private void loadState(GameState state)
     physP1.Fixture.Body.Position = state.P1.Coords;
     physP2.Fixture.Body.Position = state.P2.Coords;
     physP1.Fixture.Body.LinearVelocity = state.P1.Velocity;
     physP2.Fixture.Body.LinearVelocity = state.P2.Velocity;
        public static float EstimateScore(PlayerId pId, GameState state, Input move, Vector2 target)
            //            prof.Start ();

            float similarity;

            if (move == Input.Noop) {
                similarity = 0f;
            } else {
                var player = state.Player (pId);

                Vector2 gravOffset = state.IsGrounded (player) ? Vector2.Zero : gravVector;

                Vector2 targetVector = Vector2.Subtract (target, player.Target + gravOffset);

                Vector2.Normalize (targetVector);

            //                Debug.WriteLine("targetVector: {0}", gravOffset);

                similarity = (float)Util.CosineSimilarity(targetVector, moveVectors [move]);

            //            prof.End ();

            return -similarity;
        public float CombinedDistance(CombinedPlatformAStar cpas,
            GameState state, GameObject next1, GameObject next2)
            var combinedPath = cpas.CombinedPlatformPath (state.P1, state.P2, state.Goal, state.Goal);

                   Vector2.Distance (state.P1.SurfaceCenter, next1.Target) +
                   Vector2.Distance (state.P2.SurfaceCenter, next2.Target) +
                WaypointHeuristic.PlatformPathDistance(combinedPath.Select(x => x.Item1), next1) +
                WaypointHeuristic.PlatformPathDistance(combinedPath.Select(x => x.Item2), next2);
        public GameState nextState(GameState state, Input input1, Input input2, int nSteps = 1)
            loadState (state);

            Debug.WriteLineIf ((Vector2.Distance (physP1.Fixture.Body.Position, state.P1.Coords) > 0.001f ||
                                Vector2.Distance (physP2.Fixture.Body.Position, state.P2.Coords) > 0.001f),
                "The gamestate and forwardmodel are out of sync"

            return nextState (state.Health, input1, input2, nSteps);
Beispiel #5
        public static GameState nextState(ForwardModel forwardModel, GameState game,
            Input p1move, Input p2move, int nSteps = 1)
            GameState lastState = game;

            int intermediateSteps = 1; // set to match a reasonable Gameloop#humanInputDelayFrames() value...
            for (int i = 0; i < intermediateSteps; i++) {
                lastState = forwardModel.nextState(lastState, p1move, p2move, nSteps);

            return lastState;
        public ForwardModel(GameState state)
            initialState = state;

            world = new World (new Vector2 (0f, -50f));

            physP1 = new StatelessPlayerPhysics (world, playerFix (state.P1.X, state.P1.Y, state.P1.W, state.P1.H));
            physP2 = new StatelessPlayerPhysics (world, playerFix (state.P2.X, state.P2.Y, state.P2.W, state.P2.H));

            foreach (var plat in state.Platforms) {
                platformFix (plat.X, plat.Y, plat.W, plat.H);

            goalFix (state.Goal.X, state.Goal.Y, state.Goal.Radius);

            loadState (state);
        public float statusWrap(GameState state, float s)
            float healthScore  = System.Math.Abs(state.Health);

            var healthWeight = 150f;

            var score = s  + (healthWeight * healthScore);

            if (state.PlayStatus.isDied () ||
                state.Player(pId).BottomBoundary < state.Platforms.Min(x => x.TopBoundary)) {
                score = 5*GameState.Width;
            } else if (state.PlayStatus.isWon ()) {
                score = 0;

            return score;
        public static float statusWrap(GameState state, float s)
            float healthScore  = System.Math.Abs(state.Health);

            var healthWeight = 1;

            var score = s  + (healthWeight * healthScore);

            float minPlatHeight = state.Platforms.Min (x => x.TopBoundary);

            if (state.PlayStatus.isDied () ||
                state.P1.BottomBoundary < minPlatHeight ||
                state.P2.BottomBoundary < minPlatHeight) {
                score = DeathScore;
            } else if (state.PlayStatus.isWon ()) {
                score = 0;

            return score;
Beispiel #9
 public abstract List<Input> nextInputList(GameState state, PlayerId pId, Heuristic heuristic);
        public override float Score(GameState state)
            float goalDistance = Vector2.Distance(state.Player(pId).Coords, state.Goal.Coords);
            float healthScore  = System.Math.Abs(state.Health);

            var healthWeight = 0f;

            return goalDistance + (healthWeight * healthScore);
Beispiel #11
 public Input nextInput(GameState origState)
     return nextInputList (origState).First ();
 public GameObject NextPlatform(GameState state)
     return pas.NextPlatform (state.Player(pId), state.Goal);
Beispiel #13
 public AI(GameState state, PlayerId pId, Heuristic heuristic)
     this.pId = pId;
     this.forwardModel = new ForwardModel(state);
     this.heuristic = heuristic;
Beispiel #14
 protected abstract Input predictPartnerInput(GameState state);
        void addChildrenToOpenSet(TreeDictionary<double, StateNode> dict,
            StateNode parent, GameState state, CombinedHeuristic heuristic)
            var parentScore = stateNodeScorer (heuristic, parent);
            foreach (var input in Input.All.CartesianProduct(Input.All)) {
                var stateNode = new StateNode (parent, input, state);

            //                var target1 = state.Goal;
            //                var target2 = state.Goal;

                var targets = heuristic.cpas.NextPlatform (state.P1, state.P2, state.Goal, state.Goal);
                var target1 = targets.Item1;
                var target2 = targets.Item2;

                var score = parentScore +
                    heuristic.EstimateScore (state, input.Item1, input.Item2,
                        target1.Target, target2.Target);

                var noiseyScore = AStar.addNoise (score);
                dict.Add (noiseyScore, stateNode);
 public WaypointHeuristic(GameState initialState, PlayerId pId)
     : base(pId)
     //            this.initialState = initialState;
     pas = new PlatformAStar (initialState.Platforms);
 protected float EstimateScore(GameState state, Input move, Vector2 target)
     return EstimateScore (this.pId, state, move, target);
 public abstract float EstimateScore(GameState state, Input move);
 public abstract float Score(GameState state);
 public static float PlayerDistance(PlatformAStar pas, GameState state, PlayerId pId, GameObject target)
     return Vector2.Distance (state.Player(pId).SurfaceCenter, target.Target) +
         PlatformPathDistance (pas.PlatformPath (state.Player (pId), state.Goal), target);
 private float PlatformPathDistance(GameState state, PlayerId pId, GameObject platform)
     return PlatformPathDistance (pas.PlatformPath (state.Player (pId), state.Goal), platform);
        public override float Score(GameState state)
            GameObject next = NextPlatform (state);

            var dist = PlayerDistance(pas, state, pId, next);

            return statusWrap(state, dist);
            //            return dist;
Beispiel #23
 public List<Input> nextInputList(GameState origState)
     return nextInputList (origState, pId, heuristic);
Beispiel #24
 public NullAI(GameState state, PlayerId pId)
     : base(state, pId, new LinearHeuristic(pId))
Beispiel #25
 protected GameState nextState(GameState state, Input move, int nSteps = 1)
     return pId == PlayerId.P1 ?
         nextState (forwardModel, state, move, predictPartnerInput (state), nSteps) :
         nextState (forwardModel, state, predictPartnerInput (state), move, nSteps);
Beispiel #26
 public override List<Input> nextInputList(GameState state, PlayerId pId, Heuristic heuristic)
     return new List<Input>() { new Input () };
        //        public TreeDictionary<double, IEnumerable<B>> AStar<A, B>(Func<B, AStarNode<A, B>> nextState, A state) {
        //            var openSet = new TreeDictionary<double, B>(); // Known, but unexplored
        //            var closedSet = new TreeDictionary<double, B>(); // Fully explored
        //            AStarNode<A, B> parentStub = new AStarNode<A, B> (null, null, state);
        //            addChildrenToOpenSet(openSet, parentStub, state, heuristic);
        //            int maxIters = 100;
        //            int nRepetitions = 5;
        //            AStarNode<A, B> best;
        //            int i = 0;
        //            do {
        //                var bestKV = openSet.First ();
        //                openSet.Remove(bestKV.Key);
        //                best = bestKV.Value;
        //                var bestNextMove = best.Input;
        //                // repeat the same input a few times
        //                B resultState = best.Value;
        //                for (int j = 0; j < nRepetitions; j++) {
        //                    resultState = nextState(new AStarNode<A, B>(best, bestNextMove, resultState));
        //                }
        //                addChildrenToOpenSet(openSet, best, resultState, heuristic);
        //                var stateNode = new AStarNode<A, B> (best, bestNextMove, resultState);
        //                var score = AStar.addNoise(stateNodeScorer (heuristic, stateNode));
        //                closedSet.Add(score, stateNode);
        //            } while(i++ < maxIters && closedSet.First().Key > 0 && openSet.Count > 0);
        //            return closedSet;
        //        }
        //        public List<Tuple<Input, Input>> nextInputsList2(GameState state) {
        //        }
        public List<Tuple<Input, Input>> nextInputsList(GameState state)
            var openSet = new TreeDictionary<double, StateNode>(); // Known, but unexplored
            var closedSet = new TreeDictionary<double, StateNode>(); // Fully explored

            StateNode parentStub = new StateNode (null, Tuple.Create(Input.Noop, Input.Noop), state);
            addChildrenToOpenSet(openSet, parentStub, state, heuristic);

            int maxIters = 100;
            int nRepetitions = 5;

            StateNode bestOpen;

            int i = 0;
            do {
                var bestOpenKV = openSet.First ();

                bestOpen = bestOpenKV.Value;

                var bestNextMove = bestOpen.Input;

                // repeat the same input a few times
                GameState resultState = bestOpen.Value;
                for (int j = 0; j < nRepetitions; j++) {
                    resultState = AStar.nextState(forwardModel, resultState, bestNextMove.Item1, bestNextMove.Item2);

                addChildrenToOpenSet(openSet, bestOpen, resultState, heuristic);

                var stateNode = new StateNode (bestOpen, bestNextMove, resultState);
                var score = AStar.addNoise(stateNodeScorer (heuristic, stateNode));

                closedSet.Add(score, stateNode);

            } while(i++ < maxIters && !closedSet.First().Value.Value.PlayStatus.isWon() && openSet.Count > 0);

            //            Debug.WriteLine ("closedSet size: {0}", closedSet.Count);
            //            int k = 0;
            //            foreach (var pth in closedSet) {
            //                var pathStr = string.Join(", ", pth.Value.ToPath().Select(tup1 => tup1.Item1.Item1 + "|" + tup1.Item1.Item2));
            //                Debug.WriteLine("closedSet[{0}]: {1} - {2}", k++, pth.Key, pathStr);
            //            }

            lock (allPaths) { allPaths = closedSet; }

            var path = closedSet.First().Value.ToPath ();

            var deRooted = path.Count > 1 ? path.Skip (1) : path; // Ignore the root node

            //            Debug.Print("bestPath1: {0}", moveListStr(deRooted.Select(x => x.Item1.Item1)));
            //            Debug.Print("bestPath2: {0}", moveListStr(deRooted.Select(x => x.Item1.Item2)));

            var res = deRooted
                .SelectMany (t => Enumerable.Repeat(t.Item1,nRepetitions)).ToList();

            return res;
Beispiel #28
 protected override Input predictPartnerInput(GameState state)
     return new Input ();
 public CombinedAi(GameState state)
     this.heuristic = new CombinedHeuristic (state);
     this.forwardModel = new ForwardModel(state);
     this.allPaths = new TreeDictionary<double, StateNode> ();
 public override float EstimateScore(GameState state, Input input)
     GameObject target = NextPlatform (state);
     return EstimateScore (state, input, target.Target);