public void SpecialEvents_Update(SpecialEvent item)
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //indicate the updating item instance
                //alter the Modified status flag for this instance

                context.Entry<SpecialEvent>(context.SpecialEvents.Attach(item)).State =
                    System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; //telling it update, SpecialEvent is the entity;
                //attach is passing in the the item


        public void SpecialEvents_Delete(SpecialEvent item)
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //lookup the instance and record if found (set pointer to instance)

                SpecialEvent existing = context.SpecialEvents.Find(item.EventCode);

                //Setup the comand to execute the delete


        } //eof class
        public void SpecialEvents_Add(SpecialEvent item)
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //these methods are execute using an instance level item
                //set up an instance pointer and initialize to null
                SpecialEvent added = null;
                //setup the command to execute the add
                added = context.SpecialEvents.Add(item); //set up command, command is not executed until it is acutally
