Beispiel #1
        private void recycleBoxPayout_CheckedChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckBox chkbox = sender as CheckBox;

                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                Payout.GetDataByChannel(Int32.Parse(chkbox.Name), ref d);

                if (chkbox.Checked)
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, false, textBox1);
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, true, textBox1);

                // Ensure payout ability is enabled in the validator
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #2
        // This is a one off function that is called the first time the MainLoop()
        // function runs, it just sets up a few of the UI elements that only need
        // updating once.
        private void SetupFormLayout()
            // need validator class instance
            if (Payout == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Validator class is null.", "ERROR");

            // Positioning
            int x = 600, y = 40;

            // Add label
            Label lbl = new Label();

            lbl.Location = new Point(x, y - 10);
            lbl.Size     = new Size(80, 30);
            lbl.Text     = "Recycle\nChannels:";

            for (int i = 1; i <= Payout.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                CheckBox c = new CheckBox();
                c.Location = new Point(x, y + (i * 20));
                c.Name     = i.ToString();
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                Payout.GetDataByChannel(i, ref d);
                c.Text            = CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(d.Value) + " " + new String(d.Currency);
                c.Checked         = d.Recycling;
                c.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(recycleBox_CheckedChange);
Beispiel #3
        // This function sends the set coin mech inhibits command to set which coins are accepted on the Hopper.
        // Please note: The response data of this command if it is sent with no coin mech attached will be
        public void SetInhibits(TextBox log = null)
            // set inhibits on each coin
            for (int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfChannels; i++)
                m_cmd.CommandData[0] = CCommands.Hopper.SSP_CMD_SET_COIN_MECH_INHIBITS;
                m_cmd.CommandData[1] = 0x01; // coin accepted

                // convert values to byte array and set command data
                byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetChannelValue(i + 1));
                m_cmd.CommandData[2] = b[0];
                m_cmd.CommandData[3] = b[1];

                // currency
                ChannelData d = m_UnitDataList[i];
                m_cmd.CommandData[4] = (byte)d.Currency[0];
                m_cmd.CommandData[5] = (byte)d.Currency[1];
                m_cmd.CommandData[6] = (byte)d.Currency[2];

                m_cmd.CommandDataLength = 7;

                if (!SendCommand(log))
                if (CheckGenericResponses(log) && log != null)
                    log.AppendText("Inhibits set on channel " + (i + 1).ToString() + "\r\n");
Beispiel #4
        private void recycleBox_CheckedChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Get the sending object as a checkbox
                CheckBox c = sender as CheckBox;

                // Get the data from the payout
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                Payout.GetDataByChannel(Int32.Parse(c.Name), ref d);

                if (c.Checked)
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, false, textBox1);
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, true, textBox1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "EXCEPTION");
Beispiel #5
 // This returns the currency of a specified channel.
 public char[] GetChannelCurrency(int channel)
     if (channel > 0 && channel <= m_NumberOfChannels)
         ChannelData d = m_UnitDataList[channel - 1];
Beispiel #6
 // This returns the level of a specified channel.
 public int GetChannelLevel(int channel)
     if (channel > 0 && channel <= m_NumberOfChannels)
         ChannelData d = m_UnitDataList[channel - 1];
Beispiel #7
        private void PayoutBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool payoutRequired = false;

            byte[] data           = new byte[9 * Hopper.NumberOfChannels]; // create to size of maximum possible
            byte   length         = 0;
            int    dataIndex      = 0;
            byte   denomsToPayout = 0;

            // For each denomination
            for (int i = 0; i < Hopper.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                    // Check if there is input in the box
                    if (AmountToPayout[i].Text != "" && AmountToPayout[i].Text != "0")
                        // If textbox isn't blank then this denom is being paid out
                        length        += 9;    // 9 bytes per denom to payout (2 amount, 4 value, 3 currency)
                        payoutRequired = true; // need to do a payout as there is now > 0 denoms

                        // Number of this denomination to payout
                        UInt16 numToPayout = UInt16.Parse(AmountToPayout[i].Text);
                        byte[] b           = CHelpers.ConvertInt16ToBytes((short)numToPayout);
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[0];
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[1];

                        // Value of this denomination
                        ChannelData d = Hopper.UnitDataList[i];
                        b = CHelpers.ConvertInt32ToBytes(d.Value);
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[0];
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[1];
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[2];
                        data[dataIndex++] = b[3];

                        // Currency of this denomination
                        data[dataIndex++] = (Byte)d.Currency[0];
                        data[dataIndex++] = (Byte)d.Currency[1];
                        data[dataIndex++] = (Byte)d.Currency[2];
                catch (Exception ex)
                    payoutRequired = false; // don't payout on exception

            if (payoutRequired)
                // Send payout command and shut this form
                Hopper.PayoutByDenomination(denomsToPayout, data, length, Output);
Beispiel #8
 // This allows the caller to access all the data stored with a channel. An empty ChannelData struct is passed
 // over which gets filled with info.
 public void GetDataByChannel(int channel, ref ChannelData d)
     // Iterate through each
     foreach (ChannelData dList in m_UnitDataList)
         if (dList.Channel == channel) // Compare channel
             d = dList;                // Copy data from list to param
Beispiel #9
        private void frmPayoutByDenom_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create textbox array based on number of channels
            AmountToPayout = new TextBox[Hopper.NumberOfChannels];

            // Add description labels
            Label l = new Label();

            l.Size     = new Size(80, 45);
            l.Location = new Point(100, 10);
            l.Text     = "Number to\nPayout";

            // Iterate through the channels
            for (int i = 0; i < Hopper.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                // Create an entry box and label for each denomination (channel)
                l          = new Label();
                l.Size     = new Size(80, 25);
                l.Location = new Point(10, 55 + i * 25);
                ChannelData d = Hopper.UnitDataList[i];
                l.Text = d.Value / 100f + " " + new String(d.Currency);

                AmountToPayout[i]          = new TextBox();
                AmountToPayout[i].Size     = new Size(60, 25);
                AmountToPayout[i].Location = new Point(100, 55 + i * 25);

            // Add button to payout
            Button b = new Button();

            b.Size = new Size(140, 25);
            Point p = AmountToPayout[Hopper.NumberOfChannels - 1].Location;

            p.Y       += 25;
            p.X       -= 90;
            b.Location = p;
            b.Text     = "Payout";
            b.Click   += new EventHandler(PayoutBtn_Click);
Beispiel #10
        private void recycleBox_CheckedChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Get the sending object as a checkbox
                CheckBox c = sender as CheckBox;

                // Get the data from the payout
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                Payout.GetDataByChannel(Int32.Parse(c.Name), ref d);

                if (c.Checked)
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, false, textBox1);
                    Payout.ChangeNoteRoute(d.Value, d.Currency, true, textBox1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show (ex.ToString (), "EXCEPTION");
Beispiel #11
        private void frmPayoutByDenom_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create textbox arrays based on number of channels
            AmountToPayout_Hopper = new TextBox[Hopper.NumberOfChannels];
            AmountToPayout_Payout = new TextBox[Payout.NumberOfChannels];

            bool payoutHighest = true;

            if (Hopper.NumberOfChannels > Payout.NumberOfChannels)
                payoutHighest = false;

            System.OperatingSystem osInfo = System.Environment.OSVersion;
            int titleXSize = 0;

            // XP, 2000, Server 2003
            if (osInfo.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && osInfo.Version.Major == 5)
                titleXSize = 80;
            // Vista, 7
            else if (osInfo.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && osInfo.Version.Major == 6)
                titleXSize = 120;

            // Add description labels for Hopper
            Label l = new Label();

            l.Size     = new Size(titleXSize, 45);
            l.Location = new Point(10, 10);
            l.Text     = "Number to\nPayout (Hopper)";

            // Iterate through the channels in the Hopper
            for (int i = 0; i < Hopper.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                // Create an entry box and label for each denomination (channel)
                l          = new Label();
                l.Size     = new Size(80, 25);
                l.Location = new Point(10, 55 + i * 25);
                ChannelData d = Hopper.UnitDataList[i];
                l.Text = d.Value / 100f + " " + new String(d.Currency);

                AmountToPayout_Hopper[i]          = new TextBox();
                AmountToPayout_Hopper[i].Size     = new Size(60, 25);
                AmountToPayout_Hopper[i].Location = new Point(100, 55 + i * 25);

            // Add description labels for Payout
            l          = new Label();
            l.Size     = new Size(titleXSize, 45);
            l.Location = new Point(200, 10);
            l.Text     = "Number to\nPayout (Payout)";

            // Iterate through the channels in the Payout
            for (int i = 0; i < Payout.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                // Create an entry box and label for each denomination (channel)
                l          = new Label();
                l.Size     = new Size(80, 25);
                l.Location = new Point(200, 55 + i * 25);
                ChannelData d = Payout.UnitDataList[i];
                l.Text = d.Value / 100 + " " + new String(d.Currency);

                AmountToPayout_Payout[i]          = new TextBox();
                AmountToPayout_Payout[i].Size     = new Size(60, 25);
                AmountToPayout_Payout[i].Location = new Point(300, 55 + i * 25);

            // Add button to payout
            Button b = new Button();

            b.Size = new Size(360, 25);
            Point p;

            if (payoutHighest)
                p = AmountToPayout_Payout[Payout.NumberOfChannels - 1].Location;
                p = AmountToPayout_Hopper[Hopper.NumberOfChannels - 1].Location;
            p.Y       += 25;
            p.X        = 10;
            b.Location = p;
            b.Text     = "Payout";
            b.Click   += new EventHandler(PayoutBtn_Click);
Beispiel #12
        // This function uses the setup request command to get all the information about the validator.
        public void SetupRequest(TextBox log = null)
            // send setup request
            cmd.CommandData[0]    = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_SETUP_REQUEST;
            cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(log))

            // display setup request
            string displayString = "Validator Type: ";
            int    index         = 1;

            // unit type (table 0-1)
            m_UnitType = (char)cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            switch (m_UnitType)
            case (char)0x00: displayString += "Validator"; break;

            case (char)0x03: displayString += "SMART Hopper"; break;

            case (char)0x06: displayString += "SMART Payout"; break;

            case (char)0x07: displayString += "NV11"; break;

            default: displayString += "Unknown Type"; break;

            displayString += "\r\nFirmware: ";

            // firmware (table 2-5)
            while (index <= 5)
                displayString += (char)cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                if (index == 4)
                    displayString += ".";

            // country code (table 6-8)
            // this is legacy code, in protocol version 6+ each channel has a seperate currency
            index = 9; // to skip country code

            // value multiplier (table 9-11)
            // also legacy code, a real value multiplier appears later in the response
            index = 12; // to skip value multiplier

            displayString += "\r\nNumber of Channels: ";
            int numChannels = cmd.ResponseData[index++];

            m_NumberOfChannels = numChannels;

            displayString += numChannels + "\r\n";
            // channel values (table 13 to 13+n)
            // the channel values located here in the table are legacy, protocol 6+ provides a set of expanded
            // channel values.
            index = 13 + m_NumberOfChannels; // Skip channel values

            // channel security (table 13+n to 13+(n*2))
            // channel security values are also legacy code
            index = 13 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2); // Skip channel security

            displayString += "Real Value Multiplier: ";

            // real value multiplier (table 13+(n*2) to 15+(n*2))
            // (big endian)
            m_ValueMultiplier  = cmd.ResponseData[index + 2];
            m_ValueMultiplier += cmd.ResponseData[index + 1] << 8;
            m_ValueMultiplier += cmd.ResponseData[index] << 16;
            displayString     += m_ValueMultiplier + "\r\nProtocol Version: ";
            index             += 3;

            // protocol version (table 16+(n*2))
            index = 16 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);
            int protocol = cmd.ResponseData[index++];

            displayString += protocol + "\r\n";

            // protocol 6+ only

            // channel currency country code (table 17+(n*2) to 17+(n*5))
            index = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);
            int sectionEnd = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 5);
            int count      = 0;

            byte[] channelCurrencyTemp = new byte[3 * m_NumberOfChannels];
            while (index < sectionEnd)
                displayString += "Channel " + ((count / 3) + 1) + ", currency: ";
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                displayString += "\r\n";

            // expanded channel values (table 17+(n*5) to 17+(n*9))
            index          = sectionEnd;
            displayString += "Expanded channel values:\r\n";
            sectionEnd     = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 9);
            int n = 0;

            count = 0;
            int[] channelValuesTemp = new int[m_NumberOfChannels];
            while (index < sectionEnd)
                n = CHelpers.ConvertBytesToInt32(cmd.ResponseData, index);
                channelValuesTemp[count] = n;
                index         += 4;
                displayString += "Channel " + ++count + ", value = " + n + "\r\n";

            // Create list entry for each channel
            m_UnitDataList.Clear(); // clear old table
            for (byte i = 0; i < m_NumberOfChannels; i++)
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                d.Channel = i;
                d.Channel++; // Offset from array index by 1
                d.Value       = channelValuesTemp[i] * Multiplier;
                d.Currency[0] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[0 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[1] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[1 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[2] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[2 + (i * 3)];
                d.Level       = 0;     // Can't store notes
                d.Recycling   = false; // Can't recycle notes


            // Sort the list of data by the value.
            m_UnitDataList.Sort(delegate(ChannelData d1, ChannelData d2) { return(d1.Value.CompareTo(d2.Value)); });

            if (log != null)
Beispiel #13
        // The poll function is called repeatedly to poll to validator for information, it returns as
        // a response in the command structure what events are currently happening.
        public bool DoPoll(TextBox log)
            byte i;

            //send poll
            cmd.CommandData[0]    = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_POLL;
            cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(log))
            if (cmd.ResponseData[0] == 0xFA)

            // store response locally so data can't get corrupted by other use of the cmd variable
            byte[] response = new byte[255];
            cmd.ResponseData.CopyTo(response, 0);
            byte responseLength = cmd.ResponseDataLength;

            //parse poll response
            ChannelData data = new ChannelData();

            for (i = 1; i < responseLength; ++i)
                switch (response[i])
                // This response indicates that the unit was reset and this is the first time a poll
                // has been called since the reset.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_RESET:
                    log.AppendText("Unit reset\r\n");

                // This response indicates the unit is disabled.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_DISABLED:
                    log.AppendText("Unit disabled...\r\n");

                // A note is currently being read by the validator sensors. The second byte of this response
                // is zero until the note's type has been determined, it then changes to the channel of the
                // scanned note.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_READ:
                    if (cmd.ResponseData[i + 1] > 0)
                        GetDataByChannel(response[i + 1], ref data);
                        log.AppendText("Note in escrow, amount: " + CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(data.Value) + "\r\n");
                        log.AppendText("Reading note\r\n");

                // A credit event has been detected, this is when the validator has accepted a note as legal currency.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CREDIT:
                    GetDataByChannel(response[i + 1], ref data);
                    log.AppendText("Credit " + CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(data.Value) + "\r\n");

                // A note is being rejected from the validator. This will carry on polling while the note is in transit.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_REJECTING:
                    log.AppendText("Rejecting note\r\n");

                // A note has been rejected from the validator, the note will be resting in the bezel. This response only
                // appears once.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_REJECTED:
                    log.AppendText("Note rejected\r\n");

                // A note is in transit to the cashbox.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKING:
                    log.AppendText("Stacking note\r\n");

                // The payout device is 'floating' a specified amount of notes. It will transfer some to the cashbox and
                // leave the specified amount in the payout device.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FLOATING:
                    log.AppendText("Floating notes\r\n");
                    // Now the index needs to be moved on to skip over the data provided by this response so it
                    // is not parsed as a normal poll response.
                    // In this response, the data includes the number of countries being floated (1 byte), then a 4 byte value
                    // and 3 byte currency code for each country.
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // A note has reached the cashbox.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKED:
                    log.AppendText("Note stacked\r\n");

                // The float operation has been completed.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FLOATED:
                    log.AppendText("Completed floating\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // A note has been stored in the payout device to be paid out instead of going into the cashbox.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_STORED:
                    log.AppendText("Note stored\r\n");

                // A safe jam has been detected. This is where the user has inserted a note and the note
                // is jammed somewhere that the user cannot reach.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SAFE_JAM:
                    log.AppendText("Safe jam\r\n");

                // An unsafe jam has been detected. This is where a user has inserted a note and the note
                // is jammed somewhere that the user can potentially recover the note from.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_UNSAFE_JAM:
                    log.AppendText("Unsafe jam\r\n");

                // An error has been detected by the payout unit.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_PAYOUT_ERROR:     // Note: Will be reported only when Protocol version >= 7
                    log.AppendText("Detected error with payout device\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 2);

                // A fraud attempt has been detected.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FRAUD_ATTEMPT:
                    log.AppendText("Fraud attempt\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // The stacker (cashbox) is full.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKER_FULL:
                    log.AppendText("Stacker full\r\n");

                // A note was detected somewhere inside the validator on startup and was rejected from the front of the
                // unit.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_CLEARED_FROM_FRONT:
                    log.AppendText("Note cleared from front of validator\r\n");

                // A note was detected somewhere inside the validator on startup and was cleared into the cashbox.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_CLEARED_TO_CASHBOX:
                    log.AppendText("Note cleared to cashbox\r\n");

                // A note has been detected in the validator on startup and moved to the payout device
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_PAID_INTO_STORE_ON_POWERUP:
                    log.AppendText("Note paid into payout device on startup\r\n");
                    i += 7;

                // A note has been detected in the validator on startup and moved to the cashbox
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_PAID_INTO_STACKER_ON_POWERUP:
                    log.AppendText("Note paid into cashbox on startup\r\n");
                    i += 7;

                // The cashbox has been removed from the unit. This will continue to poll until the cashbox is replaced.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CASHBOX_REMOVED:
                    log.AppendText("Cashbox removed\r\n");

                // The cashbox has been replaced, this will only display on a poll once.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CASHBOX_REPLACED:
                    log.AppendText("Cashbox replaced\r\n");

                // The validator is in the process of paying out a note, this will continue to poll until the note has
                // been fully dispensed and removed from the front of the validator by the user.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_DISPENSING:
                    log.AppendText("Dispensing note(s)\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // The note has been dispensed and removed from the bezel by the user.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_DISPENSED:
                    log.AppendText("Dispensed note(s)\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // The payout device is in the process of emptying all its stored notes to the cashbox. This
                // will continue to poll until the device is empty.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_EMPTYING:

                // This single poll response indicates that the payout device has finished emptying.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_EMPTIED:

                // The payout device is in the process of SMART emptying all its stored notes to the cashbox, keeping
                // a count of the notes emptied. This will continue to poll until the device is empty.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SMART_EMPTYING:
                    log.AppendText("SMART Emptying...\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // The payout device has finished SMART emptying, the information of what was emptied can now be displayed
                // using the CASHBOX PAYOUT OPERATION DATA command.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SMART_EMPTIED:
                    log.AppendText("SMART Emptied, getting info...\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // The payout device has encountered a jam. This will not clear until the jam has been removed and the unit
                // reset.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_JAMMED:
                    log.AppendText("Unit jammed...\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // This is reported when the payout has been halted by a host command. This will report the value of
                // currency dispensed upto the point it was halted.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_HALTED:
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                // This is reported when the payout was powered down during a payout operation. It reports the original amount
                // requested and the amount paid out up to this point for each currency.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_INCOMPLETE_PAYOUT:
                    log.AppendText("Incomplete payout\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 11) + 1);

                // This is reported when the payout was powered down during a float operation. It reports the original amount
                // requested and the amount paid out up to this point for each currency.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_INCOMPLETE_FLOAT:
                    log.AppendText("Incomplete float\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 11) + 1);

                // A note has been transferred from the payout unit to the stacker.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_TRANSFERRED_TO_STACKER:
                    log.AppendText("Note transferred to stacker\r\n");
                    i += 7;

                // A note is resting in the bezel waiting to be removed by the user.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_HELD_IN_BEZEL:
                    log.AppendText("Note in bezel...\r\n");
                    i += 7;

                // The payout has gone out of service, the host can attempt to re-enable the payout by sending the enable payout
                // command.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_PAYOUT_OUT_OF_SERVICE:
                    log.AppendText("Payout out of service...\r\n");

                // The unit has timed out while searching for a note to payout. It reports the value dispensed before the timeout
                // event.
                case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_TIMEOUT:
                    log.AppendText("Timed out searching for a note\r\n");
                    i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);

                    log.AppendText("Unsupported poll response received: " + (int)cmd.ResponseData[i] + "\r\n");
Beispiel #14
        // This is a one off function that is called the first time the MainLoop()
        // function runs, it just sets up a few of the UI elements that only need
        // updating once.
        private void SetupFormLayout()
            // Get channel levels in hopper
            tbCoinLevels.Text = Hopper.GetChannelLevelInfo();

            // setup list of recyclable channel tick boxes based on OS type
            System.OperatingSystem osInfo = System.Environment.OSVersion;
            int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

            // XP, 2000, Server 2003
            if (osInfo.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && osInfo.Version.Major == 5)
                x1 = this.Location.X + 455;
                y1 = this.Location.Y + 10;
                x2 = this.Location.X + 780;
                y2 = this.Location.Y + 10;
            // Vista, 7
            else if (osInfo.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && osInfo.Version.Major == 6)
                x1 = this.Location.X + 458;
                y1 = this.Location.Y + 12;
                x2 = this.Location.X + 780;
                y2 = this.Location.Y + 12;

            GroupBox g1 = new GroupBox();

            g1.Size     = new Size(100, 380);
            g1.Location = new Point(x1, y1);
            g1.Text     = "Hopper Recycling";

            GroupBox g2 = new GroupBox();

            g2.Size     = new Size(100, 380);
            g2.Location = new Point(x2, y2);
            g2.Text     = "Payout Recycling";

            // Hopper checkboxes
            for (int i = 1; i <= Hopper.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                CheckBox c = new CheckBox();
                c.Location        = new Point(5, 20 + (i * 20));
                c.Name            = i.ToString();
                c.Text            = CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(Hopper.GetChannelValue(i)) + " " + new String(Hopper.GetChannelCurrency(i));
                c.Checked         = Hopper.IsChannelRecycling(i);
                c.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(recycleBoxHopper_CheckedChange);

            // Payout checkboxes
            for (int i = 1; i <= Payout.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                CheckBox c = new CheckBox();
                c.Location = new Point(5, 20 + (i * 20));
                c.Name     = i.ToString();
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                Payout.GetDataByChannel(i, ref d);
                c.Text            = CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(d.Value) + " " + new String(d.Currency);
                c.Checked         = d.Recycling;
                c.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(recycleBoxPayout_CheckedChange);

Beispiel #15
        // This function uses the setup request command to get all the information about the validator. It can optionally
        // output to a specified textbox.
        public void SetupRequest(TextBox outputBox = null)
            // send setup request
            m_cmd.CommandData[0] = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_SETUP_REQUEST;
            m_cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(outputBox) || !CheckGenericResponses(outputBox))

            // display setup request

            // unit type
            string displayString = "Unit Type: ";
            int index = 1;
            m_UnitType = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            switch (m_UnitType)
                case (char)0x00: displayString += "Validator"; break;
                case (char)0x03: displayString += "SMART Hopper"; break;
                case (char)0x06: displayString += "SMART Payout"; break;
                case (char)0x07: displayString += "NV11"; break;
                default: displayString += "Unknown Type"; break;

            // firmware
            displayString += "\r\nFirmware: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + 4; i++)
                displayString += (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i];
                if (i == 3) displayString += ".";
            index += 4;

            // country code
            // legacy code for old protocol versions, protocol 6+ allows each channel to have a currency
            // for multi currency datasets
            index += 3; // +3 to skip country code

            // protocol version
            m_ProtocolVersion = m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            displayString += "\r\nProtocol Version: " + m_ProtocolVersion;

            // number of coin values
            m_NumberOfChannels = m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            displayString += "\r\nNumber of Coin Values: " + m_NumberOfChannels;

            // coin values
            int[] channelValuesTemp = new int[m_NumberOfChannels + 1];
            int counter = 1;
            displayString += "\r\nCoin Values: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2) - 1; i += 2, counter++)
                short x = BitConverter.ToInt16(m_cmd.ResponseData, i);
                channelValuesTemp[counter] = x; // update array
                displayString += " (" + x + ") ";
            index += (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);

            // country codes for values (protocol 6+ only)
            char[] channelCurrencyTemp = new char[(m_NumberOfChannels + 1) * 3];
            counter = 3;
            displayString += "\r\nCoin Currencies: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + (3 * m_NumberOfChannels); i+=3)
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i+1];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i+2];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++] + " ";
            index += (3 * m_NumberOfChannels);

            // create list entry for each channel
            m_UnitDataList.Clear(); // clear old table
            for (byte i = 1; i <= m_NumberOfChannels; i++)
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                d.Channel = i;
                d.Value = channelValuesTemp[i];
                d.Currency[0] = channelCurrencyTemp[0 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[1] = channelCurrencyTemp[1 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[2] = channelCurrencyTemp[2 + (i * 3)];
                d.Level = CheckCoinLevel(d.Value, d.Currency);
                IsCoinRecycling(d.Value, d.Currency, ref d.Recycling);


            // Sort the list of data by the value.
            m_UnitDataList.Sort(delegate(ChannelData d1, ChannelData d2) { return d1.Channel.CompareTo(d2.Channel); });

            displayString += "\r\n\r\n";

            if (outputBox != null) outputBox.AppendText(displayString);
Beispiel #16
        // This function uses the setup request command to get all the information about the validator.
        public void SetupRequest(TextBox log = null)
            // send setup request
            cmd.CommandData[0] = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_SETUP_REQUEST;
            cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(log) || !CheckGenericResponses(log))

            // display setup request
            string displayString = "Unit Type: ";
            int index = 1;

            // unit type (table 0-1)
            m_UnitType = (char)cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            switch (m_UnitType)
                case (char)0x00: displayString += "Validator"; break;
                case (char)0x03: displayString += "SMART Hopper"; break;
                case (char)0x06: displayString += "SMART Payout"; break;
                case (char)0x07: displayString += "NV11"; break;
                default: displayString += "Unknown Type"; break;

            displayString += "\r\nFirmware: ";

            // firmware (table 2-5)
            while (index <= 5)
                displayString += (char)cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                if (index == 4)
                    displayString += ".";

            // country code (table 6-8)
            // this is legacy code, in protocol version 6+ each channel has a seperate currency
            index = 9; // to skip country code

            // value multiplier (table 9-11)
            // also legacy code, a real value multiplier appears later in the response
            index = 12; // to skip value multiplier

            displayString += "\r\nNumber of Channels: ";
            int numChannels = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            m_NumberOfChannels = numChannels;

            displayString += numChannels + "\r\n";
            // channel values (table 13 to 13+n)
            // the channel values located here in the table are legacy, protocol 6+ provides a set of expanded
            // channel values.
            index = 13 + m_NumberOfChannels; // Skip channel values

            // channel security (table 13+n to 13+(n*2))
            // channel security values are also legacy code
            index = 13 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2); // Skip channel security

            displayString += "Real Value Multiplier: ";

            // real value multiplier (table 13+(n*2) to 15+(n*2))
            // (big endian)
            m_ValueMultiplier = cmd.ResponseData[index + 2];
            m_ValueMultiplier += cmd.ResponseData[index + 1] << 8;
            m_ValueMultiplier += cmd.ResponseData[index] << 16;
            displayString += m_ValueMultiplier + "\r\nProtocol Version: ";
            index += 3;

            // protocol version (table 16+(n*2))
            index = 16 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);
            int protocol = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            displayString += protocol + "\r\n";

            // protocol 6+ only

            // channel currency country code (table 17+(n*2) to 17+(n*5))
            index = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);
            int sectionEnd = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 5);
            int count = 0;
            byte[] channelCurrencyTemp = new byte[3 * m_NumberOfChannels];
            while (index < sectionEnd)
                displayString += "Channel " + ((count / 3) + 1) + ", currency: ";
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[count] = cmd.ResponseData[index++];
                displayString += (char)channelCurrencyTemp[count++];
                displayString += "\r\n";

            // expanded channel values (table 17+(n*5) to 17+(n*9))
            index = sectionEnd;
            displayString += "Expanded channel values:\r\n";
            sectionEnd = 17 + (m_NumberOfChannels * 9);
            int n = 0;
            count = 0;
            int[] channelValuesTemp = new int[m_NumberOfChannels];
            while (index < sectionEnd)
                n = CHelpers.ConvertBytesToInt32(cmd.ResponseData, index);
                channelValuesTemp[count] = n;
                index += 4;
                displayString += "Channel " + ++count + ", value = " + n + "\r\n";

            // Create list entry for each channel
            m_UnitDataList.Clear(); // clear old table

            for (byte i = 0; i < m_NumberOfChannels; i++)
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                d.Channel = i;
                d.Value = channelValuesTemp[i] * Multiplier;
                d.Currency[0] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[0 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[1] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[1 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[2] = (char)channelCurrencyTemp[2 + (i * 3)];

                d.Level = CheckNoteLevel(d.Value, d.Currency, log);
                bool b = false;

                IsNoteRecycling(d.Value, d.Currency, ref b, log);

                d.Recycling = b;

            // Sort the list of data by the channel.
            m_UnitDataList.Sort(delegate(ChannelData d1, ChannelData d2) { return d1.Channel.CompareTo(d2.Channel); });

            if (log != null)
Beispiel #17
 // This allows the caller to access all the data stored with a channel. An empty ChannelData struct is passed
 // over which gets filled with info.
 public void GetDataByChannel(int channel, ref ChannelData d)
     // Iterate through each
     foreach (ChannelData dList in m_UnitDataList)
         if (dList.Channel == channel) // Compare channel
             d = dList; // Copy data from list to param
Beispiel #18
        // The poll function is called repeatedly to poll to validator for information, it returns as
        // a response in the command structure what events are currently happening.
        public bool DoPoll(TextBox log)
            byte i;

            //send poll
            cmd.CommandData[0] = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_POLL;
            cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(log))
                return false;
            if (cmd.ResponseData[0] == 0xFA)
                return false;

            // store response locally so data can't get corrupted by other use of the cmd variable
            byte[] response = new byte[255];
            cmd.ResponseData.CopyTo(response, 0);
            byte responseLength = cmd.ResponseDataLength;

            //parse poll response
            ChannelData data = new ChannelData();
            for (i = 1; i < responseLength; ++i)
                switch (response[i])
                    // This response indicates that the unit was reset and this is the first time a poll
                    // has been called since the reset.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_RESET:
                        log.AppendText("Unit reset\r\n");
                    // This response indicates the unit is disabled.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_DISABLED:
                        log.AppendText("Unit disabled...\r\n");
                    // A note is currently being read by the validator sensors. The second byte of this response
                    // is zero until the note's type has been determined, it then changes to the channel of the
                    // scanned note.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_READ:
                        if (cmd.ResponseData[i + 1] > 0)
                            GetDataByChannel(response[i + 1], ref data);
                            log.AppendText("Note in escrow, amount: " + CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(data.Value) + "\r\n");
                            log.AppendText("Reading note\r\n");
                    // A credit event has been detected, this is when the validator has accepted a note as legal currency.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CREDIT:
                        GetDataByChannel(response[i + 1], ref data);
                        log.AppendText("Credit " + CHelpers.FormatToCurrency(data.Value) + "\r\n");
                    // A note is being rejected from the validator. This will carry on polling while the note is in transit.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_REJECTING:
                        log.AppendText("Rejecting note\r\n");
                    // A note has been rejected from the validator, the note will be resting in the bezel. This response only
                    // appears once.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_REJECTED:
                        log.AppendText("Note rejected\r\n");
                    // A note is in transit to the cashbox.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKING:
                        log.AppendText("Stacking note\r\n");
                    // The payout device is 'floating' a specified amount of notes. It will transfer some to the cashbox and
                    // leave the specified amount in the payout device.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FLOATING:
                        log.AppendText("Floating notes\r\n");
                        // Now the index needs to be moved on to skip over the data provided by this response so it
                        // is not parsed as a normal poll response.
                        // In this response, the data includes the number of countries being floated (1 byte), then a 4 byte value
                        // and 3 byte currency code for each country.
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // A note has reached the cashbox.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKED:
                        log.AppendText("Note stacked\r\n");
                    // The float operation has been completed.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FLOATED:
                        log.AppendText("Completed floating\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // A note has been stored in the payout device to be paid out instead of going into the cashbox.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_STORED:
                        log.AppendText("Note stored\r\n");
                    // A safe jam has been detected. This is where the user has inserted a note and the note
                    // is jammed somewhere that the user cannot reach.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SAFE_JAM:
                        log.AppendText("Safe jam\r\n");
                    // An unsafe jam has been detected. This is where a user has inserted a note and the note
                    // is jammed somewhere that the user can potentially recover the note from.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_UNSAFE_JAM:
                        log.AppendText("Unsafe jam\r\n");
                    // An error has been detected by the payout unit.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_PAYOUT_ERROR: // Note: Will be reported only when Protocol version >= 7
                        log.AppendText("Detected error with payout device\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 2);
                    // A fraud attempt has been detected.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_FRAUD_ATTEMPT:
                        log.AppendText("Fraud attempt\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // The stacker (cashbox) is full.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_STACKER_FULL:
                        log.AppendText("Stacker full\r\n");
                    // A note was detected somewhere inside the validator on startup and was rejected from the front of the
                    // unit.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_CLEARED_FROM_FRONT:
                        log.AppendText("Note cleared from front of validator\r\n");
                    // A note was detected somewhere inside the validator on startup and was cleared into the cashbox.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_CLEARED_TO_CASHBOX:
                        log.AppendText("Note cleared to cashbox\r\n");
                    // A note has been detected in the validator on startup and moved to the payout device
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_PAID_INTO_STORE_ON_POWERUP:
                        log.AppendText("Note paid into payout device on startup\r\n");
                        i += 7;
                    // A note has been detected in the validator on startup and moved to the cashbox
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_PAID_INTO_STACKER_ON_POWERUP:
                        log.AppendText("Note paid into cashbox on startup\r\n");
                        i += 7;
                    // The cashbox has been removed from the unit. This will continue to poll until the cashbox is replaced.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CASHBOX_REMOVED:
                        log.AppendText("Cashbox removed\r\n");
                    // The cashbox has been replaced, this will only display on a poll once.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_CASHBOX_REPLACED:
                        log.AppendText("Cashbox replaced\r\n");
                    // The validator is in the process of paying out a note, this will continue to poll until the note has
                    // been fully dispensed and removed from the front of the validator by the user.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_DISPENSING:
                        log.AppendText("Dispensing note(s)\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // The note has been dispensed and removed from the bezel by the user.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_DISPENSED:
                        log.AppendText("Dispensed note(s)\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // The payout device is in the process of emptying all its stored notes to the cashbox. This
                    // will continue to poll until the device is empty.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_EMPTYING:
                    // This single poll response indicates that the payout device has finished emptying.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_EMPTIED:
                    // The payout device is in the process of SMART emptying all its stored notes to the cashbox, keeping
                    // a count of the notes emptied. This will continue to poll until the device is empty.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SMART_EMPTYING:
                        log.AppendText("SMART Emptying...\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // The payout device has finished SMART emptying, the information of what was emptied can now be displayed
                    // using the CASHBOX PAYOUT OPERATION DATA command.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_SMART_EMPTIED:
                        log.AppendText("SMART Emptied, getting info...\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // The payout device has encountered a jam. This will not clear until the jam has been removed and the unit
                    // reset.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_JAMMED:
                        log.AppendText("Unit jammed...\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // This is reported when the payout has been halted by a host command. This will report the value of
                    // currency dispensed upto the point it was halted.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_HALTED:
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                    // This is reported when the payout was powered down during a payout operation. It reports the original amount
                    // requested and the amount paid out up to this point for each currency.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_INCOMPLETE_PAYOUT:
                        log.AppendText("Incomplete payout\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 11) + 1);
                    // This is reported when the payout was powered down during a float operation. It reports the original amount
                    // requested and the amount paid out up to this point for each currency.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_INCOMPLETE_FLOAT:
                        log.AppendText("Incomplete float\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 11) + 1);
                    // A note has been transferred from the payout unit to the stacker.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_TRANSFERRED_TO_STACKER:
                        log.AppendText("Note transferred to stacker\r\n");
                        i += 7;
                    // A note is resting in the bezel waiting to be removed by the user.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_NOTE_HELD_IN_BEZEL:
                        log.AppendText("Note in bezel...\r\n");
                        i += 7;
                    // The payout has gone out of service, the host can attempt to re-enable the payout by sending the enable payout
                    // command.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_PAYOUT_OUT_OF_SERVICE:
                        log.AppendText("Payout out of service...\r\n");
                    // The unit has timed out while searching for a note to payout. It reports the value dispensed before the timeout
                    // event.
                    case CCommands.SMARTPayout.SSP_POLL_TIMEOUT:
                        log.AppendText("Timed out searching for a note\r\n");
                        i += (byte)((response[i + 1] * 7) + 1);
                        log.AppendText("Unsupported poll response received: " + (int)cmd.ResponseData[i] + "\r\n");
            return true;
Beispiel #19
        // This function uses the setup request command to get all the information about the validator. It can optionally
        // output to a specified textbox.
        public void SetupRequest(TextBox outputBox = null)
            // send setup request
            m_cmd.CommandData[0]    = CCommands.Generic.SSP_CMD_SETUP_REQUEST;
            m_cmd.CommandDataLength = 1;

            if (!SendCommand(outputBox))

            // display setup request

            // unit type
            string displayString = "Unit Type: ";
            int    index         = 1;

            m_UnitType = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            switch (m_UnitType)
            case (char)0x00: displayString += "Validator"; break;

            case (char)0x03: displayString += "SMART Hopper"; break;

            case (char)0x06: displayString += "SMART Payout"; break;

            case (char)0x07: displayString += "NV11"; break;

            default: displayString += "Unknown Type"; break;

            // firmware
            displayString += "\r\nFirmware: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + 4; i++)
                displayString += (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i];
                if (i == 3)
                    displayString += ".";
            index += 4;

            // country code
            // legacy code for old protocol versions, protocol 6+ allows each channel to have a currency
            // for multi currency datasets
            index += 3; // +3 to skip country code

            // protocol version
            m_ProtocolVersion = m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            displayString    += "\r\nProtocol Version: " + m_ProtocolVersion;

            // number of coin values
            m_NumberOfChannels = m_cmd.ResponseData[index++];
            displayString     += "\r\nNumber of Coin Values: " + m_NumberOfChannels;

            // coin values
            int[] channelValuesTemp = new int[m_NumberOfChannels + 1];
            int   counter           = 1;

            displayString += "\r\nCoin Values: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + (m_NumberOfChannels * 2) - 1; i += 2, counter++)
                short x = BitConverter.ToInt16(m_cmd.ResponseData, i);
                channelValuesTemp[counter] = x; // update array
                displayString += " (" + x + ") ";
            index += (m_NumberOfChannels * 2);

            // country codes for values (protocol 6+ only)
            char[] channelCurrencyTemp = new char[(m_NumberOfChannels + 1) * 3];
            counter        = 3;
            displayString += "\r\nCoin Currencies: ";
            for (int i = index; i < index + (3 * m_NumberOfChannels); i += 3)
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i + 1];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++];
                channelCurrencyTemp[counter] = (char)m_cmd.ResponseData[i + 2];
                displayString += channelCurrencyTemp[counter++] + " ";
            index += (3 * m_NumberOfChannels);

            // create list entry for each channel
            m_UnitDataList.Clear(); // clear old table
            for (byte i = 1; i <= m_NumberOfChannels; i++)
                ChannelData d = new ChannelData();
                d.Channel     = i;
                d.Value       = channelValuesTemp[i];
                d.Currency[0] = channelCurrencyTemp[0 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[1] = channelCurrencyTemp[1 + (i * 3)];
                d.Currency[2] = channelCurrencyTemp[2 + (i * 3)];
                d.Level       = CheckCoinLevel(d.Value, d.Currency);
                IsCoinRecycling(d.Value, d.Currency, ref d.Recycling);


            // Sort the list of data by the value.
            m_UnitDataList.Sort(delegate(ChannelData d1, ChannelData d2) { return(d1.Value.CompareTo(d2.Value)); });

            displayString += "\r\n\r\n";

            if (outputBox != null)
Beispiel #20
        // This function shows a simple example of calculating a payout split between the SMART Payout and the
        // SMART Hopper. It works on a highest value split, first the notes are looked at, then any remainder
        // that can't be paid out with a note is paid from the SMART Hopper.
        private void CalculatePayout(string amount, char[] currency)
            float payoutAmount;

                // Parse it to a number
                payoutAmount = float.Parse(amount) * 100;
            catch (Exception ex)

            int payoutList = 0;
            // Obtain the list of sorted channels from the SMART Payout, this is sorted by channel value
            // - lowest first
            List <ChannelData> reverseList = new List <ChannelData>(Payout.UnitDataList);

            reverseList.Reverse(); // Reverse the list so the highest value is first

            // Iterate through each
            foreach (ChannelData d in reverseList)
                ChannelData temp = d; // Don't overwrite real values
                // Keep testing to see whether we need to payout this note or the next note
                while (true)
                    // If the amount to payout is greater than the value of the current note and there is
                    // some of that note available and it is the correct currency
                    if (payoutAmount >= temp.Value && temp.Level > 0 && String.Equals(new String(temp.Currency), new String(currency)))
                        payoutList   += temp.Value; // Add to the list of notes to payout from the SMART Payout
                        payoutAmount -= temp.Value; // Minus from the total payout amount
                        temp.Level--;               // Take one from the level
                        break; // Don't need any more of this note

            // Test the proposed payout values
            if (payoutList > 0)
                // First test SP
                Payout.PayoutAmount(payoutList, currency, true);
                if (Payout.CommandStructure.ResponseData[0] != 0xF0)
                    DialogResult res =
                        MessageBox.Show("Smart Payout unable to pay requested amount, attempt to pay all from Hopper?",
                                        "Error with Payout", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                    if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                        payoutAmount += payoutList;

                // SP is ok to pay
                Payout.PayoutAmount(payoutList, currency, false, textBox1);

            // Now if there is any left over, request from Hopper
            if (payoutAmount > 0)
                // Test Hopper first
                Hopper.PayoutAmount((int)payoutAmount, currency, true);
                if (Hopper.CommandStructure.ResponseData[0] != 0xF0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to pay requested amount!");

                // Hopper is ok to pay
                Hopper.PayoutAmount((int)payoutAmount, currency, false, textBox1);