protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            // put on hold and not fully implemented yet
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                String   homeDir = attributeValue("ndshomedirectory").ToLower();
                String[] hd      = homeDir.Split(',');
                //if (homeDir.Length > 0) hd = homeDir.Split(',');
                //test for example cn=orion_home
                if (hd[0].ToString().Trim() == ss.ActionData.ToString().ToLower().Trim())
                    //sqlInsert = "wcIDMEnableDisableApplications " + ss.QLId.ToString() + ",'" + ss.NDSName.ToString() + "'," + "'F','F','N','N'";

                    //wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, sqlInsert);
                    //if (wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" && (wDV[0][3].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][3].ToString() == "3"))
                    // {
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
Beispiel #2
 protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
     foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
         mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
         // this problem is a synchronisation issue - nds may not match staffidentity for telephone number.
         //the staff maitenance form does not allow a blank telephone number so the staff identity telephone must be blank
         // because this class is shared with the Publishposts routine we need to ensure that the telephone number matches
         // with the NDS number so set them equal.
         if (ss.Tel.Length < 1)
             ss.Tel = attributeValue("telephonenumber").Trim().ToUpper().ToString();
         String y = attributeValue("telephonenumber").Trim().ToUpper().ToString();
         if (
             (attributeValue("telephonenumber").Trim().ToUpper().ToString() == ss.Tel.Trim().ToUpper().ToString()) &&
             (attributeValue("surname").ToUpper().Trim() == ss.Surname.ToUpper().Trim()) &&
             (attributeValue("givenname").ToUpper().Trim() == ss.Forename.ToUpper().Trim()) &&
             (attributeValue("title").ToUpper().Trim() == ss.JobTitle.ToUpper().Trim())
         if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
Beispiel #3
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);

                //DateTime gwexpire = DateTime.Parse(attributeValue("gwexpire"));
                DateTime cwDate   = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime nullDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);// if groupwise date is equal to this then a date has not been set.
                DateTime gwexpire = nullDate;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(attributeValue("gwexpire"), out gwexpire))
                    //gwexpire has a good value
                    //set gwexpire again because the date returned by the tryparse was 01/01/0001 which means we have a problem with access manager.
                    gwexpire = nullDate;
                int expiredCount  = DateTime.Compare(cwDate, gwexpire);   // >0 means that the expirydate has expired in groupwise.
                int expireDateSet = DateTime.Compare(nullDate, gwexpire); // 0 means that no expirydate has been set in groupwise
                if (expireDateSet != 0 && expiredCount > 0)               // then the groupwise DateTime has expired - so remove the staffidentity keepProxy flag.
                //if (attributeValue("ngwmailboxexpirationtime").ToLower() == "true")
                    staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET keepProxy = 0");

                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "true")
                    staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 1");
                    // update applications to disabled
                    // SHD, EHD, QLR, phone_list
                    sqlInsert = "wcIDMEnableDisableApplications " + ss.QLId.ToString() + ",'" + ss.NDSName.ToString() + "'," + "'F','F','N','N'";

                    wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, sqlInsert);
                    if (wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" && (wDV[0][3].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][3].ToString() == "3"))
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
Beispiel #5
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                string y = "";
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                Boolean grpExists = false;
                foreach (String grp in attributeArray("grpmbr"))
                    if (buildGroupContext(grp) == ss.ActionData.Replace("Group=", "").ToString().ToUpper())
                        grpExists = true;
                if (!grpExists)

                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            //if nds account not exist then delete is true
            //write a defaultDelete job in the coupler with updateCouplerMessageQueueSet() ?
            //DateTime theDate = DateTime.Parse("31 Dec 2006 21:00:00");
            //TimeSpan timeOnly = theDate.TimeOfDay;
            //DateTime theDateNow = DateTime.Now;
            //TimeSpan timeOnlyNow = theDateNow.TimeOfDay;
            //bool result;
            //result = timeOnlyNow > timeOnly;
            //if (result)

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);

                if (mAttributeValues == null)
                //if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "true")
                    staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueue(ss.NDSName, ss.QLId);
                    staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET job_Title = DELETED NDS record");
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                string logEx       = attributeValue("loginexpirationtime").ToString();
                string description = "Enabled=" + ss.queueItem.ToString().Trim(); // set the test value for NDS
                // the decription from NDS should have the queueItem after a successful enable e.g. "Enabled=10817@07/11/2010 20:18".
                // split the NDS description to get the queuItem
                string[] descriptions = attributeValue("description").ToString().Trim().Split('@');

                String LD = "FALSE";//set default FALSE for Attribute value LoginDisabled  does not exist, this means that the account is enabled.
                if (mAttributeValues.ContainsKey("logindisabled"))
                    LD = "TRUE";                                               //attribute value LoginDisabled exists
                if (!ss.WhenRead)
                    staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "ExchangeConnect");              // Create a coupler job for re-enabling Exchange.
                if (!ss.WhenRead)
                    staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "RestoreGoogle");              // Write a coupler job to create a Google account
                if ((attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "false" || LD == "FALSE") && attributeValue("generationqualifier").ToString().Trim() == ss.StaffID.ToString().Trim() && descriptions[0].ToString().Trim() == description)
                    staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 0");

                    sqlInsert = "wcIDMEnableDisableApplications " + ss.QLId.ToString() + ",'" + ss.NDSName.ToString() + "'," + "'T','T','Y','Y'";

                    wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, sqlInsert);
                    if (wDV.Count > 0)
                        if ((wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" &&
                             wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][3].ToString() == "1") ||
                            (wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" &&
                             wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" && wDV[0][3].ToString() == "3" &&
                             ss.EmpType.ToString().ToUpper() == "TEMP"))
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;
            String   LD = "FALSE";//set default FALSE for Attribute value LoginDisabled  does not exist, this means that the account is enabled.

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                if ((mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName.Trim())) != null)
                    String   x        = attributeValue("gwexpire").ToString();
                    String[] groups   = attributeArray("grpmbr");
                    Boolean  InGroups = false;
                    Boolean  allsites = false;
                    Boolean  vdi      = false;
                    if (groups != null)
                        if (groups.Length > 1)
                            for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++)
                                if (groups[i].ToLower().Contains("allsites"))
                                    allsites = true;
                                if (groups[i].ToLower().Contains("vdi_groups"))
                                    vdi = true;
                                if (allsites && vdi)
                                    InGroups = true;
                    if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "false" && InGroups == true)
                        //studentUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 0");
                    if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);

                if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "true")
                    staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 1");
                    // update applications to disabled
                    // SHD, EHD, QLR, phone_list
                    // Disable Lync first then the AD processing can create a coupler job to disable excahnge
                    if (ss.keepProxy == false)
                        staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "ExchangeLyncDisable");
                    if (ss.keepProxy == false)
                        staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "SuspendGoogle");
                    sqlInsert = "wcIDMEnableDisableApplications " + ss.QLId.ToString() + ",'" + ss.NDSName.ToString() + "'," + "'F','F','N','N'";

                    wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, sqlInsert);
                    if (wDV.Count > 0)
                        if (((wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][0].ToString() == "3") &&
                             (wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][1].ToString() == "3") &&
                             (wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][2].ToString() == "3") &&
                             (wDV[0][3].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][3].ToString() == "3")) ||
                            ((wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][0].ToString() == "3") &&
                             (wDV[0][1].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][1].ToString() == "3") &&
                             (wDV[0][2].ToString() == "1" || wDV[0][2].ToString() == "3") &&
                             ss.EmpType.ToString().ToUpper() == "TEMP"))
                            bool wB = staffUtility.sendEmail(
                                "Staff Disable : " + ss.NDSName,
                                "( " + ss.NDSName + " ) has been disabled in NDS. Please disable user in EXCHANGE.", null);
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
 protected override void doSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
     if (aStaffSpecSL.Count > 0)
         StreamWriter wNewNDSStream = new StreamWriter(
             mJRBFilesPath + runDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".txt"
         foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
Beispiel #11
        public void doPhase(DataView aCouplerDV, DateTime runDateTime)
            aCouplerDV.RowFilter = "action='" + mActionName + "'";
            aCouplerDV.Sort      = "NDSName, queueItem desc";

            if (aCouplerDV.Count > 0)
                staffSpecSL wSSL = new staffSpecSL(aCouplerDV, mSkipped);
                doSelectedPhase(wSSL, runDateTime);
                foreach (staffSpec aSS in wSSL.Values)
Beispiel #12
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                // TEST NDS for the queueItem, this shows us that the jrbimprt has taken place.
                // NOTE - jrbimprt has to overwrite the description field with the queueItem because it is a global setting within the control file
                // the reason is we don't want some of the multivalued fields to have multi values
                // so if more than one
                // job has been sent for processing then only one job will test for complete and that will be the job
                // that was last processed by jrbimprt.
                // this is a problem because the system is 'disconnected'
                String   description     = "ChangeContactNDS=" + ss.queueItem.ToString().Trim(); // set the test value for NDS
                String[] Alldescriptions = attributeArray("description");
                String   isDone          = "N";
                if (Alldescriptions != null)
                    foreach (String NDSdescription in Alldescriptions)
                        String[] descriptions = NDSdescription.ToString().Trim().Split('@');

                        foreach (string NDSdesc in descriptions)
                            if (NDSdesc.ToString().Trim() == description)
                                isDone = "Y";
                if (isDone == "Y")
                { // exec wcIDMupdateApplications - A call to upDateApplicationUserName with OLDNDS= current NDSname will update all relevant applications.
                    staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "OldNDS=" + ss.NDSName, "updateApplicationUserName");

                    //Udate the 'OLD_' fields in the phone_list; NDS and Groupwise have been updated.
                    String   IDM = "wcIDMSynchPhoneListFields " + Convert.ToInt64(ss.QLId);
                    DataView wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, IDM);
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
 protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
     foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
         mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
         if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "true" && attributeValue("description").ToLower().Contains("trashed"))
             //staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 1");
             bool wB = staffUtility.sendEmail(
                 "Staff Trashed : " + ss.NDSName,
                 "( " + ss.NDSName + " ) has been trashed in NDS. Please ensure user is disabled in EXCHANGE.", null);
         if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                bool groupsDeleted = true;
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                if (attributeArray("grpmbr") != null)
                    if (attributeArray("grpmbr").Length > 0) // user is a member of a group
                        groupsDeleted = false;

                        // commented out because we are now interested in any group.
                        //string[] groups = attributeArray("grpmbr");
                        //foreach (string group in groups)
                        //    if (group.ToLower().IndexOf("ou=groupwise,o=wc") > 1)
                        //    {
                        //        // this means that this user is still a member of an email group.
                        //        groupsDeleted = false;
                        //    }
                if (groupsDeleted)
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
Beispiel #15
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                bool     testChangeSite = true;
                DataView dv             = staffUtility.couplerDV(
                    "WHERE " +
                    "(c.whenDone IS NULL) AND " +
                    "(c.action='" + mActionName + "') AND " +
                    "(NDSName='" + ss.NDSName + "') AND " +
                    "(c.queueItem>" + ss.queueItem.ToString() + ")"
                if (dv != null)
                    if (dv.Count > 0)
                        testChangeSite = false;
                if (testChangeSite)
                    mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                    String  wADSPath    = attributeValue("adspath");
                    String  wTargetSite = ss.ActionData.Replace("NewSite=", "");
                    Boolean wDoneIt     = false;

                    switch (wTargetSite.ToUpper())
                    case "LEAMINGTON SPA":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=LSPA,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    case "RUGBY":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=RUG,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    case "TRIDENT PARK":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=TRIDENT,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    case "MORETON MORRELL":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=MM,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    case "HENLEY IN ARDEN":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=ARDN,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    case "PERSHORE":
                        wDoneIt = (wADSPath.IndexOf("ou=PER,o=WC") > 0); break;

                    if (wDoneIt)
                        // site change has completed so update the wcStaffIdentity
                        staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET loc_id = '" + wTargetSite.ToString().Trim() + "', location = '" + wTargetSite.ToString().Trim() + "'");
                        staffUtility.updatePhoneList(ss.EmpID, "SET site = '" + wTargetSite.ToString().Trim() + "'");

                    if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            DataView wDV;
            String   sqlInsert;
            String   LD = "FALSE";//set default FALSE for Attribute value LoginDisabled  does not exist, this means that the account is enabled.

            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                if ((mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName)) != null)
                    if (attributeValue("surname") != null)
                        String[] groups   = attributeArray("grpmbr");
                        Boolean  InGroups = false;
                        if (groups != null)
                            if (groups.Length > 1)
                                if ((groups[0].ToLower().Contains("allsites") || groups[0].ToLower().Contains("vdi_groups")) && ((groups[1].ToLower().Contains("allsites") || groups[1].ToLower().Contains("vdi_groups"))))
                                    InGroups = true;

                        if (InGroups == false)
                            // create a coupler job to updateNDS
                            staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "UpdateNDS");

                    if (mAttributeValues.ContainsKey("logindisabled"))
                        LD = "TRUE";                                               //attribute value LoginDisabled exists
                    if (attributeValue("logindisabled").ToLower() == "false" || LD == "FALSE")
                        if (ss.EmpType.ToString().ToUpper() == "TEMP")
                            mTestedOK.Add(ss.queueItem.ToString());                                        //TEMP accounts do not have a PhoneList record.
                        staffUtility.updateWcStaffIdentity(ss.NDSName, "SET NDSdisabled = 0");

                        //staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "CreateHomeDirectory");// Write a coupler job to Enable an exchange account
                        staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "ExchangeEnable");        // Write a coupler job to Enable an exchange account
                        staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "CreateLearningChannel"); // Write a coupler job to create a learning channel account
                        staffUtility.writeCouplerMessageQueueV2(ss.NDSName, "", "CreateGoogleLogins");    // Write a coupler job to create a Google account
                        bool wB = staffUtility.sendEmail(
                            "Staff Creation : " + ss.NDSName,
                            "( " + ss.NDSName + " ) has been created in NDS. Please link user in to EXCHANGE.", null);

                        sqlInsert = "wcIDMPhoneListUpdateEmail " + ss.QLId.ToString();
                        wDV       = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, sqlInsert);
                        //if (wDV.Count > 0)
                        //    if (wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1")
                        //    {
                        //    }
                    if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
 protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
Beispiel #18
        protected override void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)
            foreach (staffSpec ss in aStaffSpecSL.Values)
                Boolean  wNewLoginOk = false;
                String   NewNDSName  = "";
                String[] AD          = ss.ActionData.Split('=');
                if (AD[0].ToString() == "NewNDS")
                    NewNDSName = AD[1].ToString();
                // chect to see if the old nds name has been deleted
                mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + ss.NDSName);
                if (mAttributeValues == null)
                    // check to see if new nds name has been created
                    mAttributeValues = GetLDAPInfo("cn=" + NewNDSName);
                    if (mAttributeValues.Count > 0)
                        wNewLoginOk = true;
                if (wNewLoginOk)
                    // maybe put this in its own coupler class?l
                    // Call staff identity NEW NDS login stored procedure here
                    if (ss.QLId.ToString().Trim().ToLower() != "deleted")
                        String   IDM = "wcIDMupdateNewNDSname " + Convert.ToInt64(ss.QLId);
                        DataView wDV = staffUtility.readDataView(staffUtility.couplerDB, IDM);

                        if (wDV.Count > 0)
                            if (wDV[0][0].ToString() == "1")
                                // Success
                                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
                    // TEST the stored Procedure wcIDMupdateNewNDSname here
                    // then do the Application part in defaultCouplerUpdateUserName
                    // maybe call the stored procedure wcIDMupdateNewNDSname to do this

                    /* Success processing
                     * 1. Update NDSName on original
                     *    wcStaffIdentity record
                     * 2. Delete the IsPending='Y'
                     *    wcStaffIdentity record
                     * 3. Add record to mTestedOk
                if (ss.attempts > mTryCount)
Beispiel #19
 protected virtual void testSelectedPhase(staffSpecSL aStaffSpecSL, DateTime runDateTime)