public AsSubTexture(AsTexture parentTexture, AsRectangle region, bool ownsParent)
     mParent = parentTexture;
     mOwnsParent = ownsParent;
     if(region == null)
         setClipping(new AsRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
         setClipping(new AsRectangle(region.x / parentTexture.getWidth(), region.y / parentTexture.getHeight(), region.width / parentTexture.getWidth(), region.height / parentTexture.getHeight()));
 public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if((resultRect == null))
         resultRect = new AsRectangle();
     if((targetSpace == this))
         resultRect.x = getX();
         resultRect.y = getY();
         resultRect.width = mBitmapData.getWidth();
         resultRect.height = mBitmapData.getHeight();
         return resultRect;
     float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
     float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
     float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
     float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
     getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
     sPosition.x = getX();
     sPosition.y = getY();
     AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
     minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     sPosition.x = (sPosition.x + getBitmapData().getWidth());
     AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
     minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     sPosition.y = (sPosition.y + getBitmapData().getHeight());
     AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
     minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     sPosition.x = getX();
     AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
     minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
     minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
     resultRect.x = minX;
     resultRect.y = minY;
     resultRect.width = (maxX - minX);
     resultRect.height = (maxY - minY);
     return resultRect;
 public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if(resultRect == null)
         resultRect = new AsRectangle();
     if(targetSpace == this)
         mVertexData.getPosition(3, sHelperPoint);
         resultRect.setTo(0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint.x, sHelperPoint.y);
         if(targetSpace == getParent() && getRotation() == 0.0f)
             float scaleX = this.getScaleX();
             float scaleY = this.getScaleY();
             mVertexData.getPosition(3, sHelperPoint);
             resultRect.setTo(getX() - getPivotX() * scaleX, getY() - getPivotY() * scaleY, sHelperPoint.x * scaleX, sHelperPoint.y * scaleY);
             if(scaleX < 0)
                 resultRect.width = resultRect.width * -1;
                 resultRect.x = resultRect.x - resultRect.width;
             if(scaleY < 0)
                 resultRect.height = resultRect.height * -1;
                 resultRect.y = resultRect.y - resultRect.height;
             getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
             mVertexData.getBounds(sHelperMatrix, 0, 4, resultRect);
     return resultRect;
 public AsButton(AsTexture upState, String text, AsTexture downState)
     if(upState == null)
         throw new AsArgumentError("Texture cannot be null");
     mUpState = upState;
     mDownState = downState != null ? downState : upState;
     mBackground = new AsImage(upState);
     mScaleWhenDown = downState != null ? 1.0f : 0.9f;
     mAlphaWhenDisabled = 0.5f;
     mEnabled = true;
     mIsDown = false;
     mUseHandCursor = true;
     mTextBounds = new AsRectangle(0, 0, upState.getWidth(), upState.getHeight());
     mContents = new AsSprite();
     addEventListener(AsTouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouch);
     if(text.Length != 0)
Beispiel #5
 public virtual AsRectangle union(AsRectangle toUnion)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();
Beispiel #6
 public virtual bool equals(AsRectangle toCompare)
     return(x == toCompare.x && y == toCompare.y && width == toCompare.width && height == toCompare.height);
 public virtual void draw(AsIBitmapDrawable source, AsMatrix matrix, AsColorTransform colorTransform, String blendMode, AsRectangle clipRect, bool smoothing)
 public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if(resultRect == null)
         resultRect = new AsRectangle();
     AsMatrix transformationMatrix = targetSpace == this ? null : getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
     return mVertexData.getBounds(transformationMatrix, 0, mNumQuads * 4, resultRect);
 public virtual void setScrollRect(AsRectangle _value)
     mScrollRect = _value;
 public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if(resultRect == null)
         resultRect = new AsRectangle();
     int numChildren = (int)(mChildren.getLength());
     if(numChildren == 0)
         getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
         AsMatrixUtil.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint);
         resultRect.setTo(sHelperPoint.x, sHelperPoint.y, 0, 0);
         return resultRect;
         if(numChildren == 1)
             return mChildren[0].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect);
             float minX = AsNumber.MAX_VALUE;
             float maxX = -AsNumber.MAX_VALUE;
             float minY = AsNumber.MAX_VALUE;
             float maxY = -AsNumber.MAX_VALUE;
             int i = 0;
             for (; i < numChildren; ++i)
                 mChildren[i].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect);
                 minX = minX < resultRect.x ? minX : resultRect.x;
                 maxX = maxX > resultRect.getRight() ? maxX : resultRect.getRight();
                 minY = minY < resultRect.y ? minY : resultRect.y;
                 maxY = maxY > resultRect.getBottom() ? maxY : resultRect.getBottom();
             resultRect.setTo(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
             return resultRect;
 public virtual void setFullScreenSourceRect(AsRectangle _value)
     mFullScreenSourceRect = _value;
 public void copyPixels(AsBitmapData data, AsRectangle asRectangle, AsPoint sOrigin)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public virtual bool equals(AsRectangle toCompare)
     return ((((x == toCompare.x) && (y == toCompare.y)) && (width == toCompare.width)) && (height == toCompare.height));
 public virtual void setTextBounds(AsRectangle _value)
     mTextBounds = _value.clone();
 public AsSubTexture(AsTexture parentTexture, AsRectangle region)
     : this(parentTexture, region, false)
 public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if(resultRect == null)
         resultRect = new AsRectangle();
     int childsCount = getNumChildren();
     if(childsCount == 0)
         getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
         AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint);
         resultRect.x = sHelperPoint.x;
         resultRect.y = sHelperPoint.y;
         resultRect.width = resultRect.height = 0;
         return resultRect;
         if(childsCount == 1)
             return mChildren[0].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect);
             float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
             float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
             float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
             float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
             int i = 0;
             for (; i < childsCount; ++i)
                 mChildren[i].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect);
                 minX = minX < resultRect.x ? minX : resultRect.x;
                 maxX = maxX > resultRect.getRight() ? maxX : resultRect.getRight();
                 minY = minY < resultRect.y ? minY : resultRect.y;
                 maxY = maxY > resultRect.getBottom() ? maxY : resultRect.getBottom();
             resultRect.x = minX;
             resultRect.y = minY;
             resultRect.width = maxX - minX;
             resultRect.height = maxY - minY;
             return resultRect;
 private void setClipping(AsRectangle _value)
     mClipping = _value;
     mRootClipping = _value.clone();
     AsSubTexture parentTexture = mParent as AsSubTexture;
     while(parentTexture != null)
         AsRectangle parentClipping = parentTexture.mClipping;
         mRootClipping.x = parentClipping.x + mRootClipping.x * parentClipping.width;
         mRootClipping.y = parentClipping.y + mRootClipping.y * parentClipping.height;
         mRootClipping.width = mRootClipping.width * parentClipping.width;
         mRootClipping.height = mRootClipping.height * parentClipping.height;
         parentTexture = parentTexture.mParent as AsSubTexture;
 private void parseFontXml(AsXML fontXml)
     float scale = mTexture.getScale();
     AsRectangle frame = mTexture.getFrame();
     mName = fontXml.elements("info").attribute("face");
     mSize = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("info").attribute("size")) / scale;
     mLineHeight = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("common").attribute("lineHeight")) / scale;
     mBaseline = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("common").attribute("base")) / scale;
     if(fontXml.elements("info").attribute("smooth").ToString() == "0")
     if(mSize <= 0)
         AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] Warning: invalid font size in '" + mName + "' font.");
         mSize = mSize == 0.0f ? 16.0f : mSize * -1.0f;
     AsXMLList __charElements_ = fontXml.elements("chars").elements("_char");
     if (__charElements_ != null)
         foreach (AsXML charElement in __charElements_)
             int id = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(charElement.attribute("id")));
             float xOffset = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("xoffset")) / scale;
             float yOffset = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("yoffset")) / scale;
             float xAdvance = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("xadvance")) / scale;
             AsRectangle region = new AsRectangle();
             region.x = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("x")) / scale + frame.x;
             region.y = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("y")) / scale + frame.y;
             region.width = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("width")) / scale;
             region.height = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("height")) / scale;
             AsTexture texture = AsTexture.fromTexture(mTexture, region);
             AsBitmapChar bitmapChar = new AsBitmapChar(id, texture, xOffset, yOffset, xAdvance);
             addChar(id, bitmapChar);
     AsXMLList __kerningElements_ = fontXml.elements("kernings").elements("kerning");
     if (__kerningElements_ != null)
         foreach (AsXML kerningElement in __kerningElements_)
             int first = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(kerningElement.attribute("first")));
             int second = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(kerningElement.attribute("second")));
             float amount = AsGlobal.parseFloat(kerningElement.attribute("amount")) / scale;
                 getChar(second).addKerning(first, amount);
 protected virtual void parseAtlasXml(AsXML atlasXml)
     float scale = mAtlasTexture.getScale();
     AsSubTexture __subTextures_ = atlasXml.SubTexture;
     if (__subTextures_ != null)
         foreach (AsXML subTexture in __subTextures_)
             String name = subTexture.attribute("name");
             float x = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("x")) / scale;
             float y = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("y")) / scale;
             float width = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("width")) / scale;
             float height = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("height")) / scale;
             float frameX = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameX")) / scale;
             float frameY = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameY")) / scale;
             float frameWidth = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameWidth")) / scale;
             float frameHeight = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameHeight")) / scale;
             AsRectangle region = new AsRectangle(x, y, width, height);
             AsRectangle frame = frameWidth > 0 && frameHeight > 0 ? new AsRectangle(frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight) : null;
             addRegion(name, region, frame);
 public void setPixels(AsRectangle rect, AsByteArray bytes)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public virtual void addRegion(String name, AsRectangle region, AsRectangle frame)
     mTextureRegions[name] = region;
     mTextureFrames[name] = frame;
 public void fillRect(AsRectangle bounds, uint p)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public virtual void addRegion(String name, AsRectangle region)
     addRegion(name, region, null);
 public virtual AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
     throw new AsAbstractMethodError("Method needs to be implemented in subclass");
 public static AsTexture fromTexture(AsTexture texture, AsRectangle region, AsRectangle frame)
     AsTexture subTexture = new AsSubTexture(texture, region);
     subTexture.mFrame = frame;
     return subTexture;
 public static AsTexture fromTexture(AsTexture texture, AsRectangle region)
     return fromTexture(texture, region, null);
 public static void uploadBitmapData(bc.flash.display3D.textures.AsTexture nativeTexture, AsBitmapData data, bool generateMipmaps)
     if(generateMipmaps && data.getWidth() > 1 && data.getHeight() > 1)
         int currentWidth = data.getWidth() >> 1;
         int currentHeight = data.getHeight() >> 1;
         int level = 1;
         AsBitmapData canvas = new AsBitmapData(currentWidth, currentHeight, true, 0);
         AsMatrix transform = new AsMatrix(.5f, 0, 0, .5f);
         AsRectangle bounds = new AsRectangle();
         while(currentWidth >= 1 || currentHeight >= 1)
             bounds.width = currentWidth;
             bounds.height = currentHeight;
             canvas.fillRect(bounds, (uint)(0));
             canvas.draw(data, transform, null, null, null, true);
             nativeTexture.uploadFromBitmapData(canvas, (uint)(level++));
             transform.scale(0.5f, 0.5f);
             currentWidth = currentWidth >> 1;
             currentHeight = currentHeight >> 1;
 public virtual void draw(AsIBitmapDrawable source, AsMatrix matrix, AsColorTransform colorTransform, String blendMode, AsRectangle clipRect)
     draw(source, null, null, null, null, false);
 public virtual void setScissorRectangle(AsRectangle rectangle)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();
Beispiel #30
 public virtual bool intersects(AsRectangle toIntersect)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();
 private void calculateBounds(AsDisplayObject _object, AsStage stage, AsRectangle resultRect)
     if(_object == stage || _object == AsStarling.getCurrent().getRoot())
         resultRect.setTo(0, 0, stage.getStageWidth(), stage.getStageHeight());
         _object.getBounds(stage, resultRect);
     float deltaMargin = mResolution == 1.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / mResolution;
     resultRect.x = resultRect.x - mMarginX + deltaMargin;
     resultRect.y = resultRect.y - mMarginY + deltaMargin;
     resultRect.width = resultRect.width + 2 * (mMarginX + deltaMargin);
     resultRect.height = resultRect.height + 2 * (mMarginY + deltaMargin);
     resultRect.width = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(resultRect.width * mResolution)) / mResolution;
     resultRect.height = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(resultRect.height * mResolution)) / mResolution;
Beispiel #32
 public virtual bool containsRect(AsRectangle rect)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();
 private void updateBuffers(AsContext3D context, AsRectangle bounds)
     mVertexData.setPosition(0, bounds.x, bounds.y);
     mVertexData.setPosition(1, bounds.getRight(), bounds.y);
     mVertexData.setPosition(2, bounds.x, bounds.getBottom());
     mVertexData.setPosition(3, bounds.getRight(), bounds.getBottom());
     if(mVertexBuffer == null)
         mVertexBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(4, AsVertexData.ELEMENTS_PER_VERTEX);
         mIndexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(6);
         mIndexBuffer.uploadFromVector(mIndexData, 0, 6);
     mVertexBuffer.uploadFromVector(mVertexData.getRawData(), 0, 4);
Beispiel #34
 public virtual AsRectangle intersection(AsRectangle toIntersect)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();
 public virtual bool containsRect(AsRectangle rect)
     throw new AsNotImplementedError();