Beispiel #1
        private IEnumerable <SearchEngineResult> PerformQuery(ICollection <SearchEngineResult> list, Query queryOrig, int max)
            //Query isValidPlaceQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(ItemNotUserDeleted, true.ToString()));

            var query = new BooleanQuery();

            query.Add(queryOrig, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            //query.Add(isPublishedQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

            IndexSearcher searcher     = Searcher;
            TopDocs       hits         = searcher.Search(query, max);
            int           length       = hits.scoreDocs.Length;
            int           resultsAdded = 0;
            float         minScore     = _settings.MinimumScore;
            float         scoreNorm    = 1.0f / hits.GetMaxScore();

            for (int i = 0; i < length && resultsAdded < max; i++)
                float score = hits.scoreDocs[i].score * scoreNorm;
                SearchEngineResult result = CreateSearchResult(searcher.Doc(hits.scoreDocs[i].doc), score);
                //if (idToFilter != result.EntryId && result.Score > minScore)
Beispiel #2
        protected virtual SearchEngineResult CreateSearchResult(Document doc, float score)
            var result = new SearchEngineResult
                ID      = doc.Get("Key"),
                Title   = doc.Get("Title"),
                Url     = doc.Get("Url"),
                TypeID  = byte.Parse(doc.Get("Type")),
                Excerpt = doc.Get("Excerpt"),
                Score   = score

            //-- This is out here incase later we accommodate areas that belong to more than one country
            byte countryID = 0;

            if (byte.TryParse(doc.Get("Country"), out countryID))
                result.CountryID = countryID;
                result.Flag      = cf.Caching.AppLookups.CountryFlag(result.CountryID);

        //[WebGet(UriTemplate = "refresh")]
        //public Message RefreshIndex()
        //    if (!CfIdentity.IsAuthenticated)
        //    {
        //        return ReturnAsJson(new List<object>() { new { Excerpt = "Refresh Failed - Not authenticated", Score = "0" } });
        //    }
        //    return RefreshIndexInternal();
        /// <summary>
        /// So we can control authorization to refresh index
        /// </summary>
        //private Message RefreshIndexInternal()
        //    try
        //    {
        //        AppLookups.RefreshCacheIndex();
        //        var siteSearchEngine = Global.SiteSearchEngine;
        //        siteSearchEngine.Dispose();
        //        siteSearchEngine = null;
        //        siteSearchEngine = new LuceneCfSearchEngineService();
        //        new LuceneCfIndexingService(siteSearchEngine).RebuildIndex();
        //        var successResult = new { Title = "Success", Score = float.Parse(siteSearchEngine.GetTotalIndexedEntryCount().ToString()) };
        //        return ReturnAsJson(new List<object>() { successResult });
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        CfTracer.Error(ex);
        //        var failedResult = new { Title = "Failed", Excerpt = ex.Message };
        //        return ReturnAsJson(new List<object>() { failedResult });
        //    }
        private Message HandelSearchException(Exception ex)

            var rebuildingResult = new SearchEngineResult()
                Title = "Search service refreshing",
                CountryID = 10,
                Excerpt = "Try search again in a few seconds",
                Url = "#"

            return ReturnAsJson(new List<SearchEngineResult>() { rebuildingResult });
        protected virtual SearchEngineResult CreateSearchResult(Document doc, float score)
            var result = new SearchEngineResult
                ID = doc.Get("Key"),
                Title = doc.Get("Title"),
                Url = doc.Get("Url"),
                TypeID = byte.Parse(doc.Get("Type")),
                Excerpt = doc.Get("Excerpt"),
                Score = score

            //-- This is out here incase later we accommodate areas that belong to more than one country
            byte countryID = 0;
            if (byte.TryParse(doc.Get("Country"), out countryID))
                result.CountryID = countryID;
                result.Flag = cf.Caching.AppLookups.CountryFlag(result.CountryID);

            return result;