/// <summary>
        /// Sets up the page with quizzes the user has subscribed to from the category of the page
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup()
            if (!this.IsLoading)
                this.IsLoading = true;

                List <QuizInfo> quizzes = QuizRosterDatabase.GetRoster(this.category);
                if (quizzes.Count == 0)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        StackLayout stack = new StackLayout();
                        stack.Children.Add(new Label
                            Text = "You don't have any quizzes in this category yet!",
                            HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                            FontSize = 38
                        if (CredentialManager.IsLoggedIn)
                            stack.Children.Add(new Button
                                Text            = "Make a quiz now",
                                CornerRadius    = 25,
                                BackgroundColor = Color.Accent,
                                TextColor       = Color.White,
                                FontSize        = 26
                            (stack.Children[1] as Button).Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => this.Navigation.PushAsync(new CreateNewQuizPage());
                            stack.Children.Add(new Button
                                Text            = "Search for quizzes",
                                CornerRadius    = 25,
                                BackgroundColor = Color.Accent,
                                TextColor       = Color.White,
                                FontSize        = 26
                            (stack.Children[2] as Button).Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => this.Navigation.PushAsync(new SearchPage());
                        Frame frame = new Frame()
                            CornerRadius      = 10,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                            Content           = stack

                foreach (QuizInfo quiz in quizzes)
                    Frame frame = GenerateFrame(quiz);
                this.IsLoading = false;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the quizzes owned by this user as cards
        /// </summary>
        private async Task SetupQuizzes(string category)
            await QuizRosterDatabase.UpdateLocalDatabaseAsync();

            // A single LINQ statement to get all quizzes by the current
            // user that is logged in, and of the specified category,
            // taking the top 20 of the current chunk ordered by
            // the subscriber count of the quizzes
            List <QuizInfo> rosterCopy = QuizRosterDatabase.GetRoster();
            List <QuizInfo> quizzes    =
                    quizInfo =>
                    (quizInfo.AuthorName == CredentialManager.Username
                     (quizInfo.Category == category || category == "All"))).

                OrderBy(quizInfo => quizInfo.SubscriberCount).

                Take(20 * this.currentChunk).ToList();

            this.AddQuizzes(quizzes, false);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a quiz to the search stack given a QuizInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quizzes"></param>
        private void AddQuizzes(List <QuizInfo> quizzes)
            List <QuizInfo> currentlySubscribed = QuizRosterDatabase.GetRoster();

            foreach (QuizInfo quiz in quizzes)
            {// Only add quiz if the category is what user picked (we are asking the server for more then we need so this could be changed)
                if (this.category == "All" || quiz.Category == this.category)
                    Frame quizFrame = new Frame
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Start,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        CornerRadius      = 10

                    StackLayout frameStack = new StackLayout
                        FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                        Orientation   = StackOrientation.Vertical

                    StackLayout topStack = new StackLayout
                        FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                        Orientation   = StackOrientation.Horizontal

                    Label quizName = new Label // 0
                        Text              = quiz.QuizName,
                        FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Bold,
                        FontSize          = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand

                    ImageButton ImageButtonSubscribe = new ImageButton // 1
                        IsVisible         = false,
                        Source            = "ic_playlist_add_black_48dp.png",
                        StyleId           = quiz.DBId,
                        HeightRequest     = 30,
                        BackgroundColor   = Color.White,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
                    ImageButtonSubscribe.Clicked += this.ImageButtonSubscribe_Clicked;

                    ImageButton ImageButtonUnsubscribe = new ImageButton // 2
                        IsVisible         = false,
                        Source            = "ic_playlist_add_check_black_48dp.png",
                        StyleId           = quiz.DBId,
                        HeightRequest     = 30,
                        BackgroundColor   = Color.White,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
                    ImageButtonUnsubscribe.Clicked += this.ImageButtonUnsubscribe_Clicked;

                    ActivityIndicator Syncing = new ActivityIndicator // 3
                        IsVisible         = false,
                        Color             = Color.Accent,
                        HeightRequest     = 25,
                        WidthRequest      = 25,
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End,

                    if (quiz.AuthorName != CredentialManager.Username)
                        // If already subscribed
                        if (!(currentlySubscribed.Where(quizInfo => quizInfo.DBId == quiz.DBId && !quizInfo.IsDeletedLocally).Count() > 0))
                            ImageButtonSubscribe.IsVisible = true;
                            ImageButtonUnsubscribe.IsVisible = true;


                    Label quizAuthor = new Label
                        Text = "Created by: " + quiz.AuthorName,

                    Label quizCategory = new Label
                        Text = "Category: " + quiz.Category,
                    quizFrame.Content = frameStack;
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the profile content if the user is logged in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        private async Task UpdateProfileContentAsync(string category)
            if (!this.IsContentLoading)
                this.IsContentLoading         = true;
                this.QuizNumber.IsVisible     = true;
                this.PickerCategory.IsVisible = false;
                this.PickerCategory.IsEnabled = false;
                this.StackLayoutQuizStack.IsEnabled = false;
                this.ActivityIndicator.IsVisible    = true;
                this.ActivityIndicator.IsRunning    = true;

                await Task.Run(async() =>
                    await this.SetupQuizzes(category);
                    int createdCountFromServer = ServerOperations.GetNumberOfQuizzesByAuthorName(CredentialManager.Username);
                    string frameMessage        = "";
                    if (createdCountFromServer >= 0) // Returns -1 if can't connect to server
                        if (createdCountFromServer == 0 &&
                            .Any(quizInfo => quizInfo.AuthorName == CredentialManager.Username))
                            frameMessage = "You haven't made any quizzes yet!";
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                this.PickerCategory.IsVisible = false;
                                this.QuizNumber.IsVisible     = false;
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                this.QuizNumber.Text          = "You have published a total of " + createdCountFromServer + " quizzes!";
                                this.PickerCategory.IsVisible = true;
                                this.PickerCategory.IsEnabled = true;
                        frameMessage = "Could not connect to BizQuiz servers. Please try again later.";
                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                            this.PickerCategory.IsVisible = true;
                            this.PickerCategory.IsEnabled = true;

                    if (frameMessage != "")
                        Frame frame = new Frame()
                            CornerRadius      = 10,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                            Content           = new Label
                                Text = frameMessage,
                                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                FontSize = 38

                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>

                if (this.ToolbarItems.Count <= 0)
                    ToolbarItem accountSettingsButton = new ToolbarItem();
                    accountSettingsButton.Clicked += this.ToolbarItemAccountSettings_Clicked;
                    accountSettingsButton.Icon     = ImageSource.FromFile("ic_settings_white_48dp.png") as FileImageSource;

                this.IsOnLoginPage = false;
                this.ActivityIndicator.IsRunning    = false;
                this.ActivityIndicator.IsVisible    = false;
                this.StackLayoutQuizStack.IsEnabled = true;
                this.IsContentLoading = false;