Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Replaces each value in this BitMatrix with the corresponding value in the S-Box.
 /// </summary>
 public void subBytes()
     for (int ii = 0; ii < SIZE; ii++)
         bytes[startValue + ii] = subBox.getByte(bytes[startValue + ii]);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the full key schedule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> The single block key to be expanded. </param>
        /// <returns> The key schedule </returns>
        public static BitMatrix[] getKeySchedule(byte[] key) //this works
            if (key.Length != BLOCK_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error in key schudule generation");
            byte[][] schedule = new byte[BLOCK_LENGTH / WORD_LENGTH * ROUNDS][];
            for (int ii = 0; ii < schedule.Length; ii++)
                schedule[ii] = new byte[WORD_LENGTH]; //initializes the schedule as an array of 4 byte arrays. This is because
                                                      //it creates the schedule word by word.

            byte[] roundConstants = generateRoundConstants();           //creates the round constants. These are single bytes that are XORed
            for (int ii = 0; ii < BLOCK_LENGTH; ii++)                   //with the first byte of the first word of the first
                schedule[ii / WORD_LENGTH][ii % WORD_LENGTH] = key[ii]; //gets the words from the key and throws them in the first four slots.
            for (int ii = WORD_LENGTH; ii < schedule.Length; ii++)      //these are words
                if (ii % WORD_LENGTH != 0)                              //if it is the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th word of the key, it is just the 1st word XORed
                {                                                       //with the equivalent word of the previous block.
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < schedule[ii].Length; jj++)
                        schedule[ii][jj] = (byte)(schedule[ii - WORD_LENGTH][jj] ^ schedule[ii - 1][jj]); //xor four before with the first word of this key
                else //the 1st word of each key is more difficult.
                    schedule[ii] = (byte[])schedule[ii - 1].Clone(); //otherwise there will be a reference pass
                    byteRotate(schedule[ii]); //rotate by 1 BYTE not bit
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < schedule[ii].Length; jj++)
                        schedule[ii][jj] = SUB_TABLE.getByte(schedule[ii][jj]);                       //subByte the whole box
                    schedule[ii][0] = (byte)(schedule[ii][0] ^ roundConstants[ii / WORD_LENGTH - 1]); //xor the constants to the top of the words
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < schedule[ii].Length; jj++)                                  //theres a -1 on he round constants because there is no RC for the original 4 word key
                        schedule[ii][jj] = (byte)(schedule[ii][jj] ^ schedule[ii - WORD_LENGTH][jj]); //mod it with the previous first word.
            BitMatrix[] sched = new BitMatrix[ROUNDS]; //converts the created key to bit matrices.
            for (int ii = 0; ii < sched.Length; ii++)  //convert the data into bit matrices
                sched[ii] = new BitMatrix(GF_TABLE, SUB_TABLE, schedule[WORD_LENGTH * ii], schedule[WORD_LENGTH * ii + 1], schedule[WORD_LENGTH * ii + 2], schedule[WORD_LENGTH * ii + 3]);