ToString() public method

Return a string representing the symbol.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string
Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a string representing the keyword.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A string representing the keyword.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     if (_str == null)
         _str = ":" + _sym.ToString();
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a string representing the keyword.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A string representing the keyword.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     if (_str == null)
         _str = String.Intern(":" + _sym.ToString());
Beispiel #3
            static object ReadTagged(PushbackTextReader r, Symbol tag)
                object o = read(r, true, null, true);

                ILookup dataReaders = (ILookup)RT.DataReadersVar.deref();
                IFn dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(dataReaders, tag);
                if (dataReader == null)
                    dataReaders = (ILookup)RT.DefaultDataReadersVar.deref();
                    dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(dataReaders, tag);
                    if (dataReader == null)
                        IFn default_reader = (IFn)RT.DefaultDataReaderFnVar.deref();
                        if (default_reader != null)
                            return default_reader.invoke(tag, o);
                            throw new ArgumentException("No reader function for tag " + tag.ToString());
                return dataReader.invoke(o);
Beispiel #4
            static object ReadRecord(PushbackTextReader r, Symbol recordName)
                Type recordType = RT.classForName(recordName.ToString());

                char endch;
                bool shortForm = true;

                int ch = r.Read();

                // flush whitespace
                //while (isWhitespace(ch))
                //    ch = r.Read();

                // A defrecord ctor can take two forms.  Check for map->R version first.
                if (ch == '{')
                    endch = '}';
                    shortForm = false;
                else if (ch == '[')
                    endch = ']';
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unreadable constructor form starting with \"#{0}{1}\"", recordName, (char)ch));

                object[] recordEntries = ReadDelimitedList(endch, r, true).ToArray();
                object ret = null;
                ConstructorInfo[] allCtors = recordType.GetConstructors();

                if (shortForm)
                    bool ctorFound = false;
                    foreach ( ConstructorInfo cinfo in allCtors )
                        if ( cinfo.GetParameters().Length == recordEntries.Length )
                            ctorFound = true;

                    if ( ! ctorFound )
                        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unexpected number of constructor arguments to {0}: got {1}", recordType.ToString(), recordEntries.Length));

                    ret = Reflector.InvokeConstructor(recordType,recordEntries);
                    IPersistentMap vals =;
                    for (ISeq s = RT.keys(vals); s != null; s =
                        if (!(s.first() is Keyword))
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unreadable defrecord form: key must be of type clojure.lang.Keyword, got {0}", s.first().ToString()));

                    ret = Reflector.InvokeStaticMethod(recordType, "create", new Object[] { vals });

                return ret;
 static object ReadTagged(object o, Symbol tag, object opts, object pendingForms)
     ILookup dataReaders = (ILookup)RT.DataReadersVar.deref();
     IFn dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(dataReaders, tag);
     if (dataReader == null)
         dataReaders = (ILookup)RT.DefaultDataReadersVar.deref();
         dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(dataReaders, tag);
         if (dataReader == null)
             IFn default_reader = (IFn)RT.DefaultDataReaderFnVar.deref();
             if (default_reader != null)
                 return default_reader.invoke(tag, o);
                 throw new ArgumentException("No reader function for tag " + tag.ToString());
     return dataReader.invoke(o);
            static object ReadRecord(object form, Symbol recordName, object opts, object pendingForms)
                bool readeval = RT.booleanCast(RT.ReadEvalVar.deref());
                if (!readeval)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Record construction syntax can only be used when *read-eval* == true ");

                Type recordType = RT.classForNameE(recordName.ToString());

                IPersistentVector recordEntries;
                IPersistentMap vals;

                object ret = null;
                ConstructorInfo[] allCtors = recordType.GetConstructors();

                if ((recordEntries = form as IPersistentVector) != null)
                    // shortForm
                    bool ctorFound = false;
                    foreach (ConstructorInfo cinfo in allCtors)
                        if (cinfo.GetParameters().Length == recordEntries.count())
                            ctorFound = true;

                    if (!ctorFound)
                        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unexpected number of constructor arguments to {0}: got {1}", recordType.ToString(), recordEntries.count()));

                    ret = Reflector.InvokeConstructor(recordType, RT.toArray(recordEntries));
                else if ((vals = form as IPersistentMap) != null)
                    for (ISeq s = RT.keys(vals); s != null; s =
                        if (!(s.first() is Keyword))
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unreadable defrecord form: key must be of type clojure.lang.Keyword, got {0}", s.first().ToString()));

                    ret = Reflector.InvokeStaticMethod(recordType, "create", new Object[] { vals });
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unreadable constructor form starting with \"#" + recordName + "\"");

                return ret;
Beispiel #7
            private static object ReadTagged(PushbackTextReader r, Symbol tag, IPersistentMap opts)
                object o = ReadAux(r, opts);

                ILookup readers    = (ILookup)RT.get(opts, READERS);
                IFn     dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(readers, tag);

                if (dataReader == null)
                    dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(RT.DefaultDataReadersVar.deref(), tag);
                if (dataReader == null)
                    IFn defaultReader = (IFn)RT.get(opts, DEFAULT);
                    if (defaultReader != null)
                        return(defaultReader.invoke(tag, o));
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("No reader function for tag " + tag.ToString());
Beispiel #8
            private static object ReadTagged(PushbackTextReader r, Symbol tag, IPersistentMap opts)
                object o = ReadAux(r, opts);

                ILookup readers = (ILookup)RT.get(opts, READERS);
                IFn dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(readers, tag);
                if (dataReader == null)
                    dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(RT.DefaultDataReadersVar.deref(), tag);
                if (dataReader == null)
                    IFn defaultReader = (IFn)RT.get(opts, DEFAULT);
                    if (defaultReader != null)
                        return defaultReader.invoke(tag, o);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("No reader function for tag " + tag.ToString());
                    return dataReader.invoke(o);
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a string representing the keyword.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A string representing the keyword.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     return(":" + _sym.ToString());
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a string representing this var.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A string representing this var.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     return((_ns != null)
         ? "#'" + _ns.Name + "/" + _sym
         : "#<Var: " + (_sym != null ? _sym.ToString() : "--unnamed--") + ">");