private void OnGotLocationInfo(object sender, BasicCommunication.MessageParser.Got_LocationInfo_EventArgs e)
     if (myThread.IsAlive)
     objectID = 0;
     if (username != "")
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "I am in " + Settings.LocationInfo));
     if (commandGiven != "" && keepGoing)
         ActorHandler.position currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
         int myX = 0;
         int myY = 0;
         ActorHandler.position nextPosition = new ActorHandler.position();
         if (commandGiven == "home" && MainClass.mapName == MainClass.myHome.mapName)
             nextPosition = TheMySqlManager.getDestination(MainClass.mapName, commandGiven, out objectID, out useWithObject, ref lastMoveNumber);
             if (nextPosition.x == -1)
                 myX = MainClass.myHome.x;
                 myY = MainClass.myHome.y;
                 myX = nextPosition.x;
                 myY = nextPosition.y;
             nextPosition = TheMySqlManager.getDestination(MainClass.mapName, commandGiven, out objectID, out useWithObject, ref lastMoveNumber);
             myX = nextPosition.x;
             myY = nextPosition.y;
         makeMoves(myX, myY);
     else if (commandGiven == "home")
         ActorHandler.position currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
         orientSelf( currentPosition, TheTCPWrapper );
     gettingLocationInfo = false;
        private void OnGotPM(object sender, BasicCommunication.MessageParser.Got_PM_EventArgs e)
            string Message = e.Message.ToLower();
            if (Message[0] != '#')
                Message = "#" + Message;

            Message = Message.Replace(',', ' ');
            string[] CommandArray = Message.Split(' ');

            if (CommandArray[0] == "#goto")
                if (CommandArray.Length < 2)
                //if (CommandArray.Length < 2 || CommandArray[1].Contains(","))
                    goto WrongArguments;

                bool disabled = TheMySqlManager.CheckIfCommandIsDisabled("#goto", Settings.botid);

                if (disabled == true)
                    TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "This command is disabled"));

                if (TheMySqlManager.GetUserRank(e.username, Settings.botid) < TheMySqlManager.GetCommandRank("#goto", Settings.botid))
                    TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "You are not authorized to use this command!"));
                TradeHandler.storageOpen = false;
                username = e.username;
                keepGoing = false;
                objectID = 0;
                commandGiven = "";
                ActorHandler.position currentLocation = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
                int myX = -1;
                int myY = -1;
                string searchWord = "";
                if (CommandArray.Length == 3)
                        myX = int.Parse(CommandArray[1]);
                        myY = int.Parse(CommandArray[2]);
                //loading the map, hold on a sec...

                //write out the values here, something's wrong...
                //Console.WriteLine((searchWord == "" && myX >= 0 && myY >= 0));

                if (searchWord == "" && myX >= 0 && myY >= 0)
                    makeMoves(myX, myY);
                else if ((string)CommandArray.GetValue(1) == "abort")
                    keepMoving = false;
                else if ((string)CommandArray.GetValue(1) == "storage" || (string)CommandArray.GetValue(1) == "home")
                    ActorHandler.position currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
                    commandGiven = (string)CommandArray.GetValue(1);
                    lastMoveNumber = 0;
                    if (commandGiven == "storage")
                        Settings.IsTradeBot = false;
                        MainClass.atHome = false;
                    keepGoing = true;
                    //need to find our path to storage... this path will be a series of maps and exits to take to get to the next map
                    //may be able to generalize this to any destination (storage, home, whatever...)
                    //probably wanna do a loop here, looking for the destinations until we find our final map
                    //the map change will use the fact that we're moving to storage/home to set our destination
                    ActorHandler.position nextPosition = new ActorHandler.position();
                    if (commandGiven == "home" && MainClass.mapName == MainClass.myHome.mapName)
                        nextPosition = TheMySqlManager.getDestination(MainClass.mapName, commandGiven, out objectID, out useWithObject, ref lastMoveNumber);
                        if (nextPosition.x == -1)
                            myX = MainClass.myHome.x;
                            myY = MainClass.myHome.y;
                            myX = nextPosition.x;
                            myY = nextPosition.y;
                        nextPosition = TheMySqlManager.getDestination(MainClass.mapName, commandGiven, out objectID, out useWithObject, ref lastMoveNumber);
                        myX = nextPosition.x;
                        myY = nextPosition.y;
                    makeMoves(myX, myY);
                    ArrayList myMatches = new ArrayList();
                    if (CommandArray.Length == 3)
                        searchWord = (string)CommandArray.GetValue(2);
                        myMatches = myPathing.listObjects(searchWord);
                        myMatches = myPathing.listObjects(currentLocation);
                    //list objects with the serach word in them
                    foreach (pathing.object3D myMatch in myMatches)
                        string filename = new string(myMatch.objectFileName).Replace('\0', ' ');
                        filename = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(searchWord));
                        int thisX = (int)Math.Round(myMatch.x_pos, 0);
                        int thisY = (int)Math.Round(myMatch.y_pos, 0);
                        string outputLine = myMatch.object_id + "|" + filename.Trim() + "|" + thisX + "," + thisY;
                        TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, outputLine));
            TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "[Here is the usage of the #goto command:   "));
            TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "[#goto x y (or goto x,y)                   "));
            TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "[#goto home / storage                      "));
            TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "[------------------------------------------"));
            TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(e.username, "[Example: #goto 192,168                    "));
 private void makeMoves()
     ActorHandler.position previousPosition = new ActorHandler.position();
     //pathing.TILE previousMove = (pathing.TILE)myMoves[0];
     string moveString = "";
     ActorHandler.position currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
     previousPosition = currentPosition;
     //start a loop through the moves array, it's our path
     foreach (pathing.TILE myMove in myMoves)
         //we may want to save the "best" move along the way in case we don't find any moves that suit this condition...
         //if (difference(myMove.x, previousPosition.x) < 12 && difference(myMove.y, previousPosition.y) < 12)
         if (difference(myMove.x, previousPosition.x) + difference(myMove.y, previousPosition.y) < 12)
             //this might be the place to check for actors in the way
             //if one's in the way, just keep looking? hrm...
             string actorName = "";
             bool actorInWay = actorInTheWay(myMove, out actorName); ;
             ActorHandler.position myPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
             if (actorInWay)
                 Console.WriteLine("actor in the way: " + actorName + " " + myPosition.x + "," + myPosition.y);
                 TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "trying to move around " + actorName));
         currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
         moveString = "Moving from " + currentPosition.x + "," + currentPosition.y;
         moveString += " to " + myMove.x + "," + myMove.y;
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, moveString));
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.MOVE_TO(myMove.x, myMove.y));
         //wait until the move is done or the time expires
         DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
         bool keepStepping = true;
         while (keepStepping && keepMoving)
             TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - startTime;
             currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
             if ((currentPosition.x == myMove.x && currentPosition.y == myMove.y) || timeElapsed.Seconds > 10)
                 //got to the spot, stop moving
                 keepStepping = false;
         if (currentPosition.x == previousPosition.x && currentPosition.y == previousPosition.y && keepMoving)
             keepMoving = false;
             TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "I seem to be stuck :P"));
             previousPosition = currentPosition;
         if (!keepMoving)
     //we'e either at the end by now, or we're stuck :P
     if (keepMoving)
         pathing.TILE endMove = new pathing.TILE();
         string actorName = "";
         ActorHandler.position myPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
         endMove.x = destX;
         endMove.y = destY;
         bool actorInWay = actorInTheWay(endMove, out actorName);
         if (actorInWay && actorName.ToLower()!= TheActorHandler.GetUsernameFromID((short)TheActorHandler.MyActorID).ToLower())
             Console.WriteLine("actor in the way at final destination, move next to if possible: " + actorName + " " + destX + "," + destY);
             moveLoc currentLoc = new moveLoc();
             currentLoc.x = endMove.x;
             currentLoc.y = endMove.y;
             currentLoc.distance = 0;
             moveLoc adjustedMove = adjustMove(currentLoc);
             destX = adjustedMove.x;
             destY = adjustedMove.y;
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.MOVE_TO(destX, destY));
         moveString = "Moving from " + currentPosition.x + "," + currentPosition.y;
         moveString += " to end " + destX + "," + destY;
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, moveString));
         DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
         bool keepStepping = true;
         while (keepStepping && keepMoving)
             TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - startTime;
             currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
             if ((currentPosition.x == destX && currentPosition.y == destY) || timeElapsed.Seconds > 10)
                 //got to the spot, stop moving
                 keepStepping = false;
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "Moving aborted."));
     if (objectID > 0 && keepMoving)
         gettingLocationInfo = true;
         TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.USE_MAP_OBJECT((uint)objectID, TheMySqlManager.getItemPos(useWithObject)));
         useObjectPathing = true;
         objectID = 0;
         //keepMoving = false;
         useObjectPathing = false;
         keepGoing = false;
         if (keepMoving)
             currentPosition = TheActorHandler.GetMyPosition();
             TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "I should be at my final destination!"));
             //experimental, not sure....
             gettingLocationInfo = true;
             if (commandGiven == "home"  && MainClass.botType == 1)
                 MainClass.atHome = true;
                 Settings.IsTradeBot = true;