static MLStructure getStructure(IEnumerable<UAVObject> data, Type type)
            int rowCount = data.Count();
            MLStructure structure = new MLStructure(type.Name, new int[] { 1, 1 });
            var timestamp = data.Select(k => k.timestamp).ToArray();
            structure["timestamp"] = new MLUInt32("", timestamp, rowCount);

            foreach (var prop in type.GetFields().Where(j => j.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(UAVObjectField)))
                string name = prop.Name;
                double[] fieldata = data.Select( k=> Convert.ToDouble(((UAVObjectField)prop.GetValue(k)).getValue(0))).ToArray();
                structure[name] = new MLDouble("", fieldata, rowCount);
            return structure;
		private static MLArray CreateTestStruct() {
			MLStructure outStruct = new MLStructure("kinectData", new int[] { 1, 1 });
			double[] myRealNums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 };
			// new MLInt64("IA", myRealNums, myImagNums, length);
			// IA: matlab Name (blank for struct)
			// realNumbers => Double array of the real parts
			// imagNumbers => Double array of the img parts
			// length => dimension of the matrix
			outStruct["skelData", 0] = new MLDouble("", myRealNums, 2);
			outStruct["dateHeader", 0] = new MLChar("", "January 29th... etc...");

			MLStructure groundStruct = new MLStructure("", new int[] { 1, 1 });
			groundStruct["height", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { 0.68 }, 1); // metres?
			groundStruct["gpVector", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {1.4, 1, 1, 1}, 4); //metres?
			groundStruct["kinectTilt", 0] = new MLInt16("", new Int16[]{ -15 }, 1); //degrees
			outStruct["groundPlaneData", 0] = groundStruct;

			return outStruct;
 private static MLArray CreateStructArray()
     MLStructure structure = new MLStructure("X", new int[] { 1, 1 });
     structure["w", 0] = new MLUInt8("", new byte[] { 1 }, 1);
     structure["y", 0] = new MLUInt8("", new byte[] { 2 }, 1);
     structure["z", 0] = new MLUInt8("", new byte[] { 3 }, 1);
     return structure;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads <c>miMATRIX</c> from the input stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If reading was not finished (which is normal for filtered results)
        /// returns <c>null</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="buf">The <c>BinaryReader</c> input stream.</param>
        /// <param name="isRoot">When <c>true</c> informs that if this is a top level
        /// matrix.</param>
        /// <returns><c>MLArray</c> or <c>null</c> if matrix does not match <c>filter</c></returns>
        private MLArray ReadMatrix( Stream buf, bool isRoot )
            // result
            MLArray mlArray = null;
            ISMatTag tag;

            // read flags
            int[] flags = ReadFlags( buf );
            int attributes = (flags.Length != 0 ) ? flags[0] : 0;
            int nzmax = ( flags.Length != 0 ) ? flags[1] : 0;
            int type = attributes & 0xff;

            // read Array dimension
            int[] dims = ReadDimension( buf );

            // read Array name
            string name = ReadName( buf );

            // If this array is filtered out return immediately
            if( isRoot && !_filter.Matches(name) )
                return null;

            // read data
            switch (type)
                case MLArray.mxSTRUCT_CLASS:
                    MLStructure mlStruct = new MLStructure(name, dims, type, attributes);

                    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(buf);

                    // field name length - this subelement always uses the compressed data element format
                    tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                    int maxlen = br.ReadInt32();

                    // Read fields data as Int8
                    tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                    // calculate number of fields
                    int numOfFields = tag.Size / maxlen;

                    // padding after field names
                    int padding = (tag.Size % 8) != 0 ? 8 - tag.Size % 8 : 0;

                    string[] fieldNames = new string[numOfFields];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++)
                        byte[] names = new byte[maxlen];
                        br.Read(names, 0, names.Length);
                        fieldNames[i] = ZeroEndByteArrayToString(names);

                    // read fields
                    for (int index = 0; index < mlStruct.M * mlStruct.N; index++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++)
                            // read matrix recursively
                            tag = new ISMatTag(br.BaseStream);
                            if (tag.Size > 0)
                                MLArray fieldValue = ReadMatrix(br.BaseStream, false);
                                mlStruct[fieldNames[i], index] = fieldValue;
                                mlStruct[fieldNames[i], index] = new MLEmptyArray();
                    mlArray = mlStruct;
                case MLArray.mxCELL_CLASS:
                    MLCell cell = new MLCell(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    for (int i = 0; i < cell.M * cell.N; i++)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                        if (tag.Size > 0)
                            MLArray cellmatrix = ReadMatrix(buf, false);
                            cell[i] = cellmatrix;
                            cell[i] = new MLEmptyArray();
                    mlArray = cell;
                case MLArray.mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                    mlArray = new MLDouble(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                    // read complex
                    if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                case MLArray.mxUINT8_CLASS:
                    mlArray = new MLUInt8(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                    // read complex
                    if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                case MLArray.mxINT8_CLASS:
                    mlArray = new MLInt8(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                    // read complex
                    if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                case MLArray.mxUINT64_CLASS:
                    mlArray = new MLUInt64(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                    // read complex
                    if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                case MLArray.mxINT64_CLASS:
                    mlArray = new MLInt64(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);

                    // read complex
                    if (mlArray.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                case MLArray.mxCHAR_CLASS:
                    MLChar mlchar = new MLChar(name, dims, type, attributes);
                    //read real
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    char[] ac = tag.ReadToCharArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < ac.Length; i++)
                        mlchar.SetChar(ac[i], i);
                    mlArray = mlchar;
                case MLArray.mxSPARSE_CLASS:
                    MLSparse sparse = new MLSparse(name, dims, attributes, nzmax);

                    // read ir (row indices)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    int[] ir = tag.ReadToIntArray();
                    // read jc (column indices)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    int[] jc = tag.ReadToIntArray();

                    // read pr (real part)
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    double[] ad1 = tag.ReadToDoubleArray();
                    int n = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ir.Length; i++)
                        if (i < sparse.N)
                            n = jc[i];
                        sparse.SetReal(ad1[i], ir[i], n);

                    //read pi (imaginary part)
                    if (sparse.IsComplex)
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                        double[] ad2 = tag.ReadToDoubleArray();

                        int n1 = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < ir.Length; i++)
                            if (i < sparse.N)
                                n1 = jc[i];
                            sparse.SetImaginary(ad2[i], ir[i], n1);
                    mlArray = sparse;
                    throw new MatlabIOException("Incorrect Matlab array class: " + MLArray.TypeToString(type));
            return mlArray;
Beispiel #5
    public static void SaveMatFile()
        // create a MATLAB char and double variable and add it to the structure
        //MLChar scoreName = ;
        //MLDouble scoreValue = new MLDouble("", new double[] { 12345 }, 1);
        int maxIter = 0;
        foreach(ActionData ad in ActionData.actionList)
            if(ad.iterationNum > maxIter)
                maxIter = ad.iterationNum;
        string dateLbl = "";
        dateLbl += System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
        dateLbl += System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
        dateLbl += System.DateTime.Now.Day.ToString();
        dateLbl += System.DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString();

        int chunkSize = 50;
        int effChunkSize = 50;
        int chunk = 0;
        int actionIndex = 0;

        List<string> fieldList = new List<string> ();
        fieldList.Add ("obstacle");
        fieldList.Add ("goal");
        fieldList.Add ("item");
        fieldList.Add ("robot");
        fieldList.Add ("selectedItem");

        while((chunk)*chunkSize < ActionData.actionList.Count)
            int i = 0;
            int ii = 0;
            actionIndex = chunk*chunkSize;
            if(chunkSize + actionIndex >= ActionData.actionList.Count)
                effChunkSize = ActionData.actionList.Count-actionIndex;
                effChunkSize = chunkSize;

            MLStructure structure = new MLStructure("simDat", new int[] { effChunkSize, 1 });
            List<MLArray> mlList = new List<MLArray>();
            MLDouble arr;

            while(actionIndex < ActionData.actionList.Count)
                ActionData ad = actionList[actionIndex] as ActionData;
                structure["speed", i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {maxIter}, 1);
                structure["beforePos", i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {ad.beforePos.x,ad.beforePos.y,ad.beforePos.z }, 1);
                structure["beforeOrient", i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {ad.beforeOrient.eulerAngles.x,ad.beforeOrient.eulerAngles.y,ad.beforeOrient.eulerAngles.z}, 1);
                //Debug.Log(dateLbl+"_"+chunk+"["+i+"]" +"("+ad.beforeOrient.x+","+ad.beforeOrient.y+","+ad.beforeOrient.z+")");

                structure["afterPos", i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {ad.afterPos.x,ad.afterPos.y,ad.afterPos.z}, 1);
                structure["afterOrient", i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {ad.afterOrient.eulerAngles.x,ad.afterOrient.eulerAngles.y,ad.afterOrient.eulerAngles.z}, 1);
                structure["robotType", i] = new MLChar("", ad.robotType);
                structure["itemType", i] = new MLChar("", ad.itemType);

                foreach(string  fieldName in fieldList)
                    int id = ad.positionNames.IndexOf(fieldName);
                    Vector3 vecValue;
                    if(id >= 0)
                        vecValue = ad.positionVecs[id];
                        vecValue = new Vector3(100,100,100); // We pass an invalid value

                    structure[fieldName, i] = new MLDouble("", new double[] {vecValue.x,vecValue.y,vecValue.z}, 1);


            MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter("playDat"+dateLbl+"_"+chunk+".mat", mlList, false);

            Debug.Log ("Saved (" + chunk + ")playDat" + dateLbl + ".mat");

            chunk ++;

            ActionData.actionList = new List<ActionData>();
        internal void saveAsMAT()
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            saveFileDialog.Filter = "MAT files (*.mat)|*.mat|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "mat";
            saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.saveImpedanceDirectory;
            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string filename = saveFileDialog.FileName;
                string tmpinfo = new FileInfo(filename).DirectoryName;
                Properties.Settings.Default.saveImpedanceDirectory = tmpinfo;
                List<MLArray> mlList = new List<MLArray>();
                MLStructure structure = new MLStructure("imp", new int[] { 1, 1 });
                structure["f", 0] = new MLDouble("", freqs, freqs.Length);

                //Only add non-null (sampled) channels
                int numNonNull = 0;
                List<int> goodChannels = new List<int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < impedance.Length; ++i)
                    if (impedance[i] != null)
                double[][] nonNullImpedance = new double[numNonNull][];
                for (int i = 0; i < numNonNull; ++i) nonNullImpedance[i] = impedance[goodChannels[i]];

                structure["z", 0] = new MLDouble("", nonNullImpedance);

                    MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(filename, mlList, true);
                catch (Exception err)
                    MessageBox.Show("There was an error when creating the MAT-file: \n" + err.ToString(),
                        "MAT-File Creation Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
        //public void CreateCSVFile(DataTable dt, string strFilePath)

        //    #region Export Grid to CSV

        //    // Create the CSV file to which grid data will be exported.

        //    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strFilePath, false);

        //    // First we will write the headers.

        //    //DataTable dt = m_dsProducts.Tables[0];

        //    int iColCount = dt.Columns.Count;

        //    for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
        //    {

        //        sw.Write(dt.Columns[i]);

        //        if (i < iColCount - 1)
        //        {

        //            sw.Write(",");

        //        }

        //    }

        //    sw.Write(sw.NewLine);

        //    // Now write all the rows.

        //    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
        //    {

        //        for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
        //        {

        //            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dr[i]))
        //            {

        //                sw.Write(dr[i].ToString());

        //            }

        //            if (i < iColCount - 1)
        //            {

        //                sw.Write(",");

        //            }

        //        }

        //        sw.Write(sw.NewLine);

        //    }

        //    sw.Close();

        //    #endregion


        private MLArray createStruct()
            MLStructure outStruct = new MLStructure("kinectData", new int[] { 1, 1 });
            //string[] headers = {"HipCenterX", "HipCenterY", "HipCenterZ", "SpineX", "SpineY", "SpineZ", "ShoulderCenterX", 
            //                     "ShoulderCenterY", "ShoulderCenterZ", "HeadX", "HeadY", "HeadZ", "ShoulderLeftX", 
            //                 "ShoulderLeftY", "ShoulderLeftZ", "ElbowLeftX", "ElbowLeftY", "ElbowLeftZ", "WristLeftX", 
            //                 "WristLeftY", "WristLeftZ", "HandLeftX", "HandLeftY", "HandLeftZ", "ShoulderRightX", 
            //                 "ShoulderRightY", "ShoulderRightZ", "ElbowRightX", "ElbowRightY", "ElbowRightZ", 
            //                 "WristRightX", "WristRightY", "WristRightZ", "HandRightX", "HandRightY", "HandRightZ", 
            //                 "HipLeftX", "HipLeftY", "HipLeftZ", "KneeLeftX", "KneeLeftY", "KneeLeftZ", "AnkleLeftX", 
            //                 "AnkleLeftY", "AnkleLeftZ", "FootLeftX", "FootLeftY", "FootLeftZ", "HipRightX", "HipRightY", 
            //                 "HipRightZ", "KneeRightX", "KneeRightY", "KneeRightZ", "AnkleRightX", "AnkleRightY", 
            //                 "AnkleRightZ", "FootRightX", "FootRightY", "FootRightZ"};

            double criticalC1D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC1);
            double criticalC2D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC2);
            double criticalC3D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC3);
            double criticalC11D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC11);
            double criticalC21D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC21);
            double criticalC31D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC31);
            double criticalC12D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC12);
            double criticalC22D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC22);
            double criticalC32D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC32);
            double criticalC13D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC13);
            double criticalC23D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC23);
            double criticalC33D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC33);
            double criticalC14D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC14);
            double criticalC24D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC24);
            double criticalC34D = Convert.ToDouble(criticalC34);

            double[] ccArray = { criticalC1D, criticalC2D, criticalC3D, criticalC11D, criticalC21D, criticalC31D, criticalC12D, criticalC22D, criticalC32D,
                                   criticalC13D, criticalC23D, criticalC33D, criticalC14D, criticalC24D, criticalC34D};

            Double[] skelDataA = (Double[])skelData.ToArray(typeof(double));
            Double[] gpVectorA = (Double[])gpVector.ToArray(typeof(double));
            Double[] kinectTiltA = (Double[])kinectTilt.ToArray(typeof(double));

            outStruct["skelData", 0] = new MLDouble("", skelDataA, 60);
            outStruct["dateHeader", 0] = new MLChar("", timeStamp);
            outStruct["criticalComps", 0] = new MLDouble("", ccArray, 3);
            outStruct["exercise", 0] = new MLChar("", exercise);

            MLStructure groundStruct = new MLStructure("", new int[] { 1, 1 });
            groundStruct["height", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { 0.68 }, 1); // metres?
            groundStruct["gpVector", 0] = new MLDouble("", gpVectorA, 4); //metres?
            groundStruct["kinectTilt", 0] = new MLDouble("", kinectTiltA, 1); //degrees
            outStruct["groundPlaneData", 0] = groundStruct;

            return outStruct;