public void OnARObjectPlaced(
     ARPlacementInteracterableCustom arPlacementInteracterableCustom,
     GameObject placedObject)
     IniSensorGO = placedObject;
     // Stop placing objects when settings are open
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            /// <summary>
            /// Fetch the "disable_placement_via_settings"(bool)  from "ARPlacementInteracterableCustom" so we can use it
            /// </summary>
            GameObject g = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ARplaceObject");

            //assigns the script component "ARplaceObject" to the public variable of type "ARplaceObject" named arptoggle.
            arptoggle = g.GetComponent <ARPlacementInteracterableCustom> ();
            // Disable placement if object setting is started.

            // Innitialize backend
            _backend = _flaskBackendObject.GetComponent <IFB>();

            // Make sure that the uuid dropdown is empty at startup
            _DropUuid.interactable = false;
