// Return a List of pair {URI, Question} from a dialog file and a question file
        private static List <String[]> MapQuestionUri(FileInfo sourceOrDialogFileInfo, FileInfo annotatedQuestionsFileInfo)
            // Load new dialog file
            string sourceOrDialogFileName;
            Dialog dialog = LoadDialogFile(sourceOrDialogFileInfo, out sourceOrDialogFileName);

            List <String[]> resultList = new List <String[]>();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(annotatedQuestionsFileInfo.FullName, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")))
                string line = null;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] columns      = line.Split(';');
                    string   questionId   = columns[0];
                    string   questionText = columns[1];
                    string   intentName   = columns[2];

                    // Simulate new dialog execution
                    var result = DialogInterpreter.AnalyzeInitialQuestion(dialog, questionId, questionText, intentName);
                    var type   = result.ExecutionResult != null?result.ExecutionResult.DialogNode.Type.ToString() : "[no result]";

                    if (type == "FatHeadAnswers")
                        var node = result.ExecutionResult as FatHeadAnswerNodeExecution;

                        if (node != null)
                            var newURI = node.MappingURI;

                            List <String> listUriWithFederation = MappingUriGenerator.AddFederationsToUri(newURI);
                            foreach (string uriTemp in listUriWithFederation)
                                string[] temp = { uriTemp, questionText };

Beispiel #2
        private static void InternalTest_DisplayMatchResults(FileInfo sourceOrDialogFileInfo)
            Console.WriteLine("Internal test - Check entity values matches :");

            // Load dialog file
            string sourceOrDialogFileName;
            Dialog dialog = LoadDialogFile(sourceOrDialogFileInfo, out sourceOrDialogFileName, true);

            Console.WriteLine(dialog.Errors.Count + " inconsistencies found :");
            Console.WriteLine("- " + dialog.Errors.Where(error => error.Contains(MessageType.DuplicateKey.ToString())).Count() + " duplicate keys");
            Console.WriteLine("- " + dialog.Errors.Where(error => error.Contains(MessageType.IncorrectPattern.ToString())).Count() + " incorrect patterns");
            Console.WriteLine("- " + dialog.Errors.Where(error => error.Contains(MessageType.InvalidReference.ToString())).Count() + " invalid references");
            Console.WriteLine("- " + dialog.Errors.Where(error => error.Contains(MessageType.NeverUsed.ToString())).Count() + " elements never used");
            Console.WriteLine("- " + dialog.Errors.Where(error => error.Contains(MessageType.Info.ToString())).Count() + " infos");

            // Write list of inconsistencies
            var errorsFilePath = @"result\" + sourceOrDialogFileName + ".errors.csv";

            Console.Write("Writing " + errorsFilePath + " ... ");
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(errorsFilePath, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1")))
                foreach (var error in dialog.Errors.OrderBy(error => error))

            // Write list of entity values matches
            var testsIntentName    = "TESTS";
            var simulationFilePath = @"result\" + sourceOrDialogFileName + ".internaltest.csv";

            Console.Write("Writing " + simulationFilePath + " ... ");
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(simulationFilePath, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1")))

                var testIntent = dialog.Intents[testsIntentName];
                int i          = 0;
                foreach (var question in testIntent.Questions)
                    var    result = DialogInterpreter.AnalyzeInitialQuestion(dialog, i.ToString(), question, testsIntentName);
                    string var11  = null;
                    result.VariablesValues.TryGetValue("Test_Var", out var11);
                    string var12 = null;
                    result.VariablesValues.TryGetValue("Test_Var_2", out var12);
                    string var21 = null;
                    result.VariablesValues.TryGetValue("Test2_Var", out var21);
                    string var22 = null;
                    result.VariablesValues.TryGetValue("Test2_Var_2", out var22);

                    sw.WriteLine(i.ToString() + ";" + question + ";" + var11 + ";" + var12 + ";" + var21 + ";" + var22);
                    //sw.WriteLine(i.ToString() + ";" + question + ";" + "{{\"TestMatch1\": \"{0}\", \"TestMatch2\": \"{1}\", \"Test2Match1\": \"{2}\", \"Test2Match2\": \"{3}\"}}", var11, var12, var21, var22);
Beispiel #3
        private static void CompareResultsAcrossDialogVersions(FileInfo newSourceOrDialogFileInfo, FileInfo oldSourceOrDialogFileInfo, FileInfo annotatedQuestionsFileInfo)
            Console.WriteLine("Compare results for two dialog files :");

            // Load new dialog file
            string newSourceOrDialogFileName;
            Dialog newDialog = LoadDialogFile(newSourceOrDialogFileInfo, out newSourceOrDialogFileName);

            // Load old dialog file
            string oldSourceOrDialogFileName;
            Dialog oldDialog = LoadDialogFile(oldSourceOrDialogFileInfo, out oldSourceOrDialogFileName);

            // Load all questions
            Console.WriteLine("Reading " + annotatedQuestionsFileInfo.Name + " ... ");
            int            questionCount = 0;
            IList <string> impacts       = new List <string>();

            impacts.Add("id;question;intent;diff;new result;old result;new trace;old trace");
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(annotatedQuestionsFileInfo.FullName, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1")))
                string line = null;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] columns      = line.Split(';');
                    string   questionId   = columns[0];
                    string   questionText = columns[1];
                    string   intentName   = columns[2];

                    // Simulate new dialog execution
                    var newResult = DialogInterpreter.AnalyzeInitialQuestion(newDialog, questionId, questionText, intentName);

                    // Simulate old dialog execution
                    var oldResult = DialogInterpreter.AnalyzeInitialQuestion(oldDialog, questionId, questionText, intentName);

                    // Compare results
                    if (!newResult.ReturnsSameResultAs(oldResult))
                        var newType = newResult.ExecutionResult != null?newResult.ExecutionResult.DialogNode.Type.ToString() : "[no result]";

                        var oldType = oldResult.ExecutionResult != null?oldResult.ExecutionResult.DialogNode.Type.ToString() : "[no result]";

                        string diff = null;
                        if (newType != oldType)
                            diff = oldType + " => " + newType;
                            if (newType == "FatHeadAnswers")
                                var newURI = ((FatHeadAnswerNodeExecution)newResult.ExecutionResult).MappingURI;
                                var oldURI = ((FatHeadAnswerNodeExecution)oldResult.ExecutionResult).MappingURI;
                                diff = "FH: " + FatHeadAnswerNodeExecution.CompareMappingURIs(newURI, oldURI);
                                diff = oldType + " changed";

                        impacts.Add(newResult.QuestionId + ";" + newResult.QuestionText + ";" + newResult.IntentName + ";" + diff + ";" + newResult.ResultString + ";" + oldResult.ResultString + ";" + newResult.ToString() + ";" + oldResult.ToString());

                    if (questionCount % 500 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine(questionCount + " test set questions analyzed");

                // TO DO : do the same thing with all DisambiguationQuestion nodes found in the tree

            Console.WriteLine("Analysis completed :");
            Console.WriteLine("- impacts found on " + impacts.Count + " questions of the test set");

            // Write comparison results file
            var comparisonFilePath = @"result\" + newSourceOrDialogFileName + "." + oldSourceOrDialogFileName + "." + annotatedQuestionsFileInfo.Name + ".compare.csv";

            Console.Write("Writing " + comparisonFilePath + " ... ");
            HashSet <string> mappingURISet = new HashSet <string>();

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(comparisonFilePath, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1")))
                foreach (var impact in impacts)