Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            //variables - start
            var datewords = "";

            string[]       done = new string[2];
            string         name;
            int            i    = 0;
            string         path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            UserCredential credential;
            SlackSend      client = new SlackSend(urlWithAccessToken);

            //fetch list of devs
            // look for and read credentials for accessing and updating dev table

            using (var stream =
                       new System.IO.FileStream(path + "client_secret.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                string credPath = Path.Combine(path, ".credentials/");
                credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
                    new FileDataStore(credPath, true)).Result;
            service = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                ApplicationName       = applicationName,

            // Define request parameters.
            SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.GetRequest request =
                service.Spreadsheets.Values.Get(spreadsheetId, range);

            // Prints the slacknames and paid dates of devs in a spreadsheet:
            response = request.Execute(); // fetch everything from range(in worksheet : Sheet1, with a range of A2:all of D(should be 14))
            values   = response.Values;   // put into indexed list of individualised objects
            // if a list of values has been found
            if (values.Count > 0)
                // for each person in the list, create a new developer for them and add them to ateending list
                foreach (var row in values)
                    name      = (string)row[1];
                    datewords = (string)row[2];
                    done      = datewords.Split('/');
                    temp.Add(new developers
                        slackname = name,
                        lastpay   = new date {
                            day = done[0], month = done[1], year = done[2]

            client.PostMessage(text: "Process: Start!",
                               channel: "#breakfastmeet");

            foreach (var dev in temp)
                client.PostMessage(text: "@" + temp[i].slackname + " can you make it for breakfast",
                                   channel: "@" + temp[i].slackname);
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult finish()
            //variables - end
            developers lastpayer  = new developers();
            developers lastpayer2 = new developers(); // incase 2 payers are needed
            ValueRange response2  = response;
            int        i          = 0;
            int        j          = 0;
            int        attending  = 0;
            SlackSend  client     = new SlackSend(urlWithAccessToken);

            //fin.update(breaklist , buuuulist);
            breaklist = fin.getBreakList();
            buuuulist = fin.getBuuuuList();

            for (int b = 0; b < temp.Count(); b++)
                i = 0;
                for (int c = 0; c < breaklist.Count(); c++)
                    if (breaklist[c].slackname == temp[b].slackname)
                        breaklist[c] = temp[b];
            //we now have list of people going

            attending = breaklist.Count;
            i         = 0;
            // find last person to pay
            if (attending != 0)
                lastpayer = breaklist[i];
                foreach (var cooldev in breaklist)
                    if (Int32.Parse(lastpayer.lastpay.year) >= Int32.Parse(breaklist[i].lastpay.year))
                        if (Int32.Parse(lastpayer.lastpay.month) >= Int32.Parse(breaklist[i].lastpay.month))
                            if (Int32.Parse( > Int32.Parse(breaklist[i]
                                lastpayer = breaklist[i];
                }// end foreach
                 // if there more than 10 people attending find another person to help pay
                 // the next person would be the next person who would pay

                if (breaklist.Count > 10)
                    foreach (var otherdev in breaklist)
                        j = 0;
                        if (Int32.Parse(lastpayer2.lastpay.year) <= Int32.Parse(breaklist[j].lastpay.year))
                            if (Int32.Parse(lastpayer2.lastpay.month) <= Int32.Parse(breaklist[j].lastpay.month))
                                if (Int32.Parse( < Int32.Parse(breaklist[j]
                                    if (lastpayer.slackname != breaklist[j].slackname)
                                        lastpayer2 = breaklist[j];
                    }// end foreach otherdev

                // posting messages to channel on results of proccess
                client.PostMessage(text: "It is @" + lastpayer.slackname + " turn to pay",
                                   channel: "#breakfastmeet");
                if (!(lastpayer2.slackname == null))
                    client.PostMessage(text: "and @" + lastpayer2.slackname + " has to pay aswell\n because of too many people!",
                                       channel: "#breakfastmeet");
                client.PostMessage(text: "there are a total of " + attending + " people attending breakfast!",
                                   channel: "#breakfastmeet");
                client.PostMessage(text: "no breakky :(",
                                   channel: "#breakfastmeet");
            //start updating dates for google sheets docs
            for (i = 0; i < response.Values.Count(); i++)
                if (response.Values[i][1].ToString() == lastpayer.slackname)
                    response.Values[i][2] = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                if (lastpayer2.slackname != "")
                    if (response.Values[i][1].ToString() == lastpayer2.slackname)
                        response.Values[i][2] = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            // update table with new last pay date of devs who just payed for breakfast
            string spreadsheetId2 = "1YMLuQ1tJnTJs1FQN0yruMHAS41nIRm1FHT87pP3GCV0";
            string range2         = "Sheet1!A2:D14";

            SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.UpdateRequest request3 =
                service.Spreadsheets.Values.Update(response, spreadsheetId2, range2);
            // execute order 666
            request3.ValueInputOption = SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.UpdateRequest.ValueInputOptionEnum.RAW;

            client.PostMessage(text: "better luck next time",
                               channel: "#breakfastmeet");
            client.PostMessage(text: "Process: Stop",
                               channel: "#breakfastmeet");