Beispiel #1
        public override void write(Object obj1, BOutput bout1, long version)
            FormItem   obj  = (FormItem)obj1;
            BOutputBin bout = (BOutputBin)bout1;
            BBufferBin bbuf = bout.bbuf;

            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:494
            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:494
            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:494
Beispiel #2
        public override Object read(Object obj1, BInput bin1, long version)
            BInputBin bin = (BInputBin)bin1;
            FormItem  obj = (FormItem)(obj1 != null ? obj1 : bin.onObjectCreated(new FormItem()));

            BBufferBin bbuf = bin.bbuf;

            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:449
            obj.Name = bbuf.getString();
            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:449
            obj.Type = bbuf.getString();
            // checkpoint byps.gen.cs.PrintContext:449
            obj.Value = bbuf.getString();

Beispiel #3
 public FormItem(FormItem rhs)
     this.nameValue  = rhs.nameValue;
     this.typeValue  = rhs.typeValue;
     this.valueValue = rhs.valueValue;
		public virtual async void UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(FormItem[] items, String url, String method, BAsyncResult<Object> asyncResult) {
			Object __byps__ret = default(Object);
			Exception __byps__ex = null;
			bool __byps__callAsync = false;
			try {
				UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(items, url, method);
			catch (NotImplementedException) { __byps__callAsync = true; }
			catch (Exception e) { __byps__ex = e; }
			if (__byps__callAsync) try {
				await UploadFilesMultipartFormdataAsync(items, url, method);
			catch (NotImplementedException) { __byps__ex = new BException(BExceptionC.UNSUPPORTED_METHOD, ""); }
			catch (Exception e) { __byps__ex = e; }
			asyncResult(__byps__ret, __byps__ex);
		/// <summary>
		/// Upload files to the given URL using multipart/form-data encoding.
		/// </summary>
		public virtual Task UploadFilesMultipartFormdataAsync(FormItem[] items, String url, String method){
			return BTaskConstants<Object>.NotImplemented;
		public virtual void UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(FormItem[] items, String url, String method) {
			throw new NotImplementedException();
		// checkpoint byps.gen.cs.GenRemoteStub:133
		public async Task UploadFilesMultipartFormdataAsync(FormItem[] items, String url, String method){
			BRequest_FileSystemService_uploadFilesMultipartFormdata req = new BRequest_FileSystemService_uploadFilesMultipartFormdata();			
			req.itemsValue = items;
			req.urlValue = url;
			req.methodValue = method;
			Task<Object> task = Task<Object>.Factory.FromAsync(transport.BeginSend<Object>, transport.EndSend<Object>, req, null);
			await task;
		public virtual void UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(FormItem[] items, String url, String method, BAsyncResult<Object> asyncResult) {
			BRequest_FileSystemService_uploadFilesMultipartFormdata req = new BRequest_FileSystemService_uploadFilesMultipartFormdata();			
			req.itemsValue = items;
			req.urlValue = url;
			req.methodValue = method;
			transport.sendMethod(req, asyncResult);
		public virtual void UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(FormItem[] items, String url, String method) {
			BSyncResult<Object> asyncResult = new BSyncResult<Object>();			
			UploadFilesMultipartFormdata(items, url, method, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate<Object>(asyncResult));
Beispiel #10
		public FormItem(FormItem rhs)
			this.nameValue = rhs.nameValue;
			this.typeValue = rhs.typeValue;
			this.valueValue = rhs.valueValue;