Value <string>() == "mining.notify"
                             where el[1].Type == JTokenType.String
                             select el[1].Value <string>()).FirstOrDefault();

            if (null == sessionId)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.subscribe: couldn't find any sessionid mining.notify pair");
            if (arr[1].Type != JTokenType.String)
                var careful = arr[1].Type;
                if (careful == JTokenType.Undefined || careful == JTokenType.Null)
                    throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.subscribe: missing extraNonce1");
                throw new BadParseException("mining.subscribe: extraNonce1 must be a string");
            var extra1str = arr[1].Value <string>().Trim();

            if (extra1str.Length == 0)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.subscribe: extraNonce1 is an empty string");
            var extraNonce1 = HexHelp.DecodeHex(extra1str);

            if (arr[2].Type != JTokenType.Integer)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.subscribe: result[2] must be an integral number");
            var nonce2sz = arr[2].Value <long>();

            if (nonce2sz != 4)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.subscribe: for the time being, nonce2sz must be 4");
            if (nonce2sz < 0 || nonce2sz > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new BadParseException($"mining.subscribe: nonce2sz is invalid ({nonce2sz})");
            return(new Response.MiningSubscribe(sessionId, extraNonce1, (ushort)nonce2sz));
Beispiel #3
        static public Notification.NewJob MiningNotify(object?evargs)
            if (null == evargs)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.notify: no payload given");
            if (evargs is not JArray concrete)
                throw new MissingRequiredException("mining.notify: payload must be an array");
            if (concrete.Count != 9 && concrete.Count != 10)
                throw new BadParseException("mining.notify: element count mismatch, won't be able to parse");

            var getTrie = concrete.Count == 10;

            byte[]? trie = null;
            var index          = 0;
            var jobid          = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var prevHashHexstr = concrete[index++].Value <string>();

            if (getTrie)
                var triestr = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
                trie = HexHelp.DecodeHex(triestr);
            var coinbaseFirst  = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var coinBaseSecond = concrete[index++].Value <string>();
            var merkles        = concrete[index++] as JArray ?? throw new BadParseException("mining.notify: merkles must be an array");
            var version        = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var nbits          = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var ntime          = HexHelp.DecodeHex(concrete[index++].Value <string>());
            var flush          = concrete[index++].Value <bool>();

            var cbFirst = HexHelp.DecodeHex(coinbaseFirst);
            var cbTail  = HexHelp.DecodeHex(coinBaseSecond);
            var res     = new Notification.NewJob(jobid, version, trie, cbFirst, cbTail, nbits, ntime, flush);

            HexHelp.DecodeInto(res.prevBlock.blob, prevHashHexstr);
            var decodedMerkles = merkles.Select(el => AsMerkle(el));
