Beispiel #1
        void initializeInterfaceMethods(MethodNameScopes scopes)
            if (baseType != null)
                overrideMethods = new Dictionary<MethodDef, bool>(baseType.typeDef.overrideMethods);
                overrideMethods = new Dictionary<MethodDef, bool>();


            if (TypeDefinition.IsInterface)

            //--- Partition II 12.2 Implementing virtual methods on interfaces:
            //--- The VES shall use the following algorithm to determine the appropriate
            //--- implementation of an interface's virtual abstract methods:
            //--- * If the base class implements the interface, start with the same virtual methods
            //---	that it provides; otherwise, create an interface that has empty slots for all
            //---	virtual functions.
            // Done. See initializeAllInterfaces().

            var methodsDict = new Dictionary<MethodReferenceKey, MethodDef>();

            //--- * If this class explicitly specifies that it implements the interface (i.e., the
            //---	interfaces that appear in this class‘ InterfaceImpl table, §22.23)
            //---	* If the class defines any public virtual newslot methods whose name and
            //---	  signature match a virtual method on the interface, then use these new virtual
            //---	  methods to implement the corresponding interface method.
            if (interfaces.Count > 0) {
                foreach (var method in methods.getValues()) {
                    if (!method.isPublic() || !method.isVirtual() || !method.isNewSlot())
                    methodsDict[new MethodReferenceKey(method.MethodDefinition)] = method;

                foreach (var ifaceInfo in interfaces) {
                    foreach (var methodsList in ifaceInfo.typeDef.virtualMethodInstances.getMethods()) {
                        if (methodsList.Count != 1)	// Never happens
                            throw new ApplicationException("Interface with more than one method in the list");
                        var methodInst = methodsList[0];
                        var ifaceMethod = methodInst.origMethodDef;
                        if (!ifaceMethod.isVirtual())
                        var ifaceMethodReference = MethodReferenceInstance.make(methodInst.methodReference, ifaceInfo.typeReference as GenericInstanceType);
                        MethodDef classMethod;
                        var key = new MethodReferenceKey(ifaceMethodReference);
                        if (!methodsDict.TryGetValue(key, out classMethod))
                        interfaceMethodInfos.addMethod(ifaceInfo, ifaceMethod, classMethod);

            //--- * If there are any virtual methods in the interface that still have empty slots,
            //---	see if there are any public virtual methods, but not public virtual newslot
            //---	methods, available on this class (directly or inherited) having the same name
            //---	and signature, then use these to implement the corresponding methods on the
            //---	interface.
            foreach (var methodInstList in virtualMethodInstances.getMethods()) {
                // This class' method is at the end
                for (int i = methodInstList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var classMethod = methodInstList[i];
                    // These methods are guaranteed to be virtual.
                    // We should allow newslot methods, despite what the official doc says.
                    if (!classMethod.origMethodDef.isPublic())
                    methodsDict[new MethodReferenceKey(classMethod.methodReference)] = classMethod.origMethodDef;
            foreach (var ifaceInfo in allImplementedInterfaces.Keys) {
                foreach (var methodsList in ifaceInfo.typeDef.virtualMethodInstances.getMethods()) {
                    if (methodsList.Count != 1)	// Never happens
                        throw new ApplicationException("Interface with more than one method in the list");
                    var ifaceMethod = methodsList[0].origMethodDef;
                    if (!ifaceMethod.isVirtual())
                    var ifaceMethodRef = MethodReferenceInstance.make(ifaceMethod.MethodDefinition, ifaceInfo.typeReference as GenericInstanceType);
                    MethodDef classMethod;
                    var key = new MethodReferenceKey(ifaceMethodRef);
                    if (!methodsDict.TryGetValue(key, out classMethod))
                    interfaceMethodInfos.addMethodIfEmpty(ifaceInfo, ifaceMethod, classMethod);

            //--- * Apply all MethodImpls that are specified for this class, thereby placing
            //---	explicitly specified virtual methods into the interface in preference to those
            //---	inherited or chosen by name matching.
            var ifaceMethodsDict = new Dictionary<MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey, MethodDef>();
            foreach (var ifaceInfo in allImplementedInterfaces.Keys) {
                var git = ifaceInfo.typeReference as GenericInstanceType;
                foreach (var ifaceMethod in ifaceInfo.typeDef.methods.getValues()) {
                    MethodReference ifaceMethodReference = ifaceMethod.MethodDefinition;
                    if (git != null)
                        ifaceMethodReference = simpleClone(ifaceMethod.MethodDefinition, git);
                    ifaceMethodsDict[new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(ifaceMethodReference)] = ifaceMethod;
            foreach (var classMethod in methods.getValues()) {
                if (!classMethod.isVirtual())
                foreach (var overrideMethod in classMethod.MethodDefinition.Overrides) {
                    MethodDef ifaceMethod;
                    var key = new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(overrideMethod);
                    if (!ifaceMethodsDict.TryGetValue(key, out ifaceMethod)) {
                        // We couldn't find the interface method (eg. interface not resolved) or
                        // it overrides a base class method, and not an interface method.

                    var oldMethod = interfaceMethodInfos.addMethod(overrideMethod.DeclaringType, ifaceMethod, classMethod);
                    if (oldMethod != classMethod)
                        overrideMethods[classMethod] = true;

            //--- * If the current class is not abstract and there are any interface methods that
            //---	still have empty slots, then the program is invalid.
            // Check it anyway. C# requires a method, even if it's abstract. I don't think anyone
            // writes pure CIL assemblies.
            foreach (var info in interfaceMethodInfos.AllInfos) {
                foreach (var pair in info.IfaceMethodToClassMethod) {
                    if (pair.Value != null)
                    if (!resolvedAllInterfaces() || !resolvedBaseClasses())
                    // Ignore if COM class
                    if (!TypeDefinition.IsImport &&
                        !hasAttribute("System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComImportAttribute") &&
                        !hasAttribute("System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeAttribute")) {
                        Log.w("Could not find interface method {0} ({1:X8}). Type: {2} ({3:X8})",

            foreach (var info in interfaceMethodInfos.AllInfos) {
                foreach (var pair in info.IfaceMethodToClassMethod) {
                    if (pair.Value == null)
                    if (overrideMethods.ContainsKey(pair.Value))
                    scopes.same(pair.Key, pair.Value);
Beispiel #2
 public void add(MethodInst methodInst)
     List<MethodInst> list;
     var key = new MethodReferenceKey(methodInst.methodReference);
     if (methodInst.origMethodDef.isNewSlot() || !methodInstances.TryGetValue(key, out list))
         methodInstances[key] = list = new List<MethodInst>();