Beispiel #1
        public void listPackage(keyIterator key, string path)
            root = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(root.FullName));

            Int64 fileIndex = 0;

            if (debug)

            using (FileStream inFile = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                Int64 packSize = inFile.Length;

                //read in the checksum and compare
                byte[] check    = new byte[64];
                byte[] checksum = new byte[64];
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                    check[i] = (byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                    checksum[i] = (byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                check = SHA512.Create().ComputeHash(check);

                if (!check.SequenceEqual(checksum))
                    Console.WriteLine("File {0} is not an encrypted file, or an incorrect key has been selected.", path);
                    Console.WriteLine("Listing {0}", path);
                fileIndex += 128;

                while (fileIndex < packSize)
                    string      outName  = "";
                    List <byte> decBytes = new List <byte>();
                    //get the name length

                     * Uint16 namelength | byte saltByteP | byte saltByteS | string saltedName (up to 260 chars + 512 salt) | Uint32 fileSize | byte[] file |   <repeats>
                     *         2         |        1       |        1       |                 up to 772                      |        4        |   up to 4GB | = 780 bytes

                    //int nameLength = (int)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                    byte[] nameLengthBytes = new byte[2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        nameLengthBytes[i] = (byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                    fileIndex += 2;

                    UInt16 nameLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(nameLengthBytes, 0);

                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("Length of file name is: {0}", nameLength);

                    //get the name out of the file
                    List <byte> byteNameRaw  = new List <byte>();
                    List <byte> byteName     = new List <byte>();
                    int         prefixLength = (inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                    int         suffixLength = (inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                    fileIndex += 2;

                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("Prefix and Suffix lengths: {0}, {1}", prefixLength, suffixLength);

                    for (int i = 0; i < nameLength + prefixLength + suffixLength; i++)
                        byteNameRaw.Add((byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte()));
                    fileIndex += nameLength + prefixLength + suffixLength;

                    //take only the filename out
                    for (int i = 0; i < nameLength; i++)
                        byteName.Add(byteNameRaw[i + prefixLength]);
                    outName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(byteName.ToArray());

                    byte[] fileSizeBytes = new byte[4];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        fileSizeBytes[i] = (byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte());
                    fileIndex += 4;
                    UInt32 inFileSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fileSizeBytes, 0);

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", outName, MainClass.BytesToString(inFileSize));

                    //Attempt to create directory, just to be sure
                    //Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(root + "\\" + outName));
                    //now get the rest of the file
                    inFile.Position += inFileSize;
                    fileIndex += inFileSize;

            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}\n", sw.Elapsed);
Beispiel #2
        public void appendPackage(keyIterator key, string path, string toAdd = null)
            //scan all the files in the directory and find packages
            List <string> packages   = new List <string>();
            List <string> files      = new List <string>();
            int           input      = -1;
            bool          addingFile = false;

            if (!MainClass.isFile(toAdd))
                addingFile = true;                 //This will eventually just direct to the file version

            foreach (string s in fullNames)
                if (debug)
                if (isPackage(s, key))
                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("Package found: {0}", s);
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Packages added");
            //if there is only one package, proceed
            //if there is more than one, prompt the user to select one
            if (packages.Count > 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Found multiple packages:");
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string package in packages)
                    i += 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", i, package);
                Console.Write("Select package number to use (or 0 to exit): ");
                while (input != 0 && (input < packages.Count && input != 0))
                    input = -1;
                    input = Console.Read() - 48;                     //Changes input into the appropriate number
                    if (input > packages.Count || input < 0)
                        if (debug)
                            Console.WriteLine("Selected package: {0}", input);
                        Console.Write("Invalid input, please enter a number between 1 and {0}, or 0 to exit: ", packages.Count);
                input = 1;
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Selected package: {0}", input);
            if (input == 0)
            string selectedPackage = packages[input - 1];

            //check toAdd, if it's null, prompt if ok to add all files in root
            if (toAdd.Equals(null))
                Console.Write("No specific addition selected, ok to add all files in {0} (Y/n)?: ", path);
                while (Convert.ToChar(input) != 'Y' && Convert.ToChar(input) != 'n')
                    input = Console.Read();
                    if (Convert.ToChar(input) != 'Y' && Convert.ToChar(input) != 'n')
                        Console.Write("Invalid input, please enter Y or n: ");
                if (Convert.ToChar(input) == 'n')
                toAdd = root.FullName;
            //if it's a directory, add all files in that directory
            //if it's a file, add that file
            if (MainClass.isFile(toAdd))
                files.Add(toAdd);                 //This will eventually just direct to the file version
                files.AddRange(directoryBase.getFiles(new DirectoryInfo(toAdd)));

            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Adding Directory: {0}", toAdd);
                Console.WriteLine("Files to add to archive:");
                foreach (string s in files)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", s);

            //open the package, seek to the end
            using (FileStream package = new FileStream(selectedPackage, FileMode.Append))
                var salter = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                //iterate key by the file size
                //encrypt the file and appends all the bytes of the result to the end

                 * This bit should also probably be externalized

                foreach (string filePath in files)
                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding file: {0}", filePath);
                    int retryMax = 3;
                    while (retryMax > 0)
                            using (FileStream inFile = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                if (debug)
                                //first, get the file's name
                                string name = filePath.Substring(root.FullName.Length + 1);                                 //get the relative path
                                Console.WriteLine("Encrypting " + name);
                                //we also need the bytes of the name
                                byte[] nameBytes  = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(name);
                                UInt16 nameLength = (UInt16)nameBytes.Length;                                 //Should always be sub 255, most of the time
                                if (debug)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Name Length is: {0}", nameLength);
                                //generate a byte for the amount of salt that is to be produced
                                byte saltByteP = 0, saltByteS = 255;
                                //Kind of random? It's close enough for this
                                foreach (byte b in nameBytes)
                                    saltByteP = (byte)(saltByteP ^ b);
                                    saltByteS = (byte)(saltByteS ^ b);
                                if (debug)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Salt Bytes are {0}, {1}", saltByteP, saltByteS);

                                byte[] prefix = new byte[saltByteP];

                                byte[] suffix = new byte[saltByteS];

                                //Put the salt on the ends of the name
                                List <byte> saltedName = new List <byte>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < saltByteP; i++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < saltByteS; i++)
                                if (debug)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Length of salted name is: " + saltedName.Count);
                                //get the length of the file as Uint32
                                UInt32 fileSize = (UInt32)(new FileInfo(filePath)).Length;

                                //Create the "header" and write it
                                List <byte> headerBytes = new List <byte>();

                                 * Uint16 namelength | byte saltByteP | byte saltByteS | string saltedName (up to 260 chars + 512 salt) | Uint32 fileSize | byte[] file |   <repeats>
                                 *         2         |        1       |        1       |                 up to 772                      |        4        |   up to 4GB | = 780 bytes

                                //if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(("Writing to: " + Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\" + outName + "\n"));

                                foreach (byte b in headerBytes)
                                    package.WriteByte((byte)(b ^ key.getKeyByte()));
                                //Write in the rest of the file, byte by byte
                                if (debug)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Reading: {0}\\{1}", root.FullName, name);

                                //FileInfo inFileSize = new FileInfo(path);
                                for (int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++)
                                    package.WriteByte((byte)(inFile.ReadByte() ^ key.getKeyByte()));
                            if (debug)

                            if (debug)
                                Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}\n", sw.Elapsed);
                            break;                             //exit the inner retry loop
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Could not encrypt: {0}, reason: {1}", filePath, e.Message);
                            if (retryMax == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed to encrypt file: {0}", filePath);
                                Console.WriteLine("Retrying in 3 seconds...");
                                retryMax -= 1;
                    if (!addingFile)