Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Hides the mask
        /// </summary>
        public void Unmask()
            if (null == _maskGraphics)


            _component.RemoveEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, MoveHandler, EventPhase.Target);
            _component.RemoveEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, ResizeHandler, EventPhase.Target);

            if (null != _parent)

            _maskGraphics = null;
        public virtual DisplayListMember AddChildAt(DisplayListMember child, int index) // TODO: Do delayed version
            //return QAddChildAt(index, child);
            DisplayObjectContainer formerParent = child.Parent;

            if (null != formerParent)

            QAddChildAt(child, index);

        public virtual DisplayListMember AddChild(DisplayListMember child)
            //Debug.Log("Parent: " + child.Parent);
            DisplayObjectContainer formerParent = child.Parent;

            if (null != formerParent)


Beispiel #4
        public override DisplayListMember AddChildAt(DisplayListMember child, int index)
            DisplayObjectContainer formerParent = child.Parent;

            if (null != formerParent)


            QAddChildAt(child, index);


Beispiel #5
         * Važno:
         * Ove overrideove sam ja dodao 20131105
         * Razlog je bio problem oko dinamičkog dodavanja itema u List kontrolu
         * Naime, iako su se liste inicijalno normalno inicijalizirale, prilikom dodavanja novog childa u kolekciju (dinamički)
         * događao se Exception u DataGroup metodi AddItemRendererToDisplayList ("ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.")
         * Greška je bila ta da je linija base.AddChildAt(child, childIndex) naravno zvala base.AddChildAt od klase Component
         * a ta implementacija interno zove QAddChildAt (tj. ne radi razliku između toga da li postoji contentPane ili ne)
         * Tako da je child uvijek bio dodavan direktno na GroupBase, a ne na contentPane ukoliko je postojao
         * (GroupBase "laže" vanjskom svijetu i skriva činjenicu da postoji contentPane)
         * Zbog toga je bilo potrebno overridati ove 4 metode i ispraviti tu funkcionalnost
         * */

        public override DisplayListMember AddChild(DisplayListMember child)
            DisplayObjectContainer formerParent = child.Parent;

            if (null != formerParent)

            // Do anything that needs to be done before the child is added.
            // When adding a child to Component, this will set the child's
            // virtual parent, its nestLevel, its document, etc.
            // When adding a child to a Container, the override will also
            // invalidate the container, adjust its content/chrome partitions,
            // etc.

            if (null != _contentPane)

            // Call a low-level player method in DisplayObjectContainer which
            // actually attaches the child to this component.
            // The player dispatches an "added" event from the child just after
            // it is attached, so all "added" handlers execute during this call.
            // Component registers an addedHandler() in its constructor,
            // which makes it runs before any other "added" handlers except
            // capture-phase ones; it sets up the child's styles.
            var retVal = null != _contentPane?_contentPane.QAddChild(child) : QAddChild(child);

            // Do anything that needs to be done after the child is added
            // and after all "added" handlers have executed.
            // This is where
            /*base.*/ ChildAdded(child);

            //if (null != _contentPane)
            //    DepthUtil.UpdateDrawingList(_contentPane); // because AutoUpdateDrawingList is turned of on contentPane

Beispiel #6
        public override DisplayListMember AddChild(DisplayListMember child)
            DisplayObjectContainer formerParent = child.Parent;

            if (null != formerParent)

            // If there is an overlay, place the child underneath it.
            int index = base.NumberOfChildren;

            // Do anything that needs to be done before the child is added.
            // When adding a child to Component, this will set the child's
            // virtual parent, its nestLevel, its document, etc.
            // When adding a child to a Container, the override will also
            // invalidate the container, adjust its content/chrome partitions,
            // etc.

            // Call a low-level player method in DisplayObjectContainer which
            // actually attaches the child to this component.
            // The player dispatches an "added" event from the child just after
            // it is attached, so all "added" handlers execute during this call.
            // Component registers an addedHandler() in its constructor,
            // which makes it runs before any other "added" handlers except
            // capture-phase ones; it sets up the child's styles.
            QAddChildAt(child, index);

            // Do anything that needs to be done after the child is added
            // and after all "added" handlers have executed.
            // This is where
