Beispiel #1
        public bool ImportCSV(string pathToCSVFile, Employee[] employees)
            StreamReader streamReader = null;
                // Declare a string to represent a line we read
                string line;

                // Create a new instance of the StreamReader class
                streamReader = new StreamReader(pathToCSVFile);

                // Create a counter to know what index to place the new object
                int counter = 0;

                while((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    processLine(line, employees, counter++);
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                // If an instance of the streamreader was made, we want to close it.
                if(streamReader != null)
            return false;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // creating some examples of employees
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("paul", "bath", 452.01m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("mike", "jones", 281.330m);

            //for use in the changeAn__ parts
            //creast a simple in that will be se foor the value Vs. reference
            int mynumber = 5;

            //Write the value of the int before the method,
            // call the method,
            // print after call

            //Write the value of the employee before the method,
            // call the method,
            // print after call
            // not used anymore? Console.WriteLine( employee.GetFullName());

            //Showing how to use an arrary with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Instantiate some employees
            employees[0] = new Employee("wellp", "wellp", 3353m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("wellp", "wellp", 335m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("wellp", "wellp", 3778m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("wellp", "wellp", 3533m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("wellp", "wellp", 3353m);

            //A for each loop that will loop the through each element of the employeees array
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Chekc to make sure that the current object is not null
                // we know that the firt 5 have values be cause we assigned them above
                // but the last 5 are null so we better put in a check
                if (employee != null)
                    //output the information of the employee

Beispiel #3
        private void processLine(string line, Employee[] employees, int index)
            // Split line into parts for each comma.
            string[] parts = line.Split(',');
            string firstName = parts[0]; 
            string lastName = parts[1]; 
            decimal salary = decimal.Parse(parts[2]);

            // Add a new employee to the array. Use parts parsed out. 
            employees[index] = new Employee(firstName, lastName, salary);
        private void processLine(String line, Employee[] employees, Int32 index)
            //Split the line into pars, and assign the parts to a string array
            String[] parts = line.Split(',');

            String firstName = parts[0];
            String lastName = parts[1];
            Decimal salary = decimal.Parse(parts[2]);

            //Now we just need to add a new wmployee to the aray and use the parts 
            //we parsed out. If you had a collection class, I would hope that it has 
            //a method that you made called 'add' that would then do the work of 
            //adding a new employee to the collection.
            employees[index] = new Employee(firstName, lastName, salary);
Beispiel #5
        public bool ImportCSV(string pathToCSVFile, Employee[] employees)
            StreamReader streamReader = null;

                // declare a string to represent a line we read
                string line;

                // Create a new instance of the StreamReader class
                streamReader = new StreamReader(pathToCSVFile);

                // Create a counter to know what index to place the new object
                int counter = 0;

                // This line is doing a bunch of stuff. i tis reading a line from
                // the file. It is assigning that info to the 'line' variable, and
                // lastly it is makin gsur ethat what it just read was not null.
                // If it is null, we are done reading the file and we can exit the
                // loop. 
                while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    processLine(line, employees, counter++);

                return true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Spit out the errros that occured. 
                return false;

                // If an instance of the streamReader was made, we want to ensure 
                // that we close it. The finally block is a perfect spot to put it 
                // since it will get called regardless of whether or not the try
                // succeeded.
                if (streamReader != null)
        private void processLine(string line, Employee[] employees, int index)
            //split the line into parts, and assign the party to a string array
            string[] parts = line.Split(',');

            //create some local variables and assign the various parts to them
            string firstName = parts[0];
            string lastName = parts[1];
            decimal salary = decimal.Parse(parts[2]);

            //Now we need to add a new employee to the array and us the parts we 
            // parsed out. if you had a collection class, i would hope that it has a 
            // method that you made called 'add' that would then do the work of 
            // adding a new employee to the collection

            employees[index] = new Employee(firstName, lastName, salary); 
Beispiel #7
 //this method takes in an Employee class, which is passed by reference
 // and then changes a property of it.
 static void ChangeAnObject(Employee employee)
     employee.FirstName = "Thor";
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a couple instances of the Employee class
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Dave", "Barnes", 537.00m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("Joe", "Somebody", 125.50m);

            // create a simple int that will be used for value vs reference
            int myNumber = 5;

            // write the value of the int before the method, call the method, print after call.

            // write the value of the employee before the method, call the method, print after call.


            // showing how to use an array with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            // instanciate some employees into the array
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 587.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 194.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 394.00m);


            // Let's use the new CSVProcessor we made!
            CSVProcessor csvProcessor = new CSVProcessor();

            // Call the ImportCSV method passing the path and the employees array
            // over so they can be used. 
            csvProcessor.ImportCSV("../data/employees.csv", employees);

            //a for each loop that will loop through each element of the employees array
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                // check to make sure that the current object is null.
                // we know that the first 5 have values because we assigned them right above
                // but the last 5 are null, so we better put in a check.
                if (employee != null)
                    // output the information of the employees.

            // We are creating a new UserInterface class, and it's okay
            // that the UserInterface class does not have a defined
            // constructor. It will have a default one provided to us that
            // we can take advantage of by just not passing in any parameters.
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            // This is not a valid statement. Because we are trying to make 
            // an instance of a static class, it won't work.
            //StaticUserInterface stui = new StaticUserInterface();

            // Call the GetUserInput method of the UI class. It will return
            // a valid integer that represents the choice they want to do. 
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            // To use a static class to execute methods we simply call the
            // method on the class name (or type). Since it is not possible
            // to use the 'new' keyword and make an instance, the only way
            // we can access the class is through the class name, so that 
            // is what we do. Here we are calling the GetUserInterface method
            // on the class name to get it to run. 
            //choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            // While the choice is not the exit choice (which in this class is 2)
            while (choice != 2)
                // If the choice is 1, which in this case has to be, but if there
                // were more menus options it might not be so obvious.
                if (choice == 1)
                    // Create an empty string to concat to.
                    string allOutPut = "";

                    //For each employee in the employees array.
                    foreach(Employee employee in employees)
                        // So long as the spot in the array is not null
                        if (employee != null)
                            // Concat the employee changed to a string plus a new line
                            // to the allOutput string.
                            allOutPut += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    // Now that the large string containing what I would like to output
                    // is created, I can output it to the screen using the
                    // PrintAllOutput method of the UI class.

                // Now that the "Work" that we wanted to do is done,
                // we need to reprompt the user for some input
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee employee0 = new Employee("Chad", "Cunningham", 600.00m);
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Joe", "Somebody", 5.00m);

            int myNumber = 5;




            // >Array of objects.
            Employee[] employeeArray = new Employee[10];

            // >Instanciate some employees into the array.
            employeeArray[0] = new Employee("Darren", "Froberg", 765.00m);
            employeeArray[1] = new Employee("Stan", "Marsh", 532.00m);
            employeeArray[2] = new Employee("Kyle", "Broflowskie", 223.00m);
            employeeArray[3] = new Employee("Eric", "Cartman", 142.00m);
            employeeArray[4] = new Employee("Kenny", "McCormick", 2.00m);

            // >Display everything in the array.
            foreach (Employee employee in employeeArray)
                if (employee != null)

            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            while (choice != 2)
                if (choice == 1)
                    string allOutput = "";

                    foreach (Employee employee in employeeArray)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;


                choice = ui.GetUserInput();

Beispiel #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a couple of instances of the Employee class
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Dave", "Barnes", 537.00m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("Joe", "Somebody", 125.50m);

            //Creat simple int that will be used for value vs reference
            int myNumber = 5;

            //Write the value of the int before the method, call the method, print after call.

            //Write the value of the employee before the method, call the method, print after call.

            //Showing how to use an array with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Instanciate some employees into the array
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 587.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 194.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 394.00m);

            //A for each loop that will loop through each element of the employees array
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Check to make sure that the current object is not null.
                //we know that the first 5 have values because we assigned them right above
                //but the last 5 are null, so we better put in a check.
                if (employee != null)
                    //output the information of the employee

            //We are creating a new UserInterface class, and it's okay
            //that the UserInterface class does not have a defined
            //constructor. It will have a default one provide to us that
            //we can take advantage of by just not passing in any parameters
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //Call the GetUserInput method of the UI class. It will return
            //a valid integer that represents the choice they want to do.
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice is not the exit choice (which in this case is 2)
            while (choice != 2)
                //If the choice is 1, which in this case it has to be, but if there
                //were more menu options it might not be so obvious.
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create a empty string to concat to.
                    string allOutput = "";
                    //For each Employee in the employees array.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        //So long as the spot in the array is not null
                        if (employee != null)
                            //Concat the employee changed to a string plus a new line
                            //to the allOutput string.
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Now that the large string containing what I would like to output
                    //is created, I can output it to the screen using the
                    //PrintAllOutput method of the UI class.

                //Now that the "Work" that we wanted to do is done,
                //We need to re-prompt the user for some input
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();

 // this method takes in an employee class, which is passed by reference
 // and then changes a property of it
 static void changeAnObject(Employee employee)
     employee.FirstName = "Olivia";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Alysia", "Zimmerman", 435.00m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("Jesse", "Smith", 120.00m);

            int myNumber = 5;

            //Write the Value of the int before the method, call the method, print after call/


          //  Console.WriteLine(employee.GetFullName());
          //  Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString());

            //Showing how to use an array with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Instanciates some employees into array
            //employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Bailey", 543.00m);
            //employees[1] = new Employee("Justin", "Aaron", 344.00m);
            //employees[2] = new Employee("Ashley", "Nick", 546.00m);
            //employees[3] = new Employee("Meagan", "Combe", 364.00m);
            //employees[4] = new Employee("Rene", "Base", 583.00m);
            //employees[5] = new Employee("Tyler", "Anderson", 344.00m);
            //employees[6] = new Employee("Bret", "Band", 573.00m);
            //employees[7] = new Employee("Kyle", "Andrew", 224.00m);
            //employees[8] = new Employee("Kelsey", "Drew", 563.00m);
          //  employees[9] = new Employee("Morgan", "Amber", 347.00m);

            //Lets use the new CSVProcessor we made
            CSVProcessor csvProcessor = new CSVProcessor();

            //Call the importCSV method passing the path and the employees array
            // over so they can be used
            csvProcessor.ImportCSV("../data/employees.csv", employees);

            //For each loop that will loop through each element of the employees array
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                // Check to make sure that the current object is not null.
                if (employee != null)

            //We are creating a new UserInterface class and it's okay 
            // that the UserInterface calss does not have a defined 
            // constructor. It will have a default one provide to us that
            // we can take advantage of by just not passing in any parameters
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            // Call the GetUserInput method of the UI class. It will return 
            // a valid integer that represents the choice they want to do. 
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            // To use a static class to execute methods we simply call the method
            // on the class name, or type, Since it is not possible to use the 'new'
            // keyword and make an instance, the only way we can access the class
            // is through the class name, that is what we do. Here we are calling
            // the GetUserInterface method on the calss name to get it to run.
            //choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            // While the choice is not the exit choice (which in this case is 2)
            while (choice != 2)
                // If the choice is 1, which in this case has to be true
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create an empty string
                    string allOutput = "";
                    // For each Employee in the employees array.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        //So long as the spot in the array is not null
                        if (employee != null)
                            //Concatenate the employee changed to a string plus a new line
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                //Now that "work" that we wanted to do is done,
                // we need to re-prompt the user for input
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();

Beispiel #13
 //Method takes Employee class passed by reference, changes property
 static void changeAnObject(Employee employee)
     employee.FirstName = "Lucifer";
Beispiel #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create new instances of the Employee class
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Bryan", "Greener", 99999.99m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("Foxy", "Nigel", 13.37m);

            // Create simple int that wi be used for value vs reference
            int myNumber = 5;
            // Write value of int before method, call method, print
            // Change value of employee before method, call method, print


            // use array with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];
            // Instanciate employees into array
            //employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Cameron", 100.00m);
            //employees[1] = new Employee("James", "Booooo", 101.00m);
            //employees[2] = new Employee("Geordy", "Laforge", 102.00m);
            //employees[3] = new Employee("Simon", "Lane", 103.00m);
            //employees[4] = new Employee("Lewis", "Brindley", 104.00m);
            //employees[5] = new Employee("Scrub", "Lord", 420.00m);

            SR sr = new SR();
            // Call the ImportCSV method passing the path and the employees array.
            sr.ImportCSV("../data/employees.csv", employees);

            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                if (employee != null)
            // Create new instance of UserInterface class. Uses default constructor. Therefore we don't have to pass parameters.
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
            // The line below is not a valid statement because we are tryingto make an instance of a static class; it won't work.
            //StaticUI stui = new StaticUI();
            // Return valid integer. (Line 27 of UserInterface)
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            // Below calls the static class of StaticUI and directly assigns GetUserInput to choice value
            //choice = StaticUI.GetUserInput();
            // While choice is not EXIT 
            while (choice != 2)
                // If choice is LIST
                // If there were more menu options, this wouldn't be so obvious
                if (choice == 1)
                    // Create an empty string to concat to
                    string allOutput = "";
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        // If no null in spot of array
                        if (employee != null)
                            // Concat the employee changes to a string and drop line
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                // Break While loop
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
Beispiel #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee employee1 = new Employee("Joshua", "Sziede", 123.45m);
            Employee employee2 = new Employee("First", "Last", 321.00m);

            int myNumber = 5;



            //showing how to use an array with objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //instanciate some employees into the array
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 587.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 194.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 394.00m);

            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                if (employee != null)

            //we are creating a new userinterface class, and it is ok
            //that the userinterface class does not have a defined constructor
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //call the getuserrinput method of the ui class
            //it will return a valid integer that represents the choice they want to do
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            //while the user's choice is not the exit option from the menu
            while(choice != 2)
                //only other option besides two is one, but just in case there were more options added
                if (choice == 1)
                    //create an empty string to concat to                                 
                    string allOutput = "";                                                // -|
                                                                                          //  |
                    //for each employee in the employees array                            //  |
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)                              //  |
                    {                                                                     //  |
                        //so long as the spot in the array is not null                    //  |
                        if (employee != null)                                             //  |
                        {                                                                 //  |
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;       // <-


                //not that the work that we wanted to do is done,
                //we need to reprompt the user
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
Beispiel #16
        //Method thake in an Employee class, which is passed by reference 
        //and the changes a property of it. 
        static void ChangeAnObject(Employee employee)
            employee.FristName = "Jason";
