Beispiel #1
        private static void CheckContent(CheckInfo c, BcfSource source, string version, List <string> contents, string filter)
            var markupFiles = source.GetLocalNames(filter);

            foreach (var markupFile in markupFiles)
                var locP           = Path.GetDirectoryName(markupFile);
                var validatingFile = c.CleanName(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(source.FullName, markupFile)));
                var docNav         = new XPathDocument(source.GetStream(markupFile));
                var nav            = docNav.CreateNavigator();
                foreach (var content in contents)
                    var iterator1 = nav.Select(content);
                    while (iterator1.MoveNext())
                        string loc = "";
                        if (iterator1.Current is IXmlLineInfo li)
                            loc = $", Line: {li.LinePosition}, Position: {li.LinePosition}";
                        var name       = iterator1.Current.Value;
                        var mappedName = Path.Combine(locP, name);
                        if (source.GetLocalNames(mappedName).Count() != 1)
                            Console.WriteLine($"CONTENT ERROR\t{validatingFile}\tMissing {mappedName}{loc}.");
                            c.Status |= Status.ContentError;
Beispiel #2
        private static void CheckSchemaCompliance(CheckInfo c, BcfSource unzippedDir, string version, string fileExtension, string requiredSchema)
            List <string> schemas = new List <string>

            if (version == "v3.0")             // version 3 needs the shared type as well
                var freq   = new FileInfo(requiredSchema);
                var shared =
                    freq.Directory.GetFiles("shared-types.xsd", new EnumerationOptions()
                    MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive
            var markupFiles = unzippedDir.GetLocalNames($".{fileExtension}");

            foreach (var markupFile in markupFiles)
                c.validatingFile = c.CleanName(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(unzippedDir.FullName, markupFile)));
                XmlReaderSettings rSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                foreach (var schema in schemas)
                    rSettings.Schemas.Add("", schema);
                rSettings.ValidationType          = ValidationType.Schema;
                rSettings.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(c.validationReporter);
                XmlReader content = XmlReader.Create(unzippedDir.GetStream(markupFile), rSettings);
                while (content.Read())
                    // read all files to trigger validation events.